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Neighbours Episode 8915 from 2023 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8914 - 8916>>
Episode title: 8915
Australian and UK airdate: 05/10/23
Writer: Shane Isheev
Director: Eugenie Muggleton
Guests: Harold Bishop: Ian Smith
Summary/Images by: Clare/Jeremai
- Jane tells Mike his job is being axed
- Jane accepts Mike's proposal
- Jane gives Mike's motorbike trip her blessing
- Karl and Susan are worried about Harold's health
- Karl wants to review Harold's medications
- Nell 'discovers' Mel's letter to Toadie
- Toadie tells Remi and Cara someone has put in an offer on No.30
- Sadie catches JJ snooping around No.30
- JJ thinks Andrew is his father
- Wendy can't find her watch and the Rodwells accuse JJ
- Remi announces to the Rodwells they're moving into No.30
Wendy and Sadie are venting about the Varga- Murphys as Andrew listens. Andrew calmly points out she went into No.26, she reminds him about the watch going missing.
WENDY: I can't believe that JJ isn't in any trouble.
REMI: You are in so much trouble (to JJ).
JJ protests his innocence, Remi points out he lied about his whereabouts. He lets his parents know that Dex wasn't in on this. He was looking for Sadie and realises he shouldn't have entered the house.
Sadie is berating herself for believing the milk excuse.
SADIE: Not great instincts for being a cop's daughter.
JJ insists he didn't steal the watch. Remi and Cara share a look and tell JJ they believe he's innocent. JJ wants to talk about the house move. Remi agrees but points out that he had already run onto the street before that. JJ wants to focus on the move.
As Terese reads Mel's letter Toadie muses that he thinks JJ is ok. He notices the letter. Terese wants to know what's going on as Toadie claimed he got rid of it.
Karl is watching out of the window as Susan keeps reminding Karl to keep an eye on the pasta.
HAROLD: You remind me of Mrs Mangel. Memories are there when you want them to be.
Harold wants an update but Karl thinks they'll hear in the morning. Mackenzie arrives and Karl wants to gossip about what happened earlier. Mackenzie accepts Susan's offer to stay for dinner. She has brought over some puzzles as they're meant to be good for memory. Harold isn't so keen but Karl and Mackenzie think it will stop him keep checking for the results.
Toadie admits he planned to burn the letter but couldn't do it. He denies having feelings for Mel.
TOADIE: I kept it as a reminder of what she did.
Toadie worries he will forget what Mel did and allow the same thing to happen again to him, Nell and Hugo. He doesn't plan to let them read the letter.
TOADIE: They talk about her with so much love and it clouds my judgement.
He hadn't shared this with Terese as he realises it's not the most romantic thing to discuss! She reminds him they're friends and they helped each other out at first and then became a couple. She's ready to listen when he needs to talk. They kiss as Nell looks on in disgust.
JJ and Dex silently communicate they need to talk to their parents. JJ apologises for his reaction. Remi wants JJ and Dex to be ok about this move. JJ admits they should have read the message properly. JJ and Dex decide to agree to it all. Remi thinks the Rodwells will be ok once they realise they've made an error. They're going to have a barbie. They head out to the backyard.
JJ and Dex aren't as good as they say they are about everything. Dex points out they've fallen out with the Rodwells.
JJ: Do you think it was my idea to buy this house?
JJ is frustrated but calms down and apologises. Dex gets JJ to promise not to mention anything about what they've been talking about.
Hugo and Toadie are watching the wrestling. Terese wants to chat to Nell. Terese has realised that Nell planted the letter for her to find, Nell doesn't deny this. Nell says she didn't read the letter. Terese thought they would try and get on.
NELL: Believe what you want to believe.
TERESE: It's not the reason you want it to be. Your father doesn't love Mel anymore.
Terese just wants to start afresh. Nell just heads to bed.
It's now the next morning. Karl is on the phone discussing Harold's results. He hangs up and tells Harold that all was ok with the results. Harold's cognitive test result was good. This means Harold hasn't got Alzheimer's or dementia. They're not sure what's going on. Karl doesn't think it's linked to Harold's stroke a few years ago. Karl doesn't think Harold should fret about it too much. Harold wants to go for a walk by himself which Karl doesn't think is a good idea. They head off together.
Wendy is painting her nails. Andrew is glad she is relaxed after everything that's happened lately. She hasn't heard about the Building Manager job but is feeling positive about it.
Cara and Remi arrive with dessert as a peace offering. Wendy is grateful but wants to know if they've found the watch. Remi tells her that JJ hasn't taken her watch. They get petty over going into each other's houses. Wendy wants to know where the watch is. Cara thinks Wendy has lost it but Wendy doubts that. Andrew tries to keep peace but Wendy is insistent. Remi wants to clear the air as they're going to live next door. Paul has also offered the Building Manager job. Wendy tries to look pleased for her.
No.22 Backyard
Toadie is going to burn the letter as he reckons it's time.
TOADIE: I never want to risk Nell and Hugo ever finding this.
He doesn't want Terese to be hurt but she is ok. They hug as the letter burns, Nell watches from inside.
Ramsay Street
JJ is bouncing a ball as Nell comes to see him. He tells her they're planning to move their stuff later in the same day. They still need to sort out who is having which room.
NELL: Make sure no one touches mine. I wanna be back there one day.
Nell is convinced they'll be moving back there and JJ realises that was what she was chatting about a few days ago. Nell isn't happy with Toadie and Terese being together plus the move. She asks about what JJ wanted to know about Toadie and Andrew. He wanted to find out more about the residents who live here. They agree to have a kickabout. Nell kicks the ball, thinking of it as Terese's head,, the ball hits something.
Harold's Cafe
Mackenzie is watching Harold and Karl at a table. Haz wants to know how well Mackenzie knows Harold. Mackenzie explains Harold supported her after Hendrix died. They realise Harold must be worried about what's going on. Mackenzie wants to be able to help Harold. Haz will make her favourite cappuccino though apparently it goes against his principles!
Harold drops his pills and Remi picks it up as she's passing. He's been taking this blood pressure medication for a couple of months, it was advised by a new doctor. Remi tells Harold these statins can cause side effects. Karl hadn't realised Harold was taking these. Harold hadn't realised he'd missed it off the list. Karl thinks this might be the issue here and thanks Remi for her help.
REMI: If you've been having memory issues that might be your problem.
Harold sighs with relief.
Cara and Remi are packing to move as Jane arrives home. Remi comes to help Jane with her bags. Jane finds it strange that Mike isn't with her. They have heard the news and congratulate her. She congratulates them on being the new owners of No.30.
REMI: We love the street. We love the neighbours.
CARA: Most of them.
They had planned to have moved out before Jane returned but things didn't go to plan. Jane isn't worried. They're happy that Toadie is allowing them to move in before things are finalised. Jane is happy for JJ and Dex to attend Erinsborough High, they need more pupils! Remi realises Jane needs to sleep. Jane is determined to manage and get to a staff meeting at EH, they are impressed. She tells them not to hurry.
Harold's Cafe
Karl has talked to Dr Saunders and they both agree the blood pressure tablets are causing the memory problems. They will be definitely sure when Harold comes off them. They can change his medication and monitor him. Haz brings over Harold's favourite cake, black forest gateau to celebrate. Harold is grateful to them all.
MACKENZIE: We learnt from the best Harold.
Mackenzie hugs Harold and heads off to work. Mackenzie finishes her coffee and they laugh over the foam left on her face.
MACKENZIE: It's a fashion statement... I was once a model.
Karl apologises for not picking it up sooner but Harold brushes off his apology. Harold tells Karl not to shoulder the blame, it's a wake up call for Harold. He doesn't want to be a burden for Sky and Lana. He wants to put things into place while he still can. Karl nods in agreement.
Ramsay Street
Andrew is about to drive to work and reminds Wendy how capable she is. Wendy can see why Cara was successful but still feels hurt. Andrew thinks maybe he pushed her too much and thinks there will be a better job opportunity for Wendy.
Andrew slows down as JJ walks up the drive. Andrew wants to know if JJ wants to be honest about anything. Andrew reminds him he could have had him done for trespassing but lets it go.
Sadie is trying to cheer up Wendy by suggesting they go and see the new Chris Hemsworth movie. Wendy thinks Cara won't be the easiest person working for Lassiter's. Something starts beeping and they realise it sounds like Wendy's watch. They find the watch in the laundry basket.
Ramsay Street
Remi is pleased it will be easy to enrol JJ and Dex into the school. Sadie gives her Mum an encouraging nudge. Wendy goes to talk to them.
CARA: Look I think we should just stay out of each other's way.
She heads off before Wendy has a chance to answer. Jane arrives home.
Jane arrives to find Terese and Susan talking. They congratulate Jane on her engagement. Sam told Susan that Mike jumped into the lake. Jane is pleased Mike can go off travelling on his motorcycle. Terese didn't realise that Mike hadn't returned. Susan explains that she didn't tell Terese about Mike losing his job. It spoilt the end of the trip. Susan is confident Mike will get another job.
JANE: Will either of us have a job?... The school might be closing.
SUSAN: Closing?
JANE: Some horrible developer is trying to buy the site.
Jane is determined to find out who it is and tell them what she thinks of them!
TERESE: They're right here. I'm the horrible developer.
Jane looks stunned.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Sadie muses over Billie and Haz dating with Mackenzie
- Terese defends herself to Jane
- Paul wants to know what Reece's game is
- Paul wants Byron to keep an eye on Reece
<<8914 - 8916>>
Andrew Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 8915
Andrew Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell

