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Neighbours Episode 3455 from 2000 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<3454 - 3456>>
Episode title: 3455 (Harold Bishop finds Tad Reeves unconscious)
Australian airdate: 28/01/00
UK airdate: 03/03/00
Writer: Michael O'Rourke
Director: T. Grant Fenn
Guests: Bianca Nugent: Jane Harber
Summary/Images by: Alan/Alan
Paul and Tad notice there is a bit missing from Harold's tuba and realise they'll have to take it to a spare parts shop. Stephanie practices with the cricket team and Joe says they could win a few games if she joined them. The team has never had any female players though and some members don't want her to join.
Michelle starts looking for ingredients for a love spell. During a guitar lesson with Paul, she manages to get one of his socks and then when she's about to leave she picks some of his hairs off the back of his jumper. She takes the ingredients home and sets about using them for the spell.
Harold asks Paul if he's noticed any fleas anywhere because he saw one on the sofa last night. Paul tells him about the problems that they had at No.30.
Lou and Joe try to convince Stephanie that she should join the cricket team. Lou says they need to come up with a new catchy name or a mascot.
Toadie and Stephanie head into No.30 and are approached by the girls outside waiting for Joel. Toadie asks one of them (Bianca) who told her where Joel lives, she says it was Michelle Scully. Toadfish takes in some autograph books for them and tells Joel that if he signs those they might leave.
Steph tells Joel and Toadie that the Erinsborough darts team just took out the lead championships and they're probably not as good as they think they are. She says it's time to take advantage of that confidence - the three of them could challenge them to a game, each team putting in $100 with winner takes all. They can then move on and take on other teams all over Erinsborough.
Lyn and Joe are discussing something which involves a surveyor. Lyn tells Joe that they should leave it alone until they're settled in properly but Joe says he wants to get stuck in. She says it's going to cause trouble but he says he's not going to spend the rest of his life worrying about what people think.
Harold tells Lou that while he was away, he and Madge were thinking of taking on Grease Monkeys and Karl's accountant was looking into it - now he might have a client who would be willing to put up the money.
Paul and Tad carry Harold's tuba back from the repair shop. Tad takes it across the road while Joe Scully reverses his ute out into the street - Tad's not paying attention and when he realises Joe is heading towards him he drops the tuba and jumps out of the way. He survives but the tuba doesn't - it's crushed under the wheels of the ute. Harold arrives on the scene just as Tad and Paul are arguing over what to do.
Harold gives Tad and Paul the cold shoulder. Paul feels guilty but Tad says it's pretty tragic that Harold's getting worked up over a tuba. Paul says he doesn't know why he's treating Harold like this, he was good enough to give them a home when their parents weren't able to - Tad tells him to leave his parents out of this, he doesn't know anything about it so he should just shut up. Paul says that Harold and Madge didn't have to take them in but they did because they're good people. Tad asks him if he's saying his parents aren't good people, he pushes Paul onto the settee. Paul gets up and tells Tad that he's sorry he ever moved in there. Later, Madge calls and Harold tells her that everything is fine - Paul and Tad have been no trouble.
Michelle starts reciting her love spell to a wax doll she has made. Steph interrupts and sees the doll, saying that it looks absolutely hideous. She tells Michelle to stay out of Joel's way for the moment because he's not happy that she gave out his address. Steph says he's there now so she could come out and apologise, but Michelle says she will when and if she thinks she has to. Over at No.30, the girls have gone home for the night but have left Joel a special present - a heart-shaped cake.
Paul and Harold have a chat - Harold says he shouldn't get caught up with such material things, he knows that Paul and Tad wouldn't have let it happen deliberately. He says what really hurt him was that he trusted them both, especially Paul. He adds that no doubt the party was Tad's idea, Paul says he could have said no at any time so he's as much to blame. Harold asks where Tad is but Paul hasn't seen him since dinner and says he's probably gone to bed. Paul adds that Tad doesn't seem himself lately - Harold says he'll have a word with him in the morning.
Harold gets up and notices Tad lying on the floor in front of the sofa. He tries to wake him up but realises he's not asleep, he's unconscious.
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Tad Reeves in Neighbours Episode 3455
Tad Reeves

Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 3455
Harold Bishop

 in Neighbours Episode 3455

 in Neighbours Episode 3455

Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 3455
Harold Bishop

Tad Reeves in Neighbours Episode 3455
Tad Reeves

Tad Reeves in Neighbours Episode 3455
Tad Reeves

Tad Reeves in Neighbours Episode 3455
Tad Reeves

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