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Neighbours Episode 9027 from 2024 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<9026 - 9028>>
Episode title: 9027
Australian and UK airdate: 18/04/24
Writer: Megan Herbert
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Zach Fernsby: Stephen Phillips
Pr0xxy: Maximillian Johnson
- "Strategy" by Alice Wonder
Summary/Images by: Clare/Jeremai
- Karl is reminding Melanie of the benefits of healthy eating
- Karl poops in someone's front garden
- Terese notices Karl has a lot of kale
- Byron and Sadie get back together
- Mackenzie wants to help Haz
- Haz mentionsWade being targeted which Mackenzie picks up on
- Wade tells Mackenzie what Haz and his friends did to him
- Mackenzie isn't sure if she and Haz have a future
Law Office
Haz tells Mackenzie he's been trying to be a good human being and to repair all the damage he's caused.
MACKENZIE: That doesn't help Wade does it?
Haz agrees and realises she deserves a more decent human being. She doesn't want him to make her feel guilty. She points out he's hidden what he did from her and others.
MACKENZIE: They need to know.
HAZ: I need to take them down. That's the only way they'll know I'm not that person anymore. Please give me one more chance.
Mackenzie doesn't answer, she needs to get on with work. Haz goes outside as she closes her laptop and quietly sobs.
Harold's Cafe
Haz arrives and Aaron asks him for another drink. Nicolette recommends going to bed earlier to feel refreshed. He apologises for heading off and wants to know how Isla is doing. Isla is getting into a routine. Time just slipped by for Aaron, Nicolette understands. Aaron saw an ad for their place in the country, they want a long time tenant.
Byron and Sadie arrive and Nicolette looks over. They agree it's strange that someone will be living at their old place. Nicolette won't miss the non- stop possum lovefest but Aaron will miss it. Byron and Sadie are all loved up, Aaron catches on and warns Nicolette not to meddle.
Nicolette invites Byron and Sadie over for lunch with Sadie as the guest of honour. Nicolette offers to cook. Sadie agrees but Byron wants to know what's going on.
NICOLETTE: So that me and Sadie can get to know each other.
She cajoles him and Sadie agrees on his behalf.
Haz gets a text message from Pr0xxy wishing him 'good luck'. He calls the number. He tells Pr0xxy that Doppio is calling and wants to talk to them.
Ramsay Street
Byron is suspicious of Nicolette acting all nice. Sadie isn't suspicious. Sadie thinks Byron is biased because of being Nicolette's brother. Byron points out that Nicolette hasn't done a lunch before and Jane won't be at the lunch. Sadie is ok if Nicolette wants to suss her out.
BYRON: Don't say I didn't warn you.
Byron can't go to Sadie's as he needs to tidy up ahead of lunch.
Karl is making his drink in the blender. He has named the drink Green Glow. In this single serve it has all the nutrients needed. Holly is impressed but declines when she realises it's kale. Holly heads off. Melanie declines, it went straight through her the last time she tried it! She will drink lots of water and go for a bike ride.
KARL: You're veering away from my nutritional programme.
MELANIE: Maybe I could be your control subject.
Karl agrees, to show how not following his programme is a bad idea. She agrees to health studies but not so keen on before and after photos. The route today will be challenging. Melanie thinks doubling back on Power Road is due to the billboard! Karl gives a noncommittal answer and plans to navigate.
No.26 Backyard
Sadie comes out to the backyard dressed as if she's going to a ball. Andrew tells Sadie they've got a repeat offender and their behaviour is disgusting.
SADIE: You don't want to discharge any of the details so they don't eat away at you?
ANDREW: Don't say 'discharge'.
Sadie is bemused why she needs to avoid that word. He uses it usually when work is overwhelming. He explains what the offender is doing, calls keep coming in every day, Sadie isn't impressed. Andrew notices she has dressed up so she explains about the lunch. She worries she's gone overboard. Andrew thinks it's great for a Michelin star lunch in Paris.
ANDREW: Why can't you wear regular clothes?
SADIE: Cause I want the sibling tick of approval.
Andrew thinks it should be the other way around, Sadie should just act like herself. Sadie isn't grateful for the advice!
The Waterhole
A young man comes in, Haz wryly acknowledges him as 'the great Pr0xxy'. Haz didn't know if Pr0xxy would arrive.
PR0XXY: Trash our business. Disappear off the face of the planet. Then call me out of the blue.
Pr0xxy wants to know why Haz got in contact. He thinks he's doing Haz more of a favour by showing up than Haz deserves. Haz thinks he did them a favour by escaping when they did and not getting caught. Pr0xxy doesn't see it that way as Haz benefitted financially and was sure he wouldn't get caught. Pr0xxy tells Haz he's not resentful but has moved on. He is surprised when Haz asks if he's been targeting his friends but tells him he hasn't done it.
HAZ: I hope not, because if I find out that you are, I will burn you to the ground, starting with your cushy new job. I'll work my way through every corner of your life until it's dust.
A Road Somewhere
Melanie and Karl are cycling along. Karl stops as his chain has come loose. Melanie stops as well but Karl encourages her to carry on. She offers to help. Karl is sure he knows what he's doing and can easily catch her up. Melanie isn't impressed and heads off. Karl heads off into the bushes.
Nicolette asks Byron if Sadie has any allergies. She's not allergic to anything but doesn't really like mushrooms. Nicolette jokes about adding mushrooms as there's a knock at the door.
NICOLETTE: I want to get to know your girlfriend and all her fun little quirks and facts.
BYRON: How do you make that sound so evil?
Byron reconsiders the idea as Aaron goes to answer the door. Sadie has changed into a top and trousers and has brought some flowers and a bottle of wine for Nicolette. Nicolette admires her top. Byron reassures Sadie this isn't a regular event! They share an awkward kiss and he reassures her she doesn't need to suck up to Nicolette. Both families have a rule of not going somewhere empty handed. Aaron is going to open the wine and give Sadie a big glass of wine.
