The scene starts with Toadie standing at the ledge, watching as the car is pulled out of the water. It then crosses back and forth with a scene of Karl and Susan talking about Toadie and how he'll cope. Karl says that even if the accident isn't Toadie's fault, he'll still blame himself.
Stonie's voice can be heard as the car hangs over the water. It then changes to the Kennedys where Stonie is telling them he doesn't know how to help Toadie. Karl asks him if there is any chance of getting him back home, and Stonie tells him there is little chance of getting Toadie to do anything. Lib then walks out of her room and says she's off. Susan tells her she'll be leaving soon too and there's no point in them taking two cars. Lib tells her she doesn't know what she'll be doing that afternoon and leaves. Stonie notices that everyone is not exactly at their best at the moment and Susan explains that Lib is still getting used to losing Drew and now she's lost her friend...
Outside the Kennedys
Libby is sitting in her car when Taj comes up and says hello. She tells him he shouldn't be there and that he shouldn't talk to her unless it is related to school or absolutely necessary. Taj tries to reason with her as she drives away, saying that they haven't done anything wrong. Susan, having just walked out of the house, sees Taj and they both stare at one another until Taj finally leaves. (Not a good start with the would-be mother-in-law aye?)
Stonie and Connor are talking about Toadie and how, Toadie and they are coping with the situation. Toadie then walks in carrying a basket and starts ranting at them about not taking Dee's clothes off the line. He realises that he is talking about her in present tense and stops. Someone's at the door and Connor goes off to see who it is. Before Stonie can say anything, Toadie tells him that the beach is the only place he feels comfortable and he then excuses himself to go and be a crazy man again. But before he can leave, Connor comes back in, followed by the police who want to talk about accident in more detail now that Toadie has had more time to think about it.
Erinsborough High
Susan stops Libby and tells her that she saw Taj this morning. She tells Lib that she should talk to him about it and get everything sorted before it becomes a bigger problem. Susan even suggests that she could to Taj, diplomatically of course, but Lib tells her that she can handle it and leaves.
Toadie is questioned about the amount of alcohol he consumed before leaving the reception and he says he had just one glass of champagne which Stonie backs him up on. He then repeats what had happened - that he had looked away from the road, hence proving to himself that he killed Dee.
Stonie is talking to the police as they leave. The police officer tells him that she doesn't want to ask Toadie these questions, but she has no choice. After they leave he goes back into the kitchen and talks to Toadie who seems convinced that he is responsible for Dee's death.
The Pub
Lou has just finished interviews with a soon-to-be-not potential replacement for Valda and Harold walks in. They discuss the lack of a humour in the chefs Lou's seen today and how humour is and is not necessary. Harold then notices a pink hat thing on Lou's desk, which Lou says he found during a clean out and that it was left over from their Brazil food week. Harold offers to call a chef who used to help him, and Lou agrees, reluctantly at first.
The Coffee Shop
Karl and Lib are having lunch together, but she doesn't seem to have an appetite. Karl wants them to get back to where they were before the whole Cameron issue, because he thinks things have been a bit tense between them. He tells her that he can be her housemate as well as her father when she wants him to. Karl spots Taj walking in and quickly jumps at the chance to arrange a training session with him.
The Pub
Connor walks into Lou's office and they talk about the situation at Toadie's. Connor wants to stay at Lou's place, but Lou tells him, it's better if he stays where he is, because even though he may not think it, his presence is making a difference. The conversation then turns to the Brazilian hat, which Connor suggests Lou should wear so he can do a double act with Afro Harold, as Fruit man!
Toadie is washing a plate in the sink and is concentrating on the water. Suddenly he walks off, leaving the tap and the kettle on and leaves, taking his car keys with him. Stonie comes out and notices that the car keys are gone. He runs out to find Toadie reversing the car. Stonie tries to get him to stop the car and let him drive, but Toadie just drives off. He then hitches a ride with Susan to follow after Toadie.
Erinsborough High
Libby walks in and tells Taj he'd better finish his work because it is due in 15 minutes. He tells her he's been waiting for her to help him and that she's helped everyone else. She suggests he do some independent work and leaves saying that if he has any problems he should refer to the text book.
The Beach
Toadie is standing waist-deep in water. Susan and Stonie walk up along the beach and watch him from the shore. Susan then pulls her shoes off and walks into the water until she reaches Toadie who then starts crying as Susan hugs him.
Erinsborough High
Taj keeps on looking up at Libby, who occasionally catches him looking at her. After she dismisses the rest of the class, she tells Taj to stay back. Once everyone has gone she tells him that his work is suffering and he will have to be changed into another media class.
The Coffee Shop
Karl is settling the tab and is whining about how Susan can spend $72 in just one month. Harold then gives him a cake for the new month. It's mud cake (the good stuff!) but Karl tells him mud cake is overrated ( ) and far too expensive and that he'll have a carrot cake instead. He spots Taj looking rather glum and asks if anyone is hassling him. Taj says there is and Karl tells him to not let them get him down - he's one of the good guys.
The Pub
Lou is trying to write a letter to send to Valda with the Fruit Man hat, but everything he writes and thinks up seems to be...not right. In the end he rip the paper and throws it away and puts the hat in the box.
Susan, Karl and Libby are talking about the beach incident with Toadie and how they are all going to have to take turns in keeping an eye on him. Someone knocks on the door and Susan opens the door to reveal Taj. Lib quickly leaves to talk to Taj. Taj tells Lib she can't treat him like the way she has been. He tells her she can't just pretend that he doesn't exist and when she says she doesn't want to discuss "this", he tells her that he does want to discuss it - right now.