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Neighbours Episode 5092 from 2006 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5091 - 5093>>
Episode title: 5092: Who's Your Daddy?
Australian airdate: 07/11/06
UK airdate:
Writer: Helen MacWhirter
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Loris Timmins: Kate Fitzpatrick
Will Griggs: Christian Clark
- "Lines" by Pete Murray
- "Rhythm To Fly" by Wesley Carr
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Izzy-da-vixen
Elle driving off with Kerry much to Dylan's frustration.
Harold kissing Loris in celebration of Kerry being found and likewise Janelle with Steiger.
Dylan telling Sky he is sure that Kerry is his child.
Sky comes to the conclusion that Dylan was the one that stole Kerry although he doesn't agree with her choice of words. Finally she demands to know why he put her through three days of hell.
Scarlet Bar
Stinger is trying to tell Steph that he can't work any more in the bar because he feels that he can't be around alcohol atm and she is a bit annoyed because the bar will be busy since it is Melbourne Cup day (the bar is decked out in horse racing memorabilia). Elle remarks to Steph where her hat is (Elle is dressed up very smartly) and is told that she hasn't the time as the bar will be heaving soon and major bad news - the TV isn't working! Will comes to her rescue and gets it to work, which earns him brownie points with the boss.
Steph then asks Toadie (who has just wheeled Charlie in) if he managed to get him to sleep, he has, and Elle remarks that Steph looks like she needs some sleep too but Steph rejects that since that would only leave Will working. Elle volunteers her services and Steph accepts, calling out for them to call if there are any problems.
WILL: How busy can it be?
And we cut to see a lot of people wanting service and Will and Elle struggling to keep up.
Dylan fills Sky in as to how he "acquired" Kerry - he saw her lying in Stinger's arms with him passed out and adds that the minute he picked the baby up, he knew she was his child. "Except she's not, she's Stingray's" Sky points out, so sarcastically Dylan asks where he is now, which earns him an earful from Sky.
Sky wants to know why he didn't take Kerry back when he found her and he replies that he felt he could give Kerry a better life than having an alcoholic father.
SKY: Dylan, having a problem with alcohol isn't against the law but kidnapping is.
DYLAN: Not if she's mine.
SKY: She's not yours.
DYLAN: So call the cops. The worst they will do is lock me up.
SKY: It's what you deserve.
DYLAN: Maybe, but it will be tough on Kerry not knowing her father's in jail and her mum put him there. Not a good way to grow up.
The General Store
Lyn is being brought up to speed about Kerry's safe return from Harold, Loris and Janelle and is told she'll need to join the back of the cuddles queue! Lyn departs to go put a coupon on at the TAB and Harold remarks that he didn't think she was a gambler.
LYN: Harold it's cup day.
Here's hoping she had her money on Delta Blue then!
Loris asks if he is going to have a flutter and Janelle quirks up that she knows one old nag he fancies! LOL. Janelle and Loris have a mini-dig over each other kissing before Janelle decides to leave the lovebirds to it and leaves the store.
Harold is now starting to fret over him kissing her and is told "it was a moment of unbridled joy!" and he promptly replies that "there is more where that came from!" before apologising to her for allowing Lou's influences to rub off on him now they are housemates.
They then decide to 'rewind' their relationship, to when they met for the first time to allow them both to get to know the opposite person properly as they feel they haven't had the chance to do that so far.
Scarlet Bar
Will remarks that he is impressed at Elle's skills behind the bar, given that she is Paul Robinson's daughter as they serve the punters. He wonders if she will be running the Lassiter's show one day which leads to them having a mini deep and meaningful over how she was raised.
Elle leaves Will to the punters when she spots Dylan coming into the bar. He immediately tells her that Sky knows about him taking Kerry and again reiterates that inside he feels that Kerry is his child. Elle wonders if he is imagining it as a way of revenge, which he totally denies before saying that is going to do his utmost to ensure everyone knows what he feels - that Kerry is his daughter - and asks if she is behind him or not.
Sky is cuddling Kerry when Dylan arrives. He goes over to see the baby and Sky stops him, informing him that she isn't going to get the police involved...if he stops saying that he is Kerry's father. "I can't do that," replies Dylan before asking if she is at all curious who the dad really is. After a slight pause, she replies that she isn't.
DYLAN: You believe in motherly instincts right?
SKY: Yes.
DYLAN: Yes well it works for fathers as well. I know she is mine because I can feel it and I want a DNA test to prove it.
No. 32
Lyn comments to Steph that she is looking tired and Toadie tells Lyn that Charlie (who is back in his bloody white babygrows ) was up all night partying. Lyn is a bit surprised at this given Charlie was sleeping right through and Steph thinks that it is because he is missing his daddy. Granny's suggestion is to give the wee man some extra cuddles even at 3am, which Toadie doesn't think is right and volunteers to babysit while Steph has some much needed shut eye.
