- Mark takes some of Annalise's CDs to sell in the garage sale, for a prank
- Rick messes up the order for the pub
- Annalise is crying saying she made the oil for her and Mark.
- Hannah tries to dress up "old" but ends up making a bit of a fool of herself.
Dave is on his exercise bike. Annalise is looking for her CDs. Mark tells her that he sold them at the garage sale, in retaliation for when she sold some of his for charity.
MARK: Now we're even.
Annalise is not happy and says he'll have to buy them back. Suddenly he says he was just joking, he's given them to Gaby really.
What a twonk.
Gaby gives the CDs back to Mark. He says they're awful(!) She asks him to help her pick out a name for the baby - something out of the ordinary, but not too weird.
Her list is: Rhys, Jas
MARK: Perfect name for a boy. Wally!
GABY: Wally Willis?
MARK: Joke choice!
GABY: Nothing compared to my Dad's favourite, he like Phyllis.
MARK: Phyllis Willis?
They laugh.
Annalise is moaning that Mark hasn't come back yet and says he too pally with Gaby. She asks Dave if she has to get pregnant for some attention(!)
ANNALISE: You don't think we'll make it, do you?
DAVE: I didn't say that. I love you both. And I hope you *do* make it work.
ANNALISE: Yeah, but you don't think we will, do you?
DAVE: Stop trying to make me say things I don't mean. You women!
Dave is making up some essential oils and tells Annalise they're for pregnant women. She rolls her eyes.
DOUG: Are you sure boys are called 'Shannon' these days? I wouldn't want my grandson to be ribbed by his mates.
MARK: It's a name that suits a boy or a girl, that's why we chose it.
PAM: And, it's a fine Irish name, in- keeping with the child's Celtic ancestry.
DOUG: Well, then, Shannon it is!
They raise their glasses.
ALL: To Shannon!
They're all very pleased to have settled on a name, finally.
Rick comes over and says he's running out of supplies due to the beer strike. He's worried Annalise is going to kill him. Mark hurriedly looks at his watch and says that Rick isn't the only one(!) He rushes off home.
Hannah is up in the night. Helen comes out to talk to her. Hannah is worried that everyone will laugh at her.
HELEN: Your father understands that you're growing up.
HANNAH: He says he does, but he doesn't. And Mum doesn't want to know.
HELEN: No. We'll have to work on her. But she'll come round eventually.
HANNAH: Before I'm thirty?
Helen laughs.
Annalise has come to see Cheryl. She is ranting about Mark spending so much time with Gaby.
CHERYL: Annalise, you don't honestly think something's happening?!
ANNALISE: Well, yeah, I think it could be heading that way.
CHERYL: She is nine months pregnant for heaven's sake!
ANNALISE: Cheryl, some men find that very attractive in a women!
Cheryl assures her that Mark is just being supportive of Mark - it's her she loves. Cheryl suggests testing Mark with a little bit of flirtation.
Pub, the following morning
Annalise and Rick are setting up. Rick asks if she's had a fight with Mark and she insists she hasn't. Rick is forced to tell Annalise that they've run out of beer due to the beer strike. She is appalled, especially as it's the poetry reading today. She grabs Rick by the collar.
ANNALISE: If you want to keep your job, you'd better find me some beer, alright?!
Doug is sad that Pam is going on a bike trip with Dave. He says he's worried that Gaby might go into labour early, but she assures him it's just a day trip.
Cheryl is sitting in a wheelchair when Julie and Hannah come in with Holly the dog (apparently hospitals now let animals in as patient therapy. Sounds v hygienic(!))
Julie tells Cheryl that she's at odds with Hannah, but they agree not to discuss their parenting skills after what happened last time(!)
JULIE: I'm so very sorry, Cheryl. For everything.
CHERYL: We've been through all that. And I've testified in your favour.
JULIE: I know, the assault charges have been dropped!
CHERYL: Already?
JULIE: Look, I want to repay you. After the baby arrives, I'll be over morning, noon and night to help out. You won't have to lift a finger!
Cheryl looks worried.
CHERYL: Well...just send me a card or something, Jules(!)
Coffee Shop
Annalise comes in to find Gaby and Mark having a drink. Annalise tells him that she went to see Elliot last night but that they're just the same way that Gaby and Mark are friends(!)
She has a dig at Gaby's "stretch- marks and varicose veins" then stalks off.
