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Neighbours Episode 2975 from 1997 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<2974 - 2976>>
Episode title: 2975
Australian airdate: 31/10/97
UK airdate: 15/04/98
UK Gold: 12/03/04
Writer: Scott Taylor
Director: Philip East
Guests: Cara: Siho Ellsmore
Fireman: James Freemantle
Dahl: Trained by Jason Hura
Amy Greenwood: Jacinta Stapleton (uncredited)
Summary/Images by: Jeremai
- Susan knows she and Karl need to talk about Wangaratta but she hasn't even got the job yet; Karl tells Susan he would miss her too much
- Toadie reads a note from Cara telling him how she feels about him but he thinks it's a prank by Lance and Amy
- Cara tells Toadie never to speak to her again; Lance tells Toadie that it wasn't a prank
- Darren reaches out for a possum in the roof, loses his footing and falls off the step ladder
Renovation house
Darren has hurt his back. Libby asks if he can move his legs but he doesn't even want to try. He tells Libby to call an ambulance.
Erinsborough High
Toadie finds Cara at her locker and tries to explain that he thought he was being set up. Cara says at least she knows what he thinks of her now. Toadie says he only said those things because he thought she was trying to set him up and asks how she knows he doesn't like her.
CARA: Have you ever thought of me in that way before?
TOADIE: Well I never knew you liked me before.
CARA: It shouldn't make a difference.
Cara walks off and Lance tells Toadie he's blown that. Amy says it must make him feel good that Cara likes him but Toadie feels sick in the guts. He didn't even have to do anything; Cara told him she liked him before he said anything, but he threw it away. This is the worst day of his life. Lance reminds him he's still got to get his bag back too!
Renovation house
Darren's neck is in a brace and the paramedics carry him out on a stretcher. Libby says she's going to come with him but Darren tells her to go to her exam. The ambulance drives away with siren wailing. Libby gets into the ute (has anyone closed the front door?), drops the keys trying to put them in the ignition, and starts crying.
Number 28
Karl arrives home and Susan is dying to tell him some good news.
KARL: We've won the lotto?
SUSAN: No...
KARL: One of the kids has won the Nobel prize!
SUSAN: It's news about me.
KARL: Hey, you've found those photos we took of each other when we were students!
Susan has got to attend a review board for the principal's job in Wangaratta. Karl says that's sounding fairly definite then. Susan asks if he can't just be happy for her but Karl says it will disrupt the entire family and she's not thinking about the ramifications. Susan sits on the couch, exasperated and Karl grudgingly congratulates her on the review board. The phone rings and Susan gets up to answer it.
Erinsborough Hospital / Number 28
Libby tells Susan over the phone that Darren's had an accident. She's called Lou but doesn't know what else to do. Darren may have broken his back. Susan tells Libby to try not to get too upset; they're on their way.
Erinsborough High
Anne can't believe Toadie and Billy are actually going through with their muck up day prank. Billy is checking how the lockers are attached to the wall. They're going to lay them down flat, fill them up with something, and stand them back up again. Anne asks if they're not overdoing things a bit but Billy says you can't overdo muck up day. Toadie reads the list he's been writing: road barrier, reflective jacket, eggs, flour, food dye, pump action water guns, bean bag refills, pliers, Philips head screwdriver and super glue for Pinhead's glasses. Anne tells them they can't do that.
Amy and Lance come in and try to find out about the master plan but Toadie isn't giving anything away. Lance offers to get Toadie's bag down and threatens to tell the others about what happened with Cara. Billy and Anne haven't heard and want to know all about it.
Number 28
Karl, Susan and Libby arrive home, followed by Lou and Lolly. Darren has slipped a disc and Libby thinks it's silly that he's embarrassed after thinking he had broken his back. Karl says his pride will bounce back and Susan says they're keeping him in overnight so he's got nothing to be embarrassed about. Lou thanks them all for their support. Karl offers him a beer but he needs to go and get something to eat (why did he bother coming in?). Lou and Lolly leave and Susan says they should think about dinner too. Libby says she couldn't eat a thing. Karl remembers she had an exam today. Libby says Darren hurt himself; the exam wasn't that important. Karl isn't impressed.
KARL: What will happen? You'll sit it again?
SUSAN: We'll work it out, Karl.
KARL: You study all year and when your exams finally come you don't care?
LIBBY: Yeah, that's right. I care about Darren, OK? I've missed the exam now so I've blown it, alright? You may as well just get used to the fact that I'm not a straight- A student any more.
Later, Libby is drying the dishes and Susan is cleaning the stove while Karl hassles Libby, making her promise she will go and see the dean to try and sort things out. Frustrated, Libby says she quits, and heads for her room. Toadie and Billy come through the front door.
BILLY: You can't squeeze a firecracker up there!
TOADIE: Well no, it'd have to be pretty small.
SUSAN: Did I just hear somebody mention something completely illegal?
Susan reminds the boys she's told them what they can and can't do on muck up day; it would be very embarrassing if her own son broke the rules. Billy promises they won't do anything that would embarrass her.
KARL: What's on the agenda tonight, your very last school night?
TOADIE: We're going to bed early.
KARL: Yeah, I'm sure you are.
BILLY: See you tomorrow.
