Libby receiving a phone call - and we won't guess in a million years who called! Lou tells John Allan that he and Louise had a DNA test - and John isn't her father.
The Coffee Shop
Harold thinks that Lou is in a very good mood, and Louise asks if Harold can come to the beach with them. Harry isn't sure, but concedes if he can go home to get changed. Lou's mobile phone rings and he looks a bit disturbed...he tells Harry it's a business call and leaves.
Flick comes in and she and Paul join Tad for a coffee. Tad tells Paul he's having a break from study, and can't believe that Paul has been jogging instead of revising. Paul's waiting to hear if he got in the Dingo finals, so he's put study off for a it.
Libby & Drew's flat
Nancy Kellaway has called Libby - she's Martin West's assistant - and wants to meet Lib for a drink later. Drew's not keen but Libby insists that she will go and see her. Maggie tells Lib to be careful, and offers to go with her, but Lib is adamant.
DREW: Is anyone else waiting for the spooky music to start right now or is it just me?
Cue spooky music.
The Coffee Shop
Paul is listing reasons as to why being suspended is good, and Tad is countering them. Paul is enjoying the TV, and Tad can't go to revision classes. Tad scratches his leg and Flick has a go at him - he's touching her. He apologises - he's not doing it deliberately. Paul considers that he might need to revise tonight after all.
Susan comes in and Tad asks her to get notes for the study sessions; she said she can't help - he'll have to ask the teachers running the sessions. They all find it strange that suddenly Susan's gone all teachery, because usually she's more like a friend.
Lou's Place
Matt serves Nancy and Libby some drinks, and Lib asks Nancy what information she has for her. Nancy tells Lib that she's been at The Chronicle for twenty years, and she's not comfortable going behind their backs. She asks Libby to be completely honest with her - why is Libby taking the paper to court?
Is it publicity?? Striking it rich??
Lib & Drew's flat
Maggie, Susie and Drewsie are sitting around wondering how the meeting with Nancy is going. Maggie wishes she had gone with Libby, but Susan doesn't know how that would have helped.
Maggie leaps down Susan's throat - just because the reconciliation meeting with The Chronicle didn't go well, and just because Susan and Karl are upset about that, it doesn't make Maggie a write-off. Susan didn't mean that, but Maggie says at least she supported Libby - unlike others. Susan doesn't like that comment either.
She offers to pay for the legal bill if necessary, but wishes that it hadn't come to this. They all try to calm down a little.
Number 24
Lou, Louise and Harry all arrive home, and Louise had a really nice time but was cross that Lou was on the phone all day and didn't see her dive. Harold tells Louise to watch TV whilst they order take out.
She runs off and Harold asks Lou what's really going on - he knows the phone calls today were from John Allan.
Lou's Place
Nancy tells Lib that she feels sick with nerves as this is a big decision. Libby asks what will happen when The Chronicle find out - and Nancy says that she'll have to find another job. Libby tells her that she thinks she's brave, and she hopes that Nancy thinks she's worth it.
Nancy hands Lib emails that Martin sent her - one saying that she was right for the job, and one saying she's not suitable because she's pregnant. Delighted, Libby jumps up and hugs her.
Number 24
Lou has told Harold that he's not Louise's father, and that he's told John he is. He can't sleep, it's affecting his work, and he doesn't want Louise to know. He's in a mess, and if it takes a lie to end it, then so be it. Harold says he understands, but he needs to tell John the truth. Lou is adamant that he owes him nothing - he will lie until he's blue in the face if he gets to keep Louise.
Number 26
Flick is watching a film and Paul tells her the ending by mistake. Flick says she needs some space from Tad right now, and Paul asks her why. Flick is reticent to answer, but eventually tells him that on the night of the scorpion bite Tad confessed that he liked her for ages. Flick wants to avoid it, and doesn't want to know, and Paul makes fun of what Tad's love declaration.
There's a knock at the door and it's Tad - he's bought her a CD and she's not thrilled.
Libby & Drew's flat
Libby has told them what Nancy had to say, and Maggie tells her that with this evidence they can blow the paper out of the water. Everyone's pleased.
Number 24
Paul and Tad return home and ask Harold how the beach was; he says he was fine. The boys make their way to the sofa, and Tad doesn't understand why Flick is acting so strangely. Paul makes an 'mmm, you think?' noise, and now Tad needs to know what Paul knows. He tells him that he made a love confession to Flick before he was air-lifted to hospital.
Tad can't believe it, and Paul thinks it's hysterical.
Number 26
Matt and Flick are talking across the kitchen table and she asks him what he thinks of Tad - for her, as a boyfriend. She needs something to get over Joel, so should they take their friendship up a notch? Matt thinks she's rather misled in this, and why Tad? Flick doesn't think there's anyone else, but Matt doesn't think she should ruin her friendships.
Yeah, he also has an ulterior motive in liking her himself...
Number 24
Tad still can't believe what he said to Flick - he was on his death-bed, drinking alcohol - he could have said anything, really. He's not interested in Flick and doesn't want to date her. Paul tells him that Flick thinks he really likes her, and Tad doesn't know what to do...actually, yes he does - he's going to have some fun with this.
Number 26
Matt and Flick are dressed up in fancy costumes for their night out. She didn't sleep well, as she was up all night thinking about Tad. Maybe she does have romantic feelings for him, who knows. Matt thinks she's approaching it the wrong way - whatever happened to true love?
There's a knock at the door and it's Tad and Paul - Tad tells Flick she looks stunning in her costume. She tells him he looks good, too.
The Coffee Shop
Leo orders food from Harold, and Harry thinks he must have a new job with all this money he's spending. A paper round? Leo sort of nods, not knowing what to say. Maggie comes in and didn't realise that Leo was doing a paper round; she wants to know what they're paying him, and what he wants the money for.
Harry comments that Leo is very enterprising and Maggie suspiciously agrees.
Lou's Place
Lou opens a letter that John Allan sent him - enclosing pictures of Louise. He mutters "why Cheryl?" under his breath.
Number 24
Lou turns up at Harold's place, and Harry apologises for hounding him about John, and Lou tells him that he's come to a decision. He's going to arrange to see John face to face, and tell him the truth about the DNA tests.
Dum dum dum!