With Lyn gone, Steph goes to head to bed but before going, Toadie asks if she has thought of trying controlled sleeping with Charlie. Steph isn't exactly keen on the idea but is impressed at Toadie's rationale behind it and wonders if he's been doing his research.
TOADIE: What else is there to do at 2 o'clock in the morning? And two forty five, and three.
Scarlet Bar
Lyn enters the bar and asks Elle how things have went and Elle replies that she's been very busy and didn't wear the most appropriate footwear! Elle then tells Lyn she'll be home for dinner a bit late because she is going to have a drink with Will first, which is news to Lyn as she thought Elle was going out with Dylan. "We've kind of hit a few complications," replies Elle and Lyn wonders if she is doing the right thing with Dylan.
ELLE: Lyn, you of all people should know you don't choose love, love chooses you.
Lyn takes that as her cue to leave as Harold arrives for his date with Loris, apologising for being late.
HAROLD: (offering her his hand) Hello, I'm Harold Bishop.
LORIS: (accepting it) Delighted to meet you. I'm Loris Timmins.
Harold then hands the lady a red rose, which Janelle who has lurked in, takes great offence at and thinks he is being a bit of a cheap skate. Loris isn't impressed at Janelle interrupting them and Janelle hands over an envelope to her.
LORIS: Is that all?
JANELLE: I think the phrase you are looking for is 'thanks Janelle'.
Loris doesn't say anything and instead opens the envelope. Harold notices the concerned look on her face and asks what is wrong and Loris reveals the contents of the envelope - her hubby wants to sue her for divorce because he is planning on remarrying.
Harold quickly starts to smile then changes it back just as quick to a concerned look.
No. 32
Karl is explaining the advantages of controlled sleeping to Steph and Toadie and tells them he thinks a couple of nights should cure it but they have to stick with it or they will be back to square one. Steph replies that she isn't sure she can do it but Karl assures her she'll be fine. Toadie suggests that they do it in turns as Karl runs through with them how to do the controlled sleeping. And speak of the devil, on cue Charlie starts crying and Karl takes that as his cue to leave despite Steph asking if he can stay to get them through the first attempt but adds that they can call him at the hospital if they need reassurance.
Karl leaves and Toadie tells Steph to be strong...which is about to last for a couple of seconds before she decides she has to go into see to Charlie but he stops her and instead orders her to sit!
And on cue too, Kerry is crying as Karl checks in on Sky. She tentatively asks if there could have been a mistake over Kerry's paternity and she tells him what Dylan said to her earlier.
KARL: The timing would suggest otherwise.
SKY: ...right.
KARL: I'm not sure what you expect me to say?
SKY: That you are one hundred percent certain that Stingray is the father.
KARL: I can't say that without running some tests.
SKY: Karl!
KARL: Kerry's birth weight and size were well below average, indicating she isn't at full term...but she is more developed that I would have expected.
SKY: So you are saying she isn't premature?
Karl tries to dig himself out of the hole he's in by suggesting that there was always some confusion over the dates, which isn't going down well with Sky because he was fairly certain at the time. Stinger's arrival ends the uneasy conversation and Karl tells her that they should talk later as he leaves the room.
Stinger asks her "what's with him" while out in the corridor Karl takes a deep breath.
Scarlet Bar
Harold and Loris talk about her impending divorce and just as she is asking him about his separation Will interrupts to get take their orders. Loris asks for him to give them a few more minutes so Harold can tell her his story. Harold is naturally a bit reluctant to say, but after she drops herself right in it by saying it is only right to put the boot into previous spouses, Harold talks fondly about Madge including the fact he loved her with all his heart.
LORIS: Did she have an affair.
HAROLD: No, she died.
Oops. before Loris wishes the ground would open up to swallow her as she quickly apologises but is stunned when Harold starts laughing. He explains why he was laughing - it was the sort of thing Madge would have done because she was always jumping in feet first - then fondly continues to tell her a small bit about Madge.
LORIS: So if she was still here?
HAROLD: Oh well, then I wouldn't be here, with you.
Sky has obviously told Stinger who took Kerry and he isn't exactly jumping for joy and accuses Dylan of planning on letting him take the fall over Kerry's disappearance. Sky doesn't agree with Stinger's take, instead telling him that Dylan saved their daughter's life and goes on to tell him how Dylan found Kerry. He looks stunned at what she's just told him and begins to get the guilts over what he did. She reassures him that things are fine now before bringing up the fact that Dylan thinks he is Kerry's father. Again, Stinger looks absolutely stunned at what he has just heard.
No. 32
Toadie accuses Steph of caving into Charlie when he starts crying, noting on the stopwatch that she was in with him for 15 minutes and reminds her that it won't work if she continues to give in.
