- Doug is upset that Cody has ruined his reputation
- Jesse, egged on by some other boys, throws a water- bomb at Hannah
- Cheryl tells Lou that she thinks Rick is going out with Sally his ex- teacher
- The police want to interview Julie
Phil and Julie are having breakfast. Hannah comes out and says she feels unwell (clearly faking). Julie sends her off to get ready.
Julie is worried about going to the police station. Phil tells her it's probably jsut a formality.
Rick and Lou are having a cup of tea. Lou quietly asks him about Sally and whether Rick left school so he could be with her. Rick indignantly tells him that he loves Sally. Lou is stunned.
Kris has come to see Gaby and if flirting with her. He asks what she thinks about a fresh young face to advertise Lassiter's. He gives her some photos to look through. Gaby says she'll look later as she's going home today.
Pam is cooking and is still cross with Cody. She heads off to pick up Gaby.
Debbie comes to see Cody. Cody tells her the whole family are cross with her and there's no other buyer for the house.
A road
Julie and Phil are driving and for some reason Hannah is sitting between them without a seatbelt on(!) Hannah asks them to let her out early so that she "won't look like a nerd". Julie gives her a permission slip to hand in for the forthcoming camp in Warrnambool, much to Hannah's displeasure.
Hannah gets out and Phil and Julie drive off. When they've gone, Hannah sees Jesse and runs off. Jesse chases her.
A side street
Hannah shouts at Jesse that she doesn't want to talk to him again ever. He explains that it was just a dare. She shouts at him to go away and then goes into a house (I think it is t he Kia- Ora house that Doug is renovating)
Coffee Shop
Sally is reading a Japanese text when Lou comes in.
LOU: Take you long to learn how to read that stuff?
SALLY: Japanese? A lot longer than it took how to speak it.
LOU: From a friend?
SALLY: Business acquaintance. The people I interpreted for at dinner the other night?
LOU: Oh, I see.
SALLY: Please, sit down.
LOU: Sure, sure. I'm not interrupting anything, am I? Yes, Cheryl said the dinner went very well. Apart from some trouble with a drunk at the end.
SALLY: Yes. But Rick handled it well. You would have been proud of him.
LOU:(strained) Yes. You're fond of him I gather?
SALLY: Well, I...
LOU: Oh come on, there's no need to deny it. He speaks very well of you. You know what it's like, first love.
SALLY: Is there a point to this, Lou?
LOU: You tell me. Has Rick thrown away his education on a fantasy?
SALLY: A career in the hospitality industry isn't a fantasy.
LOU: That's not what I mean, Sally, and you know it.
Rick can be seen in the background.
LOU: It must be very handy for you now thre's no distractions in the classroom.
SALLY: I'm not enjoying this conversation.
RICK:(coming over) Neither am I!
SALLY: Leave it, it's OK.
RICK: It's not OK. How dare you talk to Sally like that?
LOU: Mate, I'm just trying to understand what's going on between you two.
RICK: No, you're not, you're causing trouble, that's what you're doing! Look, we don't need your comments or your interference. Just stay out of it OK.
He goes off with Sally.
Gaby is home from hospital and Pam suggests she goes and has a lie down. Gaby says she's fine, but agrees to a cup of tea. They talk about the Doug and Cody situation which still isn't good.
Cody and Debbie are talking about the house. They still can't find a decent buyer.
Julie comes in. Debbie jokes to Cody that Julie has been "helping the police with their enquiries"(!) Apparently she just had to make a statement and describe the man who sold her the comics.
DEBBIE: It wasn't the smartest thing you've done, young lady! Consider yourself grounded(!)
When Julie has gone, Debbie tells Cody that a councillor has been in touch and the council want to see them about buying it.
Kia-Ora House
Hannah is still hiding in the house when she sees Cody, Debbie and the Councillor in the garden.
Cody and Debbie are showing the councillor the stables which is apparently "spectacular". (It looks a bit run- down and run- of- the- mill to me, but what do I know!)
Kris has come round with a picnic lunch for Gaby. She tells him she likes his idea about the "young face" and wants to use Rick Alessi - they could follow his training.
Kia- Ora House
Cody, Debbie and the councillor are talking about the house. She loves the house and says they need to preserve history. Luckily, she doesn't go up the attic where Hannah is hiding. She'll do her best to get the council to buy the property.
A park(?)
We cut to a musical montage of two figures in sleeping bags in the open - Rick and Sally. They wake up and wish each other good morning. Not sure if this is a dream sequence?!
Julie is extolling the virtues of the whale-watching trip to Warrnambool. Hannah says she doesn't want to go and doesn't have any friends.
Julie drops Hannah off outside the school for the trip. The bus is there, but Hannah doesn't get on it. Jesse waves to her from the back window of the bus, looking confused.
Shopping Centre
Sally and Rick (so it wasn't a dream sequence!) see an Aboriginal busking (playing a didgeridoo) There follows a montage of them enjoying a date in a shopping centre and feeding each other icecream, holding hands, etc.
Rick and Sally have apparently been on a "24 hours of non-interference trip" and are now eating takeaway pizza.
RICK: You know, I've just realised. I would die for you.
SALLY: Lucky you don't need to, then.
Rick is still upset about Lou hassling Sally.
RICK: The rest of the world can go and jump. I love you, and that's all that matters.
Pam tells Gaby that Kris seems nice. Gaby insists that she doesn't want a man or to get married. Pam says she'll feel differently once the baby is born(!)
Cody comes in and tells them they have a chance to sell the Kia- Ora house to the council. Pam instantly forgets how cross she is with Cody and offers to help with the letter- writing campaign.
Lou is telling Phil about his concerns over Rick and Sally. Also, he asks Julie about the police stuff and the comics.
Julie goes off to ring the camp for an update on the trip, while Phil tells Lou that the situation with Rick and Sally will "sort itself out". Rick is just young and "in love". Lou starts reminiscing about his first girlfriend, Melissa. It lasted four months. They also talk about being present at a birth - Phil was there for Hannah's birth.
JULIE: Philip! Hannah's not at the school camp!
PHIL: What?
JULIE: She didn't get on the bus.
Kia-Ora House
Hannah is holed up in the house, trying to sleep on the floor (in a sleeping bag) She hears some noises and looks very scared.