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Neighbours Episode 8987 from 2024 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8986 - 8988>>
Episode title: 8987
Australian and UK airdate: 08/02/24
Writer: Daniel Papas
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Chelsea Murphy: Viva Bianca
Summary/Images by: Clare/Jeremai
- Toadie being honest upsets Melanie
- Toadie admits to Terese that things got intimate
- Terese tells Melanie she shouldn't overstep boundaries
- Paul holds Krista responsible for Eden's presence leading to David's death
- Remi tells Chelsea that Paul doesn't have much money
- Terese tells Chelsea she did well out of her divorce with Paul
- Chelsea hides when Toadie comes into the office
Rebecchi Law Office
Chelsea hides as Toadie goes through his paperwork. Toadie finds what he needs and realises something. He comes and closes the door to the office that Chelsea is hiding in, he doesn't spot her. Terese arrives and wants to walk Toadie home. She was at home before but she wanted to spend time with Toadie.
Chelsea goes into the main office and looks at the Willis/Robinson file, she heads out.
Krista is playing dolls with Abby. Krista promises to let Leo know when Sadie collects Abby but Leo is coming with them to Harold's. They head off.
Paul offers Aaron a drink. Paul isn't impressed with the family scene but Aaron isn't bothered about it. Paul thinks it's gone from bad to treacherous.
PAUL: David would still be alive if she hadn't brought Eden into our lives.
AARON: Holly brought him here.
Paul is still convinced Krista is responsible and doesn't think Krista is innocent in all this. Paul knows Krista isn't stupid. Paul is convinced that Krista being involved in all this led to David's death. Aaron doesn't argue.
No.30 Sunroom
Chelsea looks through the file (Terese doesn't have a middle name.) She closes it up when Cara and Remi come to invite her to a movie. Chelsea passes the opportunity up as she wants a pamper session. She knows they're not keen on nail polish fumes!
REMI: Nothing worse than something toxic living in your house.
Remi claims to be joking but Chelsea knows otherwise! They leave and Chelsea smiles as she reads the file contents.
Leo arrives and realises they've started planning the funeral without him.
AARON: You can hang out with your girlfriend all you want, don't expect us to wait.
Nicolette is suggesting locations for the funeral and looks to Leo to see if he has any ideas. Paul would rather focus on the smaller stuff first. Paul wants to organise some photos so will ask people to send their favourite photos of David. Leo offers to message Kim for photos as well.
Lassiter's Reception
Chelsea arrives with some flowers. She thinks he should take time off and doesn't have to be working. He agrees, he is trying to do small tasks to keep busy but seems to be getting upset. The flowers are for him to let him know she's thinking of him, she's here to support him He thanks her and appreciates her words. He admires the flowers.
Harold's Cafe (Outside)
Haz has come to take Aaron and Leo's order. He offers them food but Leo orders coffees and a peppermint tea for Krista. Aaron hadn't realised Krista would be joining them as she arrives. She asks Aaron how he is but he doesn't reply. She picks up on the tension and excuses herself to the bathroom. Aaron decides to have a takeaway coffee instead. Leo wants to know what's going on. Aaron blames Krista as well as Eden for David's death. Leo reminds Aaron that Paul has a grudge against Krista.
AARON: Eden would never have showed up at that holiday house if it wasn't for her. David wouldn't be dead.
Leo doesn't think that's fair on Krista but that is how Aaron feels about it. Aaron wants Leo to keep Krista out of his way.
Lassiter's Complex
Byron tells Terese, Toadie and Jane that Nicolette is concentrating on organising things. He's not so sure how Aaron's handling things.
JANE: He's numb then angry then numb again. So much pain and emotion.
Toadie can empathise with Aaron so Terese asks after Paul. He's not doing so well, Leo is supporting him.
Paul is looking at his photo display of David and Leo when Leo arrives. He's not impressed with how Paul is treating Krista and messing with Aaron's head.
PAUL: Would David still be alive if she hadn't come into our lives?
Leo knows there's more to it than that. Paul angrily points out that Leo is going around with Krista who Eden was obsessed with whilst they're organising David's funeral.
PAUL: All because of some white knight fantasy you had because of Britney. When you come to your senses, good luck living with yourself.
Hotel Room
Krista opens the door to Leo who has brought over her bag she forgot. She blames it on baby brain. She wants to know how Leo is doing. Leo is taking things one step at a time. Krista wanted to talk to Aaron as she plans to donate money to charity in David's name. She can't remember the name of a fostering charity that David mentioned, Leo doesn't know either. Krista will try and find out when she takes over a gift she has for Isla. Leo suggests she talks to Aaron after the funeral and she agrees. She plans to check the NA schedule at the Community Centre. Leo is going to head off as she's got a lot going on. She doesn't mind if he stays but he needs to head off.
The Waterhole
Chelsea arrives and heads over to greet Paul, she has been thinking about him. He's taking a coffee break. He refuses her suggestion of getting something to eat. He tells her they haven't decided very much about the funeral. Leo is distracted and Aaron is struggling with it all. Paul doesn't want to offload too much onto Nicolette as she needs to support Aaron and Isla. Chelsea offers her support with logistics.
CHELSEA: I'm kind of an organisational dynamo.
PAUL: I witnessed that first hand when you conjured up a shop out of thin air.
She suggests someone she knows who does video montages, he likes the idea.
Toadie and Terese arrive, Toadie offers his condolences. Paul admits to barely managing but knows he has people to support him. Paul realises Leo has other things to concentrate on but Chelsea has been a great support.
