Sky telling Stingray she wanted to show him how much she loves him
Bree 'marrying' them in a surreal ceremony
Frazer telling Janae that she's a beautiful girl; Janae kisses him; Rosie walks in
Number 30
Frazer sees that Rosie has moved back in, and she's cross with him; he doesn't understand why - when she stood him up last night. She declares that their relationship is over, and as she leaves, Pepper comes in and slaps Frazer. She tells him that Rosie saw Frazer and Janae kissing - Frazer cracked onto a married teenager! Frazer doesn't get why they like to think the worst of him.
Erinsborough Hospital
Bree is 'marrying' Sky and Scott with Janelle, Steiger, Dylan and Harry in attendance. Scott says that he wants to thank Sky because he never knows what she will do next; being with her and Kerry is like a dream he never wants to wake up from. Sky says that she's managed to alienate everyone in her life at some point, except Scott - who just makes her smile. Til death do they part.
Well, if that isn't a bad omen, I don't know what is.
Bree reads again from the book of Vortes - weird, but touching, says Janelle.
Number 30
Frazer announces that he was trying to comfort Janae who tried to kiss him, and had Rosie stayed around long enough, she would have seen that. He reiterates that he was there to see Rosie, not take advantage of a girl with a broken heart. Rosie apologises but jealousy got the better of her. She asks for his forgiveness.
But Frazer can't believe that she'd think he'd do something like that - so she doesn't respect him and will never trust him. So he announces that it's over, and this time it's for keeps.
The Coffee Shop
Toadie is waiting for Abby, and she arrives - Toadie has bought Abby a toy pig. Oink. At least, I think it's a pig. Pepper arrives with a box from someone from China - and he calls over Steph and Ned because the handwriting belongs to Connor.
He goes to open the box. (/insert appropriate Jaws music here)
Erinsborough Hospital
Holding Kerry, Scott tells Sky he loved the ceremony and gets all tearful. He and Sky tell each other that they love each other. Stingray tells Kerry that they'll have a special bond that can't be broken once this is over. Dylan overhears and they all get cutesy about. Scott kisses Sky and hands Kerry to Dylan.
Cue spooky music.
The Coffee Shop
Steph is hugging Toadie a little too closely, thrilled that Connor is okay. Ned and Steph are also pleased, and Abby is a bit awkward that Steph is being so cuddly with Toadie. Ned hands Steph a present for her and Max from Connor, and they go to buy more food from the counter.
House of Neddles
Ned is leaving a message on Paul's answerphone.
NED: Yes, your laptop is here and no I can't bring it over. Oh, and I've reached the Cape of Eternity in Doomslayer.
There's a knock at the door and it's Senior Sergeant Steiger. He wants to chat to Ned.
He announces that someone stole thousands of pounds of luxury items from number 26 yet returned a toy train - he's never met a thief with a conscience before. He suggests that maybe the thief is a good bloke who got bullied into this. Steiger tells Ned that Paul was robbed and attacked recently, and looking at the CCTV footage it looks like it might have been Ned.
Ned says he'll never resort to violence, and so Steiger asks why if he hates Paul so much, does he keep coming to visit Ned. Ned tells him it's because Paul tells him to keep away from Elle.
Steiger reminds Ned that he'll get the last laugh on this one.
Number 30
Rosie is working at the table in the kitchen, and Pepper appears, thinking that Rosie is throwing herself into work to avoid Frazer. Who comes in, and announces he's off to find some old married chicks. Rosie says she's into her work from now on, but Pepper thinks there's a healthier way for her to deal with her problems.
Pepper already has an idea - there's a dance class at The Scarlet Bar this afternoon.
ROSIE: I don't dance.
PEPPER: Oh, come on - everybody dances.
ROSIE: Not me.
PEPPER: Since when?
ROSIE: Look, a dancer fell on me when I was three and I've been traumatised by it ever since.
PEPPER: Really?
