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Neighbours Episode 4330 from 2003 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<4329 - 4331>>
Episode title: 4330
Australian airdate: 19/9/03
UK airdate: 12/11/03
Writer: John Upton
Director: Jeffrey Walker
Guests: Erin Perry: Talia Zucker
Rocco Cammeniti: Robert Forza
Summary/Images by: Carly/Mona
- The boys first meeting with Kaveesha and Tammy
- Connor and Toadie going to pick up the coffee machine
- Lyn telling Joe she's got PND
The Scullys
Lyn can hear Oscar making a fuss as she walks by with the laundry. Instead of ignoring him, she gets him out of the bassinet and sits with him. "I will love you my little boy. I will."
A Warehouse
There's a table of "Heavies" playing cards and Rocco, the boss, speaking menacingly to someone on the phone. The boys meekly pipe up and say that they're there to pick up the coffee machine for "Lou... Carpentaro." Rocco says it's good to make their acquaintance. The boys look worried.
Ramsay Street
Boyd's kicking around the footy by himself until Karl comes out and brings his footy skills out of retirement. They get to talking about Sky, and how Boyd's been acting stupidly around her, and he seems a bit ashamed. Boyd asks what Karl would do in the situation, and Karl says to trust his instincts... "but I'm figuring you know that already."
The Coffee Shop
Susan is telling Karl how manipulative Izzy has been. Karl says she seems like a nice person. "Yeah, well you would say that, wouldn't you," Susan scoffs. He asks what she means by that but she keeps talking. Harold brings over Susan's coffee and Karl's carrot and celery juice (blech... and I thought he just got a coke out of the drinks fridge?) Harold says he's glad they sorted the mess out, and Susan's eyes nearly roll out of her head. Sky brings their sandwiches over and overhears Harold and Susan discussing her situation at school. She tells them that she can cope, and that she'd like them to respect her wishes and not interfere anymore. She goes back to the kitchen, and Harold says it's all an act of bravado. Lyn appears and Harold goes to get her a coffee. She tells Karl and Susan that she's got an appointment that afternoon, and wants to share something with Susan that she should have a long time ago.
Rocco's Warehouse of Doom
The boys are presented with a hunk of old, dusty metal that somehow resembles a coffee machine. Rocco asks if they have the money, and Connor hastily hands it over. Rocco asks their names, and is pleased to hear the Italian name, Rebecchi. "Where? Milano? Verona?" "Colac... actually." Rocco says that Toadie should know his heritage, but at least he's and Italian. He nearly causes severe mayhem by saying that the cash is short and his thugs jump to action - but he counted wrong, and the boys hearts climb back down their throats. He gives $50 back to Toadie. "A bonus, for my Italian friend." The boys grab the coffee machine and skidaddle outta there.
The Coffee Shop
Lyn has just finished telling Susan about it all, and says she's nervous about the counselling appointment. Karl goes to fix the bill so they can chat. Lyn says that she's scared, because she's going to counselling to learn how to become a mother - when she's been doing it for over half her life already. Susan reassures her. "It's not like that. You're a fantastic mother, and I hope deep down you know that. And if you ever forget that, even for a second, you come straight to me." Lyn smiles.
The Pub
Connor and Toadie have put the coffee machine out the back. Harold comes in to chat to Lou, and says he'll make him some breakfast to bring over tomorrow when Lou gives his casserole dish back.
Toadie and Connor are retelling their Godfather-esque tale back to Stu at the pool table. Stu's disbelieving and tells them to stop watching the Sopranos. They call Lou over to verify that Rocco's in the Mob, but he says that Rocco's in the import/export business. Lou laughs at the idea of the Mob. Stu tells the boys that they have more important things to worry about, like he and Connor's double date tomorrow. "No, I'd rather cut off my left arm, thank you," says Connor. Stu tries his persuading techniques but Connor won't budge.
The Kennedys
Lyn's telling Karl and Susan that her session went pretty well. She says she's going to be on anti-depressants, "... it's depressing." Karl says that they're only a low dosage, and it's just to allow Lyn some breathing space. Lyn wonders if sitting there talking to them means she's avoiding Oscar. But they reassure her she's not. Lyn says she better go anyway and thanks them for being good friends.
Erinsborough High
Susan catches up with Boyd in the morning, and wonders if he's noticed if Sky's having any problems at school. Boyd asks why Susan's asking him, and Susan says she thought he and Sky were mates. "Well, she lives in my street, but we're not really friends." Susan's a bit surprised, and they walk off. Sky, meanwhile, has been around the corner and heard all of the above. She's upset.
