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Neighbours Episode 3259 from 1999 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<3258 - 3260>>
Episode title: 3259
Australian airdate: 11/3/99
UK airdate: BBC: 25/5/99
Writer: John Upton
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Tad Reeves: Jonathon Dutto
Jade Cleary: Talia Krape
Summary/Images by: Sayaka
Tad giving Jade's mother a message that Jade should meet Paul at the Coffee Shop, not at his house.
Jade telling Paul off for standing her up.
Jade and Paul realise that it was Tad that changed the meeting place.
The Coffee Shop
Tad denies that he tricked them but Paul and Jade don't believe him. Paul and Jade go off to the movies.
The Pub
Mike comes into the pub, much to Drew's displeasure. He tries to buy Drew a drink but Drew doesn't want it. Mike says he left a message for Drew to contact him but he supposes that Drew didn't get it. Drew says that he did get it. Mike tells Drew that there's been some confusion. Drew says there's no confusion - he knows exactly what he saw. Mike tries to say that he just kissed Victoria to congratulate her on some good news. Drew is unmoved.
Paul and Jade come back from the movies. Madge is trying to learn how to use the computer. Jade is apparently an expert and gives Madge a hand. Paul tries to persuade Harold to get Internet access. He says he'll get Phil to give Harold a demonstration on Phil's computer.
Jade and Paul kiss outside the door.
The Coffee Shop
Drew orders a strong cup of coffee in the Coffee Shop and sees Tad looking depressed. Tad tells Drew about Jade and how another bloke pinched her off him. He reckons Jade is perfect for him. Drew suggests asking a woman. Tad says he already asked Sarah and Bess but their ideas didn't work. Drew says that if he really likes her, Tad should just be there for her and wait for her to get over the other guy. He says if the guy's a loser, she'll realise it sooner or later. Drew looks a bit dreamy and is obviously thinking about his own situation with Libby.
Madge and Ruth are discussing the candidates for Vice-Principal. Madge says the person appointed must be male because Susan is the principal and is female - boys need a strong role-model too.
Phil is showing Harold the Internet. Unfortunately a pop-up window with some porn in it comes up! Harold tells Paul that the Bishop household will never be on the Internet ever.
Drew answers the door to Mike. He reluctantly lets him in. Mike says that they have to sort out the misunderstanding, but Drew says there is no misunderstanding. Mike tries to make excuses but Drew isn't having any of it. Mike tries to blackmail Drew that if he tells Libby she'll be really hurt. Drew sees right through him and says he's good, but Drew knows what he saw. Then he chucks Mike out of the house. Mike asks if Drew is going to tell Libby. Drew hasn't decided yet. He slams the door behind Mike.
Harold falls over in the dark trying to answer the phone in the middle of the night. Paul answers it and it turns out to be Hannah calling from Paris.
Paul tells Madge afterwards that Hannah said that she misses him. He says she sounded like she used to before she went all funny. But now Paul's going out with Jade. He doesn't know what to do. He asks Harold for his opinion, but Harold slopes tiredly back to bed.
Phil and Ruth are having breakfast. Apparently Hannah called in the night and talked to Ruth about her love-life. Ruth is pleased. Phil is excited about the orienteering and is getting overly-competitive.
Ramsay Street
Libby is on her bike as Mike is leaving in his car. They chat amiably and Libby asks if he wants to have lunch. Drew is also leaving for work in his car but blanks both of them. Libby says that Drew has been really weird recently. Mike says that he doesn't think Drew likes him and has been ignoring him(!). Libby says she's fed up of Drew being moody and they should just concentrate on themselves from now on. Mike is pleased.
Harold is nervous about his audition. Madge says that Paul needs his advice about his love life. But Harold says Paul rarely asks him for advice and this time he has.
Outside Lassiters
Paul catches up with Tad and demands that he meets him in the Coffee Shop at lunchtime.
The Pub
Drew is chatting with Lou. Mike and Libby come in for their dinner. Drew seethes as they chat happily together. Lou tries to cheer Drew up but Drew is very pissed off. Lou says he just has to tell Libby and take his chances.
The Coffee Shop
Tad apologises to Paul. Paul is cross but accepts his apology.
The Pub
Drew says that maybe Lou could say something to Libby, but Lou says he didn't see the incident first-hand. Lou says that maybe Drew should take a few days from work and go away for the weekend to relax a bit because he's so wound up. But Drew refuses to run away from the situation.
The Coffee Shop
Paul tells Tad about the phonecall with Hannah and that Hannah appears to have changed her mind. But Paul says he likes Jade now. But Tad says that he doesn't love Jade, and Paul does love Hannah, so he has to stick with Hannah.
The Pub
Mike comes up and chats to Drew like nothing has happened. Drew is incensed and tells Mike that he's warning him and then stalks out. Libby wants to know what happened between them but Mike says it's nothing.
The Coffee Shop
Tad tells Jade that Paul has heard from Hannah and she has broken up with her French boyfriend. Paul tells Tad that he knows what he's up to - trying to get Paul to break up with Jade so he can crack on to her. Paul tells Tad that Jade thinks he's a jerk and to just give it up.
The Garage
Libby comes up on her motorbike to talk to Drew. She shouts at him for being so stand-offish with her. She says if there's a problem it's between her and Drew, and Mike is not involved. Drew says that there's more to Mike than she realises. He tries to tell her about the kiss, but she won't listen and rides off.
Harold has passed his tuba audition. To celebrate he says that Paul can go on the Internet - he'll leave it to Paul to be mature enough to pick decent websites to look at.
Ramsay Street
Drew is cleaning out the boot of his car when Mike drives up. Drew immediately marches over the Mike's car, opens the door and orders him out. Drew is irate that not only has Mike been lying to Libby, he's also been poisoning her against him! (We see Libby ride up on her bike in the background). Mike says that Libby can form her own opinions(!). Drew sees red and punches Mike. Mike falls to the floor. (Go Drew!!)
<<3258 - 3260>>
Drew Kirk in Neighbours Episode 3259
Drew Kirk

Drew Kirk in Neighbours Episode 3259
Drew Kirk

Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3259
Libby Kennedy

Drew Kirk in Neighbours Episode 3259
Drew Kirk

Mike Healy in Neighbours Episode 3259
Mike Healy

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