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Neighbours Episode 0921 from 1989 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0920 - 0922>>
Episode title: 0921
Australian airdate: 20/03/89
UK airdate: 24/05/90
UK Gold: 13/05/96
Writer: ?
Director: ?
Guests: ?
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Graham
Paul and Gail's house
Bronwyn is ranting at Henry for not helping her around the house. Henry says they were happy before she started at nightschool. But Bronwyn says it's worth it to get an education.
Hilary calls around looking for Sharon. Bronwyn says she's heard what happened at the school. Hilary says she needs Sharon's help tonight to put the birds into the aviary. Bronwyn says she can spare a few minutes to help her once she's finished the article she's reading.
A road
Sharon and Nick are walking along a country road and Sharon is enthusing about being free of Hilary. Sharon says she didn't leave her a note, but Nick says Bronwyn will be worried too. Sharon agrees to ring Bronwyn at the next phone booth.
Jim has found some tomatoes growing in the garden and is all excited. Helen asks if Nick is home for dinner and Todd says he's gone to a friend's house. He quietly looks guilty.
Paul and Gail's house
Sharon rings up to talk to Bronwyn. She tells her she's left Erinsborough to go fruit-picking. Bronwyn tells her to come back - she's got a home in Erinsborough now. But Sharon tells her she's staying with Nick.
Garden of No.30
Hilary is enthusing over her birds when Bronwyn comes round - the man from the petshop helped her get them into the aviary.
Hilary storms in and rants that Nick has run away and taken Sharon with him. They realise Todd knew something about it too. Hilary is like a raving banshee and says she'll hold the Robinsons responsible if something happens to Sharon.
Helen takes Hilary into the living room and sits Hilary down. They try to reason with her and Bronwyn says it's because Hilary's been on her back. Sharon needed discipline, not humiliation. Hilary starts to cry. Beverly asks Hilary to stay for dinner and they can decide what to do while they eat. Hilary sobs that she's driven Sharon away.
A tent in the Bush
Sharon and Nick are camping out and Sharon is wondering how Hilary has taken the news. Nick is worried about money - they're nearly out of cash already, so they'll have to find jobs. Sharon says she hasn't been this happy in a long time. Nick says he hasn't either. They settle down to sleep.
Robinsons, the following morning
Helen is filling Beverly in on the photo competition and bringing her up to date with the gossip since she's been away. Beverly comments that Helen is looking much better since she's been on her exercise programme. Beverly looks through some photos and sees the one of Madeleine dropping her towel. Helen says Jim wasn't interested but Beverly looks worried. (For goodness sake, woman!!)
The Coffee Shop
Hilary has rung Sharon's family but apparently they don't blame Hilary. Madeleine comes in and says Beverly being home doesn't change their feelings for each other. Jim gets angry and tells her to lay off - he and Beverly are very happily married. He stalks out of the Coffee Shop.
Paul and Gail's house
Scott is still debating whether to go back to Brisbane or not. Bronwyn is still fed up that Henry isn't helping around the house. Henry says if he was in charge, the housework would be done in a quarter of the time(!) He says from now on he'l take over the running of the house. Bronwyn hands him a pair of marigolds and Henry promptly tries to put them on the wrong hands(!)
Side of a river
Nick and Sharon are having a lunchbreak. Nick goes down to the river and they splash each other. Then they fall into the river, laughing.
Paul and Gail's house
Henry has made up a roster for cleaning, for example defrosting the freezer while doing the vacuuming(!) Scott points out that he'd short out the vacuum cleaner!
The Coffee Shop
Jim is in picking up his lunch when Scott comes in. He has been to the coroner's for information on Andrew Price - he wants to satisfy himself by looking at the death records. He also tells Jim that he's seen a photo of Madeleine's father and Jim does look exactly like him. He thinks she's become obsessive.
Beverly answers the door to Madeleine - she wants to talk. Beverly reluctantly lets her in. Madeleine apologises for threatening Beverly and says they need to clear the air. Madeleine says she knows what "she and Jim were wrong" but they "couldn't help themselves". She tells Beverly that she and Jim had an affair while they were away. Beverly orders her out of the house.
<<0920 - 0922>>
Henry Ramsay, Bronwyn Davies in Neighbours Episode 0921
Henry Ramsay, Bronwyn Davies

Hilary Robinson, Bronwyn Davies in Neighbours Episode 0921
Hilary Robinson, Bronwyn Davies

Nick Page, Sharon Davies in Neighbours Episode 0921
Nick Page, Sharon Davies

Beverly Robinson, Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels, Todd Landers in Neighbours Episode 0921
Beverly Robinson, Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels, Todd Landers

Bronwyn Davies, Henry Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0921
Bronwyn Davies, Henry Ramsay

Sharon Davies, Nick Page in Neighbours Episode 0921
Sharon Davies, Nick Page

Bronwyn Davies, Hilary Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0921
Bronwyn Davies, Hilary Robinson

Helen Daniels, Bronwyn Davies, Hilary Robinson, Jim Robinson, Beverly Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0921
Helen Daniels, Bronwyn Davies, Hilary Robinson, Jim Robinson, Beverly Robinson

Scott Robinson, Todd Landers, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0921
Scott Robinson, Todd Landers, Helen Daniels

Bronwyn Davies, Beverly Robinson, Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels, Hilary Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0921
Bronwyn Davies, Beverly Robinson, Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels, Hilary Robinson

Sharon Davies, Nick Page in Neighbours Episode 0921
Sharon Davies, Nick Page

Helen Daniels, Todd Landers, Beverly Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0921
Helen Daniels, Todd Landers, Beverly Robinson

Jim Robinson, Madeline Price in Neighbours Episode 0921
Jim Robinson, Madeline Price

Jim Robinson, Madeline Price in Neighbours Episode 0921
Jim Robinson, Madeline Price

Bronwyn Davies, Henry Ramsay, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0921
Bronwyn Davies, Henry Ramsay, Scott Robinson

Nick Page, Sharon Davies in Neighbours Episode 0921
Nick Page, Sharon Davies

Henry Ramsay, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0921
Henry Ramsay, Scott Robinson

Jim Robinson, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0921
Jim Robinson, Scott Robinson

Madeline Price in Neighbours Episode 0921
Madeline Price

Beverly Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0921
Beverly Robinson

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