Stuart says he's signing up.
Darcy tells Penny he'll make things work and then snaps his fingers and out comes a violinist who plays a nice tune for us to run into...
Ooooh, Neighbours should be there for one another....
Scully House
Flick's voiceover whilst writing a letter: Dear Marc, you want us to be together, and in a way so do I, but we can't...
She screws it up and chucks it on the floor with all the others on the floor. She then glances at the clock which I think says 12, bu tit might say 3
Flick's voiceover again: I should say this to your face, I want to explain. It's not your fault - it's nobodys fault. Marc, we have to tell the truth...
The phone rings - it's Marc. His plane has been delayed and she'll see him when he gets back.
Lou's Place
Penny and Darcy are at the bar. Penny asks him back to her place - but Darcy denies, explaining he wants to do the right thinng by everyone. She doesn't understand but Darcy tells her to wait and see.
Harold' Back Garden
There's a fox, in a cage. Boyd thinks it's awesome and Harold comments that nature usually is. While Boyd says heloo, Harold sneezes very loudly - explaining he's allergic to foxes. Boyd tells him Harold won't have to go near it - but Harold says no-one needs to. Boyd says he'll feed it and Harold is his only hope, because if he takes it home the cat will go mad (and Rosie too, I imagine!). Harold says that it is actually illegal to keep a wild animal and they should take it to an animal shelter straight away. Boyd, in my opinion, makes a pretty feeble 'No' and Harold, in repsonse, does an equally feeble 'why?', its quite high pitched actually, quite funny. Boyd thinks they'll kill it if they take it there, but Harold disagrees. Boyd wanders back over to the fox and says its tame and was probably someones pet once. Harold sneezes again and Boyd thinks he should put up posters for the lost fox. Harold gives him a week and no longer to get rid of it. We finish the scene with a close up of Mr. Fox and Harold sneezing.
Lassiter's Hotel
Darcy and Penny are trying to book a suite from Toadie. There's only one available - a dining suite. Penny thinks that sounds great, but Darcy says it does't fit in with his plans - the movies. Toadie tries to persuade Darcy otherwise, but I nthe end they agree to go and see the movie. Darcy then hands over some money to Todie - presumably as a bribe to make sure there were no rooms available.
Coffee Shop
Boyd enters and speaks to Summer who's sitting at that table that's infront of the door. He sits down, asking what's wrong whilst Harold brings Summer's drink and change over. Harold comments on Summer's new radio - she corrects him, it's a walkman. Penny comes in and she and Harold leave Summer and Boyd to it. Boyd wants to know where Summer got the walkman from. She says she got it from Mick, the pest control guy who gave it to her when he got a new one.. The two of them get up to get a drink, and Boyd keeps trying to get more information out of her. The two return to their seats and Boyd says he'll ask Mick, Summer tells him to. The subject then changes rather un-subtley to Boyd's fox. But Summer doens't believe that Boyd has a fox. But, Summer, he has! He has! Didn't you see the scene before last? Summer asks if he's keeping it. Boyd explains that they can't' have it at home, but it's at harold's for the next week then he has to find the owner. Summer wants to see it and the two of them get up to but up the posters about the fox.
House of Trouser
Toadie takes the mick of Stuart and his job. He says not to worry - 'chicks love a man in uniform' (I was sure it was the other way round you know. Blokes like women in uniform...). Sturat brings up the subject of 'that bond', Toadie said he'll speka to Lou about it and that they're might be a few deducations. But Stuart replies that he wants it all and that he (Lou) has until morning. Toadie leaves to: 'ditch my clobber and hunt out my smackeroonies'. Stuart jsut kind of laughs as Toadie leaves (a bit liek me who's going - WHAT?!)
Stuart's now all alone. Cue the dramatic music as Stuart notices an envelope lying on the table. He picks it up and opens it up. Inside there's a photo of him and Flick. He looks at it for five seconds before putting it back in the envelope and throwing it away. He then walks away from the bin, but turns around and gets the photo out of the bin and continues to look at it - Toadie watches on from the hallway.
