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Neighbours Episode 4931 from 2006 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<4930 - 4932>>
Episode title: 4931: The Snipping News
Australian airdate: 27/3/06
UK airdate: 02/06/06
Writer: David Hannam
Director: Gary Conway
Guests: Kim Timmins: Brett Swain
Ned Parker: Daniel O'Connor
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Emily
Izzy explaining the rational behind her seducing Ned to Paul and why Ned kept quiet (Izzy told Ned that Paul had a tumour).
Stu giving Ned a hard time for letting Izzy manipulate him.
Paul taking control of TGS.
The General Store
It's champagne all round as Paul celebrates with his winning team (Izzy and Dylan) over gaining control of TGS. Dylan is surprised to hear that both he and Elle are to be managers of it (he thought they'd be in charge of one each) but wonders how he is going to fit in running both premises and Paul replies that he'll have to learn that business skill called prioritising.
Stu and Ned (dressed in their footy uniforms) arrive and are told it is a private party and aren't open yet. Izzy relents to allow Stu to get some sports drinks and Ned queries with her if Paul is fit to drink champers due to the various medications that he must be on. Izzy tells him that Paul just wants to live life to the fullest as Stu comes back with their drinks and the brothers depart.
No. 26
Janelle comes home and starts making eyes at Kim. He is a bit bemused at this until she explains that she's just been over to see little Charlie and has got a major does of cluckyness, so much so that she suggests to Kim that they should have another child! Kim replies that they've got a full set already and Bree pipes up that she is more than happy being the youngest.
Bree then changes the conversation onto needing some money from them for her science project on DNA. She needs the money to get their blood tested to check for gene type and to find out what traits they passed down to her.
KIM: And how much do you need?
BREE: Five hundred bucks.
Janelle tells her she isn't getting the money and suggests faking the results instead. Kim however is up for it and when Janelle questions where the money is coming from, he tells her not to worry about it. Janelle then remarks she likes this new assertive Kim...because it gets her motor running and wants them to continue this in the bedroom! While she heads off, Bree stops Kim from following.
BREE: You know what she's doing? (Kim shakes his head) She's clucky.
KIM: She's not clucky, she's affectionate and it doesn't happen every day.
BREE: And where do you think babies come from?
KIM: She wouldn't.
JANELLE: (from the bedroom) Come to mama you gorgeous hunk.
Kim makes a dart out the front door instead of heading into the bedroom.
The General Store
Dylan is trying to get out of running TGS but Paul isn't really interested as Sky comes in to collect her personal effects. Paul tells her not to be so quick to remover her things and he then informs her that Dylan is in charge of running the place and that he might give Sky her old job back. Sky isn't exactly jumping for joy and has a go at them for forcing Lou and Harold into early retirement. Dylan then drops himself right out of her favour by saying better that than behind bars, which Sky most certainly doesn't appreciate, so much so she walks out on him.
Lassiter's Complex
Dylan rushes after Sky to try and explain things to Sky but she is having none of it as Paul and Izzy leave the store to get a birds-eye view of their argument. The discussion quickly stops however as two random extra's run past nicking Izzy's bag from her and pushing Paul into the table Stu and Ned were sitting at. Ned and Stu take after them and Izzy goes to check on Paul who no longer has a smile on his face as we head into we first break.
The General Store
Karl has been summoned by Izzy to check on Paul but he's having none of it and so Karl departs as Ned and Stu come in with Izzy's bag. Izzy is relieved to see her bag back and Stu goes into police mode asking for an interview. Paul has a bit of a sour face on him as Izzy thanks Stu who tells him it was all Ned. Paul delves into his pocket to give Ned a monetary reward, which he turns down because he didn't do it for the money. Paul then decides it's time to go home and Dylan tries to catch a lift but Izzy stops him as they have things to sort out.
Scarlet Bar
Kim flogs some more DVD's as Janelle and Bree come in. She has a go at Kim for his disappearing act before confirming that she was serious about wanting another baby. Kim says they are past that stage and Bree decides she's heard enough and is off to school. Kim suggests that they can now do the things they couldn't do while they were raising kids but she's having none of it and tells him that she wants another baby...and is going to have one. Kim then reminds her that she needs him to achieve that
JANELLE: You think I'm worried? I'm going to wear you down so bad that you're going to be on your hands and knees begging me for another bub.
Kim looks worried...really worried.
No. 22
Paul makes the two of them a coffee as Izzy pays the compliments to Paul in preference to Ned. Izzy then tells him that she is the one she wants to be with, not Ned but Paul is still hurt after what she did and tells Izzy firmly that she is in the doghouse until he is ready to take her out and is unwilling to put a timescale on it.
No. 30
Stu comes off the phone from talking to his mum to tell Ned that their dad has done his back in and will be laid up for two months and wants one of them to go home and help her out on the farm. Stu tries to lull Ned into being the one but he says no, because he's getting used to city life and besides, Izzy needs him. Naturally, Stu wants to know why but Neddy isn't talking.
STU: That piece of work can look after herself.
Ned tries to say that Izzy is under a lot of stress...because Paul has a brain tumour. This totally surprises Stu and suggests to Ned that it isn't true but he replies that it is true and Paul is in denial.
STU: Denial is a river in Egypt and you are living in lala land mate.
NED: You don't know her like I do. She wouldn't lie to me.
STU: Would you just take one step back from your pants for a minute and have a look at this. Paul has a brain tumour???
Ned then thinks that Stu is putting him down again but Stu replies that his brother is a gullible moron! So true, so true!
Scarlet Bar
Janelle seductively eats her cherry from her cocktail but it isn't working on Kim who reminds her that he is still holding out before going to get some more drinks. Bree queries something Janelle said earlier about the type of baby she wants and is told that she has nothing to worry about because she is less defective than the rest of them!