The Pub
Lou's coffee machine is steaming the place out as the boys walk in. Lou says it's a lemon and he wants them to take it back. "Forget it!" Connor and Toadie say. Connor says to Lou it's about time that he met Rocco himself, but Lou says he's got no time. He threatens to take it out of Connor's paypacket, when Stu calmly says he'll go and visit Rocco. Lou says the three of them can go. Connor wants to know what the catch is, and Stu says the double date. Connor reluctantly agrees when reminded about his pay and Toadie just gets suckered into it.
Harold comes in with Lou's breakfast and is all cheery, until he spots the coffee machine. He gets mad with Lou for putting them in direct competition with one another. Lou tries to tell him that the machine's a lemon, but Harold just thinks he's trying to trick him. He shoves the breakfast at Lou and storms out. "Here, I hope you choke on it!"
The boys walk up to the warehouse door, and Toadie and Connor try to make a run for it. Stu asks if they're crazy, and Connor says what's crazy is trying to get money off a hitman. "You know what else is crazy," asks Toadie, "forgetting that you actually like your kneecaps!" They argue some more until Rocco and his goons march out to see what all the fuss is about. Stu says to them that the coffee machine is defective (watch the close-up of the machine at this point - it looks like Ryan is rubbing his foot up and down Blair's leg, lol!) Rocco says that they just don't know how to use it properly, and suggest they find out how. Or Lou Carpenter can come and meet him face-to-face. The boys hastily agree, pick up the machine and get the hell out of there.
The Coffee Shop
Karl and Susan get Harold ranting about Lou being ruthless, but have to wrap him up because they've only got a short break. Lyn comes in, and Karl and Susan ask how she is and if the pills started to work. Lyn says that they're going to have to because Steph's going to really need her. Karl gets the wrong end of the stick, and says he's so relieved Steph finally told her. But Lyn is talking about Max and Steph breaking up. When Lyn goes, Susan is a bit curious about Karl's relief and asks if he's okay. Karl just says he feels sad about Max and Steph breaking up, and Susan looks at him oddly.
School Grounds
Sky speeds along to Boyd, grabs him, and pulls him into a shed so they can talk. She angrily tells him that she heard him say they weren't friends. Erin and her giggly posse eavesdrop and figure out Sky's in there with a guy. They bash on the door. Boyd and Sky are stuck, and Boyd's not impressed. Sky lets loose. "Look, you might be embarrassed to be seen with me, but I'm not embarrassed to be seen with you. So you don't have to look so gutted. If you really wanna know, I like you. More than anyone at this stupid school, and more than a friend. And if you weren't too busy being ashamed of me, then I'd tell you I wanna be your girlfriend." Boyd looks amazed.
The Pub
Lou angrily wants to know why they've brought the coffee machine back. They're all convinced that Rocco's part of the Mob now, and tell Lou to see Rocco himself. Lou puts on the bravado when the guys call him a chicken, and says he'll be back within half an hour. The boys wish him luck, and stay to look after the pub.
The Shed of Not-so-Hidden Desires
Erin keeps bashing on the door, and tells Sky to come out with her freaky lover boy. Boyd and Sky make apologies to one another. Boyd says it's been great having her around, and she's certainly livened the place up. "Yeah, well it's not hard. Trust me." The door bashing continues.
The Pub
Lou briskly walks back in and informs them that he and Rocco had a nice chat, and Lou now knows that he hasn't been using the coffee machine properly. The boys laugh at him for getting scared, but Lou won't admit defeat and says it was all about business. He then informs Connor that Connor's in charge of the coffee making. Connor's annoyed that not only does he have to make the coffee, but he also still has to go on the double date with Tammy the nutter.
The Shed of Not-so-Hidden Desires
Sky offers to make a run for it so they'll chase her, and he can slip out unnoticed. But Boyd has a better idea, and leads her out by the hand. Collective surprised murmurings abound as they appear. Erin huffily asks Boyd what he's doing with Sky. Boyd says he'd rather be aroud Sky than any of them. "Why? She's a freak." "No she's not. She's my girlfriend." Boyd and Sky share a smooch, and Erin stalks off to have a sook. Boyd and Sky look mighty pleased with themselves.
<<4329 - 4331>>
Connor O
Connor O'Neill, Toadie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Rocco Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 4330
Toadie Rebecchi, Rocco Cammeniti

Boyd Hoyland, Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 4330
Boyd Hoyland, Sky Mangel

Boyd Hoyland, Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 4330
Boyd Hoyland, Sky Mangel

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