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Neighbours Episode 6216 from 2011 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6215 - 6217>>
Episode title: 6216
Australian airdate: 01/08/11
UK airdate: 29/08/11
Writer: Rene Zandveld
Director: Jovita O'Shaughnessy
Guests: Michelle Tran: Haiha Le
Brett Neville: Shash Lall
- "Talking Like Im Falling Downstairs" by Sparkadia
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
This week on Neighbours
- Kyle wanting to get rid of Michelle.
- Andrew starting a new business.
- Chris trying to reassure Tash that her dad does care about her.
- Susan accusing Karl of being jealous.
Previously on Neighbours
Rhys giving Kate back her earring.
Jade ranting at Kyle.
Toadie saying no to Sonya's plan to buy the community garden.
Toadie promising Sonya that he'll provide for her.
Ramsay Street
Kyle looks longingly at #24 before getting his mind on task - clearing out the rear of his Ute. Sonya looks on longingly at him doing that and eventually Toadie twigs to why she seems rather downbeat but fails to cheer her up and she walks off down the street to work.
Kate exits #24 and tries to engage Kyle in conversation but he gives her a very cold shoulder.
Number 26
Having unloaded the Ute, Kyle enters the house and tries to unload on Jade but she isn't in the mood to listen to him and tells him to act like a dude! However housemate Michelle wants him to spill (she can sense he needs to) but wants to do so over breakfast which she will cook while he has a shower.
Harold's Store
Toadie wraps up a mysterious call to someone - whoever it is he's meeting them in 30 minutes with Sonya.
Lassiters Park
Jade interrupts her sister doing some Guide Dog training after she finishes working with her client. They talk about the garden and Jade can see Sonya looks very down. Toadie calls asking her to meet him at home as he has some very good news.
Number 26
Kyle is impressed at the brekkie Michelle has made for him and begins unloading - he's down because he's done what Kate did (have one night stands) but feels differently because he really likes Kate. Michelle tells him something from her past - an ex was pretending to be working so they could get the money for a flat but in reality he was going out with an ex, so she dumped him when she found out. She tries to draw parallels between the two situations - that Kate isn't who he thought she was.
KYLE: Which is my problem.
MICHELLE: Kyle, you're not the bad guy here, girls like Kate are the worse kind, two faced!
KYLE: Ease up.
MICHELLE: Look, I know the type.
KYLE: Kate's not like that.
MICHELLE: And yet... Look I'm just telling you what you told me just in other words.
Michelle asks if she's said too much when Kyle doesn't reply to that last bit. This time he does reply and tells her not to worry about it.
Number 30
Sonya arrives home just as Toadie is signing a document... a loan application for Sonya to buy the community garden with! She is very puzzled given they've been through this before and talked about it however when she finds out the loan has been pre- approved, wants to know how they can afford it! Toadie doesn't immediately reply, instead showing her the card Peter gave him.
TOADIE: You are looking at Simmons & Colberts newest solicitor. I took the job.
SONYA: ...
Whilst Sonya tries to digest the news, Toadie shows Brett out of the house (he was round with the paperwork for the loan). "I did it for you, well for us," Toadie replies when Sonya asks why. He follows that up by adding that she'll never have to worry about money again but she seems more peeved at him for going behind her back to get a new job which starts tomorrow! Just as we head into the break, Sonya firmly tells Toadie that she can't go with his plan.
Harold's Store
Kyle looks relived when he sees Kate head through to the kitchen after entering the store. He joins Jade who is grabbing a quick drink between clients but she quickly departs after a call from Sonya however before she left, is relieved to hear that he didn't sleep with Michelle! (It was the way he phrased things when he came in that led Jade to draw that conclusion).
Michelle trades places with Jade (she went looking for him) and he denies coming into the store for anything other than a juice although she doesn't believe him! "You poor thing," she laments whist giving Kate the evil death stare from the other side of the store!
Number 30
"Can we talk about this," Toadie asks but Sonya doesn't think there is anything to talk about since he starts work tomorrow! He denies her accusation that it's anything to do with Lucas' money, instead citing that what happened with Brennan had an influence and the fact an international firm head- hunted him! Toadie then tries to put a positive spin on things - no more photocopying and working on cases he'd never normally get. "I don't want you to do this for me," she pleads but is told he is doing it for them.
TOADIE: This is a great opportunity. This is a chance for both of us to be happy. First day of the rest of our lives.
Sonya shakes her head but equally has a slight smile on her face.
Harold's Store
"What can I get you?" Kate asks Michelle after serving a customer during the busy lunchtime rush and gets verbal volley back including being accused of chatting up the customer she just served! Kate is extremely puzzled as you can imagine.
MICHELLE: The innocent act might work with Kyle but don't try it with me!
KATE: (puzzled) What?!
MICHELLE: I know your type, act all sweet and nice but that's just to reel them in.
KATE: Okay, I don't know what you think you know but you're wrong.
MICHELLE: Oh really?!
She then shouts out so the whole store can hear about her going home with someone! "That is none of your business," an annoyed Kate replies.
MICHELLE: So you just made it up to torture Kyle? That's even worse!
Kate decides she has heard more than enough and tells Michelle to back off and she can either order something or leave! "Kyle deserves better," is her parting shot before exiting the store.
Lassiters Complex
Kate exits the store and goes over to Kyle when she spots him and demands to know what he told Michelle explaining that she just got a serve from her. "I didn't say anything," he pleads but eventually comes clean and admits to telling Michelle but promises to sort it out. He also concedes with Kate's point that what happened between herself and Rhys has nothing to do with him. "Just keep her off my back," is Kate's parting words before she retreats back inside the store.
Number 26
A very irate Kyle comes home and has a right go at Michelle over what she did but when she feigns waterworks, he tells her not to worry about it!
Community garden
Jade catches up with her sister as she silently strolls through the garden. "Don't look at me like that," Sonya tells her sister then explains why she doesn't want Toadie to take the job - he'll be working very long hours and if she is out running a business, how is Callum going to handle things? Jade lets her rant a wee bit more before bluntly saying if she turns this down, she may never get another opportunity.
Number 26
Michelle is making dinner as way of an apology to Kyle although he doesn't think there is any need for that. Jade is a bit puzzled so Kyle takes her through to the livingroom and tells her that Michelle had a go at Kate after he poured his heart out to her. "I don't know what you want me to do," Jade asks and he has the answer - Michelle must go!
JADE: What for being a little bit friendly?
KYLE: She's not friendly okay! She's...
Kyle doesn't finish the sentence only because Michelle comes through from the kitchen to let Jade taste the dish she is making (Jade loved the smell of it) and she is mightily impressed with it.
Number 30
"Sonya, sign the form," Toadie demands Sonya to do when she gets home and questions him if he really wants to go ahead with everything. Gleefully she signs away before hugging Toadie to death thanking him although still not sure that things are really happening.
Lassiters Complex/Number 30
Toadie wistfully locks up the law office before walking through the complex carrying some boxes he took away with him whilst at home, Sonya eagerly goes through a gardening catalogue deciding what to get.
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Toadie's first day at the new job and being reminded of their level of professionalism.
- Sophie setting her music ambitions high to match Noah's.
- Noah offering tips to Sophie.
- Jade reiterating she doesn't do girly chats.
- Michelle wearing some of Jade's clothes.
- Kyle annoyed at Michelle coming in and trying to take things over.
<<6215 - 6217>>
Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6216
Kyle Canning