Sadie Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 8915
Sadie Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell

JJ Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8915
JJ Varga-Murphy

Dex Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8915
Dex Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy

Remi Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8915
Remi Varga-Murphy

Toadie Rebecchi, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8915
Toadie Rebecchi, Terese Willis

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8915
Karl Kennedy

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8915
Susan Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 8915
Karl Kennedy, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Harold Bishop

Terese Willis, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8915
Terese Willis, Toadie Rebecchi

Nell Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8915
Nell Rebecchi

Dex Varga-Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8915
Dex Varga-Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy

Hugo Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8915
Hugo Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Terese Willis, Nell Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8915
Terese Willis, Nell Rebecchi

Susan Kennedy, Harold Bishop, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8915
Susan Kennedy, Harold Bishop, Karl Kennedy

Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy, Andrew Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 8915
Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy, Andrew Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell

Toadie Rebecchi, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8915
Toadie Rebecchi, Terese Willis

Nell Rebecchi, JJ Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8915
Nell Rebecchi, JJ Varga-Murphy

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar in Neighbours Episode 8915
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar

Remi Varga-Murphy, Harold Bishop, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8915
Remi Varga-Murphy, Harold Bishop, Karl Kennedy

Andrew Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 8915
Andrew Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell

Andrew Rodwell, JJ Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8915
Andrew Rodwell, JJ Varga-Murphy

Sadie Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 8915
Sadie Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell

Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy, Wendy Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 8915
Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy, Wendy Rodwell

Jane Harris, Terese Willis, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8915
Jane Harris, Terese Willis, Susan Kennedy

Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8915
Jane Harris

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