Previously on Neighbours
- Toadie is upset after hearing a song that played on the radio the day that Sonya died.
- Dex isn't sure how to tell Nell that he likes her
- JJ might be allowed back into Erinsborough High
- Wendy denying that Sadie and Andrew exist to her friends
- Wendy holding a traffic light party at No 26, with Andrew and Sadie arriving home unexpectedly
Garden of No.26
The students are dispersing, leaving Quinn to talk to Wendy.
QUINN:(awkwardly) I'm really sorry about the whole hitting on you thing. I swear...if I'd have known you were married, I never would have...
WENDY:(even more awkwardly). All good! No need to get into all that. But, thank you for helping break up the party.
QUINN: Of course. That's what friends do. See you tomorrow?
WENDY: Sure.
He slinks off.
When he's gone, Sadie comes over. She asks Wendy how many drinks she's had - she's clearly a bit sloshed.
SADIE: Maybe hit the waters before trying to explain any of this to Dad.
Ramsay Street
Toadie and Terese are observing the departing party- goers. Nell and Dex come over and ask if they can go to Luna Park tomorrow - but she's not taking Hugo!
JJ comes over and Nell invites him to join them at Luna Park tomorrow. He awkwardly agrees.
Karl is talking about how one of the Eirini Rising residents ran for Parliament in his youth. Susan is clearly feeling amorous, but Karl doesn't pick up on any of her hints.
Just then, Melanie comes in - she's got two spare tickets for the cinema. Karl agrees enthusiastically to come along, Susan not quite to enthusiastically(!)
Wendy tells Andrew that he doesn't have to clean up, but he point out she's a bit too drunk to do it herself.
ANDREW: Quinn...he's the bloke you were dancing with?
WENDY: Just Uni friend...and had a bit too much to drink today.
Wendy confesses that she had planned a bit party, and didn't think Andrew would agree.
ANDREW: Since when did you start wearing Sadie's clothes?
WENDY: I was just trying to fit in!
ANDREW: With a bunch of kids?
WENDY: Who assumed I was much younger when we first met.
ANDREW: Right. And how much younger?
WENDY: In my 20s. And I just figured, you know, no harm in just going with it. And I was pulling it off.
ANDREW: I'm sure you were. Maybe loop me in next time you plan on having a party. And let me know if you want the oldies out of the way(!)
WENDY: Thanks for not being mad.
Andrew thinks her hangover tomorrow will be punishmen enough(!)
JJ and Dex are telling Andrew and Cara about the party at No.26. JJ is worried about whether he'll be allowed back to school, and they talk about going to Luna Park tomorrow (JJ doesn't seem enthused)
CARA: Is this about the Ghost Train? Cos no- one's going to make you go on it again.
JJ: That was five years ago.
They all chuckle.
JJ: It's not funny!
REMI:(laughing) Sorry, mate...
He goes off to his room, a bit sulky.
Toadie has been writing to Dee. He gets a text from the real estate agent and says he'd better go to see what's going on at the Nursery.
Wendy is making a cooked breakfast for the family and looking rather ill.
Sadie tells Wendy off for borrowing her clothes. Andrew wants to know where all the family photos are and Wendy admits that she put them away, saying she wanted to protect them.
When they've gone outside to eat their breakfast, Wendy puts her rings back on.
Harold's Cafe
Remi, Cara, Sadie and Melanie are talking about Wendy's party (although Cara looks uncomfortable). They are surprised that Wendy is such a party animal.
Sonya's Nursery
The real estate agent tells Toadie that the tenant has left - the business just isn't viable anymore. The place is a bit of a mess. The agent explains that there is so much competition from the big garden cetres now, it just isn't viable. But he could let the space to another business.
TOADIE: So if I close Sonya's Nursery...?
Quinn sees Wendy sitting at a table.
QUINN:(reading over her shoulder) Wow. Nothing cures a hangover quite like applying for a Gatsford Mentorship. You really are full of surprises.
WENDY: Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Andrew and Sadie. I never planned on manipulating anyone, it's just you guys assumed and I kind of just ran with it.
