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Neighbours Episode 2798 from 1997 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<2797 - 2799>>
Episode title: 2798 (Madge and Harold Bishop renew their wedding vows)
Australian airdate: 26/02/97
UK airdate: 07/08/97
UK Gold: 29/07/03
Writer: Luke Devenish
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Harold Bishop: Ian Smith
Madge Bishop: Anne Charleston
Kandii: Kristina Ellis
Celebrant: Paul Wentford
Summary/Images by: Angel Girl/Jeremai
- Anne telling Billy that they're friends, great friends.
- Cath telling Sarah she confessed to Mal.
People have gathered for Madge's hen night - Billy's hanging around, poking away at the food much to Susan's annoyance. The blushing bride turns up, apologising for her lateness. She brings the girls (Susan, Marlene, Helen and a couple of random extras) up to speed with regards to the belly dancer.
BILLY: She still outside?
SUSAN: Don't you even think about it!
Billy makes an exit as the girls discuss whether or not they should go next door. Madge says that Harold was determined to handle it himself and when he's done he'll come over and join them. Susan says that she hopes Harold brings Karl back with him before getting up to refill drinks.
Lou brings Harold a glass of orange juice and Harold thanks him, for the drink and organising the night! Lou tells him that they're close to the night's highlight and Harold says he can't wait. Karl comments on how perky Harold is looking and I'm thinking he's even more devious than I first gave him credit for!
Harold says the reason he's so perky is because it's not everyday you "get a young woman with such special talents". For a moment I think he's talking about Madge and it's cute. Then he continues and I realise he knows about Kandii - which is with a k and "ii" - and now it's a lot less cute.
Harold asks if they should tell the girls but Lou's all for keeping it between the boys. Kandii's due to start the show when she gives the signal and the man of the moment (Harold) hits the music.
Number 30
Cath's staring out of the window as Sarah comes and joins her. Cath laments how she ruined everything with one kiss. Sarah says she shouldn't be so hard on herself but Cath can't forget the look on Mal's face when she told him. Sarah says that she's really hurt Mal and he might not be able to forgive her. Go that sisterly love and support! Cath doesn't want to just let Mal go so Sarah says that she'll have to try and talk to him again, make him listen.
Cath's not the only one staring out of the window - the girls are looking out of the window to the Martin household. How? Given the layout of the street and the houses themselves, they could not look out of the living room window at anything but the street, Lou and Marlene's house and number 32!
Anyway, Marlene wonders if no news is good news and Susan wonders if Harold is just going along with it. Madge smiles and says that Susan's not known Harold that long, and it's not in his nature. Just then the boys start chanting "Harold!" over and over, and silhouetted against the new curtains next door they see Harold... seemingly enjoying himself.
Marlene is not putting up with the tone of the neighbourhood plummet beneath her nose and she's headed over there, Madge and Susan hot on her heels.
The boys are still chanting Harold's name and we see that Kandii is not a belly dancer but a magician. Harold's her volunteer and she wraps him in some cloth just as the girls storm in, demanding that the nonsense come to an end. Karl tells them that Kandii is about to do her thing, and from inside the cloth wrap Harold sticks his hand up and waves.
HAROLD: Hello, Madge! Kandii's about to make me disappear!
What every bride wants to hear in regards to her groom the night before the wedding I'm sure.
Lou and Harold help with the trick and sure enough Harold disappears. Again, something I'm sure Madge would love to happen given their history. Kandii introduces herself to the hens and Lou wonders why they're here - isn't their own party good enough? They say they were having such a great time they wanted to invite the boys to join them. There's a knock at the door and Harold comes back in, all smiles.
Mal and Billy are stranded with the last of the hens and decide if they can't fight it, join them. Mal asks Helen where Susan and the others have got to and Helen says they've gone next door to deal with the belly dancer issue. Mal suggests he and Billy head over but Billy points out that with those three on the case the talent will be long gone.
Susan comes home and announces that the two parties are merging.
HELEN: But what about Harold and the belly dancer?
SUSAN: I'd say right about now she's sawing him in half, or pulling a rabbit out of hat.
Crisis averted, she's a magician. They pick up the food and drinks, leaving the boys behind. Mal's not keen on joining them - he's not in the mood for a house full of women. Billy muses that he's not either but Mal points out that Anne didn't cheat on him. His anti-women rant continues as he says they mess you around and he's not putting up with it and Bill shouldn't either. Susan tries to get them to come over but Mal's not budging. When Billy's gone Susan asks if Mal's tried to patch things up with Cath - she was honest with him so that has to mean something. Mal doesn't think her honesty helps the matter. It's over, end of story.
Kandii takes Marlene's rose from her, puts it in her bag and seemingly sets fire to it, the bag falling away to reveal it's now a dove. As the audience clap Susan slips back into the house. Karl remarks on how long she was gone and she tells him that Mal's still down over the whole Cath thing. They realise that they can't make this better for him.
Harold thanks Lou for everything and Lou says he just wants his mate to be happy. Harold admits to jumping to the wrong conclusion and apologises.
Mal's sat on the couch when there's a knock at the door. Answering it to Cath he immediately tells her to forget it, he doesn't want to see her. She stops him shutting the door in her face and tells him that she knows she was wrong and she hurt him, but she just wants him to talk to her. He shuts the door anyway and she tells him that she loves him. Mal opens the door again.
Coffee Shop
Billy runs into Anne and he tells her about Harold's buck's night. She says she had a good night with Justin at the movies. Billy asks who paid this time and Anne says Justin paid for everything. Seems like he's not paid back Billy's twenty bucks yet and Anne says Justin probably forgot and she'll remind him. Billy isn't happy and wants him money back.
Cath is so sorry for hurting Mal and wants him to forgive her. He says "sure" but he's not giving in. If that's everything...? Realising she's not going to get what she wants, Cath leaves, passing Billy on the way. He starts ranting about Anne telling the whole world about her new boyfriend and how he's expected to just stand there and like it. Billy declares that Anne can forget it, and Mal mutters to himself that Cath can forget it too.
The brass band plays "Ode To Joy" as the guests assemble. Marlene, Susan and Helen declare they'll probably be sooks and have a bit of a cry, while Lou and Phil are nursing sore heads and wondering how Karl's OK.
The bride and groom arrive, Helen remarking on how Madge is wearing her original wedding dress. When the celebrant asks if they're ready to begin Harold asks for a moment alone with Madge. He tells her that he knows they've done this before but he can't remember it so it feels like the first time.
HAROLD: Don't let me say anything foolish, will you?
I think as long as he says "I do" then he'll be fine. Madge assures him that she's there and it'll be OK. They go to take their places as the celebrant begins the ceremony.
Number 30
Cath's finally up and Sarah comments on how terrible she looks. Cath says she went to see Mal last night and let her say everything before just asking her to leave. Sarah says that she's done the right thing and it must have taken a lot of guts. Cath really loves Mal and she feels like she's thrown everything away.
Lassiter's Lake
Harold and Madge exchange vows, finishing the ceremony with a kiss as the band strikes up "Amazing Grace". Lou's the first to congratulate them before they move through the crowd, Lou watching on fondly. Billy tries to slip away from the crowd but is stopped by Karl who wants to know where he's going and why. Billy says that he's happy for Madge and Harold, he's just not happy in himself.
Coffee Shop
Sarah finds Anne nursing a milkshake and declares that someone else wasn't going to the ball. Anne asks if Sarah's got a minute and asks if she knows what goes on in guys' heads. Anne tells her about Justin forgetting his wallet and borrowing money from Billy, and how he was OK until last night... Sarah's first question is if Billy likes her. Anne says that he doesn't and she knows this because he told her.
SARAH: And you believed him?
Sarah points out that she's a good looking girl and that she should could consider the fact that he's jealous and maybe he can't say how he feels.
Harold's making a speech, thanking Madge for everything. He wants to share everything with her, her dreams and his. He calls her his best friend and most precious love, and thanks her for not giving up on him. Awww.
Ramsay Street
They're saying their goodbyes as their bags are loaded into the taxi. They promise to keep in touch, Madge joking that if it doesn't work out they'll be back! Harold realises the time and they head off, the tin cans Lou's attached to the car rattling away behind them as they go.
Mal tells his parents that he's feeling much better. He's not changed his mind about Cath but it's giving him the push to do what he wants. Now he's got no ties it's time to leave Erinsborough and head overseas.
<<2797 - 2799>>
Helen Daniels, Marlene Kratz, Madge Bishop, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2798
Helen Daniels, Marlene Kratz, Madge Bishop, Susan Kennedy

