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Neighbours Episode 8948 from 2023 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8947 - 8949>>
Episode title: 8948
Australian and UK airdate: 04/12/23
Writer: Elizabeth Packett
Director: Harry Lloyd
Guests: Chloe Brennan: April Rose Pengilly
Summer Hoyland: Jordy Lucas
Melissa Jarrett: Jade Amenta
Brett Stark: Brett Blewitt
Marty Muggleton: Nikoli Egel
Michelle Scully: Kate Keltie
Richie Amblin: Lach Millar
Neil Martello (security guard): Steven Oktaras
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Jeremai
- Susan commenting on Jane's friendship with Terese.
- Jane deciding she's had enough of the emotional rollercoaster regarding the school.
- Susan happy if Karl agrees to work for Terese.
- Wendy agreeing to keep Nicolette's plans quiet from her husband.
- Agreement to keep Jane in the dark about the plans for the protest.
- Summer Hoyland back in town to do a live podcast on the protest.
- Susan unimpressed at news of the protest but being asked to keep quiet about it.
Number 26
Susan gets where they are coming from about the protest but feels that the protest will totally derail Terese and Jane having any kind of friendship. Nicolette feels it will all be worth it if the school remains open, something Susan doesn't think will happen as the odds are against it. Wendy acknowledges the trouble their plan could lead to, but it's a risk they are prepared to take it.
Nicolette is just about to quiz Susan if there is another reason why she isn't getting behind their plans when Andrew arrives home (he forgot his lunch box). Wendy lies over why they are all standing chatting (gossiping about the returnees) and thankfully he buys it. With his lunch now retrieved, Andrew heads out so Wendy asks that since Susan didn't say anything to Andrew, can they trust her to keep what they are up to quiet? In response, Susan just raises her arms then walks out the door.
Ramsay Street
As they load the placards into the car, Nicolette is fairly sure that Susan is going to blab and spoil things. Wendy though is more curious, going back to their previous conversation, over why Susan would be against the process. Nicolette reveals why - Karl has been offered a job at the home, which doesn't go down too well with either Sadie or Wendy.
The trio are spotted leaving the street by Jane, who looks rather curious about what they are up to.
Number 24
Chloe is happy to hear the boys are moving back to Erinsborough and that they are happy to remain at #24 given their history. She is saved from being quizzed about Elly when Jane enters the house to ask if they know how long Nicolette has been friends with Wendy and Sadie? That is news to everyone and Chloe comments on it being a "weird combo" too.
School (exterior)
Holly is quizzing Sadie about the protest organisation when they're interrupted by Summer and it's a reunion for the Hoyland cousins. With a promise of a full catch up later, Summer heads over to apologise to Wendy and Nicolette for being the one to blab to Susan - she found it hard not to say something!
"Save Our School!" starts to be chanted out and after being handed the loudhailer, Nicolette formally launches the protest and that Summer will be broadcast live too.
Wendy is recording the details of some of the old pupils back for the protest, beginning with Melissa Jarret and mentions her besties at the time - Todd, Cody and Josh. Next is Brett Stark who went to EHS with his sister, Dani alongside besties Malcolm and Libby Kennedy. In comparison, Sadie doesn't look too chuffed to be recording the details of her former teacher Marty Muggleton!
Summer decides on who she wants her first interview - Nicolette since it is her who is responsible for the protest.
Harold's café
Susan's thoughts are interrupted with a text from Karl - he's having his final lunch with Harold and plans on accepting Terese's job offer.
At the counter, a very happy Melanie is telling Jane that thanks to Krista's help, it looks like she is going to be cleared of the drugs charges she was facing in the UK. Jane is thrilled to hear that news but is less pleased to hear, courtesy of Aaron, what is happening at the school and that Nicolette is the main organiser of it! Susan comes over to add in that Wendy and Sadie are also involved too... which now makes sense for Jane after seeing the trio earlier.
Given the bulldozers are just about lined up, Melanie thinks the protest is a waste of time and even Jane thinks it's futile too.
Harold's café/School (exterior)
The quartet listen on as Summer interviews her next guest - former pupil Michelle Scully. Michelle describes her start at the school was awful due to being bullied but thanks to Susan teaching her about resilience and perseverance, she managed to get the bullying stopped. She also adds that the experience has helped her as an adult by knowing how to stand up for herself and to never be a victim.
Harold's café
Jane was really taken by the interview Michelle gave and now wants to go to the school to join in!
JANE: Maybe people power can achieve something.
Melanie plans on going with Jane and Jane asks if Susan will be accompanying them too?
JANE: I know you must be thinking about Karl's job and Terese.
SUSAN: My ultimate loyalty has always been with the school.
JANE: Well, now might be the time to prove it.
School (exterior)
Next interview for Summer is Melissa and she talks about the deaths of both Cody and Todd although we hear that she and Josh have been married for 20 years now. Brett is next up and we hear he lives in Tanzania with his wife running a non- for- profit providing solar power to remote communities. Marty is next up and talks about the prospect of losing his job when the school closes. He's protesting as he doesn't want to teach elsewhere. He waxes lyrically about what a great boss Jane is especially after a few drinks at the Christmas party!!!
"Lets do this!" Melanie declares as the ladies pull up in Susan's car at the school. Even Susan is planning on joining in once she's spoken to Karl.
With chants of "save our school" going on, Jane looks rather overwhelmed as she and Melanie walk up the stairs to where the protest is taking place. Nicolette can't believe that her mum isn't going to call the police and hears instead that Jane is proud of what has been arranged. There are a few more added to the protest - Aaron who has also dragged along David and Chloe.