KARL: You're serious, you are going to bed?
TOADIE: Yeah, yeah, we've got an early morning tomorrow.
SUSAN: How early?
TOADIE: Let's just say, uh, we'll be gone by the time you two get up.
BILLY: Goodnight.
TOADIE: And just keep the noise down to a dull roar will you?
SUSAN: Suddenly I have a very bad feeling about tomorrow...
It's still dark when Toadie and Billy get up in the morning and Billy trips over the roadblock. There are bags of stuff everywhere. Billy says it's their last day, and it hasn't been such a bad school. Toadie tells him not to tell anyone, but he reckons he'll miss the joint. A horn sounds outside; that will be their taxi. Karl appears in his dressing gown and asks what all this stuff is. As the boys leave, Karl yells after them not to forget what Susan said (that's it Karl, wake all the neighbours up why don't you?).
Outside Erinsborough High
There is toilet paper and ribbon all over the trees outside the school. Toadie has set up the roadblock and is directing all the traffic into the schoolyard, causing chaos. Anne, Lance and Amy arrive and are amused. A horn sounds behind Toadie. It's Susan. She sticks her head out of the car window and surveys the scene with a stern look on her face. Toadie looks worried until Susan breaks into a smile and gives Toadie two thumbs up.
Inside, a guy opens his locker and bean bag beans pour out onto the floor. Anne, Lance and Amy are singing Toadie's praises. They go into the classroom and Toadie squirts Lance's trousers with a water pistol. Lance is not amused. Anne wonders if it's safe to go outside and Amy sends Lance. Toadie squirts him again in the face. Susan appears and tells Toadie to clean up the water. Another locker is opened and more bean bag beans pour out, leaving Susan looking exasperated. She enters the classroom and Lance complains about Toadie squirting him. Susan says she's not enjoying this day either but they all have to suffer through it so he'll just have to go and dry himself off.
Number 28
Karl is reading the newspaper over breakfast when Libby surfaces. He tells Libby she knew what she needed to do last night and he should have left it at that. Libby asks if that's an apology and Karl says it's a partial apology. Libby says a full apology would have persuaded her to go down to uni straight away and sort everything out. Karl says in that case he apologises unreservedly for being an overprotective father and nagging her and for anything else he's done over the last 18 years she's disliked!
Darren arrives, hobbling, and says Lou picked him up from hospital as the doctors wanted rid of him. He still feels like an idiot but Karl reminds him he fell off a ladder; he's a very lucky young man. Darren says he's got to take it easy and have a couple of physio sessions; the worst thing is Libby missed her exam. Libby says she's on her way to uni to sort it out. Darren offers her a lift but Libby wants him to take it easy. She says she's going to look after him, which makes Darren think he should fall off ladders more often!
KARL: Darren seems pretty keen to take you down to the university and as I doctor I'd say he's certainly up to it.
KARL: What?
LIBBY: You don't want to have to apologise again do you?
Karl just wants Libby to get her priorities right. Libby says as soon as Darren's rested a bit going to uni will be the first thing she does.
Erinsborough High
Susan is writing on the board in the classroom. Lance comments to Amy that the year 12s haven't done anything all afternoon. Bean bag beans suddenly start spewing out of the air conditioning vent and Lance tells Susan that it's snowing. Susan rolls her eyes and tries to go and sort it out but the door handle comes off of the door. Smoke starts coming through the vent and Susan tells the class to get down on the floor and put jumpers over their mouths so they can breathe. Susan uses a chair to break the glass in the door and open it from the other side. Everyone leaves the smoke- filled room.
Coffee Shop
Karl is telling Philip that Susan is leaning towards taking the Wangaratta job and living there during the week. He seems to be the only one who thinks it's a bad idea. Philip agrees with Karl, telling him that his and Susan's marriage seems to be as good as it gets. Of course Susan's career is important but why change something you can't improve upon?
Erinsborough High
A fireman tells Susan there's no more danger. The smoke was toxic but it has cleared. Susan thanks him and says they will get to the bottom of this.
Coffee Shop
Darren and Libby arrive and Karl asks Libby if she went to the university. Libby says yes and she can re- sit the exam... she just has to figure out if she wants to. Karl says they'll talk about that tonight and leaves. Darren sits down awkwardly and says he'll have to make an appointment to see Ruth. Libby is surprised he wants to see Ruth; won't he be embarrassed if she asks him to strip off?
DARREN: I didn't realise I had anything to be embarrassed about!
LIBBY: No, I just mean in terms of seeing her every day, you know. She does live across the street, remember?
DARREN: Yes, well I can handle it if she can!
Erinsborough High exterior
All the students are outside, coughing, and some are receiving oxygen from the paramedics. Toadie appears and Susan is after him; she knows he brought those foam balls to school. Toadie swears he didn't go anywhere near the air conditioning room.
SUSAN: Now you just listen to me. All of you! I will find out who was responsible and when I do that person is gonna be in more trouble than they thought possible!
<<2974 - 2976>>
Cara Winfield, Lance Wilkinson, Amy Greenwood, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 2975
Cara Winfield, Lance Wilkinson, Amy Greenwood, Toadie Rebecchi

