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Neighbours Episode 5485 from 2008 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5484 - 5486>>
Episode title: 5485
Australian airdate: 27/06/08
UK airdate:
Writer: Alix Beane
Director: Jet Wilkinson
Guests: Kirsten Gannon: Nikola Dubois
Jay Duncan: Charlie Clausen
Callum Jones: Morgan Baker
Nicola West: Imogen Bailey
Sienna Cammeniti: Erin McNaught
Ty Harper: Dean Geyer
Donna Freedman: Margot Robbie
Summary/Images by: Miriam/ShadowDan
Libby finding letters that Rachel had written to Angus, which were in the mail box and marked 'return to sender'.
Paul announcing to Elle and Brad that he just bought the Erinsborough News.
Donna trying on 'Rachelie's' jacket and bag, and Rachel catching her.
Toadie walking in on Steph and Jay kissing on the sofa.
Number 30
Steph rushes into the house after Toadie, and apologises to him for seeing what he saw. He brushes it off, then:
TOADIE: I just came over to deliver chocolate as promised, and you already had your mouth full.
Ouch. Steph is very apologetic, but Toadie admits that they're not together anymore, and it's good that she's moving on.
TOADIE: And with a hot firefighter, too - you get extra points for that one. You'd better get back there before he cools down!
He makes a sizzling noise and, after Steph leaves, he sits and looks absolutely gutted.
Number 32
Steph returns to Jay, and apologises again, and says she wanted to make sure Toadie's okay. Jay wants to get straight back into the physical thing for a big night tonight, but Steph wants to leave it there.
Jay wonders if there's anything between her and Toadie, and she says there isn't, and he's not in the way. Jay politely leaves.
Declan, Oliver and Elle are eating something with chopsticks...presumably Chinese food, then...and Oliver thinks that Paul buying the paper is crazy.
OLIVER: What does he know about running a newspaper?
DECLAN: I saw him read one the other day.
Elle says that it's not about the newspaper - it's all about controlling her. And speak of the devil, Paul arrives and wants to explain to his daughter. However, Elle's not wanting to hear any of it, and quits.
Ramsay Street
Ned meets Kirsten and Mickey, who have been eating doughnuts. Ned is off to support Steve at the fire service, and Kirsten suggests bringing lunch down a little bit later with Mickey. Ned would like that.
Toadie is carrying a box to the car, and Callum is complaining that they're not going to the fire service because he wants to hang out with firemen. Whatever floats your boat, sweetie. Toadie hands the box to Dan who is packing to go and do his bit in the National Park with the others and wonders if Dan's going along is to keep his mind off Sam.
DAN: There are no problems. Sam and I are over, that's it.
TOADIE: Which is kind of a big deal. Maybe you want to talk about it...?
DAN: Sit around and mope? Time to move on, mate.
Steph and Jay appear from number 32, and Callum runs to Steph, announcing that Toadie's helping him with his reading. Toadie joins the group, and Jay wonders if he'll be joining them.
TOADIE: Ah, no, I...I thought...
CALLUM: He's in a bad mood.
TOADIE: I am not in a bad mood.
CALLUM: Are so.
Jay convinces Toadie to join them, and Callum is thrilled - he's ready for a day of hard work, as long as he can just grab his Game Boy.
Number 30
Toadie's packing to leave when Jay comes to the door, needing some oil for a chain saw. And also, he'd like a word about Steph.
JAY: I really like her, and I know you guys had a bit of a thing, so...
TOADIE: A bit of a thing?
JAY: Yeah. I just wanted to make sure there wasn't go to be any aggro between us, because I...
TOADIE: We were engaged.
Oooh, that looks like it was new information to Jay, and it was. Toadie and Jay seem to leave it on friendly terms.
Number 24
Marco is admiring a piece of jewellery - looks like a ring box - he has presumably bought for Carmella. She suddenly appears, knocking the box to the floor, and surprising Marco. She wishes him happy birthday, and presents him with a gift from Franco - a picture of him and Marco from when Marco was young. Marco starts packing up from the picnic, rather distracted - which Carmella notices.
She goes to get herself and Chloe ready for the picnic, and Marco quickly retrieves the ring and puts it in his pocket...looking rather pleased with himself.
The General Store
Rebecca has a box of shopping ready to pack for the Marco's picnic. Paul comes in and thanks her for her help with Elle, before asking her if she'd like a coffee. She politely Declanlines.
Rachel comes in and asks Ringo if he's seen any stray letters around the house; the ones she sent to Angus in prison have gone missing. What if Karl and Susan have found them?
RINGO: I think you would have heard the explosion from here.
Donna appears - with a wig on that matches Rachel's hair. She's looking for Ty, because she has some exciting news for him. Ringo says that Ty's at the National Park with the fire service. Just as Donna is leaving:
RACHEL: Is that wig?
DONNA: Yeah. You like?
RACHEL: Yes, otherwise I probably wouldn't do my hair that way.
Donna says she wanted a hair do that's more mature - it might help her get an older guy. Rachel suddenly clicks that Donna took her letters...after all, she took her jacket and hair! Donna denies all knowledge, but Rachel is adamant. Sienna appears, pouting and sulky, and tells the girls they can't do this here.
Donna claims she just wanted to be friends with Rachel.
The National Park
Oliver, Carmella, Marco, Rebecca, Elle and Declan are setting up for a picnic.
Number 28
The Kennedys are packing up for the picnic, having borrowed some picnic gear from Harold. They ask Harold if he'd like to come, but Harry says that he's spending the day with Lou.
Harold's phone beeps, and Susan comments that he's had yet another text message. He claims that they're weather updates for when he's on the road, and Karl and Susan seem to buy it. Rachel says goodbye, just as the Kennedys leave, and Ringo comes home - with Rachel's letters.
