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Neighbours Episode 9080 from 2024 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<9079 - 9081>>
Episode title: 9080
Australian and UK airdate: 22/07/24
Writer: Paul Gartside
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Moira Tohu: Robyn Arthur
- "No Time" by Gab Ferreira
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Jeremai
- Wendy explaining herself to Andrew and no more secrets.
- Wendy putting back on her wedding/engagement rings.
- JJ going to Luna Park with Dex/Nell.
- Dex commenting that Nell is really into him.
- JJ hearing he's getting back into Erinsborough High.
- JJ admitting to Dex that he likes Nell too!
- Susan trying to tempt Karl into a night of passion.
- Terese suggesting that Karl sees Susan now as a work colleague and not as a wife!
- Toadie seeing how run down Sonya's nursery has become.
- Toadie hearing that to get the space rented, he needs to close the nursery.
Sonya's nursery
As he is going around the nursery, Toadie has flashbacks to his time with Sonya there, including when he proposed to her.
Number 30
Toadie arrives to help Cara with the sun room repairs but then announces that he can no longer help. He does offer to pay someone to help her, but Cara is fine to go it alone.
As he is walking through the house to get to the door, he stops to ponder… then calls Rhett to say that he can't close the nursery.
Eirini Rising (main office)
After dealing with a resident's missing hat complaint, Susan's day gets better when she accepts a dinner invite (for herself and Karl) from Terese as Harold is also coming along. It then gets even better when Terese suggests that she heads home during her free afternoon to spend some time with Karl given the house will be full come the evening!
Lassiters Complex
You could cut the tension with a knife between the brothers as the kids make their way home from Luna Park. Neither are telling Nell what is up as they make their way to Harolds for food.
Eirini Rising (Karl's room)
Susan checks with Karl that they can sneak home that afternoon although he thinks its to watch the latest season of Gluggan!
After Susan heads back to her office, Karl gets a call from Toadie wanting to meet up.
The Waterhole
Cara is telling Remi about Toadie being "a bit off" earlier but she thinks that it was simply him needing to work.
Meanwhile Andrew gets a kiss from his wife for the lovely flowers he sent her before they head over to the VM's table to talk about the news JJ is back at EHS (the lad texted him). Everyone is happy that the got back in… however Cara seems somewhat jealous over how Andrew has reacted to the post- party revelations in comparison to how she'd be if it were Remi going out to secret parties "pretending to be single."
That last little snippet is news to Andrew, he didn't know that is what Wendy was doing! Cue major awkwardness as Wendy tries to come up with an explanation. She admits that she let "the Uni kids think that I was single and childless" but claims that it "was all part of the misunderstanding." Andrew looks very peeved that she "didn't correct them" and it twigs too why all the family photos were removed from the house along with Wendy not wearing her wedding ring.
Number 26
Wendy arrives home to talk with Andrew but he's not in the listening mood. She tries to explain that what she did was simply so she could fit in but does concede she "took it too far."
WENDY: But it's got nothing to do with how I feel about you or Sadie.
Andrew isn't too sure and think she is only sorry because she got busted with his camping trip being aborted and Sadie coming home early, otherwise they'd still "be none the wiser and you'd still be running with it."
ANDREW: What a shame that you can't keep pretending your family doesn't exist.
Sonya's nursery
Karl looks shocked too at the sight that he sees when he meets Toadie at the nursery. Toadie explains that it did feel right to close the place but then adds because the nursery "meant everything to Sonya" he couldn't let her down by closing it down. Karl doesn't think so and points out that he runs the foundation in Sonya's name.
TOADIE: I'm surrounded by reminders of her. I've mourned her. I've moved on, so I don't know why this is happening. I just… I can't let this go.
Karl asks if Dee is also on his mind and Toadie admits he has tried to write to her but doesn't know where to start as since he last wrote, he's "divorced Mel, married Terese" whom he almost nearly lost too. Toad admits that he no longer fears that Paul and Melanie are the biggest threat to his marriage, its actually "all of these reminders about my past" that keep coming back and that he doesn't "know what to do about that."
Harolds café
Dex is very bitter at what he see is JJ "lying to my face" after confiding in him that he liked Nell [while at the same time JJ did too] and wonders if the advice JJ gave was actually him trying to sabotage things by giving Dex "stupid things to do!" "I would never do that," JJ instantly replies back with and wants Dex to unhear what was said as he isn't "going to act on it."
Sonya's nursery
Rather than being put in an "awkward position," by confiding in him, Karl is actually pleased that Toadie has confided in him, but feels that Toadie should really be having this conversation with his wife. Toadie though feels he's already "put Terese through so much when I cheated on her."
TOADIE: When I'm with Terese everything truly is great so I don't wanna give her any reason to worry.
Karl goes to say something but before he can, Toadie quickly adds that "there is no reason to worry" it is simply his "weird feelings."
Sonya's nursery/Eirini Rising
Their chat is interrupted when Susan calls wondering where Karl is as they have a short window to be at home. As he doesn't realise the real reason Susan wants him home, he suggests instead that they wants Gluggan in his office!
Number 30
JJ tries to talk to his brother and put it behind them but Dex is giving him the silent treatment. That changes though when JJ pulls the book Dex was reading out of his hands and it is accidental damaged in the process. Dex is livid at his brother as the book was a special edition one which he was supposed to give to Nell the next day.
The noise the pair have made has got the attention of their parents in the kitchen and Cara yells for them to "chill out." Remi wants to know what is really going on as they've been "weird since you got home" especially as tonight was supposed to be a celebration for JJ getting back into EHS. "Did something happen at Luna Park?" Cara asks but the question goes unanswered as the boys individually leave the living room.
