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Neighbours Episode 8747 from 2021 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8746 - 8748>>
Episode title: 8747
Australian airdate: 02/12/21
UK airdate:
Writer: Matthew Bon
Director: Scott Major (director's attachment: Eugenie Muggleton)
Guests: Glen Donnelly: Richard Huggett
Sgt. Andrew Rodwell: Lloyd Will
Wendy Rodwell: Candice Leask
Const. Reuben Elliott: Lee Jankowski
- "Little Love" by Graham Candy
Summary/Images by: Carly/Graham
- Glen saying the only time Paul was nice to him was after his accident
- Terese telling Glen she's glad he was finally honest with Paul
- Paul demanding that Leo fire Glen from the vineyard
- Leo and David encouraging Paul to reconnect with Glen
- Kyle being determined to take Roxy to the Police Ball
- Ned getting worried about Amy putting up with snide remarks
- Levi promising Amy she'll receive no rude comments at the Ball
- Harlow instructing Ned to go and fight for Amy
- Ned turning up at the vineyard and telling Amy he wants her to himself
Vineyard Exterior
Levi tells Ned he's being a tool bringing this up at the Ball, which Amy agrees with. "It's his night, not yours," she reminds him. Ned knows Levi's cop mates aren't going to let things be, but Levi retorts that Ned rocking up isn't helping matters either. Getting in Levi's face, Ned says he's there to show that at least one of them will stand up for Amy. This rankles Levi and Amy asks them to stop posturing, but Levi wants Ned to leave. "I paid for this ticket," Ned calmly replies, "hired this suit - I'm not going anywhere."
Vineyard Interior
Ned walks inside and greets Harlow, who is pleased to see he took her advice about winning Amy over. Sergeant Andrew Rodwell is by the entrance with his wife, Wendy, and they make small talk with Leo. Wendy immediately comments on how "lanky and handsome" Leo is, thanking him for putting the event together. Looking slightly uncomfortable, Leo excuses himself to go and speak with Paul and Harlow. He asks Paul if there'll be any trouble tonight with Glen, but Paul says he's committed to trying to reconnect with his brother. Harlow believes her granddad is in for a world of pain, but Paul's prepared to weather that. "Glen is my brother," he says. "Fixing things between us, that means everything to me."
Putting on brave faces, Amy and Levi walk in arm-in-arm. Levi greets his co-worker, Reuben, and his Sarge and Wendy. Reuben throws a smirk Levi's way as he walks past where Roxy, Kyle and Sheila are gathered. Sheila's worried about how peaky Kyle looks, but Kyle says he's already taken the maximum amount of anti-nausea meds. He assures Roxy he'll be okay when she reminds him they can head home whenever he's had enough.
Vineyard Storage Room
When Paul appears for a chat, Glen tells him he's busy working and not interested. Paul apologises again for Glen feeling as though he couldn't reach out to the family in the past. He knows he can't change what happened, but he can shape the future. Glen doesn't understand why Paul still wants to help him after he realised the real reason Glen returned.
PAUL: I want to make things right. I got you this job - I could give you money towards a house. What do you say?
GLEN: Yeah, pay me off again.
PAUL: It's not about paying you off, Glen, I'm trying to help.
GLEN: You can stick your money, Paul, and your help. I don't need it.
Paul says the offer still stands if Glen changes his mind.
Vineyard Interior
Paul returns to the party and is awed when Terese arrives looking glam in her dress. He tells her she looks beautiful, but then leaves her to enjoy the evening. Glen walks past and also comments on Terese's nice dress. Terese asks if he's okay, wondering if he should tell Leo he doesn't want to serve alcohol. But Glen says the only thing concerning him tonight is Paul. "What's he done now?" Terese asks exasperatedly.
Levi and Amy are chatting with Andrew and Wendy. Amy says Levi speaks highly of his boss, which makes Wendy laugh. "No wonder you spend all your time at work," Wendy tells her husband. "He doesn't get compliments like that at home." Andrew spies Ned lurking in the background and Wendy realises Amy, Levi and Ned are the "throuple". Amy awkwardly explains the term is actually "polyamory", which makes Wendy stammer out an apology. She says she's heard all about them, but Andrew assures them it's nothing bad.
WENDY: Yes, Andrew's very supportive of your life choices.
AMY: (uncomfortable) Thanks.
WENDY: I think it's great to spread the love around. And it sounds like it's working a treat.
