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Neighbours Episode 2138 from 1994 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<2137 - 2139>>
Episode title: 2138
Australian airdate: 27/04/94
UK airdate: 24/01/95
UK Gold: 10/01/01
Writer: David Allen
Director: Grant Fenn
Guests: Sally Pritchard: Brenda Webb
Anna Borobokas: Judith Graham
Len Mangel: John Lee
Japanese Businessman: James Lou
Australian Businessman: Rick Fletcher
Summary/Images by: Sayaka
- Cody is worried about the Kia- Ora house sale.
- Rick is going to be the waiter for the Japanese night.
- Len and Helen are trying to start a business, but Len isn't always pulling his weight.
- Debbie and Michael ask Anna to help them to expose Len.
- Rick and Sally kiss
- Doug is ambushed by a reporter and camera at the Kia- Ora house (orchestrated by Cody)
DOUG: My own daughter, would you believe it!
PAM:(to Cody) Cody, how could you?
CODY: I'm sorry, Dad, I didn't know it would turn out like that.
DOUG: Mongrel reporter, now mouthing off about me selling off for a quick profit! I've never been more humiliated in my life!
CODY: I didn't know what else to do.
DOUG: Oh, come off it. You're talking about *me* not some stranger! Doesn't family loyalty mean anything anymore?!
CODY: What else was I to do?! Don't you understand, to pull that house down would be an act of vandalism?
DOUG: Rubbish! You don't know what you're talking about.
CODY: All I wanted to do...
PAM: I think you've done enough already, don't you?
Cheryl and Sally are visiting Gaby. They talk about the Japanese event and they assure Gaby that everything is fine. Gaby is surprised to hear that Rick is going to be the wine waiter and says that Sally will be getting some "very attentive service". Cheryl looks surprised.
Len is reading a newspaper in the kitchen when Helen comes in. She tells him off for not pulling his weight in their partnership. She thinks they'll have to cut a few corners to make the business profitable - for example, Len might have to drive one of the buses to start off. Len isn't very happy about this, and is even less happy when she says he'll have to prepare a spiel for the tourists!
Cody is telling Gaby what happened with the house and then afterwards with Pam and Doug. Gaby can see both sides - Cody has good motives, but she did put Doug on the spot. Gaby's not sure she could put a house before her own father.
Cheryl has had a hard day and is relaxing on the sofa. Brett comes in with Jeffrey the rat. Apparently the vet wouldn't de- sex Jeffrey as it's too complicated for a small rat. He'll just have to keep Jeffrey away from randy boy rats(!)
DANNI: I'm beginning to think he's lost it!
CHERYL: I'm beginning to think he never found it!
They laugh, and then Danni answers the door to Mark. He asks her to work in the kitchen for the Japanese night and she readily agrees. When he's gone, Danni looks a bit dreamy about Mark. Cheryl tells her to get over her crush on him.
Doug watching himself on the news(!) He's not happy that the reporter has made him look very bad and Doug is upset.
DOUG: It's a disaster, Pam. My name will be mud all over Erinsborough!
PAM:(to Cody) I hope you're satisfied, Cody.
CODY: I didn't mean for them to do that. I just thought they were going to do a simple story!
PAM: Well, *you're* the one who's simple if you think that. You must have heard what some of these reporters are like!
CODY: Dad, honestly, I didn't mean for...
PAM: I don't think your father's interested in what you did or didn't mean right now, Cody. Haven't you done enough harm as it is? Just leave him alone.
CODY: Dad...
PAM: You heard your mother.
Lassiter's, the following morning
Cheryl is instructing Rick how to do the wine for the silver service. Mark comes over and says he's had to slightly change the menu as there was no asparagus.
Pam is still very cross with Cody. Doug has apparently been up tonight worrying about his reputation being ruined forever. Cody feels guilty.
Anna's garden
Anna is gardening when Len comes along on his newspaper delivery round. He flatters her up about her garden and invites him in for a cup of tea.
ANNA: Would you like to join me?
LEN: Well, er...
ANNA: I could probably stretch to a biscuit as well.
LEN: You've convinced me. My round's nearly finished anyway.
He follows her into the house.
Brett and Helen have been for a driving lesson. He notices that Helen is a bit distracted, but she assures him that she's fine. They agree to meet up for another lesson tomorrow.
Lassiter's Restaurant
Sally pops in to see Rick. He wishes her luck with the interpreting today.
When she's gone, Rick tells Mark that he's a bit nervous about tonight. Mark assures him that he'll be fine.
Len comes in and Helen wants to work on the business, but Len is distracted. He tells Helen that he's putting him under too much pressure.
LEN: Look, Helen, I need time to think. I'm not sure where I am. I'm going for a walk.
Cheryl is coaching Rick about silver service again. Mark gets off the phone and tells Cheryl that Maitre D is drunk and can't come in, Cheryl says Rick will just have to do it!
Lassiter's kitchen (evening)
Danni and Brett have arrived to help out and Rick is stressing about being Maitre D.
Sally has popped in to see Rick. She tells him she doesn't want any special attention tonight. Rick tells her about being Maitre D!
Helen and Pam are having a cup of tea. Helen has realised that the family's objections made her more stubborn to go into business with Len. She's not sure what to do now - Len is not the man she thought he was.
They talk about the news interview. Helen says that Cody's heart is in the right place - she and Doug are both stubborn people.
Rick is showing people to their tables. Sally is translating from Japanese, although she doesn't seem to speak any(!)
Cheryl is pleased that everything is going well.
CHERYL:(to Mark) I think we might just get away with it!
Cody has come to see Gaby. She feels guilty about going to the press about Doug. Gaby says the gossip will soon pass.
One of the guests is drunk and tries to grope Danni! She protests to Cheryl. The guest is now sleazing on Sally and Rick peels him off and sends him back to his seat. Rick handles the situation very well.
Kitchen (Later)
Sally comes in and tells Rick that he handled the drunk guest expertly.
SALLY: I've seen a whole new side to you tonight, Rick Alessi, and I think I like it. I like it a lot!
They kiss.
Anna comes round looking for Len. He's surprised to see her and she hands him some magazines.
ANNA:(to Helen) He left them by mistake, at my place. Men can be so careless sometimes, can't they?
HELEN: Yes, they certainly can.
Anna heads off to meet some "young friends" and when she's gone, Len looks guilty.
HELEN: I think it's time we had a serious talk, don't you?
<<2137 - 2139>>
Doug Willis in Neighbours Episode 2138
Doug Willis