Number 26 (garden)
Andrew is taking is frustration out on the punching bag when JJ arrives and asks if he is okay. JJ might regret asking that, as Andrew tells him about his marriage issues which have hit him "for six." "I hope everything gets sorted," JJ tells him when Andrew heads inside to get ready for work.
Eirini Rising (Karl's room)
While waiting for Karl to arrive, Susan spots Moira's missing hat and as she places it on the treatment table an idea suddenly comes to her.
Meanwhile outside, something has come to Karl too so rather than enter his room, he heads back the way he just came from!
Back inside, Susan is checking out the sturdiness of the treatment table! After giving it the thumbs up… and a bit of pondering, she starts to undress! When she hears a knock on the door, she quickly grabs the hat and puts it on her head before calling out "come in big boy!" Only it isn't Karl who enters… but Moira and I am not sure which one of them is shocked the most… although at least Susan uses the hat to cover up her modesty!
MOIRA: I see you have found my hat!
Behind the medical screens, Susan dresses herself whilst trying to explaining to Moira that she wasn't expecting her. "Clearly!" is the curt reply back while Karl tries to quickly conjure up an explanation over why Susan was naked - and comes up with her back was still hurting. Cottoning on quickly, Susan is quick to agree that "yes" it was still hurting and adds in that she was hoping Karl "could just give it a little rub." Rather than pacify her, that seems to shock Moira even more and the screaming [when she first saw Susan] has also brought Terese running into the room now too! After grabbing her hat back, Moira lets it be known that "the residential rep will be hearing about this!"
A confused Terese is going "huh" as Moira leaves the room while Susan simply wants her boss not to ask questions! Thankfully she doesn't and about turns and heads out of the room and so its Karl who is the one to ask "what's going on?!"
SUSAN: I have been dropping hints for a week! We need some couple time!!!
SUSAN: Oh! I don't usually have to spell it out for you Karl! That can only mean one thing.
KARL: What?
SUSAN: I have been work- zoned!
Karl has obviously never heard of this term before, so Susan explains that they've "become all work and no play." "I supposed I have been a little bit distracted," Karl admits and jokes with Susan (after she explains why she instigated the 'afternoon delight' during their short window) that they should be grateful for Moira's hat being "a big one" although when he then goes to kiss Susan, he's quickly rebuffed with a "not now!"
The Waterhole
As they clear a table together, Aaron talks to Wendy about how tense things were with Andrew. Wendy acknowledges that Andrew is furious at her but that she also "didn't even get a chance to explain properly" and "now all I want to do is talk it through" but both of them are working until late. Aaron thinks not being able to talk could be good to allow things to cool off and is confident that they will "work through this."
Meanwhile, Cara comes in to collect dessert and while Aaron goes to check with the kitchen, it allows her to apologise to Wendy for opening her big mouth earlier - she thought Andrew and Sadie knew everything. Wendy reassures Cara it isn't her fault, and equally also reassures Cara that she's not said a word about her being at Uni.
WENDY: I got myself into this. I caused the mess. I just got to put it right.
Police station
And for Wendy that starts by going to see Andrew (she asked Cara to let Aaron know she was popping out) because she "couldn't leave things as they were," she wanted a "chance to explain." "It's not the time or place," Andrew says to her but Wendy's not letting that stop her! She hopes that he doesn't think she "cooked up" a plan to "lie about you to my friends" what happened was simply "a misunderstanding" which she let slide.
WENDY: I didn't want them thinking I was some boring, old fuddy duddy.
ANDREW: But you're not? That's what makes all of this so ridiculous.
Wendy isn't sure what he means by that, so he spells it out to her.
ANDREW: You're amazing, you're funny and fun and your Uni mates would have seen that and loved you for it if you'd just… I don't know, been honest.
He wants to know why she let it go on for so long too and her reply is she "enjoyed it." From the look Andrew gives, he wasn't expecting that, so she tries to then explain that "it was just like this whole new world opened up for me."
WENDY: I just felt so young and free. It was like my whole life was ahead of me.
ANDREW: Yeah right… so in real life, me and Sadie, we hold you back?
That isn't what Wendy was meaning, so Andrew re- clarifies that they "just stop you from being free and happy?" "No," she quickly replies and then tries to say explain that "it's just… it was different, okay."
ANDREW: No, no, you can dress this up however you like, but the bottom line is, in your dream life, me and Sadie, we don't exist. I don't know how I'm supposed to just deal with that.
Number 22
After catching the tail end of her call to Susan, Terese tells her husband that she doesn't think Susan is "ever going to take my advice again!" Thankfully he doesn't ask for an explanation as Terese spots he's finished his letter to Dee and hears Hugo has given his blessing to include photos of himself too. When she asks how things went at the nursery, the reply is "good" and that "everything's under control" although the audience can tell that it's a 'fake' reply. When Nell arrives in the kitchen, she's asked about the Luna Park trip and yes, Terese does want to hear all about the rides the lass went on as the pair start to prepare dinner.
Number 26
Wendy has fallen asleep on the sofa waiting for Andrew to come home. She then goes to check her mobile and while Andrew has read her messages - asking where he is and that she is worried about him - there is no reply from him. She then sends him another one asking to 'Please come home. I'm worried. I love you.' Wendy gives up waiting for a reply (its been seconds since she sent the message!) and instead calls him but all she gets is his voicemail.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Mackenzie is curious
- Leo concerned for Krista.
- Wendy in tears.
<<9079 - 9081>>
Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9080
Toadie Rebecchi

Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9080
Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Cara Varga-Murphy, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9080
Cara Varga-Murphy, Toadie Rebecchi

Susan Kennedy, Terese Willis, Moira Tohu in Neighbours Episode 9080
Susan Kennedy, Terese Willis, Moira Tohu

JJ Varga-Murphy, Nell Rebecchi, Dex Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9080
JJ Varga-Murphy, Nell Rebecchi, Dex Varga-Murphy

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9080
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Cara Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy, Aaron Brennan, Andrew Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9080
Cara Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy, Aaron Brennan, Andrew Rodwell

Andrew Rodwell, Aaron Brennan, Wendy Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9080
Andrew Rodwell, Aaron Brennan, Wendy Rodwell

Wendy Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9080
Wendy Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell

JJ Varga-Murphy, Nell Rebecchi, Dex Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9080
JJ Varga-Murphy, Nell Rebecchi, Dex Varga-Murphy

Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9080
Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi

Dex Varga-Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9080
Dex Varga-Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy

Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9080
Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy

JJ Varga-Murphy, Andrew Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9080
JJ Varga-Murphy, Andrew Rodwell

Moira Tohu in Neighbours Episode 9080
Moira Tohu

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9080
Susan Kennedy

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Moira Tohu in Neighbours Episode 9080
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Moira Tohu

Susan Kennedy, Moira Tohu, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 9080
Susan Kennedy, Moira Tohu, Terese Willis

Cara Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9080
Cara Varga-Murphy

Andrew Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9080
Andrew Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell

Nell Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9080
Nell Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Wendy Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9080
Wendy Rodwell

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