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Neighbours Episode 1328 from 1990 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<1327 - 1329>>
Episode title: 1328
Australian airdate: 07/11/90
UK airdate: 19/12/91
UK Gold: 03/12/97
Writer: Roger Moulton
Director: Tony Osicka
Summary/Images by: Sayaka
Gemma reacts very negatively to Ryan taking sedatives, but he counters that they are prescribed by the doctor, so they must be OK. Gemma says that pills aren't going to fix his stress over the exams - and anyway, they know at least two kids at school who got addicted to them. Ryan reckons that won't happen to him, and anyway, Adam says lots of guys at Uni take them. Gemma thinks he'd be better off talking to the school counsellor, but Ryan says it's only until after the exams. Gemma suggests that he asks Dorothy about it but Ryan refuses.
As they're arguing, Harold comes in through the back door and asks if everything is alright. Ryan says everything's fine.
Pam gets off the phone with a new job for Doug, and Adam is off to his exams. He's going to have a scribe because of his hand.
As Adam is leaving, Madge pops over to see Pam to give her the Neighbourhood Watch ultra- violet pen so she can mark up her valuables with it. Apparently Harold has marked everything that they own! Pam shows Madge the petition she's drawn up about asking the council to improve street lighting and Madge takes it away to get Harold's signature.
Dark Room
Melissa and Cody are printing photos. There's a knock at the door and they shout that they're not ready to open it yet. Finally they open the door, but the person who knocked it has gone. Cody heads off, leaving Melissa to hang up the last few prints. As she's doing them, the light goes off and someone kisses her in the dark! And it's not Josh! Melissa is shocked and the Phantom Kisser runs off!
Ramsay Street
Gemma tackles Adam about encouraging Ryan to take sedatives. Adam insists that he didn't - sedatives are a real trap: Ryan's taken what he said the wrong way. Adam says he'll sort it out.
Pam is marking up valuables with a ultra- violet pen and suggests that Cody does the same. Melissa rushes in and drags Cody into the living room. She tells Cody what happened with the Phantom Kisser! Cody is shocked and Melissa says it was an amazing kiss - so it couldn't have been Josh(!) They talk about a number of boys that it could have been but don't come to any conclusions. Melissa makes Cody promise to keep it quiet from both Josh and Todd.
Harold comes home from work feeling very tired. Madge says he needs an assistant, but Harold says it's better on his own so he can get the mortgage repaid sooner.
Gemma is studying at the kitchen table. She strikes up a conversation with Madge about exam stress and tells him about Ryan's rash. Madge isn't buying it and says that Gemma has to keep studying.
Cody rings a girl called Bianca because she has kissed every boy on the football team(!) to get her opinion on who was the best kisser. Apparently they were all a bunch of duds! Cody recommends that she tries the cricket team next(!)
Pam is earwigging and Cody tells her not to say anything to anyone. Before they can chat, Doug comes in, but Pam gets rid of him. Cody whispers in Pam's ear what Melissa said was special about the kiss and Pam laughs.
Ramsay Street
Madge sees Ryan heading over to see Gemma. She asks him if he's coping with the stress, but he says he's fine, and feeling pretty confident about the exams.
Doug is trying to get Pam to tell him what she and Cody were whispering about, but she won't tell. Madge comes around to return the petition and over tea, Pam tells her about the Phantom Kisser in the dark room! Pam whispers in Madge's ear what was so special about the kiss and Madge laughs, saying that Harold knows that trick too! Pam swears Madge to secrecy.
Adam comes in looking depressed and says he won't be hitch- hiking again. Everyone looks concern and then screams when Adam opens a small box to show a severed thumb inside! However, he's just joking - his hand is fine. He has to have some physiotherapy over the next few weeks, but everything will be fine and his medical career is still on track.
Adam says he'll have to find work now, and Doug start grilling Pam about Cody's secret again. Pam tells them about the Phantom Kisser but won't tell them the details.
Madge is telling Gemma about the Phantom Kisser! She whispers in Gemma's ear the details and Gemma laughs and says it's hot. Harold wants to know, but Madge says he's already mastered the technique! Gemma says she'll have to teach Matt. Also, she'll try to find out the identity of the kisser from some younger friends.
Coffee Shop
A boy comes over to Melissa and claims to be the Phantom Kisser. Then another one does the same! She's not impressed that the rumour is all over the school.
Ramsay Street
Adam asks Ryan about the sedatives. He says sometimes doctors are too busy to look at the proper reasons for stress, but Ryan says he feels great. He's only going to take them as prescribed. Adam still doesn't think it's a good idea.
Coffee Shop
Cody comes in and sits down with Melissa, telling her she's narrowed down the kiss suspects. But Melissa is very angry with her for spreading it around the school. Cody's the only person she told and now everyone knows - she's never going to speak to Cody again!
<<1327 - 1329>>
Ryan McLachlan, Gemma Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 1328
Ryan McLachlan, Gemma Ramsay

Pam Willis, Adam Willis in Neighbours Episode 1328
Pam Willis, Adam Willis

Madge Bishop, Pam Willis in Neighbours Episode 1328
Madge Bishop, Pam Willis

Cody Willis, Melissa Jarrett in Neighbours Episode 1328
Cody Willis, Melissa Jarrett

Melissa Jarrett in Neighbours Episode 1328
Melissa Jarrett

Gemma Ramsay, Adam Willis in Neighbours Episode 1328
Gemma Ramsay, Adam Willis

Pam Willis, Cody Willis in Neighbours Episode 1328
Pam Willis, Cody Willis

Cody Willis, Melissa Jarrett in Neighbours Episode 1328
Cody Willis, Melissa Jarrett

Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1328
Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop

Cody Willis, Pam Willis in Neighbours Episode 1328
Cody Willis, Pam Willis

Doug Willis in Neighbours Episode 1328
Doug Willis

Ryan McLachlan, Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1328
Ryan McLachlan, Madge Bishop

Madge Bishop, Pam Willis in Neighbours Episode 1328
Madge Bishop, Pam Willis

Madge Bishop, Adam Willis, Pam Willis, Doug Willis in Neighbours Episode 1328
Madge Bishop, Adam Willis, Pam Willis, Doug Willis

 in Neighbours Episode 1328

Pam Willis, Doug Willis, Adam Willis in Neighbours Episode 1328
Pam Willis, Doug Willis, Adam Willis

Madge Bishop, Gemma Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 1328
Madge Bishop, Gemma Ramsay

Mick Gilbert, Melissa Jarrett in Neighbours Episode 1328
Mick Gilbert, Melissa Jarrett

Mick Gilbert in Neighbours Episode 1328
Mick Gilbert

Adam Willis, Ryan McLachlan in Neighbours Episode 1328
Adam Willis, Ryan McLachlan

Melissa Jarrett in Neighbours Episode 1328
Melissa Jarrett

Cody Willis in Neighbours Episode 1328
Cody Willis

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