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Neighbours Episode 5407 from 2008 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5406 - 5408>>
Episode title: 5407
Australian airdate: 11/03/08
UK airdate:
Writer: Drew Tingwell
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Kirsten Gannon - Nikola Dubois
Heather Pryor - Georgina Andrews
Jackie Jones - Kristin Keam
Lydia O'Brien - Kerrie-Anne Baker
- "Crazy As It Seems" by Sara Storer
Summary/Images by: Carly/ShadowDan
- Toadie resigning from the class action
- Lou fighting with Harold
- Kirsten catching Paul with Rebecca
General Store
Kirsten strides right over to Rebecca and gamely introduces herself as Paul's newest employee - and Mickey's mum. Rebecca smiles and asks if Paul's behaving himself as her boss and Paul's eyes nearly bug out of his head. Keen to get rid of his mistress, Paul hastily sends Kirsten back to Lassiter's. Confused, Rebecca says that Kirsten was just trying to be polite but Paul replies that she's "just an employee".
Toadie gives all the information he has about the class action to Rosie. She tries to convince him that she still needs his help, even if he just takes a back seat, but Toadie says he needs to keep his distance. Rosie thinks that he should call Steph and let her know what's going on but Toadie thinks that if Steph wants him, she knows where he is. Rosie sensibly points out that Steph doesn't know he's resigned and wouldn't call him in case she jeopardised his work - the ball's in his court.
General Store
In the kitchen, Lou is being a drama queen while he flicks through the paper, moaning to Harold about the cost of rental properties. Knowing a guilt trip when he hears one, Harold cheekily asks Lou for the travel section.
Riley and Heather stop by for a coffee and a serving of accusation pie from Lou - he can't believe they printed the rubbish they did about Steph. Riley and Heather spout the 'we're just upholding a promise to the public' spiel to him, but Lou's not convinced. Steve drops in and takes his son aside for a chat. He's also quite annoyed with Riley's involvement in the article.
STEVE: Paying out on your neighbours doesn't get you credit in my books, mate. Didn't you learn anything from the Susan article?
RILEY: Yeah well, I've got a duty to uphold to the public.
STEVE: No don't give me that, mate. You've got a duty to uphold to your neighbours, your friends and your family.
Steve reminds him that their family is still trying to fit into the neighbourhood, so if this turns into a witch hunt they'll *all* cop the brunt of it.
Number 26
Rattled by her encounter with Paul, Kirsten has come to see Mickey to clear her head but ends up crying (and I use the term loosely - one short, fake machine gun sob is more like it), on Ned's shoulder about the job being tough work. Ned says that she should be proud of herself, though, and that Mickey's stoked about her "posh" new career. He keeps boasting to Ben about how they're going to Queensland soon. Ned reassures Kirsten that he and Mickey are backing her all the way.
Frazer stops by to see Rosie but is horrified to learn that she now has even *more* work to take on after Toadie's little announcement.
ROSIE: He's resigned from the case.
FRAZER: What?! That guy's always resigning from cases!
Overhearing their chat, Rebecca offers to pick up any slack she can for Rosie, even if it means working overtime without pay. She moves to drop Toadie's mail off into his office but pauses when she sees he's leaving a message on the phone to Steph. Toadie urges Steph to call him about the case and to say hi to Charlie, leaving an unsure "... It's Toadie" at the end for good measure. I'm sure she'll know who it is, mate. Noticing Rebecca, Toadie wants her to know that giving away information to Elle was a rash decision but that the article today was completely his fault - he's the one who spooked Jackie. Rebecca thanks him for saying so, and looks intrigued when she finds out that Jackie is holding a press conference today.
Paul finds Kirsten fixing up an order for Lassiter's and quietly thanks her for not spilling the beans to Rebecca this morning. He goes on and on about not being able to imagine how hurt Rebecca would be if she found out - not realising Kirsten is equally as wounded. Guilty, he suggests she take some time off but Kirsten freaks out and thinks he's trying to fire her. Defiant, Kirsten says there is no way she's going *anywhere*. This job means too much to her son.
General Store
Mickey and Ben chat about theme parks (and there's a cute moment where Fletcher proudly puts an arm around his little brother after he gets a big block of lines out), until Ned and Steve send them to the counter for lollies so they can chat.
NED: Listen, I'm a bit worried about Kirsten.
STEVE: (sighs) That's news is it?
Ned tells him that she's having a tough time at Lassiter's and he thinks he should go and have a chat to Paul about it, but Steve just smirks and says that Kirsten can take care of herself. He goes to the counter for coffee and notices Lou looking a bit off colour.
LOU: (wry) Well thank you Dr. Dolittle. Do I look like a dog or a budgerigar to you?
Mickey explains to Steve that Harold is going to travel around Australia and that 'Pop' isn't too happy about it. Steve can see now why Lou's so stressed, but Lou just brushes aside his concern.
Council HQ
Riley, Elle and Heather have on their best 'I'm a serious journalist' faces while they listen to Jackie Jones deliver a speech. It's no surprise that Rebecca is also there. Jackie wraps up the press conference by saying that councillor Steph Scully has "relocated" and to "make of that what you will". Rebecca pipes up and defends Steph's integrity and says they'll eventually get the truth, but Jackie doesn't look too concerned.
Frazer has brought by a lunch box full of yummies for Rosie but she just pushes it aside and says she has too much work to do. Undeterred, Frazer helpfully points at the lunch.
FRAZER: It's just over there now.
Rosie promises she'll eat something soon but Frazer just keeps annoying her until he ends up sitting on the desk holding a sandwich in her face.
ROSIE: (trying not to smirk) You are so painful.
FRAZER: Eat please!
ROSIE: I was going to eat it eventually.
FRAZER: I know, but it's yummy now.
ROSIE: Can I have the muffin?
