Paul tells Flick and Tad that football is more important to him than study. Lou tells Harry that he wants to meet John Allan and see him face to face to tell him the truth about the DNA tests.
The Coffee Shop
Karl is at the counter and Paul joins him. Karl comments that the footie trainer, Pat, is at the table behind them, and that it's the selection for the finals tonight. Paul doesn't want to give Pat the pleasure of sacking him. Paul leaves and Pat talks to Karl - Karl tells him that Paul is in good fitness, and he should consider him. Pat wants respect and support from Karl, not criticism.
Number 24
Lou tells Harry that John will be here first thing tomorrow morning, but Harold is concerned that it's a bit early in the day for all this - he won't be emotionally prepared. Harold offers to be there, but Lou refuses - he'd like Louise to stay with Harold whilst he meets her father.
Number 30
Toadie is practising his introduction for when he meets his potential new boss. Evan turns up and Toadie asks his advice about what to wear and how to introduce himself. Evan says that lawyers are much more relaxed and casual these days; but Toadie says that Karl and he agree that law is still very formal. Evan thinks that taking tips from Karl Kennedy was a silly idea.
Training Ground
Karl, Pat and Harold are watching the finals selection, and Harry is cheering Paul on. Karl and Pat time him, and Karl has a quicker time than Pat. Pat clearly has it in for Paul, commenting that he's not a team player. Pat makes his selection and Paul's not in it. Harry wants to be with him but he walks away.
The Coffee Shop
Leo is doing business with a peer from school, and Evan comes in and asks his son what he was talking about with Adam. Leo says he's hanging out with Adam now - they're friends - and he has to get to the newsagent. Evan sits him down and says he wants to talk to see what his son's been up to in life, lately.
Training Ground
Karl is trying to placate Paul and apologises that he wasn't selected. Paul doesn't want to know. Karl leaves and Pat approaches Paul; Paul confronts him on the personality clash, but Pat explains that he has a bad team attitude, and he can't risk him rocking the boat. Paul picks up a branch from the ground in anger, taking one look at Pat and another at his car...
The Coffee Shop
Evan picks up milkshakes for himself and Leo, asking him how long he and Adam have been hanging out together. Leo says it's a new thing - he and Adam talk about 'stuff,' and Evan won't let it go - Adam used to bully him, so what's going on? Leo wants to leave, and his father reassures him that if he ever needs to talk, he can.
Number 24
Harold tells Paul that he and Karl thought the he was the best player there today. Harold also comments that he can now focus on his exams, then think about picking a course at the university. Paul is too upset, though - he's put every spare minute into training to be good, and now it's all for nothing. It also means he's done no study, so now he'll fail his exams, too.
Paul really thought he was good enough to do what he always wanted to do. But he failed.
Number 28
Karl and Toadie are talking about work, and Karl can't believe the clothes that Toadie has bought. Toadie explains the Evan conversation, and Karl can't believe that he actually listened. Karl reminds him that Evan should know the difference, and with a big law practice he needs to be more smart.
Karl comments that he heard that Toadie is playing golf, and so he'd like to give him some advice.
KARL: The important thing about golf is making the distinction between judging and observing. You have to ask yourself: am I learning or am I performing?
Karl hits the chair as he swings the 'club' - although it's actually a hockey stick - and is grateful that Susan isn't here to see that. He starts to ramble on that sports psychology is a fascinating area. Toadie asks if he can borrow Karl's clubs for the course - he won't hurt them. Karl doesn't have a problem with that, except that Toadie's left-handed and he's right-handed. What?! So if he borrows them off Evan - who is probably left-handed too - then his clubs are more of a beginners standard anyway.
With that confusion and weirdness, he ushers Toadie out the door.
Number 24
Paul is on the sofa and Louise waves a wand over him! Lou thanks Harry for looking after Louise at this time, and Harry tries to reassure him. The phone rings and it's Pat Miller for Paul; he's offered him a game. Paul is thrilled and Harold will take Louise to Sharon's mother on the way.
Lou's Place
Lou is looking at a picture of Louise then puts it in his desk drawer. He hears the door of the pub and comes out to the front - it's John Allan.
John explains that the last time he saw Cheryl, she explained that he was the biological father, and she was pregnant. She didn't want John to contact her anymore, as she'd realised how much she loved Lou. Lou doesn't think that love means having an affair, but John refutes it was an affair. Lou says he won't make this easy for John.
John tells him that he met Cheryl here after she and Lou had a row, and they met two or three times. He remembers that she never stopped talking about Lou; Lou comments that clearly John never stopped listening.
Training Ground
The team are playing and Paul is sitting at the sidelines. Some of the crowd are chanting "We Want McClaine", willingly led by Harold! Karl approaches Pat and tells him that one of the lads needs to come off - he's not well. Pat wants Karl to just give him something to be able to cope, but Karl refuses - he's a doctor and won't let that happen.
Pat finally concedes and Daniels comes off the pitch. He tells Paul to go on, as the crowd cheer!
Lou's Place
Lou asks why John is looking for Louise now. John said that he started thinking about what had happened, and when he moved back to Erinsborough, his conscious got the better of him. Lou wants proof, and John offers to take a DNA test and take Lolly with him.
But Lou says he won't put Lolly through that again - the letter from Cheryl is enough proof for him.
Training Ground
Paul is playing well and Karl and Harry cheer him on - he sets up a goal! Pat looks displeased.
The Coffee Shop
Toadie, Evan and Leo return their used cups to the counter and Toadie asks Evan what the difference is between a beginners and an advanced club...and Evan bumbles an answer about how they're made, and the materials - the pro clubs are heavier. Apparently.
Evan tells Toadie what a par is, and what 'green' means. They talk irons, woods, tees, flags, penalties, bunkers, wedges.
Toadie looks confused.
TOADIE: Are you left-handed?
EVAN: No, right.
He leaves.
Training Ground
The game is still going, and the other team score. Karl and Harry cheer frantically, and Paul gets the ball. He manages to score right at the very end of the match - and the Dingos win!
One of the players approaches Paul and congratulates him, but Paul doesn't understand why he's changed his tune - last week he was treating him like a leper. The other player apologises for his behaviour and tells Paul he's a great player.
Lou's Place
Lou tells John that he vowed after Cheryl's death to give Lolly the best possible childhood. He's a single parent and doing everything he can; he says that sometimes he sees Cheryl when he's with Lolly, watching over them. He once caught Louise saying a prayer to God to look after her mummy, and he doesn't want her innocence to disappear.
John says it was generous of Lou to meet with him, and he'd really like to meet Louise.
Lou doesn't say anything.