Lassiters Complex
Terese and Toadie look chuffed to see a ‘For Lease' sign up on the premises she was previously using. Their chat is interrupted when Toadie spots who he thinks is Michelle Scully coming out of Harold's and wonders why she is back in town (we hear she married a hot shot chef and runs a really cool restaurant in the USA). A quick check on social media confirms that yes, Michelle is back in town and shows Terese his phone as to why she is back. Terese can't believe what she is seeing on Toadie's phone.
School (exterior)
The police have now arrived at the school and so has Terese and Toadie. They head up to the oval and spot Jane there. Jane confirms that she isn't the organiser but fully backs it. Terese points out that the sale has gone through so asks what she expects to achieve?
Andrew doesn't look too impressed at hearing that it is it's his wife and Nicolette who are the main organises and that Sadie has been assisting them too... not surprisingly, he wants a quiet word with his wife!
Andrew is peeved at Wendy not saying anything but she explains that she didn't want to compromise him but does add that she wanted to have a secret from him.
ANDREW: So I'm still being punished am I?!
Sadie is firmly in the protest corner too, reminding her dad of how the school took her in and saved her too.
SANDIE: And I'm going to save them back.
"Save our school" chants loud and proud as Summer now reports to her listeners about how since the police arrived the situation has changed. And we then see the random protesting extras now make a run for the school building despite the valiant attempts by Andrew and another officer trying to hold them back.
The protesters are trying to break into the school and Terese hurriedly tries to get hold of her security firm while Andrew warns people will be arrested if the break into the school.
Jane wants Nicolette to do something, so she gets back on the loudspeaker to remind everyone that this is a peaceful protest but nobody is listening to her. Eventually the doors give way and the protestors enter the school.
School (interior)
Commercial break later and Nicolette is a bit too late to warn folk not to go into the school! Jane and Melanie make their way into the building and moments behind the Susan asking what she can do to help. Jane doesn't know how they are going to get the protesters out but feels empowered by the strength of the protest that the school will be saved and Terese can still have her retirement development... just somewhere else!
Terese's security team arrive and Andrew wants them to herd the protesters outside (he will remain outside to stop anyone from entering). Jane is worried about people getting fully inside the building, so with Susan and Melanie, they head to the office to get the keys to ensure doors are locked.
However it would appear they are too late, with another ex- pupil Richie Amblin regaling tales of a former protest in support of his ex- girlfriend Mackenzie. Richie isn't going quietly, and lies down on the floor, so he's literally dragged away by his legs!
With Richie hauled away, Terese turns round and is shocked to see Susan standing behind Jane as she puts in the passcode to access her room.
School (Principal's office)
Susan and Jane are talking about the number of old faces back for the protest when a thunderous Terese walks in.
TERESE: So this is how you're helping to get our friendships back on track?!
SUSAN: I honestly hope that's still possible.
TERESE: After this betrayal, I'd say you've set us back.
School (exterior)
Nicolette isn't amused by Summer reporting about the protest detailing that it "seldom helps their cause." Chloe tries to reassure her things aren't "that bad," and David adds in that most protesters "seem like mild- mannered people." Aaron chips in to say, "it's not like anyone's going to hurt anyone."
The quartet then stand and watch as Andrew and another officer try to get the protesters away from the entrance to the school.
NICOLETTE: What have I done?!
School (interior)
After Terese clears out some the protestors from the classroom, Susan approaches her to talk. She knows Terese is angry, which is the understatement of the week! What Terese is more peeved at is Susan joining in without warning her in advance. "It all happened so quickly," Susan pleads but that's not washing with Terese, she points out that Susan could have called her... but Susan goes on to say that she "made a choice not to."
When Terese heads off to try and secure the building, Jane comes into the classroom to reassure Susan she's done nothing "but try to be a good friend to both of us."
SUSAN: I don't know about that!
JANE: No, you have. I didn't see it at first, but I do now.
Jane can sense Susan is out of sorts and it turns out this is the first time Susan has been in the school since she cleared out her desk after retiring.
SUSAN: Truth is, I always wanted to do more to save the school but it was hard. If I invested more, it was just going to hurt all over again.
JANE: I know the feeling.
The security guards are slowly getting the protestors out of the building however they are being a bit physical with some of them. Marty takes exception to this and ends up getting involved in a scuffle with one of the guards. Unfortunately, Melanie who was right behind Marty, ends up getting caught up in their scuffle and is accidentally bumped which causes her to go flying down the stairs she's just come up and lands on the landing with a huge thump, rendering her unconscious. Even worse, the men haven't realised what they've done and with the guard thinking everyone is out, the lights are switched off!
Coming up on Neighbours
- Aaron trying to get David to so something.
- Susan warmly greeting former staff member Tess Bell.
- Toadie checking in with Terese.
- Wendy trying to justify their peaceful protest to her husband.
- Melanie lying out cold on the stairwell.
<<8947 - 8949>>
Nicolette Stone, Wendy Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell, Sadie Rodwell, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8948
Nicolette Stone, Wendy Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell, Sadie Rodwell, Susan Kennedy

Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8948
Jane Harris

Chloe Brennan, Jane Harris, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8948
Chloe Brennan, Jane Harris, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

Holly Hoyland, Sadie Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 8948
Holly Hoyland, Sadie Rodwell

Nicolette Stone, Wendy Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 8948
Nicolette Stone, Wendy Rodwell

Melissa Jarrett in Neighbours Episode 8948
Melissa Jarrett

Michelle Scully in Neighbours Episode 8948
Michelle Scully

Brett Stark, Holly Hoyland, Sadie Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 8948
Brett Stark, Holly Hoyland, Sadie Rodwell

Marty Muggleton, Sadie Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 8948
Marty Muggleton, Sadie Rodwell

Susan Kennedy, Melanie Pearson, Jane Harris, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8948
Susan Kennedy, Melanie Pearson, Jane Harris, Aaron Brennan

Michelle Scully in Neighbours Episode 8948
Michelle Scully

Melissa Jarrett in Neighbours Episode 8948
Melissa Jarrett

Summer Hoyland, Brett Stark in Neighbours Episode 8948
Summer Hoyland, Brett Stark

Jane Harris, Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 8948
Jane Harris, Melanie Pearson

Terese Willis, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8948
Terese Willis, Toadie Rebecchi

Melissa Jarrett, Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 8948
Melissa Jarrett, Melanie Pearson

Andrew Rodwell, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, Wendy Rodwell, Sadie Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 8948
Andrew Rodwell, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, Wendy Rodwell, Sadie Rodwell

Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 8948
Summer Hoyland

Toadie Rebecchi, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8948
Toadie Rebecchi, Terese Willis

Marty Muggleton, Andrew Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 8948
Marty Muggleton, Andrew Rodwell

Jane Harris, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 8948
Jane Harris, Nicolette Stone

Andrew Rodwell, Melanie Pearson, Neil Martello, Susan Kennedy, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8948
Andrew Rodwell, Melanie Pearson, Neil Martello, Susan Kennedy, Jane Harris

Richie Amblin in Neighbours Episode 8948
Richie Amblin

Richie Amblin in Neighbours Episode 8948
Richie Amblin

Terese Willis, Richie Amblin, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8948
Terese Willis, Richie Amblin, Toadie Rebecchi

Terese Willis, Susan Kennedy, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8948
Terese Willis, Susan Kennedy, Jane Harris

Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8948
Terese Willis

Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 8948
Nicolette Stone

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8948
Susan Kennedy

Marty Muggleton, Melanie Pearson, Neil Martello in Neighbours Episode 8948
Marty Muggleton, Melanie Pearson, Neil Martello

Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 8948
Melanie Pearson

Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 8948
Melanie Pearson

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