QUINN: Why? I don't get that.
WENDY: I've just been really alone here. And then suddenly I've got friends and I panicked. I mean, who wants to hang out with a middle- aged mum. This is the real me. Ta- da(!)
QUINN: Well, the real you might dress a bit differently, but you're still Wendy. We like you for you, you know that, right? Oh, as a friend...obviously. Because, you know, the other stuff that I said at the party...
WENDY: You were just acting based on the information you had.
QUINN: You mean embarrassing myself?(!)
WENDY: No, not at all!. And for the record, I'm flattered, but very married.
He offers to get her a coffee to ward off the hangover.
Luna Park
JJ, Nell and Dex are taking selfies outside. Dex goes to check out rides, so JJ and Nell wander around until he comes back. Dex tries to win Nell a purple bunny, which he eventually does. Nell hugs him.
Sonya's Nursery
Toadie is telling the real estate agent a bit about Sonya and getting lost in memory lane a bit.
REAL ESTATE AGENT: If you don't mind my asking, did you not see it coming?
TOADIE: I guess I did on some level. Probably a big clue having to drop the rent so many times, right?
REAL ESTATE AGENT: Obviously, I'll do whatever you want...
TOADIE: No, no, no, I get it. I need to be realistic. And I have to have a chat with our daughter.
TOADIE: And our son...he lives in the States so it's going to take me a minute to get back to you.
REAL ESTATE AGENT: Yeah. Take all the time you need.
Toadie stands there, sadly.
Luna Park
Nell is delighted with her bunny and tells JJ that Dex is really sweet. Just then, the phone rings - it's Remi and Cara telling him that he's allowed to go back to Erinsborough High. he's very pleased.
DEX: I guess we need to celebrate!
NELL: Totally! And there's only one way we should do that.
DEX and NELL: Ghost train!
JJ: No, you told her, didn't you!
DEX: What, are you scared?
JJ: No...I'm not scared (unconvincingly) It's just really lame, that's all.
NELL: Don't worry, I'll hold your hand if it gets too much!
She drags him off into the Ghost Train.
Eirini Rising
Remi has been telling Karl, Susan and Terese about JJ being allowed back to school - they're all very pleased. They talk about Harold being the residents' representative and when Karl has gone, Susan and Terese have a chat about Susan's lack of sex life (yuk)
TERESE: You've been work-zoned.
SUSAN: What?
TERESE: Work-zoned. You're spending far too much time here, he's starting to see you as a colleague.
Susan looks horrified.
TERESE: Don't worry, don't worry, it's fine. Paul and I managed to find a balance somehow - it'll be fine.
SUSAN:(anguished) What do I do?!
Wendy and Quinn are chatting at a table when Andrew comes along with a big bunch of flowers for her.
ANDREW: Look, I know that uni has been an adjustment, and I'm just in awe of your ability to adapt under pressure. Even though you don't look a day over thirty!
WENDY: These are gorgeous, but I hardly deserve them after yesterday.
ANDREW: You always deserve flowers.
WENDY: Watch out. Someone might think I'm being hit on by an older, creepy guy.
ANDREW: Interesting, well, I think that's just a burden I have to bear! I really want you to enjoy this place. Try everything. I just don't want you to feel that you have to hide it all from me.
WENDY: Well, in that case, I should let you know that I'm definitely past my house party phase! And I more secrets.
They kiss.
Cara and Toadie are discussing the new garden room, but Cara is distracted. She tells Toadie that the space is missing something - something with character.
TOADIE: If you're in to upcycling, I might have something for you. Give me an hour. I'll be back.
Luna Park
JJ is feeling a bit shaken after the Ghost Train(!) and is sitting quietly while Dex babbles on about liking Nell. He asks JJ for help, but he says he can't get involved anymore.
DEX: But why, JJ?
JJ: Because I like Nell, too!
Coming up on Neighbours
- Toadie is feeling uneasy about all the reminders about his past.
- Dex asks JJ if he's been giving him bad advice on purpose.
- Andrew is shocked to hear that Wendy has been pretending to be single.