CHELSEA: Handling some pesky arrangements.
TERESE: Wow. Pesky arrangements for a funeral.
Chelsea tries to explain but Terese doesn't look impressed. Terese appreciates her support.
Krista has brought over a star projecting night lamp. Nicolette knows Isla will love this gift as Byron says Isla loves solar systems. Krista bought one for Abby and it's helping her a bit. Isla had a restless night. Jane tells Krista that Isla fell asleep after breakfast. Aaron when prompted thanks Krista. Krista goes over to Aaron.
KRISTA: I just wanted to let you know how important David was to me. What he did and the effect it had on my life. It takes a special kind of man.
AARON: You don't have to tell me how special he was. I was married to him.
Aaron heads off as everyone looks at each other.
Lassiter's Reception
Paul hasn't really considered flowers and happy to go with what Chelsea thinks is best. Leo arrives and wants to know what's happening. He isn't impressed that Chelsea's involved as it's a family matter. Paul thinks that the plans have been sidelined. Leo realises he's being pushed out.
PAUL: I'm not the one making choices here.
LEO: You're playing games. This isn't funny.
Paul thinks Leo should appreciate Chelsea as she's focusing on David being honoured.
No.24 Driveway
Aaron comes down the driveway and looks at the Drinks Divas Van. Nicolette has followed him, Isla is requesting a Daddy hug. Aaron is off for a walk and will do that later.
Rebecchi Law Office
Toadie is putting a file away in the filing cabinet and notices another drawer the filing cabinet is open. He checks through the drawer.
TERESE: If you've called me to fix that I'm afraid I've left my toolbox at home.
We see that the Willis/Robinson file has been returned. Terese realises there's another reason he's called her. Toadie realises she wants to be there for Paul.
TOADIE: I do feel like you are getting in too deep.
She reminds Toadie he stayed over at No.28 recently. He reminds her about the hostage situation, she brings up David's death. Toadie reminds her to support Paul as a friend but return to her family. Their voices are getting louder and louder.
TERESE: You are a hypocrite and I am still part of Paul's family!
TOADIE: You're not as much as Paul would love you to be!
Terese reminds him she viewed David like a son. Toadie draws a halt to the argument.
TOADIE: Croquembouche!
He wants that to be their safe word when they need time out. Terese is bemused, Toadie has just decided this. He just decided to use a silly word. They chuckle over this. Toadie realises they won't always like their exes but will still care about them. He realises he needs to leave others to support Melanie. Terese agrees to do the same with Paul.
TOADIE: From now on, I choose you.
TERESE: I choose you too.
They kiss and hug but both look thoughtful.
Leo arrives, Paul tells him that he and Aaron have decided Krista isn't welcome at the funeral. Leo isn't impressed and points out that Chelsea is helping out with arrangements. Aaron realises this and appreciates Chelsea's help. Leo points out that Krista actually knew David.
LEO: She cared about him and he cared about her.
Leo doesn't want Paul to keep putting these thoughts in Aaron's head. Aaron agrees with Paul as he believes David would be alive if it wasn't for Krista.
AARON: I don't want to be looking at Krista when I'm saying goodbye to my husband.
Paul reminds Leo how much David meant to the three of them. Leo looks at a young picture of him and David.
Lassiter's Complex
Remi admits to the movie they've seen having plotholes but apparently it was better than Cara's choice. Remi knows that Cara prefers to roms than coms.
CARA: Keep that theory to yourself as I actually have a reputation to uphold.
They bump into Chelsea, Cara notes she's in a good mood. They're surprised when Chelsea tells them she's helping with the funeral organisation.
CARA: You need to take your foot off the pedal. It's too much.
Leo walks past them in the background and comes up to them. He firmly agrees with Cara.
LEO: You were nobody to my brother. David's funeral will not be arranged by some trashy blow- in.
Chelsea calmly tells him that she's supporting Paul. Leo sees it as her way to grow closer to Paul and sees no respect in her doing this. Remi had let know him and David know what Chelsea is like, it's gone from pathetic to disgusting. Chelsea looks shocked at Remi who looks smug!
LEO: If you want to show some respect, go and be a gold digger somewhere else.
Chelsea wants Remi to apologise but Remi refuses. Remi knows that David make a correct assessment of Chelsea and knows Chelsea isn't part of David's family.
REMI: Good luck jamming yourself in now that you've been found out.
CHELSEA: You're so spiteful.
REMI: You're so dodgy. Just wear it and move on.
Remi refuses to be part of it. Cara puts a stop to their argument. Remi wants no part in it but wants to broker peace with Chelsea. Cara sees it as disloyal.
CARA: Remi's right. You've been completely inappropriate. I expected better from both of you.
Hotel Room
Krista didn't take Aaron's comments personally as she knows he's up and down at the moment. She realises he is being personal right now. Leo realises people are going to feel the way they feel at this emotional time. Leo has to respect Paul and Aaron's wishes as they're struggling.
LEO: Right or wrong, fair or not, your connection to Eden equals a connection to David's death. Dad and Aaron think it wouldn't be appropriate for you to come to the funeral.
Krista wants to know what Leo thinks about this.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Cara reminds Chelsea that Paul has just lost his son
- Chelsea is determined to support Paul
- Chelsea offers a way to distract Paul
- Krista admits she might not be strong enough
- Nicolette wants to know if Leo is ok with the decisions made
- Aaron points out that none of them are ok
<<8986 - 8988>>
Chelsea Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8987
Chelsea Murphy

