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Neighbours Episode 2141 from 1994 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<2140 - 2142>>
Episode title: 2141
Australian airdate: 02/05/94
UK airdate: 27/01/95
UK Gold: 15/01/01
Writer: Jason Daniel
Director: Riccardo Pellizzeri
Guests: Sally Pritchard: Brenda Webb
Jesse O'Connor: James Ryan
Aaron O'Connor: Greg Stone
Jemima Newman: Bernadette Lamaro
Arsonist: Ian Mall
- "Moondah" by Ayers Rock
- "Little Darling" by Jimmy Barnes
- "Easy" by Hunters And Collectors
- "Lost" by The Badloves
- "Getting Away With Murder" by Paul Norton
Summary/Images by: Sayaka
- Julie is in trouble with the police for buying a dodgy magazine
- Rick is cross with Lou for warning Sally off
- Julie gets a phonecall that Hannah is not at the school camp
- Hannah is holed up at the Kia-Ora house at night. She hears noises.
Kia-Ora house (night)
Hannah peeps out of the door and then goes to have a look. There are lots of noises. She looks down to see someone vandalising the house. In fact, they're putting down wood and pouring petrol on it. Hannah is frozen with fear.
Phil is on the phone to the police who are sending someone over. Julie is quite frantic.
Just then, Jesse's father barges in saying Jesse has disappeared from the school camp! He's assumed Jesse is with Hannah.
Phil explains that Hannah didn't make the bus - but Jesse did. They don't know what to thing now.
Kia-Ora house
Hannah sees Jesse enter the house and beckons him up. He explains he's skived off the camp and has brought her a present to make up to her about the waterbomb. It's a snake!
Hannah hurriedly explains that someone is trying to burn the house down and they'd better get out of the house before they're roasted alive(!) Jesse suggests using the snake to scare the man off!
They release the snake (apparently his name is Aristotle)
Julie has found a photo of Hannah to give to the police.
Kia-Ora house
The arsonist has noticed the snake. He hits it with some wood but then backs off up the stairs. Jesse jumps on the arsonists back and Hannah throws a boot at him. The arsonist falls down the stairs and lies there, prone.
The police ask Julie about the comic book enquiry too. But just then Jesse's dad and Phil come in - a note from Jesse has been found at the camp stating he's gone to find Hannah. Julie realises they might be at the Kia-Ora house.
Kia-Ora house
Phil, Julie, Jesse's dad and the police have arrived. Hannah and Jesse have apparently tied up the arsonist and excitedly explain the sequence of events to the the police.
Lou is up, unable to sleep. Cheryl comes out and puts the kettle on. Lou is worried about the Rick and Sally situation and thinks he should have handled it better.
LOU: I promised his parents I'd look after him. That's a bit hard to when you're not even talking to each other.
CHERYL: He'll come round soon.
LOU: I'm not so sure.
She hugs him.
Phil has put Hannah to bed. Julie is blaming herself for not watching Hannah actually get on the bus, but Phil tells her it's not her fault. They both agree it's time to enforce some discipline though and get their priorities back on track.
The Office, the following morning
Rick comes in to see Gaby, who is back in work. She tells him about the promotion idea for Lassiter's and how they want him to be the "face" of Lassiter's. Rick is pleased and accepts.
Rick comes in and tells Cheryl about becoming the "Face of Lassiter's". They talk about Lou. Cheryl says that Lou is just looking out for him.
Jesse's dad (Aaron) comes in and asks Phil to keep Jesse away from Hannah. He also has a go at him about the dodgy comics. It seems that Aaron was the one who called the police.
PHIL: We're on the same side here!
AARON: We most certainly are not. You just keep your daughter away from my son!
PHIL: Gladly! I don't want *my* daughter to have anything to do with you!
AARON: Then it should be no problem keeping them apart, should it?!
PHIL: No problem at all!
AARON: Good!
He stalks off.
The police are showing Julie a photo- fit of the comic seller. Also, the arsonist has confessed to working for the developers who want to buy the property. It's too difficult to get permission from the Council to redevelop the site - they figured it was easier to burn it down.
Suddenly, Julie spots a picture of the comic book seller. The police tell her that his name is Rohan Fitt. He's not going to be easy to nail.
Rick has invited Sally to the pub for lunch with Cheryl and Lou. Sally doesn't want to come after her run- in with Lou yesterday. Rick says that Lou is like a second father to him, and she eventually relents and agrees to come.
A road
Jesse tells Hannah that his father has made him change schools to get away from her! She invites him to have lunch with her, but he says he needs her to help him with something important.
Lou, Cheryl, Rick and Sally are getting on quite well over lunch. There is the odd awkward moment though. Lou innocently starts telling a story about his schoolboy crush and Sally immediately takes offence. She walks out saying she has to get back to school.
A park
Hannah and Jesse are burying Aristotle the snake and have just finished saying a prayer when Jesse sees the bag move! It seems the snake is alive after all!
Officer Newman has come to ask Julie to help them catch Rohan Fitt. They want to set a honeytrap and catch him red- handed selling the comic. Phil is dubious.
OFFICER NEWMAN: It's up to you, Mrs Martin. Will you help us?
<<2140 - 2142>>
Arsonist in Neighbours Episode 2141

Hannah Martin in Neighbours Episode 2141
Hannah Martin

Aaron O Connor, Julie Martin, Philip Martin in Neighbours Episode 2141
Aaron O Connor, Julie Martin, Philip Martin

Jesse O
Jesse O'Connor, Hannah Martin

Police Officer #1, Julie Martin, Police Officer #2 in Neighbours Episode 2141
Police Officer #1, Julie Martin, Police Officer #2

Philip Martin, Jesse O
Philip Martin, Jesse O'Connor, Hannah Martin

Arsonist in Neighbours Episode 2141

Hannah Martin, Philip Martin, Julie Martin in Neighbours Episode 2141
Hannah Martin, Philip Martin, Julie Martin

Aaron O Connor, Jesse O
Aaron O Connor, Jesse O'Connor

Jemima Newman, Arsonist in Neighbours Episode 2141
Jemima Newman, Arsonist

Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark in Neighbours Episode 2141
Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark

Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark in Neighbours Episode 2141
Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark

Philip Martin, Julie Martin in Neighbours Episode 2141
Philip Martin, Julie Martin

Gaby Willis in Neighbours Episode 2141
Gaby Willis

Rick Alessi in Neighbours Episode 2141
Rick Alessi

Cheryl Stark, Rick Alessi in Neighbours Episode 2141
Cheryl Stark, Rick Alessi

Aaron O Connor, Philip Martin in Neighbours Episode 2141
Aaron O Connor, Philip Martin

Philip Martin in Neighbours Episode 2141
Philip Martin

Jemima Newman, Julie Martin in Neighbours Episode 2141
Jemima Newman, Julie Martin

 in Neighbours Episode 2141

Sally Pritchard, Rick Alessi in Neighbours Episode 2141
Sally Pritchard, Rick Alessi

Jesse O
Jesse O'Connor, Hannah Martin

Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark, Sally Pritchard, Rick Alessi in Neighbours Episode 2141
Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark, Sally Pritchard, Rick Alessi

Sally Pritchard in Neighbours Episode 2141
Sally Pritchard

Jesse O
Jesse O'Connor

Hannah Martin, Jesse O
Hannah Martin, Jesse O'Connor

 in Neighbours Episode 2141

Jemima Newman, Julie Martin, Philip Martin in Neighbours Episode 2141
Jemima Newman, Julie Martin, Philip Martin

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