Helen announces she's going to find herself a nice little flat when Jim and Bev get married.
At the Robinsons
The family argue about Helen moving out. She reminds them what happened when she had to share her kitchen with Madge - she couldn't do it. She thinks it's time for a new beginning, for all of them.
At the Clarkes
Des asks Mike if he'll take pics at Eileen and Malcolm's wedding, he's going to be the best man. Mike asks if Eileen's said anything to him about being worried about the wedding. He thinks she's having second thoughts. Des is positive she's just having pre wedding nerves.
At the Ramsays
Business is pouring in for Henry. He thinks he might have to start knocking jobs back. Scott comes home from work exhausted and explains the monotonous work he's doing at the supermarket, then goes off to join Charlene in the bath (!). Madge tells Henry how proud she is of Scott and how hard he's working. He rightly points out that there are worse jobs than working in a supermarket, but offers to think of ways to help Scott. Madge asks him not to, please.
At the Robinsons
Jim comes home to find Helen sitting up waiting for him. She points out a few facts - she wants a break from running the family. It might be selfish but she wants to be on her own to do her own thing. Jim starts to come round to the idea, but tells her he owes he so much. They have a soppy hug.
At the office
Jane asks Paul if he's heard anything about the modelling contract in New York, which everyone had probably forgotten all about. He promises to contact America if they've heard nothing by the afternoon.
At the coffee shop
Scott is helping himself to milkshake as Henry comes in with an offer to make him rich. Scott teases him about all his get rich quick schemes and in a huff Henry doesn't even tell him what the offer was. Sally comes in and asks them all if they'll help her move her stuff in to Tony's flat.
At the office
Sally rings Jane and talks her into helping her move too, on her lunch hour! Jane agrees. Paul and Gail return from their first IVF talk a little downhearted. They've realised what a difficult time they're in for. They need to find Gail's mum's medical history and Gail says she'll see Des - her dad kept all his papers at the bank. Paul orders her to go to the bank that afternoon.
Outside the coffee shop
Pete is trying to talk Des into a new fitness regime. Des refuses. Madge comes out to talk to Jim about more driving lessons. Pete asks her about knocking over the fire hydrant and she sends him off with a flea in his ear.
Outside Tony's flat
Tony and Henry are unloading Sally's things from Bertha. They're amazed at how heavy her cases are and wonder what can be inside.
At the coffee shop
Jim and Beverly talk about Helen moving out. Bev tells Jim she's worried she won't be able to live upto Helen's high standards.
At Tony's flat
The mystery of the heavy cases is solved - they were full of Sally's gym equipment. Tony suggests they have a flat warming party before everyone buzzes off back to work leaving Scott to try and set up the gym stuff.
At the office
Paul is on the phone to America - Jane's off the hook. They liked Mike's pictures and she can finish her contract is Australia. She skips off home to tell granny. Paul asks Gail if they can work 10 minutes longer, he wants to sort out a problem in the car park. She agrees as she wants to look through her dad's papers from the bank. She opens the packet and finds a picture of her as a baby. Paul nicks it laughing and runs off to show the staff around the hotel. Gail carries on looking through the packet and comes across an envelope addressed to herself marked "private".
At the coffee shop
Henry is re-arranging his gardening schedule on the coffee shop phone. He tells Mike and Scott he has more work than he can handle. Scott is delighted and reminds Henry he and Charlene have shares in the business. Henry tells him that if he hadn't been so rude to him earlier he would have been a partner too - he wants Scott to go into business with him. Scott agrees - he can give up working at night and meet "real people" for his preparation as a journalist.
At the office:
Paul comes back to find Gail staring at a letter and asks her what's wrong - is it something to do with her father? She tells him bluntly that Rob's not her father...