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Neighbours Episode 0922 from 1989 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0921 - 0923>>
Episode title: 0922
Australian airdate: 21/03/89
UK airdate: 25/05/90
UK Gold: 14/05/96
Writer: ?
Director: ?
Guests: ?
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Graham
Mike suggests to Jenny that they go for a drive in the car, but she'd rather stay home because she's feeling a bit tired. She goes off for a lie down. When she's gone, Des asks Mike again if he's sure he knows what he's taking on with Jenny and Mike says he has - he'll be with Jenny for as long as she needs him. Des says carefully that he doesn't think Mike has looked past tomorrow - there are practicalities like how Mike is going to support Jenny. Des says there are places Jenny can go for rehabilitation and retraining and they could help her better. He thinks Mike should think about it. Jenny overhears this last bit.
Beverly tells Helen that Madeleine told her that she and Jim is having an affair. Helen tells her Madeleine is unbalanced and it's blatantly untrue. Beverly is unconvinced but Helen tells her if anything was going on, she and the kids would have noticed - they live there too. But Beverly is still not convinced.
A country road
Sharon is starting to get a bit fed up but suddenly they see a sign outside a farm saying "Help Wanted". Sharon says she'd prefer to work in a town, but Nick says they've got less than a dollar to their name so they have no choice. Sharon says farmwork is really scummy. A girl comes up on a horse and she says she'll go and ask her father if he still needs people.
The Coffee Shop
Scott is serving to help Harold out. Jane comes in for some custard tarts for her and Helen to share. They chat about Paul and Gail - there's no sign of them coming back yet. Scott asks about Jane's personal life and she says there's not a lot going on. Madeleine comes in and Scott is definitely not pleased to see her. Madeleine apologises for the way she spoke to him yesterday and hopes he won't hold it against her. She says there's no hard feelings between them. She asks him if she can collect the 100 pages draft from the Robinsons this evening and he reluctantly agrees.
Outside a farm
A bloke comes up on a tractor and tells Nick and Sharon that they don't look up to much, but he'll give them a go for a couple of weeks. They can start straightaway. Sharon and Nick are very pleased.
Beverly is ranting at Jim who is insisting that he isn't having an affair. Beverly is freaking out and crying, saying there's too much evidence in favour of it. Jim says this is what Madeleine wants - them fighting. Beverly storms off to her room in tears.
In the kitchen, Helen tells Scott quietly what's happened with Madeleine. She's not pleased to hear Madeleine is coming around later.
Chicken Shed
Nick and Sharon are cleaning out the chickens when the farmer's daughter comes up and introduces herself as Laurie. Sharon is not pleased to see her distracting Nick and tells him to get on with his work.
Jenny is telling Mike that she's feeling much better and she wants to do more things with him. Mike looks pleased. But Jenny is clearly putting a brave face on things.
Beverly is not pleased that Madeleine is coming around. Helen answers the door to her and explains that Scott has gone into town. Jim tells Madeleine off for telling Beverly that they had an affair but she seems to be delusional on the subject. Beverly storms off again.
Helen comforts Beverly in the kitchen who says her marriage is worth fighting for.
In the living room, Scott tells Madeleine that she's been lying about her father and he can prove it. He's found out from the coroner's inquest that Madeleine's mother received a letter from her father when he was in jail confessing to the murder. That's why Madeleine's mother committed suicide. Madeleine starts to cry and admits that she didn't sleep with Jim - he didn't want her. She says that she always loses everything she loves, always ends up alone. She weeps pathetically.
Chicken shed
Sharon is in a right mood from working in the chicken shen. She accuses Nick of chatting up Laurie. Just then Laurie comes up and starts flirting with Nick. Sharon isn't pleased.
Beverly has settled Madeleine down with a sedative in hospital - she's agreed to face up to her problems and see a psychiatrist. Helen and Scott go to start dinner leaving Jim and Beverly to have a snog on the sofa.
Jenny wants to cook dinner tonight and is clearly still putting a brave face on things. Suddenly she starts to cry and tells Mike that she heard what Des said and she doesn't want to go to a rehabiliation centre. Mike says she doesn't have to leave him if she doesn't want to and they hug.
Chicken shed
Laurie is still flirting with Nick and invites him on a tour of the farm - just the two of them. But Nick says he's feeling a bit tired so says they'd better leave it for another day. Laurie threatens to tell her father that Nick's been rude to her, so he agrees to a tour. Then Laurie says she knows a great place to go skinny-dipping(!) Sharon takes great offence to this and throws a shovel of chicken manure at Laurie. The farmer sees this and tells Sharon and Nick that they're sacked.
<<0921 - 0923>>
Des Clarke, Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 0922
Des Clarke, Mike Young

Jenny Owens in Neighbours Episode 0922
Jenny Owens

Helen Daniels, Beverly Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0922
Helen Daniels, Beverly Robinson

Sharon Davies, Nick Page in Neighbours Episode 0922
Sharon Davies, Nick Page

Laurie in Neighbours Episode 0922

Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 0922
Jane Harris

Scott Robinson, Madeline Price in Neighbours Episode 0922
Scott Robinson, Madeline Price

Farmer in Neighbours Episode 0922

Jim Robinson, Beverly Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0922
Jim Robinson, Beverly Robinson

Scott Robinson, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0922
Scott Robinson, Helen Daniels

Nick Page, Laurie in Neighbours Episode 0922
Nick Page, Laurie

Mike Young, Jenny Owens in Neighbours Episode 0922
Mike Young, Jenny Owens

Madeline Price, Beverly Robinson, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0922
Madeline Price, Beverly Robinson, Jim Robinson

Helen Daniels, Beverly Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0922
Helen Daniels, Beverly Robinson

Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0922
Scott Robinson

Madeline Price in Neighbours Episode 0922
Madeline Price

Sharon Davies, Nick Page in Neighbours Episode 0922
Sharon Davies, Nick Page

Beverly Robinson, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0922
Beverly Robinson, Jim Robinson

Mike Young, Jenny Owens in Neighbours Episode 0922
Mike Young, Jenny Owens

Laurie, Farmer in Neighbours Episode 0922
Laurie, Farmer

Sharon Davies, Nick Page in Neighbours Episode 0922
Sharon Davies, Nick Page

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