RACHEL: How did you convince her to give them back?
RINGO: Rachel - they were in the recycling. So I guess Donna's not quite the stalker you thought she was.
RACHEL: You think?
Ringo thinks Rachel should apologise to Donna, but Rachel believes Ringo's only taking Donna's side because he fancies her.
The National Park
The fire service are cutting down trees. Dan is lugging around huge branches, and is stubbornly refusing all help or companionship from Toadie. Toadie tells Jay to keep an eye on Dan.
Steph - with Jay beside her - watches Toadie and Callum mucking about, and laughs at them. Jay tries to start a conversation with her about her and Toadie's relationship, but Dan appears, asking what he can do next. Jay suggests that Dan fell some of the bigger trees, and Dan walks off, happy with that. Steph isn't so sure that Dan should be out here at all, but Jay's not listening - he wants to know why Steph didn't tell him she was engaged to Toadie.
Steph assures Jay that she doesn't want to be with Toadie, but he doesn't seem utterly convinced by it.
Elsewhere at the picnic site, Elle gives Marco a gift, but he says he'll open it later. Carmella is worried that Marco seems too distracted today. Rebecca's noticed it, too.
Karl and Susan are sitting together, and Susie wants to go for a bush walk. Karl is reluctant, and reminds her that she's just gotten out of hospital. She tries to kiss him, but he refuses to succumb.
KARL: No, you can't schmooze me.
SUSAN: Give us a pash.
KARL: No. No, shan't.
Declan takes a sit next to his mum - and notices that there's someone in the bush, a little way from them. We don't see who it is.
Marco suddenly stands up, to give a speech. He thanks them all for coming to his picnic...because occasions don't get more special than this...
He takes out the ring, kneels next to Carmella, and Rebecca slams her hand over her mouth in true Rebecca style, and takes a huge excited gasp of breath. Karl and Susan look gobsmacked. Carmella looks all girly and thrilled. He tells her that she and Chloe are the most precious things to him, and he loves both of them as he can't live without them.
Oliver looks rather uncomfortable.
Marco asks Carmella to marry him, and she says yes. They kiss, everyone claps...and we cut to Paul, standing some way away in the bush, watching.
Cut to later, and Rebecca, Marco and Carmella are talking weddings. Susan convinces Karl to go for a stroll with her. Oliver congratulates Marco, whilst Rebecca and Elle toast the future. Paul watches the women, but Declan has crept up behind him...
PAUL: I was just...
DECLAN: Spying? Is the picnic basket booby-trapped?
PAUL: I shouldn't have come.
DECLAN: Then why did you?
Declan reminds Paul that he'd be sitting there with them if he hadn't cheated on Rebecca.
Back with the fire service, Kirsten pulls up with Ringo, Donna and Rachel in the car. Nicola is pleased to see them, as there's loads to do. Kirsten takes Ned a sandwich and doughnuts, whilst Donna spies Ty. She tells him that she has major news - the execs love his demo CD, and they're in with a good chance.
TY: We?
DONNA: I was thinking we could work together.
Donna tries to convince Ty to let her be his manager, but he brushes her off. She tries emotional blackmail: she's helped him out, so the least he could do is listen to her. But Ty's not falling for it, and he doesn't think it's only professional interest. She's been hanging around him for ages, but he doesn't want to know.
DONNA: You know, I've always been your biggest fan, and now you treat me like this?
TY: I think you need to just go home.
DONNA: You can't just ignore me like this, Ty.
Out of nowhere, we get a shot of smoke rising from the bush.
At the picnic site, Marco spots the smoke, but Oliver thinks it's the firemen clearing the track. Rebecca suddenly feels lazy, sitting around whilst the others are slogging it out. Elle feels no such thing.
Elsewhere, Karl and Susan have been for a walk, and can smell smoke. Susan wonders if it's the fire service backburning. Karl Declanides they should go back, and Susan agrees - but they both set off down different tracks, and can't Declanide which way to go. Susan makes a face at Karl as they both realise that they're rather lost...
At the fire service, the chainsaws have started up.
Steph and Steve suggest that Dan take a break, but he doesn't want to.
Ned offers to help Kirsten pull a branch along, and it all looks rather cosy.
Rachel tells Ty that Donna will get the message sooner or later.
Ringo smells smoke.
Dan fells a tree, and yells out so that everyone gets out the way. But Callum runs down into the path of the tree, and Dan races over to push him out the way. The tree falls straight onto Dan, and Callum calls out for his friend.
Everyone rushes over, and Nic tells everyone not to move him in case he has a spinal injury. Where's Karl when you need him, huh? Ringo tells Toadie that the smell of smoke is definitely getting stronger.
Back at the picnic site, Marco and Oliver realise that there's way too much smoke, and they should leave. Rebecca says that Karl and Susan aren't back, yet, and Declan runs off to find them, despite his mum's protestations.
And back at the fire service, Steph runs up and grabs their attention: there's a fire, they're cut off from the car park, and they have to find a way out of here.
Back at the picnic site, Declan returns to say that he couldn't find Karl and Susan anywhere.
At the fire service, with the smoke encroaching, Steph says that they have to move if they don't want to get burnt. Nic says that they could seriously hurt him if they move him.
Elsewhere, in the middle of the bush, Karl grabs Susan's hand and runs with her away from the fire.
<<5484 - 5486>>
Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 5485
Steph Scully