FRAZER: As soon as you eat your salad sambo!
Rosie giggles and thrashes about like a little kid while Frazer gets close to 'here comes the aeroplane' territory with the sanga before taking a bite of it himself.
Harold stops by Toadie's office, where thankfully we don't have the same scenario. He's there to ask Toadie to be his solicitor so he can sell his house to Marco and Carmella (sob). Surprised, Toadie asks if this means he's leaving Ramsay Street. Well he's not about to camp out on someone's front lawn now, is he? Harold smiles and says he's got a touch of wanderlust (I hear there's a good cream for that) and that he's going to travel around Australia.
TOADIE: That's really great. Ramsay Street without Harold Bishop, though, that's like cheese without pizza.
Toadie wonders how Lou's taking the news and Harold admits that he's being quite stubborn about it. Sympathetic, Toadie says that Harold is one of the most important people in the world to Lou and that he should make sure everything is OK before he leaves. He can't risk losing his best mate.
General Store
Harold immediately tells Lou about taking Toadie on as his solicitor - he wants to be upfront and honest from now on, and hopes Lou will do the same. Laying his cards on the table, Lou angrily says that he can't believe Harold made such a huge decision without even running it by him first. Harold thinks that's a bit rich, however, considering the amount of times Lou has done the same thing to him!
LOU: Such as?
HAROLD: Such as running off with that gold digger Trixie! Such as moving Mishka into my house and then setting up a distillery! Oh look, many things I don't even care to think about, Lou.
Harold states that their friendship has mostly been a one-way street for far too long and he's just trying to restore the balance. Indulging in a 'toys out of the pram' moment, Lou barks at Harold to get out of his store. Hurt, Harold leaves and Lou looks shaken up.
Rebecca is frustrated with how the press conference went, but is happy that Elle now believes that Steph is innocent. Rebecca says that the documents in the press kit Jackie handed out could only have been forged by her. Getting her scheming face on, Elle says that she might have a way to find out the truth. She notices Kirsten staring at them from across the room, so Rebecca approaches her.
Sensing that Kirsten's tired, Rebecca hopes that Paul hasn't been giving her a hard time, but Kirsten just admits that she's struggling to find her feet. She needs this job, though, so she can support Mickey. Delighting in any chance to wave her SMU flag (Single Mums Unite), Rebecca sympathises and says she knows how hard it can be to do everything alone. She admits to Kirsten that there was no one special in her life until Paul came along. Kirsten just nods and smiles, not really knowing how to work, 'Yeah, I know how special he is too!' into the conversation.
Ramsay Street
The Parker men play footy with Ben and Mickey as a warm-up for the Dingoes first practice match tomorrow. Retrieving the ball from Harold (who had been gardening), Steve asks him if Lou's looking any better. Concerned, Harold thinks he should go to the store and check, but then remembers the ugly mood Lou's in and decides to ring him instead.
Frazer pulls his cab into the driveway of #30 and lets Rosie and Toadie out. Toadie receives a call from Steph on his mobile but he makes Rosie take it, pretending that it's because she's in charge of the case now and not because he has 'issues'. Frazer doesn't look too impressed with Toadie passing the buck once again.
Number 22
Paul greets Rebecca and Elle - who quickly goes upstairs to retrieve some super secret mystery supplies. Rebecca tells Paul that she ran into Kirsten again earlier and she looked upset.
REBECCA: You're not driving her too hard are you?
(Pause for giggles because I'm 12). Tensing up, Paul 'nonchalantly' says she's a good worker, but Rebecca thinks it would be nice if Paul went down to Lassiter's just to reassure her. You can almost see the eye twitch as Paul's like, 'Yes... What a pleasant idea... I shall do that'.
Paul strides in and scathingly tells Kirsten off for blubbering to Rebecca, but Kirsten snits back that she didn't purposefully seek Rebecca out. Cutting to the chase, Paul says there's no way he'll let Kirsten sabotage his relationship (I think you actually laid the groundwork there, Paul) and offers her a bribe. Kirsten's shocked at first but eventually says she'll get back to him with a price.
Number 22
Elle has found her 'Little Miss Break-In' spy kit in her room and Rebecca is quite astounded at how knowledgeable she is at this espionage gig. Elle just claims she's seen it all in the movies. Rebecca's quite worried about breaking the law, but Elle says that getting into Jackie's office is the only way they're going to find out the truth.
General Store
Breathing in quite a laboured fashion, Lou lets out the last two customers and deadbolts the front door. He makes his way to the side door but suddenly collapses to the ground, clutching his chest. Harold appears outside and calls out, rushing to the side door when he gets no response. Realising that Lou is blocking the only way in, Harold yells at his friend in panic while Lou struggles to breathe.
<<5406 - 5408>>
Kirsten Gannon in Neighbours Episode 5407
Kirsten Gannon

Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 5407
Rebecca Napier

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5407
Paul Robinson

Riley Parker in Neighbours Episode 5407
Riley Parker

Steve Parker in Neighbours Episode 5407
Steve Parker

Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5407
Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5407
Paul Robinson

Kirsten Gannon in Neighbours Episode 5407
Kirsten Gannon

Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 5407
Harold Bishop

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 5407
Toadie Rebecchi

Elle Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5407
Elle Robinson

Paul Robinson, Kirsten Gannon in Neighbours Episode 5407
Paul Robinson, Kirsten Gannon

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5407
Paul Robinson

Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 5407
Lou Carpenter

Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 5407
Harold Bishop

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