Leo Tanaka, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8987
Leo Tanaka, Paul Robinson

Leo Tanaka, Abigail Tanaka, Krista Sinclair in Neighbours Episode 8987
Leo Tanaka, Abigail Tanaka, Krista Sinclair

Chelsea Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8987
Chelsea Murphy

Paul Robinson, Aaron Brennan, Nicolette Stone, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8987
Paul Robinson, Aaron Brennan, Nicolette Stone, Leo Tanaka

Chelsea Murphy, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8987
Chelsea Murphy, Paul Robinson

Aaron Brennan, Haz Devkar, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8987
Aaron Brennan, Haz Devkar, Leo Tanaka

Terese Willis, Toadie Rebecchi, Byron Stone, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8987
Terese Willis, Toadie Rebecchi, Byron Stone, Jane Harris

Leo Tanaka, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8987
Leo Tanaka, Paul Robinson

Krista Sinclair, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8987
Krista Sinclair, Leo Tanaka

Terese Willis, Toadie Rebecchi, Chelsea Murphy, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8987
Terese Willis, Toadie Rebecchi, Chelsea Murphy, Paul Robinson

Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8987
Aaron Brennan

Jane Harris, Byron Stone, Krista Sinclair in Neighbours Episode 8987
Jane Harris, Byron Stone, Krista Sinclair

Paul Robinson, Chelsea Murphy, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8987
Paul Robinson, Chelsea Murphy, Leo Tanaka

David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8987
David Tanaka

Nicolette Stone, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8987
Nicolette Stone, Aaron Brennan

Toadie Rebecchi, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8987
Toadie Rebecchi, Terese Willis

Toadie Rebecchi, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8987
Toadie Rebecchi, Terese Willis

Leo Tanaka, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8987
Leo Tanaka, Paul Robinson

David Tanaka, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8987
David Tanaka, Leo Tanaka

Chelsea Murphy, Leo Tanaka, Cara Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8987
Chelsea Murphy, Leo Tanaka, Cara Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy

Remi Varga-Murphy, Chelsea Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8987
Remi Varga-Murphy, Chelsea Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy

Krista Sinclair in Neighbours Episode 8987
Krista Sinclair

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