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 5485
Toadie Rebecchi

Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 5485
Steph Scully

Jay Duncan in Neighbours Episode 5485
Jay Duncan

Kirsten Gannon, Mickey Gannon in Neighbours Episode 5485
Kirsten Gannon, Mickey Gannon

Kirsten Gannon in Neighbours Episode 5485
Kirsten Gannon

Dan Fitzgerald, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 5485
Dan Fitzgerald, Toadie Rebecchi

Dan Fitzgerald, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 5485
Dan Fitzgerald, Toadie Rebecchi

Steph Scully, Dan Fitzgerald, Jay Duncan in Neighbours Episode 5485
Steph Scully, Dan Fitzgerald, Jay Duncan

Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 5485
Steph Scully

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5485
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Rebecca Napier, Oliver Barnes, Elle Robinson, Marco Silvani, Carmella Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5485
Rebecca Napier, Oliver Barnes, Elle Robinson, Marco Silvani, Carmella Cammeniti

Dan Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 5485
Dan Fitzgerald

Dan Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 5485
Dan Fitzgerald

Ned Parker, Ty Harper in Neighbours Episode 5485
Ned Parker, Ty Harper

Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 5485
Steph Scully

Nicola West in Neighbours Episode 5485
Nicola West

 in Neighbours Episode 5485

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5485
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

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