LEVI: Yeah sometimes it does, other times not so much.
Andrew and Wendy head off to grab a drink, and Ned can't help sidling over to Amy and Levi. He's immediately on the defensive, asking Amy if Andrew and Wendy said something off. "They wouldn't have said anything if you didn't show up in the first place," Levi replies through gritted teeth. Ignoring him, Ned tells Amy if she feels unsafe then she should let him know. "Ned, get stuffed," Levi says in frustration before walking off. Amy gives Ned a look before following Levi.
A short while later, Leo hosts the charity auction portion of the evening. Sheila goes head-to-head with Reuben for a big screen TV and comes out the winner. While the bidding is going on, Roxy tries to catch up with Harlow but looks hurt when Harlow is quite standoffish.
ROXY: We haven't talked since you moved out.
HARLOW: Yeah, sorry, I've just been busy.
ROXY: What, too busy to say 'congratulations on your engagement'? Or, 'wow it sucks to hear that Kyle got cancer'?
HARLOW: There's just been a lot of things going on. But let's catch up for a drink next week.
The next item up for auction is a brand new car. Wendy tries her luck with a small bid at first, but then Paul sweeps in with a $30,000 offer that no one can match. Glen is stunned when Paul tells him the car is all his. He tries to refuse, but Paul says it's just a gift. Terese notes the exchange, as does Harlow, who doesn't look impressed.
Kyle is getting some air outside while Roxy tells him about her short chat with Harlow and how uncaring she appeared. David joins them to check in with Kyle, and Roxy scolds her fiance when he admits to David that he's not feeling great. She tells him they're heading home right now, but Kyle is determined to at least have one dance with her before they do.
Back inside, Leo announces that the final auction item is a romantic getaway for two to Cairns. Amy's excited as it means she could also visit her kids while she's there, so Levi encourages her to make a bid. Amy takes a chance, but ends up in a bidding war with Andrew. Things take a turn when Ned suddenly jumps in with an $800 bid. Not to be outdone, Levi pipes in with his own bid, but Ned also tops that. "Shame it's not a holiday for three, mate," Reuben smirks, clapping a hand on Levi's shoulder. "Guess you can all fit in the same bed, but." After that moment of awkwardness, the holiday is sold to Ned.
Later in the night Roxy and Kyle are enjoying the slow dance he promised her. Sheila's filming it on her phone and tells Terese she's going to be crying her eyes out when the two of them dance at their wedding. Roxy giggles with Kyle about Sheila's paparazzi tendencies, then asks him what their song should be for their first dance at the wedding. But Kyle suddenly feels nauseous and throws up everywhere, including on Roxy. Levi and David immediately rush over to help him, while Sheila calls out in concern. The rest of the Ramsay Street residents in attendance also look on sympathetically. Kyle apologises for being sick on Roxy, but she says it's fine and wants them to head home. David promises Sheila that Kyle will be all right, but she doesn't look convinced.
Vineyard Office
Leo thanks Glen for cleaning up all the vomit, then remarks on the car Paul gave him. Glen says he doesn't want to look a gift horse in the mouth, but coming from Paul he's guessing there's strings attached. "It's just what dad does," Leo replies. "Money's the way he takes care of family." Harlow brings in the mop and bucket Glen was using, snidely saying he forgot it outside. When she finds out they were talking about Paul, she comments on how Glen is determined to rip everyone away from him.
LEO: Harlow, not now please.
HARLOW: Why is he still working here? You know he can't be trusted.
LEO: I trust Glen and you can too.
HARLOW: Granddad might be willing to forget the reason why you're here, but I won't. I'm watching you.
Glen just offers her a painted on smile and excuses himself from the conversation. Leo stares at Harlow, but she just shrugs off his reaction with a "what?"
Vineyard Interior
Terese watches couples dance with a wistful look on her face. Paul notices and decides to shoot his shot, asking Terese if she'd like to dance, promising there are no hidden agendas. Much to his surprise, Terese actually says yes. Paul takes her hand and leads her onto the floor where they start to slow dance. Glen watches them from the sidelines - and Harlow watches Glen watching them. David, Sheila, Ned and Leo are also observing Paul and Terese with varying degrees of interest and intrigue. Staring into Paul's eyes Terese suddenly becomes overwhelmed and says she can't do this before running off. Paul looks disappointed and Glen glares Paul's way for making Terese upset.