Pam Willis in Neighbours Episode 2138
Pam Willis

Cody Willis in Neighbours Episode 2138
Cody Willis

Sally Pritchard, Cheryl Stark, Gaby Willis in Neighbours Episode 2138
Sally Pritchard, Cheryl Stark, Gaby Willis

Cheryl Stark, Danni Stark in Neighbours Episode 2138
Cheryl Stark, Danni Stark

Brett Stark in Neighbours Episode 2138
Brett Stark

Doug Willis in Neighbours Episode 2138
Doug Willis

Doug Willis, Pam Willis in Neighbours Episode 2138
Doug Willis, Pam Willis

Mark Gottlieb, Cheryl Stark, Rick Alessi in Neighbours Episode 2138
Mark Gottlieb, Cheryl Stark, Rick Alessi

Len Mangel in Neighbours Episode 2138
Len Mangel

Anna Borobokas in Neighbours Episode 2138
Anna Borobokas

Brett Stark, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 2138
Brett Stark, Helen Daniels

Mark Gottlieb, Rick Alessi in Neighbours Episode 2138
Mark Gottlieb, Rick Alessi

Helen Daniels, Len Mangel in Neighbours Episode 2138
Helen Daniels, Len Mangel

Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 2138
Helen Daniels

Cheryl Stark in Neighbours Episode 2138
Cheryl Stark

Rick Alessi in Neighbours Episode 2138
Rick Alessi

Cheryl Stark, Danni Stark, Brett Stark in Neighbours Episode 2138
Cheryl Stark, Danni Stark, Brett Stark

Rick Alessi, Mark Gottlieb in Neighbours Episode 2138
Rick Alessi, Mark Gottlieb

Pam Willis, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 2138
Pam Willis, Helen Daniels

Rick Alessi in Neighbours Episode 2138
Rick Alessi

Cheryl Stark, Mark Gottlieb in Neighbours Episode 2138
Cheryl Stark, Mark Gottlieb

Australian Businessman, Danni Stark, Japanese Businessman in Neighbours Episode 2138
Australian Businessman, Danni Stark, Japanese Businessman

Japanese Businessman, Australian Businessman, Sally Pritchard, Danni Stark, Rick Alessi, Cheryl Stark in Neighbours Episode 2138
Japanese Businessman, Australian Businessman, Sally Pritchard, Danni Stark, Rick Alessi, Cheryl Stark

Australian Businessman, Rick Alessi, Japanese Businessman, Sally Pritchard in Neighbours Episode 2138
Australian Businessman, Rick Alessi, Japanese Businessman, Sally Pritchard

Danni Stark, Cheryl Stark in Neighbours Episode 2138
Danni Stark, Cheryl Stark

Sally Pritchard, Rick Alessi in Neighbours Episode 2138
Sally Pritchard, Rick Alessi

Rick Alessi, Sally Pritchard in Neighbours Episode 2138
Rick Alessi, Sally Pritchard

Anna Borobokas, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 2138
Anna Borobokas, Helen Daniels

Len Mangel in Neighbours Episode 2138
Len Mangel

Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 2138
Helen Daniels

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