- Julie takes 100 copies of "Dissection Man" from a magazine rep at the Newsagency
- Phil is taking extra ballroom lessons as a surprise for Julie's birthday
- Anna is helping Michael and Debbie to expose Len
- Helen tells Len they'd better have a "serious talk"
HELEN: What is going on?
LEN: Oh, for heaven's sake, Helen! Don't tell me you're jealous at your age!
HELEN: What do you mean, 'at my age'?! You've been flirting with that woman!
LEN: It's not flirting, it's just a bit of chat, doesn't mean a thing. Are you telling me I can't have a bit of fun anymore?
HELEN: What's got into you?
LEN:'s all been getting a little too heavy. I mean, us, the business, I just want us to have a bit of fun, both of us, you know, a few laughs! There's more to life at our age. Maybe we shouldn't have gone into partnership.
HELEN: This artists' tour was your idea.
LEN: It was a pipe dream...and then you started running with it and then all of a suddenly it's accountants and banks and schedules and...I mean, it's hard enough getting it off the ground, but I can't contribute a cent. I really can't see it working, Helen.
HELEN: So you don't want to do it at all. I can't believe this is happening! Why didn't you say something before?
LEN: Well...I was trying to find a way, but you seemed so happy and I didn't want to hurt you.
HELEN: You lied to me! You put my livelihood at risk, my Lassiter's shares.
LEN: I didn't say you should sell them! I thought you'd put something up as collaterol, like this house.
HELEN: So the family was right, you were conning me all the time!
LEN: No! No, it's not like that. You haven't lost any money yet and that's why I'm telling you now.
HELEN: Hmmm. So I'm supposed to thank you, am I?
LEN: try and understand, Helen. I've never been very good at responsibility.
HELEN: Well...I'd like you to go now. You can come tomorrow and pick up your things.
LEN: Can't we still be mates? I mean, there's no need for it to be so serious, we can have a bit of fun, kick up our heels! Show the young'uns how it's done.
HELEN: I don't think so.
LEN: Oh. I'm sorry.
HELEN: Just go.
He does.
(The following morning)
It's Julie's birthday and Debbie gives Julie a nice top. Michael comes out and gives her a photo frame, so they can get a family portrait done. Julie is touched.
Phil has been out to buy pastries for breakfast (Vikram is minding the shop). Michael comments that he hasn't seen Len this morning yet. Phil tells Julie that she'll have to wait for his present from him - it's a surprise!
Cheryl is gushing to Lou how well Rick did at the Japanese evening last night. She tells Lou that she thinks Rick and Sally have something going on. Lou advises her to keep quiet about it.
Cheryl asks Lou how he'd feel about a home birth.
CHERYL: I could have it here, with all the family around me, and...
LOU:(suddenly serious) Out of the question!
LOU: Cheryl, what if something goes wrong? Now, they've got the full medical kit and caboodle at the hospital. I'm not taking any risks with you or the baby.
CHERYL: Neither am I, Louis, I'm just...looking into it.
Phil is looking through "Dissection Man" in horror. He tells her it's full of hard- core violence and they'd better get it off the shelf. Julie looks at it and is also horrified, calling it "sick". Phil says it's lucky that they haven't sold any.
The sad music is playing as Helen is considering events with Len. She has a photo of them and rips it up.
A couple of (plain clothed) police men turn up to search the premises for "violent or pornographic material being sold to minors". Julie insists that it's a family business and starts babbling about the comics. She shows them the comics from behind the counter and he says he'll expect Phil at the station this afternoon to make a statement!
JULIE: But's my birthday!
POLICEMAN: Many happy returns.
Cheryl has called a family conference with Lou, Danni and Brett to discuss a home birth.
CHERYL: This is the last baby I expect to have, and I thought that I'd like to have it at home with all my family around me, and I wondered how you all felt about it.
BRETT: Well, I think it's great!
CHERYL: You do?
BRETT: Yeah! Miracle of birth is something we should all experience, I reckon.
LOU: That's a very mature attitude, Brett.
BRETT: Yeah, well, I wasn't there for Jeffrey. I don't want to miss out this time.
LOU: Your rat?
BRETT: Yeah. When he had his babies. I didn't see it. It's awesome, I reckon. Can I cut the cord, Mum?
CHERYL: Oh. Um, I'd have to think about that one.
LOU: And what about you, Danni, what do you think of the idea?
DANNI: You actually want us there, when the baby's being born?
LOU: That's what your mum's got in mind.
DANNI: Oh, yuck!
CHERYL: It's a perfectly natural thing, Dannielle, I didn't find you under a cabbage!
DANNI: And what about hospitals? Isn't that what they're there for? As a place for women to have babies. Come on, get real. I can't even believe you guys are considering it.
LOU: Danni. Danni, I felt the same way at first. I'm still not too crash- hot on the idea. But I think there's more to having a baby than forceps and doctors and big lights. This is a new life coming into the world, love.
DANNI: But that doesn't mean we ought to be part of it.
LOU: Why not? I mean, this baby is going to affect all our lives. And provided your mum and the baby are safe, then this home birth could be something special for all of us. We don't want to short- change ourselves on that, do we.
BRETT: No. I want to be there, Mum. And can I take notes? It might come in handy for a biology assignment.
