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Neighbours Episode 8778 from 2022 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8777 - 8779>>
Episode title: 8778
Australian airdate: 16/02/22
UK airdate: 08/02/22
Writer: Paul Gartside
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Zara Selwyn: Freya Van Dyke
Aubrey Laing: Etoile Little
Sadie Rodwell: Emerald Chan
Curtis Perkins: Nathan Borg
Summary/Images by: Clare/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Zara tells Aubrey and Sadie that she and Hendrix are close and shrugs off Mackenzie
- Toadie tells Amy about Nanny Cam and asks her to keep quiet
- Amy tries to get everyone to try her drink samples
- Freya thinks a guy on a bench is her cousin
- Roxy breaks into an apartment
- Freya holds Roxy face down on the floor
Freya's Place
Roxy is telling Freya who she is and pleads with her to stop holding her down. Freya gets off her brandishing the knife.
ROXY: Why do you have that?
FREYA: I thought someone was attacking me.
Roxy looks shaken but calmly suggests that Freya lowers the knife, Freya does this. Freya wants to know why Roxy is breaking and entering into her own place. Roxy realises Freya isn't being completely honest and she wants to protect Levi. Freya isn't planning to harm Levi. Freya isn't planning to open up and tells Roxy to go, Roxy agrees.
ROXY: I am sorry for breaking in.
Erinsborough High
Jane is finishing the lesson as the bell rings. Sadie and Aubrey invite Zara to lunch at Harold's, suggesting that Hendrix will be there.
Jane holds Zara back. She is waiting for Zara's assignment that was meant to be e-mailed the night before. Zara reminds Jane they've just moved and will need the Wi-Fi password. She has had a lot on as well with her job and a full household! Zara promises to do it ASAP but Jane won't accept that. It has to be the next morning or it will be a fail. Sadie and Aubrey (who are waiting) managed it plus all the others.
JANE: Why should you get special treatment?
SADIE: (Outside the classroom) Don't worry about her. I bet she has 50 cats at home.
Amy appreciates Toadie's help. Mackenzie arrives home and has researched what Amy needs to do for her application. Amy appreciates it and agrees to go over the permits later. Amy is struggling to stick to her schedule with everything. Mackenzie suggests Zara helps promote her business on socials. Amy isn't as sure as Zara is spending time with her friends.
AMY: I expected her and Ned to be a little more into it. Should have been more realistic.
No.26 Backyard
Roxy is being honest with Kyle, Sheila and Levi about what happened. The others are startled when she tells them and can't understand why she would break in. Roxy points out lots of weird moments have happened. Levi and Kyle think she's in the wrong. Sheila checks if she's exaggerating, she's not.
LEVI: She probably grabbed a normal kitchen knife when she heard you breaking into her house.
ROXY: It was a serious weapon. The kind of weapon that cops confiscate.
Roxy wants Levi to investigate this further. Roxy admits she was OTT but is convinced her gut instinct is right. Levi promises to talk to Freya but still looks puzzled.
Outside Harold's Café
Hendrix tells Chloe that things are going ok as they catch up over coffee. Sadie, Aubrey and Zara arrive nearby and watch from a distance.
SADIE: Who's the cougar?
AUBREY: Looks like you got some competition!
Zara explains who Chloe is and Zara lets them think they share a house. Sadie is envious and takes a picture. They tell her about a private thirst account they've set up for pictures of Hendrix and will send Zara the link. They tell Zara she will also be an admin.
(Advert Break)
Freya opens the door to Levi, she walks away from him into the apartment and he follows her. He has heard Roxy's side of the story. She heard a break in noise and was really scared. She had no idea who was breaking in.
LEVI: Roxy gets super protective. She's latched onto this idea that you're not being completely honest with us.
FREYA: You know that I would well be in my rights to make an official complaint.
Levi realises this but wants to find out more about the hunting knife. Freya takes a knife out of the knife block and tells him that is the knife. She insists it was for her protection. She has been broken into before and she arrived home at the wrong moment. Levi knows what she's talking about.
FREYA: I felt so weak. I never want to feel like that again.
Levi offers to report it but Freya doesn't want to do that. She thanks him for his support. Levi heads off.
Erinsborough High
Jane tells Susan she's worried about Zara's attitude. She tells her about what happened with the essay. Susan thinks Jane would have used the right approach, Jane worries she was more lenient than she should have been. Susan thinks Jane was right to give her another day and hopes Zara will tell them if she's having problems.
Curtis arrives as Jane decides to give Amy a call. Curtis hesitantly suggests concern over Zara influencing Sadie and Aubrey. Susan commends this idea. Curtis points out they are well behaved students but not sure what will happen now.
JANE: Asked them to show her the ropes hoping they would rub off on her not the other way around.
No.26 Backyard
Levi tells Roxy that Freya has decided not to report it. Sheila is in the background as the others talk.