Pepper starts dancing in front of Rosie, and tells her she has intimacy problems - if she loosens up on the dance floor everything else will fall into place.
Steph bumps into the Kennedys and she thought they were flying out to London today - they say they are, later. She tells them she's also doing a tour of the wineries as of today - she and Charlie are going, and they'll go and see Valda and Lyn and Joe. There's a long pause and Susan picks up on Steph's need to talk and suggests to Karl that she meet him at home. He tactfully leaves and Susan says to Steph that she doesn't seem so thrilled to be going on the winery tour.
Steph tells Susan that she's going to miss Toadie, so Susie suggests she ask Toadie to go with her - they're still mates. She also thinks that pride and fear is stopping them getting together. Steph doesn't want to break up his relationship with Abby. Susan think they could be happy together, but she has to go so she hugs Steph goodbye and off she trots.
Erinsborough Hospital
Dylan and Bree and Sky talk about Stingray whilst he's in the operating theatre. Janelle is worried sick, and Steiger comforts her, telling her that he'll be fine. Harry agrees.
In theatre Scott's blood pressure suddenly drops and they call for a crash cart - a nurse legs it out the theatre. The family stand around freaking out and worrying about him, but they hear no news. In theatre, the doctors are using the defibrillators to restart his heart. As they charge it, Stingray hears Sky's voice - he can't die because she and Kerry need him. They need him to get through this.
On the last charge the doctor YELLS "stand clear" as if no-one will hear her if she doesn't, and she gets a heartbeat. They all look relieved, as if they've never saved a patient before.
Ramsay Street
A taxi pulls up for Karl and Susan. Pepper and Rosie are leaving for a dance class. Karl packs the cases into the taxi and checks in a side pocket - he has bought a beautiful platinum ring with one diamond for Susan and I love him for it. At least he learnt his lesson, this time, since the last ring he bought her. Which was truly hideous.
Susan comes out the house and calls to Pepper; she wants Pepper to take her job back as a PE teacher. Karl comes up behind Susan and stares at Pepper's rather-on-display breasts. Susan asks him if he's okay and he just about manages to take his eyes away. It's an odd moment.
Susan gets Pep to admit that she misses the students, and Pepper leaves. Susan asks Rosie to keep working on her - the education board will need a decision by the end of the week.
Susan and Karl leave for the UK. See you soon!
House of Neddles
Frazer is whinging to Ned about Rosie, and how she messed him around. Ned asks Frazer if he knows anything about computer security - he's forgotten his laptop password. Yeah, whatever.
The Scarlet Bar
The teacher is getting the people to start moving to the music. Pepper and Steph enthusiastically join in. Rosie, on the other hand, looks like I used to when I had PE at school. She sulks at the back and makes no attempt to join in. Pepper skips around delightedly and thinks that maybe the teacher is her secret admirer.
Erinsborough Hospital
The families sit around, worrying. A doctor comes out from the theatre, and Sky asks what happened; she tells her that there was a reaction to the general anaesthetic. They go in to see him, thrilled he's okay. Bree tells her brother she loves him, and he asks for Sky. He takes her hand and she's all upset.
The Scarlet Bar
The dance class continues with Pepper all flouncy and shameless, and Steph remembers to join in, too. But Rosie's not interested. She doesn't get it - why would people want to make fools of themselves?
The Coffee Shop
Toadie waits at a table, reading, and Steph appears - she wants to talk to him. She tells him that she's going on a winery tour with Charlie. Oh, and she loves Toadie, and if he still feels the same way, then she wants him to go with them. Because every moment he's not in her life it's a reminder of what's missing. He says nothing and she's so embarrassed and leaves, apologising. Toadie sits there, then seemingly makes a decision to go after her.
He runs into Abby, though. Who has a picture from Zoe of her, him and Abby altogether as a family. Abby loves Toadie for spoiling her daughter. Toadie looks a bit gutted that he's missed out on speaking to Steph...