Gail finds out that Jeremy and Rob are working on a racing car called No.13. She's not impressed and calls it a death trap.
Rob says he's only doing a bit of work on the car, but Gail reckons the car is jinxed. After all, Jeremy's father was killed driving Number 13! Jeremy says Number 13 was his father's dream, and he needs to get it back on the circuit - he owes it to his father to prove that Number 13 can be the best.
GAIL: That car brought nothing but misery to both our families and I'm not going through all that again!
She storms off.
Rob tells Jeremy they'd better forget about the whole thing as Gail is so dead- set against it.
He dashes after Gail, but she's pulled away, so he gets in his ute and follows her.
As Rob drives off, Henry walks up to talk to Charlene, who is detailing a car. He also asks about the prowler. Henry begs Charlene to come home - he really misses her, and besides, there's someone else who needs to live in her caravan - Sue. Charlene is mad and tells Henry he'll just have to manage without her! Henry suggests that Sue moves in with Charlene to pay half the rent, but Charlene isn't impressed.
CHARLENE: Just rack off, Henry!
The Office
Gail is ranting to Paul about Jeremy and the car. Paul can't see the problem - cars are Rob's business after all! Gail explains that Rob, Jeremy and Jeremy's father spent years on the car, even at the cost of their own families. Finally, there was a dreadful crash and Jeremy's father was killed instantly. Somehow, Jeremy has managed to get the car back.
Rob comes in and asks Gail to talk, but she doesn't want to. Rob says he's just helping out the car.
GAIL: You've obviously made your choice, Dad, there's nothing more to say.
She stalks off.
Jim comes in and admires the racing car. He introduces himself to Jeremy and they chat about the car.
Rob runs after Gail to ask her about having a look at Clive's house. Gail says she's already got the keys for the house, but she'd rather live on her own. Rob is shocked.
GAIL: It's quite simple. Either you dump Jeremy and that car or I go it alone.
She does agree that he can come and view the house with her this afternoon though.
Henry is moaning to Madge that Charlene won't come home. Madge says she's not thrilled that Sue Parker is Henry's girlfriend, but he reckons they're both two people trying to put their pasts behind them. Madge says Sue nearly got Charlene expelled from school and upset everyone in Ramsay Street. Henry looks at Madge with amusement and carefully drops the prowler into the conversation. Madge immediately says that she's going to *make* Charlene come home and talks about calling the police! Henry tries to calm Madge down and says they can talk to Charlene after work. In the meantime they'll work out their tactics(!)
Outside No.22
Rob likes the house and wants to move in with Gail. She tells him that the deal stands. Mrs Mangel comes over and is shocked to hear that Clive is prepared to rent his house to Rob(!)
MRS MANGEL: I hope you know the kind of behaviour expected here in Ramsay Street, Mr Lewis. We don't put up with loud music or abusive language here!
She goes on to say that she's heard from the neighbours at their last rent that Rob is a bad lot! Rob says they'll move in this weekend!
Rob tells Gail that Jeremy and the car are separate from their living arrangements. Rob says the car gives him such a sense of achievement - they were right up there with the top designers. It was Jeremy's father's life to risk on it. Gail says she does understand, but she doesn't want Rob to be hurt. Gail is sceptical that Jeremy will ever pay Rob for his help, but relents, saying Rob can move in, as long as he doesn't mention the car around her.
Outside the Coffee Shop
Scott is helping Mike out when Charlene walks past. He apologises for blowing his top the night before. Charlene says she's fed up of Scott not believing her, but there has been a prowler hanging around the caravan. Scott apologises for ranting at her. Just then, Madge rushes up and asks Charlene for a private word in the caravan.
The door of the caravan is open when they arrive, and inside the place has been ransacked!
Madge has dragged Charlene back to No.24. Charlene is protesting that nothing's been damaged or broken, it could have just been kids. Madge tells Henry to go and get Charlene's things.
MADGE: For once in your life, show some common sense. Or think of me! I don't want to lie awake night after night wondering if you've been murdered in your bed!
Charlene reluctantly hands over her keys to Henry and reluctantly agrees to come home for a while. Suddenly Charlene has a thought about Sue.
The Office
Mrs Mangel is talking to Paul about the rosters. She tells Paul about Rob and Gail moving in to Clive's house. She's thinking of getting up a petition!
Gail comes in and tells Paul that she's sorted things out with Rob - the car still scares her, but Rob has to do it.
Jim, Rob and Jeremy are discussing the car. The repairs will be quite expensive. Jim suggests that they do the machining in his engineering shop at cost - they'll work something out.
Outside the caravan
Henry is moving Charlene's stuff. Scott is surprised to hear that Charlene is moving home.
Charlene and Madge are discussing Sue Parker (neither of them like her) Charlene wants to know why Henry wants Sue to move into her caravan when there's a prowler around. Henry comes in and Charlene glares at him suspiciously.
CHARLENE: Mum, I think I know who the prowler was!