Eileen and Malcolm return home to find Mike and Jamie missing.
At the Robinsons
Jim and Beverly are having a cosy chat on the couch. She tells him she didn't think she could be this happy. Jim questions whether she has any doubts and she reassures him that she doesn't have a doubt in the world. They try to kiss but are interrupted by the phone. It's Eileen searching for Jamie and Jim agrees they'll go straight over.
At the Clarkes
Eileen is pacing the floor in a panic when Jim and Bev arrive. Beverly tries to calm her down as Malcolm explains what's happened. Eileen thinks Jamie has been kidnapped because Des is a bank manager. Paul and Gail arrive in their dressing gowns to join the search party, just before Des. Malcolm tells him what's going on and says there must be a reasonable explanation. Des agrees, there is - he's with Mike.
Eileen - "Michael's been kidnapped too??!" Des explains that Mike's taken Jamie to the jazz club because he had an audition there and a club is an entirely appropriate place to take a baby... Panic over, Jim and Bev go home to bed.
At the Robinsons
Lucy is up and Helen is baking biscuits (Surely this is one of those times when it's easier to open a packet of digestives?) Bev is impressed with her cooking skills and admits she's a hopeless cook. She looks terrified when Helen tries to reason that she'll soon pick up the skills once she's running the family.
At the Clarkes
Mike has returned home to a nice lecture from Eileen. She storms off to bed when no-one takes her protests seriously. Gail holds Jamie while Mike tells Des and Paul about his audition - he's got into some band. Gail shushes them because Jamie's trying to sleep and Paul goes all gooey at the sight of her with a baby.
Next morning
Malcolm apologises for Eileen panicking the night before. He'd been hoping she'd stopped panicking like that over the years. Mike comes in and asks where Eileen and Jamie are - she's taken him to the doctors to get his ears checked. Mike says there's no way his ears could be damaged and Des agrees, pointing to his own large ears and saying "he's a Clarke, ears are our strongest feature!"
Outside the Robinsons
Eileen pushes Jamie over and complains that the surgery was closed - Beverly tells her she knows it doesn't open for another hour. Eileen is put out, she thought they'd make an exception in a special case. She thinks Jamie is deaf and to prove her point she calls his name. He doesn't react. Beverly points out that this is because he's asleep. Eileen isn't put off and Beverly agrees to go over and check him in ten minutes.
At the Robinsons
Lucy is all decked out in her gorgeous brown Erinsborough High School dress. It's her first day at High School. Beverly gives her a present for her first day - I think it's a diary. Helen gives her her school bag which she's packed up for her. Beverly is impressed again but worried she won't be as good. Jim reminds her that Helen's put four kids through High School but Beverly is obviously worried she won't cope.
At the office
Paul is nervous about the tests he's having this morning (before they start IVF). They get all clucky thinking about Jamie.
In the Robinson garden
Lucy is excitedly telling Helen about her day at school. She has a list of essential items she needs for school like pens and books and new shoes. Helen sends her off to change as Eileen arrives to ask a favour. She wants Helen to be her matron of honour now that Nel has refused. Helen is unsure and says she agrees with some of Nel's points, it did happen very quickly. Eileen doesn't care what anyone thinks. She's marrying Malcolm and that's that.
Lucy is telling Jim about her first day. Helen shouts at her to go and get changed. She sulks out as Paul and Gail come in with their test results, they want Bev to check them for them (Surely their own doctor would already have done this???) Of course, now they have to explain to Helen and Jim about the IVF.
At the Clarkes
Mike is trying to get Jamie to sing. He makes friends with Eileen and she asks what he thinks about her marrying Malcolm again - does he think it's happening too quickly? He thinks it's great - not many people get a second chance like that and as long as she's happy that's what counts.
At the Robinsons
The family discuss babies over dinner before Helen drops a bombshell - she's going to move out when Jim and Beverly get married.