Marc and Flick's
Marc has brought a present back with him for Flick. Flick's told him: 1. He shouldn't have, and 2. They need to talk. Marc promises he's spent no money on this present and that they'll tlak after she's opened it. Flick open the box - it's a puppy, and she loves it.
Harold's Back Garden
Boyd has taken Sumemr to see Mr Fox. She's really excited - and think people would pay to see a fox and they could make a lot of money. Sh thinks they could dress it up! Boyd reminds her that it's a fox, not a dog. Summer thinks Boyd is scared to touch Mr Fox - he tells her he isn't. And gives I nto the 3 second silent pressure by opening the cage. Mr Fox takes a bite out of his hand (cue dramatic music) and Boyd blames Summer before the two of them fo to put up more posters.
Marc and Flick's
Flick says that the dog doesn't change anything. Marc ignores her and says that they (puppy's) are very playful at this age and they'll have to watch their shoes. Flick blurts out that they can't keep seeing each other. Marc isn't keen on talking about it at the moment - but Flick insists. Marc realises they've been through toughtimes, but they love each other. Flick challenges him to what he loves about her. He tells her that she's a free spirit, like him. Flick says they're both not. He's rebelling against his family, but she isn't. Marc says they'll talk about it later, and heads for the door. She tells him running away won't solve anything and he says he isn't running away. Before he leaves she asks for the hous ekeys, which he hands over. Marc then leaves saying they'll speak tomorrow and closes the door on his way out. Flick sighs to herself.
House of Trouser
Toadie hands over some money. Stuart demands all of it, but Toadie takes his commission saying that he was the 'agent' in the delicate matter. Stuart says 'No, no, no. Give or I take'. Ha! This causes the two of them to run round the sofa, and through into the hall, Toadie shouting 'You can't catch me I'm the ginerbread man' and before Toadie reches the kitchen Stuart is causing him pain and drags him back to the living room where Toadie hands over the money. Toadie thinks Stuart is lucky that he didn't break him before Stuart went into the army. Stuart thinks a couple of years would have done him good, and when Toadie disagrees Stuart adds that at least he wouldn't punch like a girl! Toadie then looks behind Stuart and goes for the 'look over there!' trick, and when Stuart turns his head Toadie playfully punches him - tellngi him he has a thing or two to learn. Stuart tells Toadie that he doesn't think the 'look over there!' (at which point Toadie looks behind him and Stuart punches him playfully back) tactic is still used in the army. The two of them become serious and Toadie tells Stuart that Lou wants to see him before he leav. Toadie also passes on his wonderful words of wisdom, saying he should see a certain someone of the 'female persuasion'.
STUART: Yeah, I've done that.
TOADIE: Of the Scully persuasion?
STUART: Forget it. I've done it. I'm gone.
Toadie thinks thats cool and goes off to find something to celebrate with. That scene was good! Nice playful light-hearted banter!
Coffee Shop
Summer and Boyd walk in again. Boyd notices his poster is gone. Harold wonders who would 'do a silly thing liek that'. Summer thinks it could still be there, and so Boyd checks under other posters, while Summer goes to have a look. Harold notices Boyd's hand and asks about it. Boyd covers quickly, saying he was making a sandwich at home and the knife slipped. Harold isn't too convinced. Boyd goes back and joins Summer who's waiting for him near the door adn the two of them go off to put up more posters.
House of Trouser
Toadie is playing with a toy and wearing an army helmet. Him and Stuart are talking about the army. When Stuart was a kid he used to shoot rabbits - although he wasn't very good. Toadie laughs and thinks that should bother him as he's joining the army and he can't shoot. Stuart denies this and Toadie laughs mroe saying as long he's better tha nthe guy who's shooting at him! Stuart gets up from the chair with his toy watergun and thinks that, jokes aside, he's doing something important. He then asks if Toadie wants a beer - which of course he does - and so he goes to get one. Toadie wonders if Stuart's going to take'that photo' of Flick with him when he goes. Stuart doesn't know what he's talking about. Toadie says the one that he saw him taking out of the bin.
STUART: yeah, I'm just returning it to her.
TOADIE: Oh right, OK.
