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Neighbours Episode 0643 from 1988 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0642 - 0644>>
Episode title: 0643
Australian airdate: 20/01/88
UK airdate: 27/04/89
UK Gold: 19/04/95
Director: Steve Mann
Summary/Images by: Sue Parker/Graham
Madge wins a car in the monster raffle
At the Robinsons
Beverly has called round for dinner. Helen apologises that it's only stew - Madge forgot the sour cream to turn it into stroganoff. Madge explains that she was too stunned after winning the car. Helen points out that now all Madge needs to do is get her licence but Madge says she's decided to give the car to Scott and Charlene. The others protest that that's too much, she should keep it herself. Henry even offers to teach her to drive. She agrees to have a go. Unfortunately...
At the Ramsays
Lucy has told Scott and Charlene about Madge's decision. Charlene is thrilled. Scott isn't. He points out that they're supposed to be doing things themselves and besides, what about Henry? Lucy tells him that he has Bertha. Scott says he had to buy her off Clive. Charlene starts to come round to his argument and concedes that they have Willy, if she can find time to put all the bits back together. She agrees that they can't accept the car as Madge and Henry come in. They congratulate Madge on her win and Henry presses her to tell them the rest of her news. Charlene interrupts and says Lucy's already told them that Madge wants them to have the car. Madge and Henry look dismayed until Scott explains that they're really touched by the offer but can't accept. Madge hugs them as Henry tells her it looks like she'll have to take some driving lessons...
At Paul and Gail's
Glen has come over for dinner and Paul is trying to apologise for his past behaviour. Glen brushes it aside saying there's no need. They both praise Gail's hostess skills and Paul says that the only thing missing from the household now is the patter of tiny feet. Glen is surprised and says he had them down as DINKS - Dual income, no kids. Paul laughs and says not if he has anything to do with it. Unfortunately Gail doesn't look quite so keen.
At the Ramsays
Charlene is scratching her chest over the breakfast pan as Scott comes in from the shower. He asks what she's scratching for and she tells him she has an itchy rash - she thinks it might be from the perfume she put on before she went to bed. Scott tells her he'd wondered what that stink was. Charlene misses the chance to hint for some new perfume and asks him to scratch her back, seemingly forgetting that Scott currently has both hands bandaged up tightly. He improvises and scratches her back with his elbow then asks why she put perfume on her back? She realises she's itching all over and that it might be more serious than she thought.
At the Robinsons
Madge and Helen are quizzing Charlene about her rash and decide she should go and see Beverly. Helen offers to drive her and asks Madge to clean up the breakfast mess while they're gone. They leave and Henry reminds Madge they have to go and pick up the car today. She rushes off to get dressed as Lucy comes in with her ant farm, it's fallen over in the garage and the glass has broken. Henry tells her he can take a look at it later so she balances it precariously on the breakfast bar amongst all the dirty breakfast pots. I don't think we'd get too good odds for guessing what's going to happen here.
At the surgery
Beverly has examined Charlene and tells her and Helen it's an allergic reaction and asks if she's used a new product lately, or adopted any pets? Charlene jokes that it's hard enough looking after Scott. Beverly suggests maybe a plant and Charlene remembers the plant Lucy gave her yesterday. Helen offers to take a look at it for her.
At the Robinsons
Henry is mucking around with Lucy's beach ball and knocks it into Helen's painting. The paint isn't dry and it smudges. Henry tries to repair the damage by wiping black paint over it and making it worse. Madge and Lucy come in bickering about Lucy going to the beach and Henry stands in front of the painting to hide the damage. Lucy and Madge argue a bit more about what Lucy needs to take with her until Lucy finally leaves. Madge comments that she needs discipline, not to mention a smacked bottom! She marches into the kitchen to start clearing up but Henry stops her and reminds her they have to go and pick up the car. She can clear up when she gets back. She reluctantly agrees. The camera cuts to the kitchen where ants are crawling all over the breakfast things.
At the Ramsays
Dr Scott Robinson is checking Charlene's pills and tells her they might make her sleepy while Helen inspects the plant and tells her it's a Russ Tree. Scott chirps up that he's heard of them, they're supposed to be poisonous. Charlene is very impressed with her sympathetic husband, and asks Helen what they should do with the plant? They can't throw it out because it's a present. Helen suggests planting it at the far end of the garden but Scott thinks Lucy should be told - he could strangle her sometimes.
On Ramsay Street
Madge is stroking her shiny new car and tells Henry she's looking forward to learning to drive now. Helen comes up and admires it too. Madge asks after Charlene and when she learns about the plant she asks what on earth possessed her to give Charlene one of those? (Perhaps the fact that no-one except Helen, Madge and Scott have ever heard of them maybe??) Helen stands up for Lucy and says it was very thoughtful of her to bring a present at all. Madge is just grateful she couldn't afford anything for the rest of them! They go inside where Helen spots the damage to her painting straight away. Henry owns up and Helen goes ballistic at him, a grown man playing around with a beach ball. Madge and Helen begin arguing about Henry, and Lucy's cheek to Madge that morning, and walk through to discover the bomb site in the kitchen. The argument gets more heated with both women shouting at each other.
At the office
Helen has come in to let off steam. She is beginning to regret letting them stay with her. Paul tells her she can handle it - he thinks she should go home and make up. Glen comes in with a lovely bunch of flowers for Jane, he's leaving today. Gail says she wants to buy him a coffee before he leaves and they go out. Paul tells Helen she can't let this argument spoil years of friendship between her and Madge but she is still unsure.
At the coffee shop
Henry is filling in for Mike when Gail and Glen come in. Gail quizzes him about working there in his uniform but lets him off lightly. She and Glen start talking about Paul and Glen asks her if she's told Paul she can't have children? She hasn't. And now she'd love to have children herself. He points out that even doctors can make mistakes.
At the Ramsays
Charlene is recuperating on the couch while Madge moans about the row with Helen. She tells her mum that she can't just walk out, she's been friends with Helen for yonks. Scott adds that it'd be difficult for the two of them to carry on living there if Madge was feuding with his family. Madge decides she isn't one to bear a grudge so will try and sort out their differences. Lucy comes in to see Scott - Emma's mum wouldn't let them go to the beach after all - so she thought she'd spend the day with him. He is grumpy and says she's made Charlene really sick. Lucy runs out feeling guilty and Madge chases after her.
At the Robinsons
Helen comes home to find Madge has cleared everything up. She apologises for making such a big deal out of everything. Madge says maybe she and Henry should move home if it's not working out but Helen won't hear of it. They hug and out of the corner of her eye Madge spies an ant crawling over the counter top. She grabs a mallet and smacks it, chipping the edge of the counter in the process. She is mortified but Helen laughs (albeit more than a little forced) and asks "what's a bit of chipped laminex between friends?"
<<0642 - 0644>>
Beverly Marshall, Helen Daniels, Lucy Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0643
Beverly Marshall, Helen Daniels, Lucy Robinson

