- Harlow telling Corey that she keeps clashing with Ned
- Ned admitting to Harlow that he's jealous of her and Corey
- Harlow casting a glum look towards Ned and Amy
- Mel expressing interest to Amy in being a Drinks Diva investor
- Montana telling Amy that Mackenzie won't be modelling for her line
- Karl confessing to Toadie that he invested money with Montana
- Freya's brother saying he'll transfer the money she needs
- David, Aaron and Freya seeing Dean with a new car
- David getting tipped over the edge and keying Dean's car
- The partygoers at #32 discovering the pool has been turned blood red
Number 32 Backyard
Half the party guests have disappeared, leaving the #32 occupants and Freya behind (as well as Hendrix, who quickly heads off to work). Nicolette's disappointed Kiri's party had to end so abruptly thanks to a stupid practical joke. Sharing a cagey look with Freya and David, Aaron lies and says he may have stuffed up the chemicals when he was cleaning the pool. When Jane and Nicolette go inside, David hisses that the culprit must be Dean.
FREYA: Maybe it's revenge for keying his car.
DAVID: You're seriously blaming this on me?
FREYA: I didn't lie to my brother just so you could lose your temper and make things more complicated.
DAVID: Things got more complicated the instant you insisted we lie about what happened.
AARON: Guys, stop it, please! This isn't helping anyone. Besides, I don't think Dean is behind this.
FREYA: The pool or the blackmail?
AARON: Both. When would he have the time to do it? We came straight back here after we saw him with the car.
DAVID: So? He did it earlier. He's been waiting for us to see it.
AARON: David I am obviously not a fan of the guy but this just doesn't add up.
DAVID: He's obsessive! Who knows what he's capable of.
FREYA: All the more reason not to provoke him.
DAVID: You're seriously going back to that again?
FREYA: (over it, walking off) No I'm not because we're done.
Number 30
Mel and Toadie are preparing themselves to take the Drinks Diva van out for trial run so Mel can see if she wants to invest in the business. Amy hopes Mel enjoys the experience - she wishes she could tag along but she's got fashion week duties with Ned. "It's all good, I have a mentor," Mel assures her, and Toadie happily assumes she means him. But it turns out she means Karl, who has popped over to offer "pro tips" from his experience with The 82. Toadie doesn't think Karl's presence will be necessary, but Karl says it's never too late to "draw from the well of expertise".
Number 24
Mackenzie brings Levi inside after finding him hovering on the doorstep. She leaves him with Freya and heads to her room. Levi has brought over some gin because he thought Freya might like to debrief after seeing her brother. "Plus my home is really lonely so you would be doing me a favour," he adds with a smile. Freya agrees, as long as he's happy to switch out the gin for coffee as she's got a work shift later on.
Number 32
David is clanging dishes around in a huff, in a mood over his tiff with Freya. Aaron asks him to calm down, reminding him Isla's asleep. He also doesn't think David should show up to work in the mood he's in, suggesting he take a rest. David wonders if Aaron thinks Freya's right - if he didn't key Dean's car, would this whole thing be over already? Aaron says he wants this to be over as much as David, but David's too wired to calm down and heads out for a walk.
Harold's Café
Amy is delighted when she sees Harlow and Corey having coffee, believing she's just found a solution to her modelling problem. She drags Ned over to join them, much to his discomfort. Harlow also isn't thrilled, but Corey says he's loving getting to know "team Harlow". Things look set to be awkward for at least half the people at the table.
Dean's House
David shows up to Dean's place and says they need to talk, so Dean reluctantly lets him inside. When they go into the lounge room, David spies a yellow legal pad on the coffee table, just like the paper he's been receiving the blackmail notes on.
DAVID: What's this for?
DEAN: What?
DAVID: The paper.
DEAN: For writing on. Why are you here?
DAVID: I need you to stop. We've done everything you've asked, the money should be in your account.
DEAN: Oh my god, I'm so sick of this. Just leave.
DAVID: Don't play dumb! You've done enough to ruin my life. The pool stunt was nuts! You need to leave us alone.
DEAN: You're the one who's just rocked up uninvited to my house!
DAVID: (growling) You know what I mean!
