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Neighbours Episode 8885 from 2022 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8884 - 8886>>
Episode title: 8885
Australian airdate: 18/07/22
UK airdate: 07/07/22
Writer: Jo Kasch
Director: Kate Kendall
Guests: Harold Bishop: Ian Smith
Sam: Henrietta Graham
Summary/Images by: Carly/Graham
- Susan and Karl offering their support to Mackenzie
- Harold arriving at #28 for a surprise visit
- Paul admitting to Jane he feels like he's failed David
- Amy deciding she wants to have a baby on her own
- Toadie saying he'd love to be by Amy's side when she does
- Zara believing that Toadie has feelings for Amy
- Harold overhearing Amy say she might have feelings for Toadie
- Amy making Harold promise he won't spill the beans
- Mackenzie encouraging Mel and Toadie to get engaged
- Amy not looking happy when Toadie and Mel announce their engagement
Number 30
Amy sits to the side while Karl and Susan happily chat with Mel and Toadie about their wedding plans. "We have not got that far yet," Melanie says. "I need to have a look at the numerology, check in with Madame Zolga." Toadie acknowledges that Callum needs to factor into their plans too - and they'd love Susan to be the celebrant. Meanwhile, Zara is in the kitchen with Harold and points out how jealous Amy looks. When the group realises they're out of wine, Amy leaps up to go and buy some, glad for a reason to escape the house.
The Waterhole
Terese finds Paul looking morose and asks if there's any updates on David. Paul shakes his head, resigned to the fact that even he is no match for the prison system. "Nobody's asking you to solve it," Terese reminds him, but Paul says he should be able to stop his son from being beaten up. Wendy swings by to let Paul know she just had a phone call from a 'Mr Trotter' who wanted to hire out the bar. "Troublesome Trotter," Terese smirks, telling Wendy that's Chloe's nickname for their annoying regular from the Antiques Dealers Conference who constantly makes demands. Paul checks his laptop and says he'd already booked out a Lassiters conference room for Mr Trotter. Wendy offers to call the client back, but Paul sighs and says he'll do it.
Number 30
Zara sends a text to Amy asking if she's okay, but Amy replies she's fine and that she shouldn't worry. Toadie asks Harold for a life update, and Mel tries to remember the last time she saw him.
MELANIE: It was Queensland, right? Not long after you and Madge were reunited, and just before Joe and I fell apart.
HAROLD: (uneasy) I'd rather talk about you two. Getting married already...
TOADIE: When you know, you know.
SUSAN: I wouldn't say it was especially fast.
KARL: We feel like Mel's been in our life for *years*.
MELANIE: (laughing along with everyone) I have that effect on people!
Nell excitedly runs out to show them all a sketch she's done of her flower girl dress, then rushes back to her room to colour it in. Toadie mentions how much the kids love Mel, and Harold points out it wouldn't be Mel's first stint as step-mother. "How lucky am I to get the chance to do it all again," Mel grins. Nell soon beckons Mel to come help her colour in. "I think the children like her so much because she's still quite the child herself," Harold says. Zara raises an eyebrow, intrigued by Harold's understated sass.
The Waterhole
Paul's holding a meeting with a handful of Lassiters staff, including Sam, to ensure all hands are on deck for Mr Trotter. Paul has to be with the antiques group for their welcoming drinks, so he delegates tasks to everyone. He also asks Sam to get in touch with Chloe to ask why she put a cuckoo clock on the running sheet. Wendy finds Paul again to let him know Mr Trotter's looking for him so they can start proceedings. Paul heads off to the hotel, not realising Terese has been sitting behind them the whole time, observing. She makes a phone call to someone, asking if they can push their catch up to later that night.
Number 30
Karl and Susan are looking at the Ramsay Street history book with Harold, talking about Madge and then a younger snap of Paul. "He was handsome once, wasn't he," Karl jokes. Toadie tries to encourage Nell and Melanie to make the bridal wear sketches wrestling themed. "The Lawman could wear a bow tie," Toadie grins. "Harold would love it, wouldn't you mate?" Harold is noncommittal in his reply, but it doesn't phase Toad, who races off to try find his wrestling costume. Mel and Nell chase after him, laughing. Karl and Susan decide to tidy up a bit before going, leaving opportune time for Zara to have a quiet chat with Harold in the sunroom.
Zara can see that Harold's not into the idea of the wedding either. She tells him she's not trying to be mean to Mel, but Amy has feelings for Toadie, even if she won't admit it. Harold looks uncomfortable and says it's not any of his business.
ZARA: Mum and Toad are just way more compatible. They both want more kids, for one.
HAROLD: Really?
ZARA: Mum's thinking of having a baby solo. And Toadie's into it as much as she is.
HAROLD: But he's already proposed to Melanie.
ZARA: It's mad, right?
Harold's Café
Zara finds Amy sitting at the counter with a coffee. Amy's worried they're all waiting for her to get back, but Zara was just wondering where she'd got to. Amy admits she needed a moment alone to process things, and is surprised when Zara says she doesn't think "Hazza" is into the wedding either.
ZARA: Admit it, mum, you don't want them to get married.
AMY: Look, when I decided to have this baby by myself it felt right. But I'll admit when I told Toadie, and he offered to be there for me, that felt really good.
ZARA: He's a great dad.
AMY: I didn't on any level expect him to be a sperm donor or anything like that.
ZARA: But you saw him being there for my little brother or sister.
AMY: Yeah, as like an uncle figure or something. I swear that's how I picture it.
ZARA: So why are you so against Toadie and Melanie getting married then?
AMY: (getting upset) Because I guess I feel like I'm losing 'us'. Me and Toadie. You know what, it's happened and I'm really happy for them. I'm on my path and they're on theirs. So I need you to drop it, Zara, and just support me okay?
Lassiters Hotel Office
Terese overhears Sam leave a message for Chloe, asking her to call back. Unable to help herself, Terese goes in and offers to help out with some of the tasks. Sam doesn't want to impose on Terese, but Terese is more than happy to pitch in. "And you know what, we can keep this to ourselves," Terese says. "We don't have to tell anyone, especially Paul." Sam agrees and thanks Terese.
Ramsay Street