The Waterhole
Pr0xxy reminds Haz they were friends and for influencers they had fake followers plus other stuff. Pr0xxy isn't out for revenge. He wasn't happy with how Haz acted but he hasn't got an agenda against Haz and his friends. Haz suggests 8old, Pr0xxy doesn't think it's him, Codec, Owl or anyone else.
HAZ: It might be all of you working together and you've shown up to throw me off the trail.
PR0XXY: I've moved on. We all have.
HAZ: I'm supposed to take your word for it?
PR0XXY: Show me what you're dealing with. You're always rubbish at hunting trails. Let me do my thing.
Haz realises he'd have to give Pr0xxy access to all his devices. Pr0xxy wants to know if Haz wants his help, Haz agrees.
Another Road Somewhere
Melanie is riding her bike. She pauses for a moment then heads back to where she left Karl. His bike is there so she calls out to him. He comes out from the bushes. He wanted her to carry on but she didn't have the route map. He'll send it to her. Apparently he was wiping his hands after getting chain grease on them! He sets off and ignores her attempts to talk to him.
Nicolette wants to know what Sadie's future plans are connected to her make- up career. Sadie hasn't completely decided yet. Byron wants to know what Nicolette's plans are.
BYRON: Been a while since you've had any career goals.
Nicolette changes the subject and suggests Byron and Sadie visit Cape Town where Byron has had adventures. Byron wants seconds of the pie. Aaron excuses himself even though Nicolette has planned dessert. Nicolette isn't seeing anyone so Sadie thinks they should find someone for her. Sadie asks what type she goes for and other women she's dated since Kiri.
NICOLETTE: I haven't felt ready. Good things don't come along as often as you'd hoped they will. So don't go mucking it up like I did. It's special what you two have.
Nicolette has got lemon tart for dessert. Sadie thinks they've got Nicolette's blessing.
Law Office
Mackenzie is getting frustrated over something as Holly arrives. Holly realises something is going on and asks Mackenzie about it. Mackenzie tells her things are going downhill. Holly has picked up on the tension, Mackenzie apologises. Holly wants to help Mackenzie and wants to know what's going on.
MACKENZIE: I've learned something about him and I don't know if I can accept it.
Mackenzie won't open up anymore than that and promises she'll sort it. Mackenzie doesn't want to put anything more on Holly's should after she lost all that money. As the police linked it to what happened to Aaron and Jane, it's now fraud. Holly will get her money back. Holly asks again what's going on but Mackenzie can't say anymore.
Pr0xxy notes it's been done sloppily and other stuff so they work out it's done by an amateur. They rule out Codec, 8old and Owl. Haz wants to know who Pr0xxy has worked out it is. Pr0xxy suggests Haz loses the attitude.
Mackenzie arrives home and Haz introduces Pr0xxy as someone he used to work with. Mackenzie heads out of the room.
Pr0xxy asks what's going on, Haz is vague about Mackenzie having a problem without naming her. Pr0xxy needs to head off. Haz wishes he'd done more. Pr0xxy points out he's ruled out the ones who were in on it before and hasn't charged Haz. Pr0xxy will contact Haz if he comes up with anything else. He asks Haz not to contact him again.
The Waterhole
Melanie and Wendy are sitting at a table. Melanie has been bike riding all day and wants Wendy to recommend something that's good for carbs. They went past the billboard twice.
WENDY: I hope you didn't do any skidding.
Melanie looks confused. Wendy explains about the serial human pooper and everyone's talking about them.
MELANIE: They just drop it like it's hot wherever it is. Disgusting!
Wendy shows her a map of where it's happened on the community page. Melanie realises they've gone for bike rides in those places. Melanie realises that Karl kept disappearing and letting her ride on.
WENDY: Dr Karl, serial poo- cycler.
Melanie tells her about his regime. She realises there's room in the backpack for toilet paper. They both agree Karl isn't responsible and laugh at the absurdity. Melanie looks rather apprehensive.
Haz has been looking at his laptop as Mackenzie returns to the front room. He tells her Pr0xxy has left. Mackenzie has worked out Pr0xxy was part of Haz's crew. Haz confirms that Pr0xxy wasn't involved at creating fakes but was trying to work out who was responsible.
MACKENZIE: Is there some kind of troll code?
Mackenzie thinks the crew stick together but are dishonest with other people. Haz tells Mackenzie that what Pr0xxy says checks out with what he's gone over. He will keep checking on Owl and Codec. They were motivated in other things as well as money. Mackenzie asks him not to ask them over to No.32.
MACKENZIE: I don't want people like that in our home.
Mackenzie knows the others would feel the same, Haz agrees to this. He apologises, he just wanted to try and sort things out.
No.26 Backyard
Byron and Sadie toast Sadie passing Nicolette's test! They share a kiss but are interrupted by Holly. She tells them about what happened with Mackenzie. She's worried as Mackenzie wouldn't talk to her about it which is what usually happens. Sadie points out Holly used to go out with Haz but Holly doesn't think that's the reason.
HOLLY: We need to have a couple intervention.
Sadie and Byron aren't keen but Holly wants to intervene. Byron just wants to be there for Mackenzie and Haz. Sadie thinks they'll talk when they're ready or work it out themselves.
Mackenzie gets a message from Wade. He found their meeting helpful and wants to meet up again. Mackenzie contemplates this.
No.82 Tram
A server brings Wade a coffee. He gets a message from Mackenzie agreeing to a meeting. Wade has his laptop open in front of him. There's a photo of the Cafe Cleanup on the laptop screen.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Krista decided to join Leo as she couldn't sleep
- Krista finds Aaron in The Waterhole
- Wade and Mackenzie meet up
- Terese dreams about her and Paul's wedding renewal
<<9026 - 9028>>
Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 9027
Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Aaron Brennan, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 9027
Aaron Brennan, Nicolette Stone