DANNI: Oh, please(!)
BRETT: What?
CHERYL: Perhaps you'd like to take a stopwatch in as well(!)
BRETT: Good idea! I'll make a list!
CHERYL: Hang on, there'll be plenty of time for that. They actually have videos on this sort of thing, so what about I rent one out, we all sit around, have a look at it and work out how we feel about it all.
Danni doesn't look convinced.
Phil is surprisingly chilled out about being summoned to the police station.
PHIL: It won't be all bad. Our solicitor will be down there with me, and in a year or two when I'm out of jail, we'll be laughing about it(!)
Julie is a bit outraged at being accused by the police, but Phil says it's a birthday to remember!
Cheryl, Lou, Danni and Brett are watching a video of a birth of a baby. Lou and Danni are transfixed, Cheryl and Brett less so(!) In fact, Brett has fainted!
Len comes in to see Phil. He tells him he's come to give his resignation, effective immediately.
JULIE: Does Gran know you're doing this?
LEN: I think she's got the gist of it, yes.
JULIE: Has something happened that we don't know about?
LEN: Nothing that concerns you.
JULIE: Len, I think you should keep us informed. After all, we've gone so far as to offer you a job, which you're now turning your back on.
LEN: You offered me a job you thought I wouldn't take. I don't owe you anything.
He walks out. Julie and Phil aren't sure what to make of this.
Len comes in and finds his suitcase packed.
LEN: Helen?
Debbie and Michael come out of their bedrooms.
DEBBIE: She's not here.
MICHAEL: She went out. Must have known you were coming. You don't give a damn, do you?
DEBBIE: Gran told Michael the truth about you.
LEN: Oh, did she? And how do you know it's the truth?
DEBBIE: Well, it's obvious. From what you've done to Gran and the way you've been chasing Anna...
MICHAEL: You going to try to rip her off next?
LEN: I haven't ripped anyone off!
DEBBIE: Only Gran.
LEN: If I wanted to rip her off, I'd have let her put money into the business. But I was the one who stopped it.
DEBBIE: Only because you got scared.
LEN: Scared of what? You kids? Helen didn't give a damn what you kids said or did. She didn't take any notice of you.
MICHAEL: Forget it. You can't talk your way around what Gwen told me.
LEN: Ah. I broke it off with Gwen and she's bitter. Anyway, I don't care what you kids think. Helen's the one I'm concerned about.
DEBBIE: We're not the ones who have made her unhappy!
LEN: Ah, aren't you? I suppose Anna turned up here by sheer coincidence! And I wonder how she found out Helen's address.
MICHAEL: Don't try to put the blame on to us, you did that all by yourself.
LEN: Helen is alone because of you two. Give it some thought.
He walks out.
Phil is dressed up to take Julie out for her birthday. Julie offers to stay home with Helen, but she says he's fine.
When they've gone, Michael and Debbie tell Helen that they sent Anna round. Helen is upset to hear that they are involved.
HELEN: How dare you interfere in my personal life.
DEBBIE: Oh...we thought it might be for the best...
HELEN: You stuck your noses in to something that you know absolutely nothing about. You not only ruined a friendship, you humiliated me in the bargain!
Oh, give over, Helen.
Lassiter's Restaurant
It seems that Phil has booked the whole restaurant out for Julie's birthday!
PHIL: Just for you.
Len pops round.
HELEN: I really have nothing to say to you, my feelings haven't changed since last night.
LEN: I can understand that. But I've got my pride as well, and there's something I want sorted out.
HELEN: Oh? What might that be.
LEN: People have been telling you I'm a liar. I don't like that.
HELEN: My family is protective, that's all. Now will you please leave them out of this.
LEN: I wish they'd done the same with us. I'm going to miss you, Helen. I just wish things were different.
HELEN: I think we realised last night the mistake we were making.
He hands her a package.
LEN: I wanted you to have this. It's a painting. I think you'll like it.
HELEN: I don't think so.
LEN: I'm not leaving unless you accept it.
HELEN: Alright, I'll accept it. Now, will you please go.
He puts the painting down and leaves without another word.
Lassiter's Restaurant
Phil and Julie are ballroom dancing. She's impressed at his skills, especially when the tango starts playing.
JULIE: You know, you were right.
PHIL: About what? The tango, my footwork, what?
JULIE: This is the best birthday I've ever had.
Brett is now conscious again(!)
DANNI: Guess it's a bit different to rats, huh(!)
Brett claims that it wasn't the video, he just got a bit hot. Cheryl says she's never seen birth from that angle either(!) and she hasn't entirely decided on a home birth yet.
The painting Len left is a Sidney Nowlan original, but it hasn't changed Helen's mind about Len. Julie admits that she wasn't a big fan of Len's, but he did make her happy.
HELEN:(laughing) Oh, I thought you'd be so full of 'I Told You So's, I've been bracing myself to deal with it!
JULIE: I think that's the last thing you need to hear right now.
HELEN: I don't know. About anything, anymore.
JULIE: Oh, Gran.
HELEN: I'll be alright, darling.
Phil comes in looking worried - he's been talking to his solicitor.
PHIL: The police want to interview you this time. Down at the station, first thing in the morning.