Amy tells Zara she wants to take the drinks van out so she can keep busy. They're derailed by Mel, who asks Amy if everything's okay since she went MIA. Amy lies and says she got caught up talking to a handsome guy at the bar. Mel then says her and Toad have been trying to come up with a name for their commemorative engagement cocktail and want Amy's input. Zara tries to save her mum, telling Mel they were going to head out in the van, but Mel insists it won't take long.
MELANIE: Here we go - the Engagementini, the Happily Ever After, the True Love, the Marriage-arita!
Amy attempts to keep a smile on her face and fight through her discomfort.
Number 28
Harold has brought the history book back to look through with Susan. Karl admits he shouldn't have had so much champagne earlier as he needs a nap. Mackenzie emerges from the hallway, looking tired, after spending time in Hendrix's room. Everyone tries to get her to stay and have some food and a cuppa, but Mac just wants to head back home. "Guess we just keep trying," Susan says after Mac goes. Karl asks Harold if any new entries in the history book caught his eye, but Harold was hoping to see something included about the Rodwells. Susan makes a mental note to mention the book to Wendy, certain she'd love to include something.
KARL: We'll need an update for Toadie's wedding too. Gee, who would have thought we'd be celebrating that a year ago!
HAROLD: And you're still happy about that?
KARL: We are now, absolutely.
HAROLD: But you had doubts earlier?
SUSAN: Oh, silly ones. All in the past.
HAROLD: Are you sure, though? Nothing serious?
KARL: No, it's just Melanie had a bit of a history of dating her bosses. We were a bit worried Toadie might just be another one in that unfortunate line but nothing could be further from the truth.
SUSAN: Absolutely. Melanie's a wonderful person. The two of them could not be better suited.
Ramsay Street
Amy and Zara are prepping the fruit and vegetables in the van while Mel chats to them outside. She wants Amy to make Nell's dress for the wedding, which Amy half-heartedly agrees to. But then things get awkward when Mel asks Amy to make her bridal gown as well. Zara jumps in and says Amy might have too much on her plate if she does both, but Mel adored the dress Amy made for Mackenzie and wants her own perfect dress for the big day.
MELANIE: I want mine and Toadie's to be that special too. Not that it won't be, it's a dream come true. But a dress made by you, our dear friend, would make me so happy!
AMY: (conjuring a smile) Well, how could I say no?
Lassiters Hotel Office
Terese sorts security out over the phone for the antiques that will be on display. Sam gets a text and lets her know Paul's nearly done with Mr Trotter. Terese then notices Paul's left his compendium on the desk and muses that he really isn't himself to be forgetting that. She startles when she hears Wendy come by with a coffee order and quickly hides behind the door. But Wendy's already in detective mode wondering why Sam needs two coffees, so when she hears Terese's phone go off she soon finds her. Terese lies and says she was just looking for a lost earring, but Wendy can tell she's helping out Sam in secret. "You know, you really look in your element here, Terese," Wendy says with a smile. "But that's just between us girls."
Harold's Café
Sadie thinks Zara's way too invested in this saga with Amy, Toadie and Mel considering she hated Toadie not that long ago. Zara admits she hated it when they first moved into Number 30, but now she's got the family she never had, "even with Toadie's lame dad jokes". Sadie says it's full on that Amy now wants to add another baby into the mix.
SADIE: What about Melanie?
ZARA: She and Toadie have had issues, and I know they're engaged, but if something doesn't change it's all going to go wrong.
SADIE: If your mum won't say anything you can always talk to Toadie.
ZARA: Oh, yeah, not if I value my life!
SADIE: So, what are you going to do?
ZARA: I need an ally. (Gets an idea) And I think I've found one.
The Waterhole
Terese is at the counter with Wendy when she overhears Paul on the phone with Mr Trotter, who is pleased with how the day went. Paul compliments Sam on a job well done, and is confused when Sam says "we" wanted to help. But Sam pretends she meant herself and Chloe. Terese smiles to herself, content with her secret contributions, and doesn't notice Wendy smirking at her and Paul.
Number 30
Toadie and Hugo play with slime at the table. Zara's on her laptop and Harold looks through more of the history book (pausing on photos of Steph and Libby over the years). Harold gently chides Toadie for not keeping the book up to date, but Toad says life's been full on for a while. They talk about how quickly Hugo has grown up, and Zara shares a pointed look with Harold when Toadie mentions he'd kill for more time with his kids while they're young.
Number 28
Terese shares a cuppa with Susan, positively beaming about being back at the hotel today. She acknowledges how much she missed working, and feels like whatever she does next has to make her just as fulfilled.
SUSAN: So you're still looking forwards not backwards?
TERESE: Of course. Today was just pitching in for a good cause.
SUSAN: Paul?
TERESE: Well I couldn't not help him with everything that's going on with David.
SUSAN: Sounds like you're not so angry with him anymore.
TERESE: No, I suppose not.
SUSAN: You know, some people might say that you could have let someone else come to his rescue.
TERESE: Susan I hope you're not implying anything!
SUSAN: No, I'm just asking the question as your friend.
TERESE: Listen, there is nothing going on between Paul and myself. And once the divorce goes through I'll be free to live my life.
SUSAN: With Glen.
TERESE: Well yeah! Although I might not mention today to him. It was just an act of kindness, I don't have to broadcast it to the whole world.
Number 30
Toadie tells Melanie he thought their wedding party should include Callum, Nell and Hugo, which Mel wholeheartedly agrees with. Amy arrives home exhausted after a long day in the van, but is bombarded with Mel excitedly telling her about an idea she had for their socials. Mel thought they'd promote the engagement cocktail with a photo of herself, Toad and the kids so customers can vote on a name. Amy's then roped into taking a lovely family photo of Mel, Toad and the kids. Zara slinks into the kitchen where Harold is pottering about and has a quiet word with him.
ZARA: Is this what you want?
HAROLD: I have my concerns.
ZARA: Toadie thinks he's happy now but it won't last. If you really care about Toadie you'll help me break him and Mel up.
<<8884 - 8886>>
Amy Greenwood, Toadie Rebecchi, Melanie Pearson, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8885
Amy Greenwood, Toadie Rebecchi, Melanie Pearson, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Harold Bishop, Zara Selwyn in Neighbours Episode 8885
Harold Bishop, Zara Selwyn