Kim spots Karl having a drink and wants a word with him. Karl thinks it is about Janelle and himself but finally Kim admits he wants to talk about having a vasectomy. For a change, Karl tells Kim to drop past the surgery with Janelle but Kim explains to a slightly bemused Karl that he'd rather it just be the two of them.
Ned arrives and sees Paul sitting and enquires as to how Izzy is. "Take more than a handbag theft to ruffle her feathers," replies Paul but Ned counteracts by saying that she looked pretty shaken up to him.
PAUL: She used you country boy. You were just a one-night stand, a pawn in one of her schemes.
Ned looks quite despondent when he realises Paul knows everything and especially when Paul adds that Izzy doesn't have any feelings for him. Neddy tries to blame it on Paul being unwell and again Paul takes delight in telling him that Izzy lied to him about that too.
PAUL: You're the only man in this planet stupid enough to believe her. (Laughing) Brain tumour? Ah you kill me.
No. 24
Lou tries to do some accounting as Sky sighs loudly. The two to them discuss her relationship with Dylan and if she should break up with him or not. Sky then says what is also bugging her - her art teacher who thinks her work is superficial. Lou tells her that he thinks she is a good artist as Harold comes in. Lou spots he has his hands full and asks what he's got here and isn't impressed to find that Harold has got them a jigsaw to complete, a remote controlled boat they can take down to the lake to sail and some second hand golf clubs!
Dylan comes round to chat with Sky and Harold suggests to Lou that they should leave but before they do, Dylan informs them that he has lifetime discount cards for them! Lou tells Dylan he can stick it before heading into the bedrooms and Dylan realises how dumb he was. Harold replies that the thought was there but adds that it is unlikely neither of them will be visiting in a hurry.
No. 22
Ned barges past Izzy to ask her confirm it wasn't true but her silence says it was true. Ned adds that he can't believe this is happening to him and adds that he and was prepared to give up everything for her before and Izzy reminds him she told him from the beginning they weren't suited and is it her fault if he ignores that. Ned tells her that he loves her and doesn't that count?
IZZY: Just think of this as a valuable life lesson in the future you will be much more careful who you fall in love with.
NED: You're incredible.
(Paul arrives home)
PAUL: Ah Neddy boy we meet again. Darling could you get me a drink my brain tumour is killing me.
NED: You two deserve each other.
PAUL: Catch you later.
Once Ned departs, Izzy being serious asks Paul what will happen when Elle finds out because she doesn't know if Ned is above revenge.
PAUL: Oh come on, KC Parker is incapable of thought let alone revenge. He's just too damned honourable.
No. 22
Dylan is trying to get back into Sky's good books by offering to pose in his birthday suit for her but she asks if they are growing apart. Dylan is astonished by this claim and tells Sky that even if they are in different worlds that is what he loves about her. Dylan then assures her that he's in it for the long haul as Lou and Harold come back out of the bedroom.
Lou is naturally down in the dumps (and unimpressed at the remote controlled boat) because the store was everything for him - from his reason to get up in the morning to his retirement nest egg and wonders what he's got without it. Harold reminds him that there is more to life then money and Lou replies that is fine if you have it (like Harold) but he hasn't even got a roof over his head and is reduced to Harold's charity. Harold nicely tells him that the house is as much Lou's as it is his.
LOU: Does that mean I can kick Dylan out on his managerial behind?
The General Store (next day)
Sky finishes her drink and kisses goodbye to Dylan as we see he has wasted no time in putting up the 'Under new management' signs up. Karl enters to collect his dry cleaning and Dylan is force to tell him that nothing has come back and promises a full refund for the problems caused during the period of transition. Karl politely tells him that he uses the place because of convenience not loyalty.
Kim comes in and heads over to Karl to talk about getting his vasectomy arranged ASAP. Karl wonders what the sudden rush is and sees through Kim's excuse and enquires if the reason is because Janelle wants another baby. Kim confirms it and why he wants it done urgently. Karl mentions that usually it is done with the full knowledge of both partners.
KIM: Six times Janelle's got herself pregnant for god's sake. She's more fertile than the Yarra valley!
Karl looks at him and Kim confirms that he did participate but he didn't know they were actually trying for a baby. Kim adds that he's had enough kids and wants to be able to give Janelle things they couldn't afford when they were raising the kids. Karl suggests that he at least test the water with Janelle but Kim just wants to know if he needs her consent to go ahead with it.
KARL: No, no you don't.
KIM: Well good, book me in.
No. 30
Ned tells his mum he can't come home as Stu listens in. When Ned comes off the phone Stu wonders why he isn't going home because if he were in Ned's shoes he would get as far away as possible. Ned tells his brother that in future he's looking after himself as we head into the final break.
No. 26
Janelle impressed at seeing a copy of her book in print and Bree opens a letter and informs her that the book is being entered into some prestigious book prize's in Australia. Kim enters the kitchen and faces her.
KIM: I have news.
BREE: So does mum.
JANELLE: You first.
KIM: Alrighty. I still don't think it is any of your business but Karl was all over me to tell you, so I'm getting a vasectomy.
Janelle drops the book onto the table at the shock.
No. 22
Ned lets himself in and tells Paul that Izzy lied too - that she told him it was just a one-night stand whereas in fact they'd been together for weeks. Paul informs him he couldn't care less how many times it was because Izzy was using him. Ned says Paul is wrong - Izzy enjoyed herself (said with a straight face too) and was obviously going to him because she wasn't getting from him. Paul goes all defensive and tells Ned that he doesn't know what he's talking about, so Ned states that Izzy kept coming back for more, over and over again.
NED: Looks like I'm not the only idiot eh Paul?
<<4930 - 4932>>
Paul Robinson, Izzy Hoyland, Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 4931
Paul Robinson, Izzy Hoyland, Sky Mangel