STUART: Look I'm well shot of her, OK?
Yeah right Stuart...Toadie seems to be with me here. He thinks four years is a long time and that tehre are other ways. Stuart doesn't think Toadie knows what he's talking about. Stuart, covers saying its great. He gets paid to wave goodbye. Toadie thinks he has job and friends and that he doens't have to see her all the time. Stuart reminds her of Maggie. Toadie says he's still ehre, but Stuart goes on to say that he's here and she left. Toadie ignores what he's saying and wonders how they got onto the topic of Maggie.
STUART: Oh, a bit touchy are we?
STUART: mAybe we should both shut up before we get itno an argument!
The two of them then have a waterfight (in the living room!).
Lou's Place
Penny and Darcy are talknig aobut the film they've just seen. It was a classic chick-flick and Darcy enjoyed it. Penny laughs and Darcy says it's because he's a sensitive man and he's able to appreciate it. Penny orders teh drinks and the film wasn't that good. Darcy says there was at least one woman crying in there (and Penny jokes that there was one man as well!). He also adds that it was a very sad film. Darcy thinks Penny is a hard-heated woman.
The two of them head over to a table. Penny says, however, that the irony puzzles her. A couple were sitting there holding hands watching the romance on the screen when they could have been doing their own romancing in a private suite.
DARCY: Pleasure denied is a pleasure achieved.
He says that's what the film was all about - making you (I don't know if that's 'you' as in Penny, or 'you' as in everyone) wait. Now, does she want to eat? Well, it would seem not, Penny has other things on her mind, like an early night. Darcy says if she's tired then he'll drive her home. And if she's not tired she can eat. Penny says she'll revive him later. Darcy wants a more traditional romance and asks about Penny, about her family and all about her. Penny just looks a bit stunned.
House of Trouser
Toadie sees Stuart in the living room and is glad that he hasn't left. Stuart says he's about to. Toadie goes on to apologise for the night before, saying that it was none of his business. But Stuart wants to apologise because Toadie was doing the right thing. Stuart says he can't stay because he can't be cool when he bumps into Flick, and it's humiliating, so he's leaving. Toadie sees the picture of Stuart and Flick and offers to give it to Flick. Stuart says he'll put it I nthe letterbox and that the army is a real opportunity for him.
STUART: I'm going to miss this hole.
TOADIE: This hole is going to miss you.
STUART: Yeah well, that can't be helped.
TOADIE (in a robot big brother style voice): You have 20 seconds...
Coffee Shop
Harold's a bit annoyed at Flick because she hasn't turned up on time. She was supposed to turn o nthe coffee tablre.She keeps saying 'I know', Harold tells her not to keep saying 'I know'. Flick apologises but because of personal stuff she didn't sleep until half 4. Toadie comes in for his usual, but Harold apologises there'll be a wait. Toadie thinks standards are slipping if the coffee machine isn't even warmed up! Toadie and Harold tlak about Stuart - Toadie ahs just dropped him off at the bus stop. Flick can't believe nobody told her, she apologises to harold and goes to find him. As she leaves she meets Mark in the doorway - he wants to talk for 2 minutes. She tells him she can't, what she's got to do is more important.
Harold wonders what's going on. With Mark in earshot Toadie says "True love, mate. It never runs straight".
Harold's Back Garden
Summer and Boyd check on the fox. There's a note and a name for her. He reads the note:
"Please take care of Roxy. You are her only hope, otherwise she will be killed."
Coffee Shop
Penny is working, her and harold wonder about Flick. Harold doesn't think that while she waits that she should be talking and not working (she's talking to Darcy). Penny says all the other customers are taken care of and Harold will be taking it up with Flick, and he apologises for taking it out on Penny. Darcy thinks Flick must be introublr! Penny tells him not to change the subject - are they together or not? Darcy is trying to make up for past mistakes, he doesn't want to rush things and for her to get hurt - he's very serious about her.
Bus Stop
Stuart's loading up the bus and getting on. He finds a seat (on the back seat) an the bus drives off. Over his shoulder we can see Flick running after the bus. He doesn't notice her. Cue end credits.