Sarah Beaumont, Catherine O
Sarah Beaumont, Catherine O'Brien

Marlene Kratz, Susan Kennedy, Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 2798
Marlene Kratz, Susan Kennedy, Madge Bishop

Madge Bishop, Marlene Kratz, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2798
Madge Bishop, Marlene Kratz, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Lou Carpenter, Philip Martin, Kandii in Neighbours Episode 2798
Lou Carpenter, Philip Martin, Kandii

Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 2798
Harold Bishop

Kandii in Neighbours Episode 2798

Billy Kennedy, Malcolm Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2798
Billy Kennedy, Malcolm Kennedy

Kandii in Neighbours Episode 2798

Malcolm Kennedy, Catherine O
Malcolm Kennedy, Catherine O'Brien

Billy Kennedy, Anne Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 2798
Billy Kennedy, Anne Wilkinson

Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 2798
Helen Daniels

Celebrant in Neighbours Episode 2798

Lou Carpenter, Karl Kennedy, Billy Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Philip Martin, Marlene Kratz, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 2798
Lou Carpenter, Karl Kennedy, Billy Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Philip Martin, Marlene Kratz, Helen Daniels

 in Neighbours Episode 2798

Madge Bishop, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 2798
Madge Bishop, Harold Bishop

Madge Bishop, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 2798
Madge Bishop, Harold Bishop

Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 2798
Lou Carpenter

Sarah Beaumont, Anne Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 2798
Sarah Beaumont, Anne Wilkinson

Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 2798
Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop

Philip Martin, Helen Daniels, Marlene Kratz, Lou Carpenter, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2798
Philip Martin, Helen Daniels, Marlene Kratz, Lou Carpenter, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Philip Martin, Lou Carpenter, Marlene Kratz, Susan Kennedy, Madge Bishop, Karl Kennedy, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 2798
Philip Martin, Lou Carpenter, Marlene Kratz, Susan Kennedy, Madge Bishop, Karl Kennedy, Harold Bishop

Lou Carpenter, Philip Martin, Marlene Kratz, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2798
Lou Carpenter, Philip Martin, Marlene Kratz, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

 in Neighbours Episode 2798

Susan Kennedy, Dahl, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2798
Susan Kennedy, Dahl, Karl Kennedy

Malcolm Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2798
Malcolm Kennedy

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