ROXY: Then she would have to admit what happened.
Levi tells Roxy that Freya has been burgled before. Roxy mentions the knife, Levi tells her it was a defence weapon. He tells her it was an ordinary kitchen knife. Roxy tells him Freya's hiding the real knife. Roxy realises that he doesn't believe her. Kyle supports her but seems to be doubting her story.
ROXY: You think I hallucinated a hunting knife?
KYLE: Maybe it was bigger and scarier than it actually was.
SHEILA: You had a scare so drop it now and get rid of this silly obsession that Freya's a liar.
ROXY: But -
SHEILA: Drop it or someone is going to end up with a serious injury.
Roxy realises that none of them believe her.
No.32 Sunroom
The girls are drooling over the photos of Hendrix on the laptop. Amy comes through and wants to know what's going on. Amy reminds her about the overdue assignment and thinks were hectic at home. Zara points out they've just moved to a new home. Amy tells her she needs to do the assignment. Sadie thinks Amy's coming down hard. Zara thinks it's Toadie's influence. Sadie doesn't think Jane should be phoning Amy.
SADIE: Is her sad old life so boring that she has to mess with yours?
ZARA: I heard sticking her nose in people's business is her whole thing.
Sadie and Aubrey are intrigued so talk Zara into telling them about nanny cam.
No.26 Backyard / Freya's Apartment
Levi feeds Gary the pigeon and then looks at his phone. Freya is looking at photos of a guy on her phone - possibly Gareth? She declines a call from Levi. Levi leaves Freya a voicemail asking her to ring him back.
Mackenzie is helping Amy to do the permit. Zara is heading off leaving the lunch bags on the side. Amy notes Sadie and Aubrey didn't help her clean up their lunch. Zara shrugs it off. Toadie wants her to finish cleaning. Zara promises to do it later as she needs to head to school, Amy insists she doesn't wait and will give her a lift.
ZARA: Why do you have to make my life harder?
AMY: I just gave you a solution to make it easier.
ZARA: No. You tried to control me again.
Amy insists she finishes cleaning, Zara isn't happy but does it.
Lassiter's Complex
Roxy has checked her phone and she had the right type of knife. Roxy realises that Kyle is doubtful. She points out that she can find the right knife. Sheila comes over and points out that Roxy was the one doing the breaking and entering. Roxy reminds them about Ned and Scarlett. Kyle spots David and calls him over.
KYLE: Isn't it true that people's memories can get messed up if they're stressed out?
DAVID: Sure. Extreme stress can certainly affect memory. Recollections can become vague or distorted.
Roxy isn't impressed. David decides not to probe further and heads off.
KYLE: I know you're really looking out for Levi but you need to drop this.
Drinks Diva
Amy comes over to her new venture which is near the Tram 82. Amy looks genuinely thrilled, Ned hadn't planned for her to see it so soon.
AMY: I love it.
Ned designed the artwork and Harlow helped transfer it to the van. He is now finishing it off. He knows he wanted to get the business off the ground. He takes her off to show her various bits.
Freya's Apartment
Levi has come to see Freya. He apologises for just turning up out of the blue but is concerned about her. He bought a treat and she's touched.
FREYA: I really need to work through what happened.
Levi understands and promises to let her do that. She gets that, he realises she's not going to invite him in. He hands her the dessert. He doesn't want their happiness to be ruined by what's happened.
FREYA: You're a really great guy. I just need some space. (Levi heads off.)
Erinsborough High
Jane notes that Zara's nearly late as she arrives back.
ZARA: Standing here being told off for being late will only make me later.
JANE: I beg your pardon? That is not an acceptable way to speak to a teacher.
SUSAN: I agree. Apologise Zara.
ZARA: Great. Now I have 3 teachers ganging up on me.
Susan tells her that her attitude doesn't impress them. Susan wants Zara to spend her free periods in the library doing her work and not go off campus during lunchtime. Zara isn't impressed that everyone else can go off campus.
CURTIS: Everyone else treats the school with respect.
ZARA: How am I meant to make friends if I can't go to lunch with them?
Jane thinks that this will prove if they're true friends or not. Jane reminds Zara about the assignment as she heads off.
Drinks Diva
Ned is showing off a serving tray which Amy loves. She had worried he wasn't interested anymore after what happened the day before. She has been so dependent on him which isn't fair as they're just friends at the moment.
NED: I want to be there for you.
AMY: I wish things could be different.
NED: Me too.
Erinsborough High
Jane arrives in class and starts talking about colonialism. Sadie starts laughing and everyone joins in. Jane turns around and is stunned to see the nanny cam bear on her chair.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Sadie and Aubrey tell Zara they were responsible for the bear
- Zara is blamed for the incident
- Paul wants to celebrate him and Terese reuniting
- Paul brushes off David's doubts about his new doctor
- The new doctor chats to Karl and David
<<8777 - 8779>>
Freya Wozniak, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8778
Freya Wozniak, Roxy Willis