DEAN: All I know is you're yet again accusing me of who knows what after treating me like dirt. I didn't handle your rejection as well as I could have, fine. But you had me transferred off the ward and you just keyed my brand new car! Who the hell do you think you are? When I saw you at the door I thought you'd come to apologise. If anyone's acting nuts right now it's you! Get out.
David looks perturbed by the fact that Dean actually appears to be making sense. With one last "get out!" from Dean, David leaves.
Ramsay Street
Toadie loads up the Drinks Diva van while Karl asks Mel about how much profit Amy makes. He then gives Mel advice on lowering costs, which doesn't sit well with Toadie. When Karl says he might tag along with them for the day, Toadie gets Mel to check they've got everything in the van so he can speak privately with the doc. "Can you cool it with the financial advice please?" he asks Karl, who doesn't understand what he's done wrong. Things take a turn for the better for Toad when Karl gets a text from Susan, letting him know they've been invited to Clive's place, so he can't tag along anymore.
Toadie's just about to jump into the van when Aaron calls out to him. Trying to be 'subtle', Aaron asks a question about crime shows and if certain elements are true to real life. Mainly, if someone does something wrong, but they confess early on, are the charges more lenient. Toadie says things can go better if the person's honest, then wonders if Aaron's in some sort of trouble. Aaron claims he's just being curious, but Toadie still looks suss.
Harold's Café
Amy says the way Harlow and Corey met was really cute, plus they're just really cute in general. She then asks if Corey's thought about modelling because she's on the look out for people for fashion week, and would love Harlow and him to model together. Ned is less than thrilled at the prospect.
AMY: You guys would look sensational in my evening wear for fashion week.
HARLOW: Corey's probably got better things to do whilst he's here.
COREY: Are you kidding? It would be so much fun getting all dressed up together! I'm in if you are.
NED: (tapping out) I'm gonna go grab a water.
AMY: So are you in?
HARLOW: (flustered) Um, yeah, all right.
Number 24
Freya tells Levi she's planning a trip to Echuca to visit her brother as she's missed him a lot. She's not sure she deserves his forgiveness, though, but Levi says she's being too hard on herself. "You were fooled by Gareth because you loved him," he reminds her. "Everybody makes mistakes." Freya ponders this, then wants to ask Levi a question.
FREYA: Do you ever think that there are some things that someone can't come back from?
LEVI: You know I once dobbed Kyle's business in for accidentally poisoning someone.
FREYA: Really?
LEVI: I didn't think he, gran or Roxy would forgive me but they did.
FREYA: You reported your own cousin?
LEVI: I'm a cop. I had a duty to. Just like your duty to your patients.
FREYA: (painting on an agreeable smile) Yeah, right.
LEVI: Anyway, if I could come back from that , you and your brother are going to be fine.
Levi then gets a call from work and says he'll be in ASAP. He wonders if Freya wanted to say something else to him, but Freya says everything is fine. Levi says he'll leave the alcohol with her for their next catch up.
Harold's Café
Corey joins Ned at the counter and plops down his wallet, just in case he was trying to pay for Harlow and himself on the sly. "I wasn't," Ned replies, just as Hendrix appears to serve them. Back at the table, Amy tells Harlow she's so happy for her and Corey. Harlow smiles and says it's still only new, but Amy figures everyone has to start somewhere. Amy starts talking about her relationship with Ned, but then pauses, not wanting to make Harlow irritated.
HARLOW: It's okay, Ned and I have worked through all of that.
AMY: Oh good, because if we end up doing what we've been talking about doing, then we're going to need an Aunty Harlow.
HARLOW: I'm sorry, Aunty Harlow?
AMY: We've been talking about having a baby!
HARLOW: (shocked) Um, that's great news!
Harlow's phone starts ringing at the perfect time, so she excuses herself to take the call outside.
Clive's Apartment
Nicolette has tagged along to the catch up with Jane, Clive, Susan and Karl. She's still rambling on about the pool incident and how it mucked up the party, but Jane thinks she should just drop it. Clive also reminds Nic she's there to relax. But Nic says she doesn't know how she's going to afford to chip in and clean the pool on top of her payments to the Romanos. "If you need some rainy day money you should think about investing," Karl chimes in. Clive thinks it's a good idea to invest in some shares, especially for Isla when she's grown up.