Sonya Mitchell, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6216
Sonya Mitchell, Toadie Rebecchi

Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6216
Kate Ramsay

Jade Mitchell, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6216
Jade Mitchell, Kyle Canning

Kate Ramsay, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6216
Kate Ramsay, Toadie Rebecchi

Sonya Mitchell, Jade Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6216
Sonya Mitchell, Jade Mitchell

Michelle Tran, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6216
Michelle Tran, Kyle Canning

Toadie Rebecchi, Brett Neville in Neighbours Episode 6216
Toadie Rebecchi, Brett Neville

Sonya Mitchell, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6216
Sonya Mitchell, Toadie Rebecchi

Michelle Tran, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6216
Michelle Tran, Kyle Canning

Sonya Mitchell, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6216
Sonya Mitchell, Toadie Rebecchi

Kate Ramsay, Michelle Tran in Neighbours Episode 6216
Kate Ramsay, Michelle Tran

Jade Mitchell, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6216
Jade Mitchell, Kyle Canning

Kyle Canning, Michelle Tran in Neighbours Episode 6216
Kyle Canning, Michelle Tran

Jade Mitchell, Sonya Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6216
Jade Mitchell, Sonya Mitchell

Kyle Canning, Jade Mitchell, Michelle Tran in Neighbours Episode 6216
Kyle Canning, Jade Mitchell, Michelle Tran

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6216
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell

Sonya Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6216
Sonya Mitchell

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6216
Toadie Rebecchi

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