Terese Willis, Wendy Rodwell, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8885
Terese Willis, Wendy Rodwell, Paul Robinson

Harold Bishop, Toadie Rebecchi, Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 8885
Harold Bishop, Toadie Rebecchi, Melanie Pearson

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8885
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Nell Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8885
Nell Rebecchi

Paul Robinson, Sam Young in Neighbours Episode 8885
Paul Robinson, Sam Young

Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8885
Terese Willis

Harold Bishop, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8885
Harold Bishop, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Nell Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 8885
Nell Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Melanie Pearson

Harold Bishop, Zara Selwyn in Neighbours Episode 8885
Harold Bishop, Zara Selwyn

Amy Greenwood, Zara Selwyn in Neighbours Episode 8885
Amy Greenwood, Zara Selwyn

Terese Willis, Sam Young in Neighbours Episode 8885
Terese Willis, Sam Young

Zara Selwyn, Amy Greenwood, Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 8885
Zara Selwyn, Amy Greenwood, Melanie Pearson

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8885
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Karl Kennedy

Susan Kennedy, Harold Bishop, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8885
Susan Kennedy, Harold Bishop, Karl Kennedy

Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 8885
Melanie Pearson

Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 8885
Amy Greenwood

Terese Willis, Sam Young, Wendy Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 8885
Terese Willis, Sam Young, Wendy Rodwell

Sadie Rodwell, Zara Selwyn in Neighbours Episode 8885
Sadie Rodwell, Zara Selwyn

Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, Wendy Rodwell, Sam Young in Neighbours Episode 8885
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, Wendy Rodwell, Sam Young

Sam Young in Neighbours Episode 8885
Sam Young

Paul Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8885
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis

Harold Bishop, Steph Scully, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8885
Harold Bishop, Steph Scully, Libby Kennedy

Hugo Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8885
Hugo Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 8885
Harold Bishop

Terese Willis, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8885
Terese Willis, Susan Kennedy

Amy Greenwood, Nell Rebecchi, Hugo Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 8885
Amy Greenwood, Nell Rebecchi, Hugo Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Melanie Pearson

Amy Greenwood, Nell Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Hugo Rebecchi, Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 8885
Amy Greenwood, Nell Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Hugo Rebecchi, Melanie Pearson

Zara Selwyn, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 8885
Zara Selwyn, Harold Bishop

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