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Neighbours Episode 2178 from 1994 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<2177 - 2179>>
Episode title: 2178
Australian airdate: 22/06/94
UK airdate: 21/03/95
UK Gold: 07/03/01
Writer: Jason Daniel
Director: Robert Meillon
Guests: Sam Kratz: Richard Grieve
Drew Grover: Christopher Kirby
Duck: Brian Nankervis
Nurse: Andrea Tatman
Dodgy Persons: Daniel Cassar and Steve Lane
- "Liar" by Horsehead
- "Drive Me Crazy" by Peter Andre
- "Tracy" by Skinwalker
- "Worlds Away" by Ian Moss
- "You Cant Make Love Without A Soul" by Jimmy Barnes
Summary/Images by: Clare
Sam is teasing Lou about falling off the chair. Lou worries about the consequences if he's laid up as well as Cheryl. Danni and Brett could look after themselves. They ran up a huge credit card bill when left alone before and they could do the same again. Danni could get up to other stuff as well! Sam offers to stay with them and thinks he could manage it easily. Lou is rather doubtful!
Phil thinks that Julie and Debbie will be managing fine at the beach and Debbie will be managing to recover. Phil thinks that going somewhere else will be a massive help and thinks it will help her want to eat again. Helen doubts there will be an easy answer.
PHIL: You think she'd be better off in hospital?
HELEN: We are talking about malnutrition. It is very serious. Debbie should be under medical supervision until she gains weight.
PHIL: She should be around people who love her. She needs a bit of pampering, that is all.
Hannah pesters Phil to look at some adverts, he wants to finish his coffee first but she is really keen so he agrees to look. One of the adverts is for Spook Stoppers who get ghosts and other spiritual predators to disappear. Helen scoffs and doesn't think Hannah should read these magazines. Hannah wants to ring them but Phil agrees with Helen.
HELEN: Why don't you concentrate on your ballet practice then these... won't bother you anymore.
HANNAH: Doesn't work like that.
HELEN: Oh silly me.
Phil suggests they contact Jennifer Harper but Hannah doesn't think that will work. Hannah isn't keen but Phil persuades her. As Hannah goes to her room Phil hopes Jennifer Harper will be able to help!
Cheryl is stunned as Lou is wheeled in by a nurse with his foot bandaged up. Lou explains what's happened and he'll be in hospital for a week. It's broken in 3 places and is a compound fracture. Lou will be in the same room as Cheryl that night, Cheryl is shocked! Lou starts laughing, it's really a bad sprain. He will be spending the night in Cheryl's room. Cheryl is astounded to hear Sam will stay with Brett and Danni as they don't know him very well.
LOU: We wouldn't want to wish them on someone we did well! (Lou roars with laughter.)
Danni is dancing around with her debutante dress to the music. Sam arrives and doesn't want her to stop! Danni isn't impressed he didn't bother to knock. Sam explains what's happened. Danni is sympathetic but can't believe that Sam will be staying with them. Sam is happy to help out, Danni agrees. Danni agrees that Sam can phone and let his Nan know what's happening.
Ramsay Street
It's now the next morning. Doug promises Pam he'll remember his doctors appointment at 12.30 that day. He will be ok to drive himself and Cody to where they need to be, Gaby asks for a lift as well.
Sam wants to know if Danni plans to be home straight after she finishes school. Sam isn't returning till 6 so wants Danni to pass on messages to anyone who calls. Sam walks off as Danni heads back inside.
Over her music Danni is telling Michael over the phone that she is getting fed up with not having Michael there with her. She isn't impressed that Brett will be her date to the Debutante Ball and she's broke. There's a knock at the door so Danni rings off.
The man at the door wants to know who Danni is, Danni wants to know the same thing. He wants to know who else is there, Danni doesn't want to tell him.
MAN: Just let Marlene know the stuff's been delivered.
Danni wants to know what's going on but the guy has already disappeared.
Outside No.24
Danni goes to look at the stuff. A sheet is covering something and she takes off the sheet. She finds a few boxes containing VCRs.
Lassiter's Complex
Pam is amazed at Gaby's cravings for chips and chutney. Pam thought it was more likely to be sushi or other Japanese food. Gaby is sensitive to her teasing, Pam points out that it's ok as she is Gaby's Mum! Gaby just wants to eat this or any other spicy food. She has got recipes from Mark, Pam wants her to enjoy this time. Gaby is fed up and getting bigger and bigger. She is ready for her baby to arrive!
Doug arrives and is managing better on his crutches. Doug thinks Gaby should be eating healthier food but Gaby doesn't want to listen to him as well. The doctor thinks that the prostate is enlarged. Doug will be going for neurologist tests, Pam thinks this is a good idea. Doug is worried an operation will be required, Pam thinks it will be straightforward.
DOUG: It's going to be very very serious.
PAM: I know but I'm doing my best not to worry about it right now. You mustn't either.
GABY: Look on the bright side. At least you don't have to give birth.
PAM: Let's try and be positive.
Danni is listening to her music as she eats when there's another knock at the door. Danni puts the box from earlier on the floor and goes to answer the door. The man gives Danni a code of a VCR he is looking for, Danni is confused. He asks if there is one she is selling, she has one but is baffled. He holds up a lot of cash and she gives him the box. He leaves and Danni stares at the cash in wonder.
Outside Erinsborough High