Sadie Rodwell, Byron Stone, Haz Devkar, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 9027
Sadie Rodwell, Byron Stone, Haz Devkar, Nicolette Stone

Haz Devkar in Neighbours Episode 9027
Haz Devkar

Byron Stone, Sadie Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9027
Byron Stone, Sadie Rodwell

Melanie Pearson, Holly Hoyland, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9027
Melanie Pearson, Holly Hoyland, Karl Kennedy

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9027
Karl Kennedy

Sadie Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9027
Sadie Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell

Sadie Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9027
Sadie Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell

Haz Devkar, Pr0xxy in Neighbours Episode 9027
Haz Devkar, Pr0xxy

Melanie Pearson, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9027
Melanie Pearson, Karl Kennedy

Sadie Rodwell, Aaron Brennan, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 9027
Sadie Rodwell, Aaron Brennan, Nicolette Stone

Pr0xxy in Neighbours Episode 9027

Melanie Pearson, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9027
Melanie Pearson, Karl Kennedy

Aaron Brennan, Nicolette Stone, Sadie Rodwell, Byron Stone in Neighbours Episode 9027
Aaron Brennan, Nicolette Stone, Sadie Rodwell, Byron Stone

Sadie Rodwell, Byron Stone in Neighbours Episode 9027
Sadie Rodwell, Byron Stone

Holly Hoyland, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 9027
Holly Hoyland, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Pr0xxy, Haz Devkar in Neighbours Episode 9027
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Pr0xxy, Haz Devkar

Melanie Pearson, Wendy Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9027
Melanie Pearson, Wendy Rodwell

Melanie Pearson, Wendy Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9027
Melanie Pearson, Wendy Rodwell

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar in Neighbours Episode 9027
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar

Holly Hoyland, Byron Stone, Sadie Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9027
Holly Hoyland, Byron Stone, Sadie Rodwell

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar, Nicolette Stone, Holly Hoyland, Aaron Brennan, Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 9027
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar, Nicolette Stone, Holly Hoyland, Aaron Brennan, Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy, Jane Harris

Wade Fernsby in Neighbours Episode 9027
Wade Fernsby

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