Libby Kennedy, Darren Stark in Neighbours Episode 2975
Libby Kennedy, Darren Stark

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2975
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2975
Libby Kennedy

Libby Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Lou Carpenter, Louise Carpenter (Lolly), Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2975
Libby Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Lou Carpenter, Louise Carpenter (Lolly), Karl Kennedy

Susan Kennedy, Libby Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2975
Susan Kennedy, Libby Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Susan Kennedy, Billy Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 2975
Susan Kennedy, Billy Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Billy Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2975
Toadie Rebecchi, Billy Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

 in Neighbours Episode 2975

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 2975
Toadie Rebecchi

Anne Wilkinson, Lance Wilkinson, Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 2975
Anne Wilkinson, Lance Wilkinson, Amy Greenwood

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2975
Susan Kennedy

Toadie Rebecchi, Amy Greenwood, Lance Wilkinson, Anne Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 2975
Toadie Rebecchi, Amy Greenwood, Lance Wilkinson, Anne Wilkinson

Karl Kennedy, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2975
Karl Kennedy, Libby Kennedy

Libby Kennedy, Darren Stark in Neighbours Episode 2975
Libby Kennedy, Darren Stark

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2975
Susan Kennedy

Lance Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 2975
Lance Wilkinson

Karl Kennedy, Philip Martin in Neighbours Episode 2975
Karl Kennedy, Philip Martin

Fireman, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2975
Fireman, Susan Kennedy

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2975
Susan Kennedy

Toadie Rebecchi, Lance Wilkinson, Anne Wilkinson, Susan Kennedy, Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 2975
Toadie Rebecchi, Lance Wilkinson, Anne Wilkinson, Susan Kennedy, Amy Greenwood

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 2975
Toadie Rebecchi

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