Cody is heading home when she spots Drew waiting for her. She walks straight past him but he is keen to talk, she refuses to listen. He really wants to be friends. If he wishes she'll sign the divorce papers, keep quiet about their relationship and deny knowing him.
DREW: That has nothing to do with how I feel about you Cody.
CODY: Your career is safe. Can we just leave it at that?
Drew wants to discuss this in a less public space. He needs to tell her something.
Hannah has rung Spook Stoppers and asks to speak to Duck or Flash. She requests a psychic detective and wants to talk it over in person. She mentions the no obligation quote and tells them it's really important. She gives the address and rings off. Helen comes in and Hannah tells her she was talking to Miranda. Apparently Miranda needs the house number for the address book. Helen doesn't look so convinced! Hannah hides the advert in the drawer.
Lassiter's Lake
DREW: I don't know this to be goodbye.
CODY: But it is so it has to be.
Drew wants her to reconsider, she scoffs at being his lover part- time! He still loves her but this isn't her idea of love.
DREW: I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place and I don't know which way to go. Don't you still have any feelings for me?
Cody is after the divorce papers but Drew wants an answer. She no longer respects him and points out that love requires respect. She wishes he had been honest instead of lying. He thought she would be less hurt if he loved someone else than her.
CODY: Finding out you were ashamed to have anything to do with me.
DREW: That's a lie. You know I've never been ashamed of you.
She asks for the papers again and he hands them over. Apparently a public servant needs to witness the signature, Cody promises to sort that out. She's not interested in reading the small print. She stands, hopes he has a good life and offers her hand. He pulls her back onto the bench and kisses her. She pulls away and isn't impressed, she leaves.
Danni is counting the money. Sam comes home and sees the money as Danni tries to hide it. She asks him if he knows about any deliveries. She shows him the VCR, there are plenty more. Sam isn't impressed that the guy seemed to have the wrong address and she pocketed the cash.
SAM: Marlene's my Nan's name.
Outside No.24
Sam wants to check Danni hasn't sold any more VCRs, Danni promises she hasn't done so. Sam asks for the money and Danni hands it over. Danni wants the truth. Sam is in the dark but plans to ring Marlene. Sam doesn't want her spreading the word that the VCRs are dodgy. Danni suggests that she keeps quiet in exchange for a favour. Sam points out what she's done. Danni reminds him that Marlene is the one doing dodgy deals.
Gaby is willing to have seconds of dinner then reminds herself that it's not good to eat for two.
GABY: I already feel like a pimple ready to burst. What's it going to be like full- term?
They carry on chatting, Doug moans about everything going wrong lately. Pam encourages Cody to eat, she's not very hungry. Pam asks what happened. Cody isn't willing to share and is going to escape to do homework.
Doug hopes that Drew is leaving. Pam is hopeful as Cody hasn't said much since she got home. Gaby decides to eat Cody's dinner and Pam reminisces about being pregnant, especially with Adam and Brad! Doug passes a package from Brad and Beth that he's just remembered. Gaby opens it to find a little cardigan.
DOUG: I wonder who knitted it Beth or Brad?!
Sam and Danni are practicing dancing. Sam points out he can't dance so isn't much help. Danni thinks he'll be ok. Sam tells her he gets claustrophobic when he wears suits. Danni is keen for him to take her and thinks he's a better option than Brett. There are no other options at school and Michael is away. She doesn't want to stay home as Cheryl paid so much for the dress. It seems that the dance practice is the favour!
Doug and Gaby are watching the TV. The programme is about a procedure, Pam asks Doug to switch it off. They carry on watching until Doug gets fed up.
Cody isn't happy as she comes out of her room but tells Pam she's fine. She tells them she's sorted things out and Drew is heading back to America tonight. Pam realises that Cody wishes she was going too. She admits that might be the case. Pam reassures her she's made the right choice. Pam gives her a hug.
Drew is having a drink. Sam comes in and orders a beer, Drew orders another drink. Sam and Drew discover they both have trouble with their families. Sam has been to California but not as far as Ohio where Drew is from.
DREW: Why is that?
SAM: California girls.
DREW: We're talking meaningful relationships.
SAM: I'm talking deep heart- wrenching gut churning passion.
It turns out Sam was in California for 3 days! They both laugh over this. Drew has seen one girl he likes here in Erinsborough but it's not as straightforward. Sam thinks the girl might soften, Drew isn't so sure.
DREW: Only girl I really loved. Too much other stuff going on. It's hopeless.
SAM: If two people are meant to be together they will be.
Phil comes off the phone to the family counsellor Mrs Harper. Phil thought Hannah was ok with her but she's not so keen now. Phil has arranged for Hannah to see her after school the next day. Hannah doubts if it will work, Phil points out she promised to try. Hannah thinks things will be sorted by the next day.
There's a knock at the door. Hannah tries to race to the door but Helen wants to go. The man in the orange suit introduces himself as Duck from Spook Spotters. Duck looks around the property.
<<2177 - 2179>>
Lou Carpenter, Sam Kratz in Neighbours Episode 2178
Lou Carpenter, Sam Kratz

