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Neighbours Episode 0365 from 1986 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0364 - 0366>>
Episode title: 0365
Australian airdate: 17/10/86
UK airdate: 31/03/88
UK Gold: 25/03/94
Writer: Christine McCourt
Director: Richard Sarell
Summary/Images by: Sayaka
Clive's Uncle Ted tells them that he's going to stay for two weeks.
Uncle Ted says he wants to take time to get to know Susan and Clive properly. Uncle Ted thinks that Sam will be carrying on the family tradition in medicine!
When Susan has gone to put Sam to bed, Clive explains to Uncle Ted that he fell in love with Susan at first sight. Ted wonders why Clive's father said the baby's name was Charles! So Clive explains that Charles is Sam's middle name.
When Susan comes back, Uncle Ted asks Susan how she felt when she first met Clive. She says Clive with his red hair stood out like a boil!
The Pub
Paul and Shane are having a quick drink. Shane tells Paul that he should have some fun and get out and meet some women. Paul says he doesn't want to make the same mistake twice after Terri. He chats to Shane about Susan helping Clive with his Uncle Ted by pretending to be married to Clive. Shane twigs that Paul likes Susan but he is quite tight-lipped about it.
Clive tells Ted that he doesn't know what he'd do without Susan. Uncle Ted is very pleased that they are so happy and in love. Uncle Ted says that he'd like to meet Susan's folks too!
Warren calls his mother to say he's studying with Scott and Charlene tonight and that Ray is getting them some takeaway. His mum starts ranting about his father but Warren says she should tell that stuff to him.
Charlene asks Warren what the divorce was like and sympathises with him. Warren pours Charlene a glass of wine, much to Scott's displeasure. He tells her off for drinking. He says that Warren is horrible when he's drunk and says he doesn't want his girl in the same position. Charlene says that she'll do what she likes so Scott goes home.
Uncle Ted is showing Clive and Susan pictures of his own two sons. Clive says he's thinking about specialising in medicine too. Uncle Ted says that he'd love to see their wedding photos! Clive quickly covers by saying that there aren't any photos because the photographer didn't turn up. Clive says that all that matters is having each other in the flesh!
Ray has arrived home with the takeaway. They chat about the exams and how much stress they're under.
Shane comes in and Charlene drops a dish on him. Shane realises that Charlene has been drinking again.
When Ray and Warren have gone, Shane tells Charlene off for drinking. She gets angry and goes off to bed.
Clive, Susan and Uncle Ted are finishing their dinner. Uncle Ted says that he's glad they're so happy - he knows personally. He's been married twice and now his ex-wives are bleeding him dry, even though they were the ones to cheat!
When Uncle Ted has stepped out, Susan tells Clive that she can't keep up the pretence anymore. Uncle Ted comes back and gives Susan a gold ten dollars to give to Sam. They reluctantly accept it.
Outside Ray's house, the following morning
Warren is leaving to go and study with Scott and Charlene. Ray says that he should ring his mother to tell him where he is. Warren says that his mother gets upset when he stays over with Ray.
Warren asks if Ray is going to marry Madge. Ray says that it's early days yet. Ray gives Warren some money to buy lunch for him and Scott and Charlene. He advises him not to drink during the run-up to the exams.
Scott has arrived to start studying. Charlene is still in bed with a hangover. Shane shows Scott that he's cleared the wine out of the fridge so Charlene won't be able to drink anymore.
Uncle Ted is surprised to hear that Susan works. He asks Clive if he's in any financial trouble, but Clive says that Susan enjoys her work. Uncle Ted says that he's noticed that Susan and Clive sleep in separate rooms - presumably so Clive can get a good night's sleep. Uncle Ted says that Susan is a woman in a million.
Warren comes in. He has bought a box of wine for them. Scott says that Shane has banned Charlene from drinking and even Charlene thinks it is a bit early to be drinking now.
The Office
Paul teases Susan about her and Clive's con trick with Uncle Ted. He isn't pleased to hear that Uncle Ted is staying for a couple of weeks. Paul thinks that Clive should tell his uncle straight. Susan wants to keep it up though because of the house deposit situation. Also, she doesn't want to let Clive down.
The Pub
Clive and Uncle Ted come in and talk to Shane.
Paul comes in and Clive introduces him to Uncle Ted. Clive is called away to the surgery. Uncle Ted decides to call in on Susan at the office.
The Office
Paul comes in and tells Susan that Uncle Ted is in the pub. Uncle Ted comes in and tells Paul that he's very lucky to have Susan to help him out. However, he picks up on Paul's hostility towards Clive.
PAUL: You know, someone should tell you about that nephew of yours. And I think I should be the one to do it.
<<0364 - 0366>>
Sam Cole, Susan Cole in Neighbours Episode 0365
Sam Cole, Susan Cole

Sam Cole, Susan Cole, Clive Gibbons, Ted Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 0365
Sam Cole, Susan Cole, Clive Gibbons, Ted Gibbons

Shane Ramsay, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0365
Shane Ramsay, Paul Robinson

Scott Robinson, Warren Murphy, Charlene Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0365
Scott Robinson, Warren Murphy, Charlene Mitchell

Warren Murphy, Scott Robinson, Charlene Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0365
Warren Murphy, Scott Robinson, Charlene Mitchell

Charlene Mitchell, Ray Murphy, Warren Murphy in Neighbours Episode 0365
Charlene Mitchell, Ray Murphy, Warren Murphy

Charlene Mitchell, Shane Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0365
Charlene Mitchell, Shane Ramsay

Warren Murphy, Ray Murphy in Neighbours Episode 0365
Warren Murphy, Ray Murphy

Scott Robinson, Shane Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0365
Scott Robinson, Shane Ramsay

Clive Gibbons, Ted Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 0365
Clive Gibbons, Ted Gibbons

Scott Robinson, Charlene Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0365
Scott Robinson, Charlene Mitchell

Warren Murphy, Scott Robinson, Charlene Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0365
Warren Murphy, Scott Robinson, Charlene Mitchell

Shane Ramsay, Clive Gibbons, Ted Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 0365
Shane Ramsay, Clive Gibbons, Ted Gibbons

Ted Gibbons, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0365
Ted Gibbons, Paul Robinson

Ted Gibbons, Susan Cole, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0365
Ted Gibbons, Susan Cole, Paul Robinson

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