Freya Wozniak, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8778
Freya Wozniak, Roxy Willis

Zara Selwyn, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8778
Zara Selwyn, Jane Harris

Zara Selwyn, Aubrey Laing, Sadie Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 8778
Zara Selwyn, Aubrey Laing, Sadie Rodwell

Toadie Rebecchi, Amy Greenwood, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8778
Toadie Rebecchi, Amy Greenwood, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis, Sheila Canning, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8778
Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis, Sheila Canning, Levi Canning

Hendrix Greyson, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8778
Hendrix Greyson, Chloe Brennan

Sadie Rodwell, Hendrix Greyson, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8778
Sadie Rodwell, Hendrix Greyson, Chloe Brennan

Sadie Rodwell, Aubrey Laing, Zara Selwyn in Neighbours Episode 8778
Sadie Rodwell, Aubrey Laing, Zara Selwyn

Freya Wozniak, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8778
Freya Wozniak, Levi Canning

Freya Wozniak in Neighbours Episode 8778
Freya Wozniak

Susan Kennedy, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8778
Susan Kennedy, Jane Harris

Curtis Perkins, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8778
Curtis Perkins, Jane Harris

Levi Canning, Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8778
Levi Canning, Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis

Aubrey Laing, Sadie Rodwell, Amy Greenwood, Zara Selwyn in Neighbours Episode 8778
Aubrey Laing, Sadie Rodwell, Amy Greenwood, Zara Selwyn

Levi Canning, Gary the Pigeon in Neighbours Episode 8778
Levi Canning, Gary the Pigeon

Freya Wozniak, Gareth Bateman in Neighbours Episode 8778
Freya Wozniak, Gareth Bateman

Freya Wozniak in Neighbours Episode 8778
Freya Wozniak

Hendrix Greyson, Amy Greenwood, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8778
Hendrix Greyson, Amy Greenwood, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Amy Greenwood, Zara Selwyn, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8778
Amy Greenwood, Zara Selwyn, Toadie Rebecchi

Roxy Willis, Sheila Canning, David Tanaka, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8778
Roxy Willis, Sheila Canning, David Tanaka, Kyle Canning

Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 8778
Amy Greenwood

Ned Willis, Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 8778
Ned Willis, Amy Greenwood

Freya Wozniak, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8778
Freya Wozniak, Levi Canning

Jane Harris, Susan Kennedy, Curtis Perkins, Zara Selwyn in Neighbours Episode 8778
Jane Harris, Susan Kennedy, Curtis Perkins, Zara Selwyn

Amy Greenwood, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8778
Amy Greenwood, Ned Willis

Sadie Rodwell, Aubrey Laing, Zara Selwyn in Neighbours Episode 8778
Sadie Rodwell, Aubrey Laing, Zara Selwyn

 in Neighbours Episode 8778

Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8778
Jane Harris

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