Julie suggests that she and Hannah go to the park, but Hannah doesn't want to. When she's gone, Helen tells Julie to go with the flow a bit.
JULIE: There's so much that can go wrong. I'm scared, Gran. Scared of all the things that can happen to my baby when she's away from me.
HELEN: Darling, we all are, but you can't lock her up. The best you can do is advise her and guide her and hope that she makes the right decisions for herself in the end.
JULIE: You make it sound so easy!
HELEN: Oh, yes, parenting's the easiest job in the world(!)
Pam is massaging Doug shoulders and he is moaning that she is leaving him "in pain" for the day(!)
Rick rushes in and begs Doug to let him have his homebrew. They can't see it, but they can offer it for free to the customers. Doug says Macca has the key to the main stash but he's away, but he might have a few spare at Lou's.
Mark is telling Annalise off for her crack about Gaby's body. She agrees to apologise.
Just then, Elliot comes round. She quietly tells him that she's playing a trick on Mark, then kisses him on both cheeks in front of Mark. He plays along and tells her how much she will shine.
No.26, Garden
Julie produces Hannah's rabbit and says he has a lot of memories.
JULIE: Those days have gone. But Hannah, it doesn't mean I have to forget about them. What it does mean is, is that I've got my memories so I don't need to treat you like a baby anymore. I'm sorry, darling. I'll try to keep up with you from now on, OK?
They hug.
JULIE: But you're not an adult either, so don't you think you can get away with everything and anything!
HANNAH: Can I wear make- up?
JULIE: In moderation, on special occasions.
HANNAH: And go to Blue Light discos?
JULIE: Maybe.
HANNAH: And...
JULIE: Well, come on, spit it out, I'm in a good mood.
HANNAH: And can I keep my bunny for just a little while longer?
The punters are quite happy with free Beer, luckily. Apparently Annalise's recital went well.
Gaby comes in and Mark greets her. Annalise looks furious and tells Elliot that she's been inspired to write another poem!
Helen is excited to hear that Rosemary is visiting next week. She wants to discuss Helen's Outback Tours.
Hannah is ready for the poetry recital and Julie has helped her apply some make- up. Just when Hannah is looking her most grown- up, she uses the hand- shake trick on Phil(!)
Elliot introduces Annalise and everyone claps.
ANNALISE: Thank you all, and thank you all for coming. Firstly, I would like to read a poem that isn't from my collection, I just wrote it then.
DOUG: That's how all the eccentrics do it, love!
ANNALISE: Yeah, well, it's an issue that has touched on my life recently. I hope you all enjoy it.
The Pregnant Woman by Annalise Hartman
The gift of life she carries inside.
She's blossomed, she's radiant, she's glowing with pride.
(Gaby smiles.)
There are those that will say all the above and much more
But pregnancy, to me, it becoming a bore.
(Gaby's face falls.)
It really puzzles me, if only I knew
Why is it attractive to get fat, have cravings and spew?
(Mark is looking murderous.)
Baby talk, baby talk, everywhere I go.
My man's getting clucky, why I don't know.
Cos pregnancy to me is an abnormal state
For nine months of torture, I think I can wait.
There is silence, and Annalise rushes out.
MARK:(to Gaby) I'm so sorry, Gaby.
GABY: It's not your fault.
He hurries out after Annalise.
Outside the Pub
MARK: Annalise? Annalise, stop!
He catches up with her on the bridge.
MARK: Annalise, what the hell was all that about?!
She is crying.
ANNALISE: I'm sorry, Mark, but I wanted you to know how I felt!
MARK: In front of all those people?! You humiliated Gaby!
ANNALISE: Gaby?! What, is that all you can think about, her?! What about me?!
MARK: She didn't deserve it!
ANNALISE: What about what I deserve, Mark? You're meant to be *my* boyfriend! You pay more attention to her than you do to me!
MARK: Oh yeah? And what about all that stuff you were doing with Elliot, eh?
ANNALISE: I was just trying to make you jealous! I mean, all I want is some attention, Mark!
MARK: Well, I'm sick of your games, Annalise, and your jealousy! And the fact you don't trust me. And those constant digs at Gaby that she doesn't deserve.
ANNALISE: So what, you just want me to put up with this?!
MARK: I don't care. Cos I'm not. I've had enough. It's over, Annalise.
He stalks off.