Philip Martin, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 2178
Philip Martin, Helen Daniels

Hannah Martin, Philip Martin in Neighbours Episode 2178
Hannah Martin, Philip Martin

Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark in Neighbours Episode 2178
Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark

Pam Willis, Doug Willis, Cody Willis, Gaby Willis in Neighbours Episode 2178
Pam Willis, Doug Willis, Cody Willis, Gaby Willis

Danni Stark in Neighbours Episode 2178
Danni Stark

Dodgy Person in Neighbours Episode 2178
Dodgy Person

Danni Stark in Neighbours Episode 2178
Danni Stark

 in Neighbours Episode 2178

 in Neighbours Episode 2178

Pam Willis, Gaby Willis, Doug Willis in Neighbours Episode 2178
Pam Willis, Gaby Willis, Doug Willis

Dodgy Person in Neighbours Episode 2178
Dodgy Person

Danni Stark in Neighbours Episode 2178
Danni Stark

Cody Willis, Drew Grover in Neighbours Episode 2178
Cody Willis, Drew Grover

Hannah Martin in Neighbours Episode 2178
Hannah Martin

Cody Willis, Drew Grover in Neighbours Episode 2178
Cody Willis, Drew Grover

Drew Grover in Neighbours Episode 2178
Drew Grover

 in Neighbours Episode 2178

Sam Kratz, Danni Stark in Neighbours Episode 2178
Sam Kratz, Danni Stark

Danni Stark, Sam Kratz in Neighbours Episode 2178
Danni Stark, Sam Kratz

Drew Grover, Sam Kratz in Neighbours Episode 2178
Drew Grover, Sam Kratz

Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 2178
Helen Daniels

Duck in Neighbours Episode 2178

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