Henry Ramsay, Madge Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0643
Henry Ramsay, Madge Ramsay

Henry Ramsay, Madge Ramsay, Lucy Robinson, Scott Robinson, Charlene Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0643
Henry Ramsay, Madge Ramsay, Lucy Robinson, Scott Robinson, Charlene Robinson

Glen Matheson in Neighbours Episode 0643
Glen Matheson

Paul Robinson, Gail Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0643
Paul Robinson, Gail Robinson

Charlene Robinson, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0643
Charlene Robinson, Scott Robinson

Charlene Robinson, Madge Ramsay, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0643
Charlene Robinson, Madge Ramsay, Helen Daniels

Lucy Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0643
Lucy Robinson

Beverly Marshall, Charlene Robinson, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0643
Beverly Marshall, Charlene Robinson, Helen Daniels

Henry Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0643
Henry Ramsay

Charlene Robinson, Helen Daniels, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0643
Charlene Robinson, Helen Daniels, Scott Robinson

Helen Daniels, Henry Ramsay, Madge Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0643
Helen Daniels, Henry Ramsay, Madge Ramsay

Henry Ramsay, Madge Ramsay, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0643
Henry Ramsay, Madge Ramsay, Helen Daniels

Paul Robinson, Gail Robinson, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0643
Paul Robinson, Gail Robinson, Helen Daniels

Glen Matheson, Gail Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0643
Glen Matheson, Gail Robinson

Scott Robinson, Charlene Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0643
Scott Robinson, Charlene Robinson

Madge Ramsay, Lucy Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0643
Madge Ramsay, Lucy Robinson

Madge Ramsay, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0643
Madge Ramsay, Helen Daniels

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