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Neighbours Episode 3359 from 1999 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<3358 - 3360>>
Episode title: 3359
Australian airdate: 29/07/99
UK airdate: 12/10/99
Writer: Alan Hopgood
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Tad Reeves: Jonathon Dutton
Dahl: Trained by Jason Hura
Summary/Images by: Alan/Alan
Anne is late meeting Bill at Number 28 - she says she's been studying at uni with a friend. He asks if it's Fanto. She says yes. He says that if he's in the way she should tell him. Anne says he's got nothing to worry about! Fanto's not her type and she couldn't imagine him as her boyfriend. Bill tells her they both know that's not true. She asks him what he's talking about.
Bill says he's talking about her having feelings for Fanto. Anne says he's dead wrong. He asks her if she'd admit it if she did have feelings for him because it's possible to feel something and not be open about it, she says not for her. He asks if he wasn't around would she do something about Fanto -she says she doesn't know. He tells her to be honest but she says that if he's not prepared to believe her there's no point talking about it. Susan comes in as Anne walks out. She asks Bill what evidence he has that Anne feels anything for Fanto. He says he can just tell but he doesn't know for definite that there is anything going on. Susan asks him if he's prepared to destroy their relationship based on suspicion. He says it just feels like she's in a different world now - it's not like when they were in school together.
Paul talks to Tad about Pascale, he says he'd like to know where he stands with Hannah now. The next day, Hannah tries to talk to Paul about Pascale. He virtually ignores her and she asks him if they're still going out because if he keeps ignoring her they may as well finish. Paul asks her if that's an ultimatum because he's got one for her - he asks if Pascale is still coming to stay, she says he is. Paul tells her it's over between them then. He drowns his sorrows at the Coffee Shop and tells Tad when he comes in. Tad tries to talk some sense into him but doesn't succeed. Hannah walks in and then walks out when she sees Paul, Tad says he should go after her but Paul says he can't be bothered, he's not crazy about her anymore - she can go and live in France if she wants to.
Madge asks Paul how Tad feels about going back to Tindara, he says he'd rather stay here. She tells Harold that she feels sorry for Tad, but she doesn't know what they can do about it.
Amy tells Bill that his plan to tell Lance about Megan's bet has backfired. Bill says she should give it time. She goes on but he says he has problems of his own. She says he can tell her about it seeing as he listened to her. Bill makes her promise not to tell anyone and says he's trusting her with his life. She tells him to go on. He tells her that he read Anne's diary and... she virtually explodes! She says that is so wrong. He says it was wrong of Anne to lie about her feelings for Fanto. Amy says he's only saying she lied because he invaded her private thoughts by reading her diary! Their argument is broken up when Anne calls Amy on her mobile. When the call is finished, Amy tells him she hopes he hasn't told anyone else about it - he says Hannah knows because she caught him one time. She asks him how many times he's read her diary! She gets up to leave and tells him she doesn't even know how she's going to look at him from now on, she's just about to open the door when she walks back and sits down again. She says he's right, he should tell her, it'll make him feel better - she asks him what it said!
Amy sees Anne and asks her what she thinks of Fanto. Anne says he's just a friend. Ruth and Phil come in and Ruth mentions the Earth Rave that Lance and Megan are at. Amy and Anne go into the front room and Amy tells her she shouldn't be jealous of Lance because he's being taken for a ride by Megan who is only dating him for a bet.
The next day, Amy goes to see Bill and tells him he's put her in a very awkward situation. She tells him he should tell Anne what he did - he should be thinking about other people. Anne walks in and asks them if they're having a row. Amy abruptly leaves and Anne asks Bill what's going on because she's sick of being treated like an idiot. He keeps saying that there's nothing going on and tries to change the subject. Anne asks him why he's being so weird, she loves him and she deserves an explanation. He says he's been trying to tell her - he can't get over the whole Fanto thing. She asks how many times she's got to tell him nothing's going on and why he doesn't believe her. He says he admits he's jealous that he's stuck in the garage while she's out meeting new people. She tells him that she's not giving up a friend because he can't trust her. He says she asked what the problem was and he's told her. She says it's not her problem. He sarcastically says she's right, it's all his problem and his fault and they should forget he said anything! Anne says the way he's going it will be his problem because she's getting pretty sick of it all.
Karl tells Susan that there's a medical conference in Sydney that he'd like to go on, it's for a couple of weeks. He asks her if she thinks he should go or not, she says she doesn't know the value of a medical conference because she's not a doctor. He asks her if she thinks the time apart would be good for them, she says that he's probably right, he should go. The next morning, Karl talks to Susan about meeting his uni friend, Martin, that evening - she says she'll see if she can make it. He tells her to let him know if lunchtime would be better, he leaves as Tad arrives. He asks Susan how his latest assignment went - she tells him it was a solid improvement. He asks her if he could get some more help with his studies. After working his pressure tactics, he convinces her to give him another session the following afternoon.
Susan meets Karl at the Coffee Shop and asks where Martin is. He tells her they've made it for tonight now. Susan says he could have let her know because she's left a pile of work to come out. He says he did tell her to let him know what she could do. She starts to head back out again but he tells her to sit down and have lunch with him, she says she can't be long.
Harold asks Paul if he'll fill in for Cassandra at the Coffee Shop after school. Paul says he can't. Harold asks him why not. He says he's already arranged to work with Drew on the old motorbike. Harold says surely that could be arranged for another time but Paul is indignant and shouts at Harold that he can't do it. He walks out and Hannah shouts after him that he's losing it. Madge goes out and tells him his rudeness to Harold was unforgivable, she asks him what his problem is. He says there is no problem and walks off.
Harold tells Paul at the school crossing that he didn't appreciate his attitude today. Paul walks off and says he's already told him he's working with Drew. Harold walks after him across the road but goes light-headed and collapses. Hannah and Tad run to help him and Paul sees him collapse and calls out to him. A car speeds around the corner, the driver is too busy fiddling with his stereo to look at the road, he's heading straight for Harold. Paul shouts out to him to stop.
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Paul McClain in Neighbours Episode 3359
Paul McClain

Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 3359
Harold Bishop

Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 3359
Harold Bishop

Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 3359
Harold Bishop

Billy Kennedy, Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 3359
Billy Kennedy, Amy Greenwood

Anne Wilkinson, Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3359
Anne Wilkinson, Billy Kennedy

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