Izzy Hoyland, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 4931
Izzy Hoyland, Paul Robinson

Izzy Hoyland, Stuart Parker, Ned Parker in Neighbours Episode 4931
Izzy Hoyland, Stuart Parker, Ned Parker

Janelle Timmins, Kim Timmins in Neighbours Episode 4931
Janelle Timmins, Kim Timmins

Stuart Parker, Ned Parker in Neighbours Episode 4931
Stuart Parker, Ned Parker

Karl Kennedy, Kim Timmins in Neighbours Episode 4931
Karl Kennedy, Kim Timmins

Lou Carpenter, Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 4931
Lou Carpenter, Sky Mangel

Lou Carpenter, Harold Bishop, Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 4931
Lou Carpenter, Harold Bishop, Sky Mangel

Ned Parker, Paul Robinson, Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4931
Ned Parker, Paul Robinson, Izzy Hoyland

Dylan Timmins, Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 4931
Dylan Timmins, Sky Mangel

Dylan Timmins, Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 4931
Dylan Timmins, Sky Mangel

Karl Kennedy, Kim Timmins in Neighbours Episode 4931
Karl Kennedy, Kim Timmins

Stuart Parker, Ned Parker in Neighbours Episode 4931
Stuart Parker, Ned Parker

Janelle Timmins in Neighbours Episode 4931
Janelle Timmins

Janelle Timmins, Bree Timmins, Kim Timmins in Neighbours Episode 4931
Janelle Timmins, Bree Timmins, Kim Timmins

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