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Neighbours Episode 3405 from 1999 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<3404 - 3406>>
Episode title: 3405
Australian airdate: 01/10/1999
UK airdate: 15/12/1999
UK Gold: 22/03/2005
Writer: Christopher Gist
Director: Mark Hancock
Guests: Teabag Teasdale - Nathan Phillips
- "One Good Reason" by Tim Watson
Summary/Images by: Shona
Madge hearing noises at number 24, then finding a rock on her doorstep. Madge later being pestered by noises again.
Number 24
The noises have stopped and Madge goes to get some water. When she is at the sink someone knocks on the window, giving her a fright. She runs to the other side of the room.
The Coffee Shop
Hannah comes in and is served by Paul. He acts coldly towards her as she says she hasn't seen him around much. She asks if he finishes soon - she can walk him home but he refuses. Harold appears and tells him that she's trying to make it up to him, just as the phone rings. It's Madge - she recounts what's been going on. She pleads with Harold to come home and he hands the phone to Paul, telling him to keep talking to her while he dashes home.
Ramsay Street
A young man runs down number 24's drive just as Harold screams into the street. He stands and watches behind a tree, as Harold shouts Madge's name, running up the steps.
Number 24
Madge tells him they've gone and she's fine, just scared. Harold tells her to relax and put her feet up. Harold suggests it might be the Blue Gum tree, but Madge tells him not to be ridiculous. Tad appears at the door, and Harold asks who it is - 'The Caretaker, here to take care of you.' Harold pulls him inside, in no mood for jokes. He demands to know what he's doing and Tad asks what's happened.
Number 26
Bill comes over and tells Anne he's doing a project - making a mirror. She says she wants it when he's finished it - she's fed up with Lance and Hannah hogging the one in the bathroom. He wants to put some decoration around the frame and wants her help. They go into the kitchen and Bill notices she was writing in her diary - maybe about what a moron he's been? 'Hardly,' says Anne. Anne commends him for dobbing dodgy Maurie in. Bill wishes he'd done it sooner. He goes to leave, and she asks him to come to the pub with her. She manages to convince him to come.
Ramsay Street
Tad and Harold are out with a torch that would rival Mulder and Scully's. Across the street, Teabag watches from behind the tree. It isn't looking good for finding anything and they wonder if it could be a possum - Madge has been edgy. Teabag watches with glee. Bill and Anne appear and they tell them about the evening's events. They haven't seen anything but promise to keep an eye out.
The Pub
Down at Lou's Place, Anne and Bill find Susan is thrashing Karl at pool! They decide to play doubles and Karl says winners should get the drinks. Susan says she will, once he admits he can't win without cheating. He does, very quickly. Bill says 'Beaten again,' and Karl likes to think of it as 'the worst caning this side of the English boarding school'. Bill is happy he and Susan are getting along. Karl notices Anne and Bill are getting along well. Bill quips that all he needs now is to get lost in the Bush with some ex-con and they'll be back together!
The Coffee Shop
Hannah comes into help Paul close up. A moment later Teabag comes in, and goes straight to Hannah, asking how she is and if she's still riding, ignoring Paul saying he's closing up. He takes a chocolate bar. Paul says he can't but Teabag says he'll just take it if he doesn't want the money. Paul goes over and Teabag leaves, saying 'See ya.' Paul mutters 'what a freak' and Hannah decides to go out, despite Paul's objections.
The Lassiters' Complex
Teabag sits on the bridge. Hannah shouts at him for coming in the shop and he asks what the problem is - he only wanted to say hello to her. She says that making Paul look like an idiot doesn't make her like him. He says Paul was the one being an idiot, not serving him. She tries to leave but he pulls her back. She shouts at him for being two-faced and tells him to leave Paul alone. Teabag shouts 'Get lost' after her.
Number 24
The family rally around Madge. Harold thinks it's some yahoos. She's worried it's the guy who held the coffee shop up, but Harold is convinced it's just some troublemaker kids. She thinks they should let the neighbours know and Harold will phone round them. She goes off to bed. When alone Tad asks Paul whether he thinks it's Teabag and Paul tells him about the coffee shop incident. Tad is sure it was him. Paul asks what can they do - how can they prove it?
Number 26
At the door Anne laughs about Karl not wanting to play after winning one game. Bill knew he would do that. Anne had a great night and he says it's like the good old days. Anne says she had never thought they could be friends after being so close but they are. 'At least,' says Bill. He leaves.
Anne finds Hannah down in the dumps on the sofa. Paul hates her and she has to move to Darwin. Paul won't speak to her. Anne says that Darwin won't change. Hannah says she doesn't want to leave with him hating her - how did Anne make Bill like her again? Anne says she didn't make him. They should be out in the open about it. Anne tells her not to worry.
Number 28
Susan tells Bill about Harold phoning them about the disturbance. Karl asks whether Anne made it to her door safely and Bill says of course. He goes to make hot chocolate, as his parents didn't make a start on it while he was gone. Susan observes that he and Anne are getting on well. Susan says she'll really need her friends when Ruth and Phil go. They reiterate how much they like her. Bill says the separation has been okay - he could go out with someone else but she's the only one he thinks about, so he won't.
Ramsay Street
The next morning Hannah nearly collides with Paul and Tad on their BMXs. They are going to see if Teabag is at the allotment and tell her about last night. Hannah doesn't think it's him. Madge is coming down the driveway as they talk. They leave, with Hannah tagging along. Madge walks over to see Anne and Bill, and they ask how she is. She's going to see Susan.
Bill's Workshop
Anne and Bill talk over design ideas. Bill picks up at paintbrush and drags it over her collar, retaliation for a smidgen she put on him by mistake. She says it's so childish, and puts a big purple blotch on his face. He does the same to her and they have a paint fight.
Number 28
Madge doesn't want to seem hysterical but Susan says she'd feel the same. Karl says the alarm is good idea and he thinks that she should talk to someone about the robbery. Madge doesn't want to make a fuss. He'll give her the card anyway. As Madge goes to leave Susan mentions a self-defence class. The phone rings and Karl sees Madge out. Susan looks serious - it's Martin!
Bill's Workshop
Bill is pleased with Anne's work on the frame. Anne puts another blotch on his face, but luckily this does not lead into another paint fight. He suggests she sets up some of her stuff in here. Anne says thanks but she has a place - a warehouse with Fanto. Bill tries not to sound disappointed.
Number 28
Susan hangs up. Karl asks about him. She says he just wanted to see how she was, she got the feeling that he won't call again. She's glad about that and so is Karl. She tells him she loves him.
The Allotment - BMX-ing
Teabag roars in with his gang. He asks when Hannah's coming around - it'll have to be late as he's out with his girlfriend. She tells him the get lost. She asks what the cops said and he tells her she shouldn't have done that. He lets slip that her bike is stolen - how dumb is she? Paul tells him to get lost, and he asks what he's going to do. No phone, no cops.
The Pub
Bill has bought Anne lunch to thank her. He asks about the warehouse and Fanto. She says he's good. He asks if they're just friends and she doesn't know. She admits that she really likes him. Bill looks shocked.
The Allotment - BMX-ing
'Knock knock,' says our Teabag friend. 'Who's there? Only poor little old Madge'. His crew laugh. Tad asks if he's some sort of psycho. Paul tells him he'd better not come around again. Teabag taunts him, saying he is so tough, asking what he's going to do.
<<3404 - 3406>>
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