NICOLETTE: Well, mum's whiskey barrel should see a return in, say, twenty years? Why don't you call me then.
KARL: There's faster ways to get bang for your buck. You should look at start-ups.
SUSAN: And what do you know about start-ups?
CLIVE: I don't think start-ups are a good idea.
KARL: Why's that?
CLIVE: Well the failure rate is incredibly high. Investors could be left with nothing. I've had friends who have been basically ruined.
Karl sits with this alarming thought while Clive takes a phone call. Turns out he's needed at the hospital, so he tells everyone to keep enjoying themselves and he'll be back as soon as he can.
Lassiters Lake
Corey finds Harlow sitting on a bench by the water. She apologises for bailing, telling him she just needed fresh air. Corey wonders if he's done something to upset her - if it's the modelling, they don't have to go through with it. Harlow reassures him it's not that, and he's been nothing but kind to her.
HARLOW: Amy just told me that her and Ned are thinking about having a baby together.
COREY: So I was right? There is something between you and Ned?
HARLOW: Was. Briefly. But no one knows. And I'm sorry, Corey, that I lied to you. But I do like you, and I do like what's going on with us.
COREY: Me too, although I suppose that bit's probably obvious by now.
HARLOW: It's just my feelings for Ned, they haven't really gone yet. And I don't want to mess you around either.
COREY: I get where you are. Sometimes this transition stage takes time. We can take this as fast or as slow as you like.
Ramsay Street
David arrives home just as Toadie and Mel are driving back with the drinks van. He finds Freya in the driveway, who is there to apologise for fighting with him earlier. "I think lying to my brother really got to me," she admits. "But I know I shouldn't take it out on you." David thanks her, and says that keying Dean's car was the wrong thing to do. Over in the van, Toadie says he'll meet Mel back inside, he just wants to have a word with David first. When Toadie approaches David and Freya, they get worried when he says he had a strange conversation with Aaron earlier.
TOADIE: I kind of got the feeling there might be something wrong? He's not in any kind of trouble is he?
Number 32
David reprimands Aaron for asking Toadie about people confessing to things, but Aaron says he only spoke about it hypothetically. Aaron adds that David and Freya aren't the only ones freaking out right now and he just wanted some clarity. Freya reminds him that he can't just go around talking to people about it, "what happened with Gareth, it's on David and me." So whatever happens, they'll have to decide on it as a team. "I'm a part of that team, am I not?" Aaron replies.
AARON: Whoever is blackmailing you knows where we live. They broke into your car, David. They more than likely tampered with our pool, and now that impacts Jane, it impacts Nicolette, it impacts Isla.
David feels awful about how stressed out Aaron is and apologises. He crouches down to where Isla's sitting in her high chair and says his first priority is taking care of her.
DAVID: This isn't just about a decision we made anymore. Too many people are getting hurt. Maybe it's time we turned ourselves in.
A short while later, all three of them sit on the couch and contemplate what admitting the truth will result in.
DAVID: I could go to jail. (To Freya) We both could.
AARON: Toadie says things go better for people who are honest and upfront.
DAVID: It's a bit late for that. I lied in my statement.
FREYA: So did I.
AARON: Well technically I'm an accessory after the fact.
DAVID: No one needs to know that. If I go to jail, Isla's going to need you.
AARON: David you are not going to jail.
DAVID: Whatever happens, you need to stay out of it. (To Freya) Maybe there's a way for you to as well. The blackmailer doesn't know about you.
FREYA: There is absolutely no way I'm leaving you with this by yourself.
DAVID: Maybe we should talk to Clive.
FREYA: When?
DAVID: Today before work.
He gives Isla to Aaron and tells Freya they should get ready for their shifts. "Let's hope they're not our lasts," Freya sighs heavily.
Erinsborough Hospital
David and Freya make their way down the hall to Clive's office. They're surprised when they discover Levi already inside with him.
FREYA: Why are you here?
LEVI: There's been a complaint made to the medical board about you both.
CLIVE: You better take a seat.