STEPH: Jeez, heaven forbid my son should feel loved and wanted.
"Knock, knock," says Lyn loudly and they both jump out of their respective seats to tell Lyn to keep the noise down. She has come round with some lavender bags and oil to help Charlie get to sleep. Steph thanks her mum and just as she says that Charlie's asleep, on cue the wee man starts to cry and Lyn wants to go in to put some lavender oil on his pillow. Steph stops her and explains to her that they are trying to do controlled crying with Charlie, which doesn't go down well with Lyn. They both explain that they've checked it all out and that it is perfectly safe but Lyn thinks her grandson could be psychologically damaged for life before deciding that she doesn't want to hang around while they are carrying out this cruelty.
STEPH: Great, not only am I in the bad books with Charlie but also with my mum as well.
Toadie cheers her up by saying she only has another 8 minutes and 22 seconds before she can go into see Charlie and suggests they put on a DVD to drown out the crying and pulls out 'the hand that rocked the cradle' so changes his suggestion to music instead.
No. 26 front door
Harold walks Loris home and invites him in for a cup of horlicks but instead decide to follow their grandkids by having a quick pash on the doorstep instead! They bid each other farewell until tomorrow.
No. 26
And inside the house, Janelle has to quickly more herself away from her spying position at the front door but it is too late, Loris knows what she was up to and doesn't believe Janelle's story about hearing prowlers.
LORIS: Is that the best you can do?
Janelle quickly replies that she could say the same thing, inviting a bloke in for a cup of horlicks and accuses her mother-in-law of being a tart.
LORIS: He's a gorgeous man.
"Each to their own," replies Janelle before Loris admits that she thinks she is falling in love again. Aww.
Hospital (next day)
Sky has called everyone (Karl, Harold, Loris, Janelle, Stinger, Elle and Dylan) to a meeting since it affects them all and so that she only has to say it once.
SKY: It seems that there's some sort of confusion with Kerry's paternity.
Dylan pipes up that things are simple - she's his child and a mini-barney just about starts until Sky asks them to stop, to allow Karl to speak.
KARL: There is a chance that Dylan is the father.
Stinger then accuses his brother of not allowing everyone to be happy and yet again another mini-barney just about breaks out until Sky again stops it, saying all she wants to know is the truth and that she wants to get a DNA test carried out.
No. 32
Toadie and Steph are sound asleep on the sofa until Steph stirs, surprised at not hearing Charlie cry. She nudges Toadie awake and he thinks it is time to set the stopwatch again but instead tells him to look at the time - and they realise Charlie has been asleep for 8hours and 43 minutes and 22 seconds. Way to go little man!
Toadie wonders why she didn't wake him up (thinking he's slept through Charlie crying during the night) until Steph points out that she slept too because Charlie didn't wake up. They are both amazed that it worked after just one night.
STEPH: He's a fast learner. (high-fiving Toadie) Put it there Dr Spock!
She wants to go check on him but Toadie begs that they leave him sleeping while they go to Lassiter's to get brekkie and doing an impression of Charlie sleeping, says he looks cute when he is sleeping.
STEPH: Be careful I don't start think you are going soft Toadie.
TOADIE: Hey, never be said that I didn't like kids. Just couldn't eat a whole one.
Janelle enters Karl's room and comes straight to the point when he asks what he can do for her.
JANELLE: I think you've done enough already.
He replies that he can't talk to her about Sky's case if that is why she is here and she sarcastically remarks that patient confidentiality is a useful excuse and adds that she won't let him use that to hide behind if he is seriously wrong. Karl denies trying to hide.
JANELLE: At first you say that Scott is the father and then you say he's not.
KARL: Mistakes occur.
JANELLE: So does incompetence.
Karl gets up out of his chair to ask her to leave but Janelle isn't going until she's said her piece.
JANELLE: You have stuffed my boys round well and good and it has torn my family apart. If that test comes back saying that Dyl's the dad I will spend the rest of my life making you pay.
<<5091 - 5093>>
Sky Mangel, Kerry Mangel (baby) in Neighbours Episode 5092
Sky Mangel, Kerry Mangel (baby)

Dylan Timmins in Neighbours Episode 5092
Dylan Timmins

Stingray Timmins, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 5092
Stingray Timmins, Steph Scully

Harold Bishop, Loris Timmins in Neighbours Episode 5092
Harold Bishop, Loris Timmins

Dylan Timmins in Neighbours Episode 5092
Dylan Timmins

Elle Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5092
Elle Robinson

Harold Bishop, Loris Timmins in Neighbours Episode 5092
Harold Bishop, Loris Timmins

Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 5092
Sky Mangel

Steph Scully, Lyn Scully, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 5092
Steph Scully, Lyn Scully, Toadie Rebecchi

Lyn Scully, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 5092
Lyn Scully, Steph Scully

Loris Timmins in Neighbours Episode 5092
Loris Timmins

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5092
Karl Kennedy

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