Kyle's Car
Roxy is driving herself and Kyle home and asks if he's feeling any better. She then jokes that she's cranky he never answered her question about what song they're going to use for their first dance. The mood is lifted for a moment as they banter about 'Wing Beneath My Wings' or the 'Macarena' as choices. Kyle says he loves Roxy, and she says that's lucky considering they're about to spend a very long time together.
Vineyard Interior
While Amy appreciates Ned winning the bid on the holiday, she doesn't think he should have done that to Levi. But Ned says that wasn't his intention, he only wanted Amy to have something nice. And as a bonus he could meet her kids in Cairns. Ned wants to dance with Amy, which she feels uncomfortable about seeing as she's technically there with Levi. But she gives in and says she'll have a twirl until Levi gets back. Sheila has been eyeballing them the whole time, so when Levi returns she pressures him into cutting in. Levi remarks on Sheila's sudden change of heart in wanting him with Amy, but Sheila says she just doesn't want him to look like a fool to his workmates. Sheila unceremoniously shoves Levi Amy's way, then cuts in and dances with Ned to keep him occupied. "Thought it only took two to tango," Reuben wisecracks from the sidelines, making Amy look uncomfortable.
Vineyard Cellar
Glen finds Terese sitting on the floor alone, in the dark, cradling a bottle of wine. He tries to take the bottle from her but she won't let him, so he sits down beside her. Terese gets upset and says she's drinking because everything hurts and she can't make it stop. "This isn't the answer," Glen replies, succeeding in gently prising the bottle from her hands.
TERESE: The only time that I ever feel happy is when I'm with Paul. And then I remember that he's the reason I'm not. I think I need to get back with him.
GLEN: No, no.
TERESE: No, because it makes sense. It makes sense. We can help each other through everything and it'll make sense.
GLEN: You're not thinking with a clear head. I'll take you home.
TERESE: No! I'm gonna go and find Paul.
GLEN: Terese you cannot make decisions like this when you're drunk.
Terese finally concedes and agrees to go home with Glen.
Terese's Car
Driving Terese back home, Glen says this is exactly the reason why he can't take the new car from Paul - or anything else. "You let him in for a second and this is what he does to you," he murmurs. Terese says that she and Glen are in different situations, and she thinks Glen should let Paul help him.
GLEN: That's what Leo said.
TERESE: Then take our advice.
GLEN: Is anyone going to be home to look after you?
TERESE: I doubt it.
GLEN: I can stay with you if you like?
TERESE: You don't need to do that.
GLEN: If you need the company I'll be there.
TERESE: Thanks. You know if I'm to be honest, I don't want to be alone. Besides, I could do with some help getting out of this dress.
Vineyard Interior
Amy doesn't appreciate the way Reuben is lurking near her at the food table, especially when he makes a crude remark about there being no crab cakes on offer. He then says she obviously likes to "get around", which makes Amy incredibly upset. She gathers her purse and strides over to Levi to tell him she's leaving. Noticing them, Ned rushes over to hear Amy say that Levi's colleagues are "ignorant neanderthals". Realising who the culprit was, Levi and Ned both go over to give Reuben a piece of their minds. Ned says he should show some respect, but Reuben retorts they should as well seeing as they're "parading around in public like perverts". Having had enough, Amy joins the fray.
AMY: How dare you! You don't know a thing about us. The only perverse thing here is your tiny, small mind. And I refuse to let you make us feel ashamed! You should leave.
When Reuben doesn't comply, Ned looks as though he's going to scuffle with him, but Andrew quickly rushes over to break things up. He instructs Reuben to leave, which pleases Levi, but then Levi is stunned when Andrew wants him, Amy and Ned to go too. The Ramsay Street residents have all been watching this ordeal go down, with Sheila looking particularly concerned for her grandson.
<<8746 - 8748>>
Levi Canning, Amy Greenwood, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8747
Levi Canning, Amy Greenwood, Ned Willis

Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8747
Ned Willis

Andrew Rodwell, Ned Willis, Wendy Rodwell, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8747
Andrew Rodwell, Ned Willis, Wendy Rodwell, Harlow Robinson

Andrew Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8747
Andrew Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell, Leo Tanaka

Leo Tanaka, Harlow Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8747
Leo Tanaka, Harlow Robinson, Paul Robinson

Roxy Willis, Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8747
Roxy Willis, Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning

Glen Donnelly, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8747
Glen Donnelly, Paul Robinson

Paul Robinson, Roxy Willis, Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8747
Paul Robinson, Roxy Willis, Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning, Terese Willis

Terese Willis, Glen Donnelly in Neighbours Episode 8747
Terese Willis, Glen Donnelly

Andrew Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8747
Andrew Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell, Levi Canning

Andrew Rodwell, Ned Willis, Amy Greenwood, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8747
Andrew Rodwell, Ned Willis, Amy Greenwood, Levi Canning

Sheila Canning, Const. Reuben Elliott in Neighbours Episode 8747
Sheila Canning, Const. Reuben Elliott

Roxy Willis, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8747
Roxy Willis, Harlow Robinson

Leo Tanaka, Andrew Rodwell, Const. Reuben Elliott, Wendy Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 8747
Leo Tanaka, Andrew Rodwell, Const. Reuben Elliott, Wendy Rodwell

Paul Robinson, Glen Donnelly in Neighbours Episode 8747
Paul Robinson, Glen Donnelly

Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8747
Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis

Paul Robinson, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8747
Paul Robinson, David Tanaka

Const. Reuben Elliott, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8747
Const. Reuben Elliott, Levi Canning

Sheila Canning, Roxy Willis, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8747
Sheila Canning, Roxy Willis, Kyle Canning

Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8747
Kyle Canning

Glen Donnelly, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8747
Glen Donnelly, Leo Tanaka

Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8747
Harlow Robinson

Paul Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8747
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis

Sheila Canning, Leo Tanaka, Ned Willis, Harlow Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8747
Sheila Canning, Leo Tanaka, Ned Willis, Harlow Robinson, Paul Robinson

Roxy Willis, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8747
Roxy Willis, Kyle Canning

Ned Willis, Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 8747
Ned Willis, Amy Greenwood

Levi Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8747
Levi Canning, Sheila Canning

Levi Canning, Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 8747
Levi Canning, Amy Greenwood

Glen Donnelly, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8747
Glen Donnelly, Terese Willis

Glen Donnelly, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8747
Glen Donnelly, Terese Willis

Amy Greenwood, Const. Reuben Elliott in Neighbours Episode 8747
Amy Greenwood, Const. Reuben Elliott

Levi Canning, Amy Greenwood, Ned Willis, Const. Reuben Elliott in Neighbours Episode 8747
Levi Canning, Amy Greenwood, Ned Willis, Const. Reuben Elliott

Ned Willis, Leo Tanaka, Levi Canning, Andrew Rodwell, Const. Reuben Elliott in Neighbours Episode 8747
Ned Willis, Leo Tanaka, Levi Canning, Andrew Rodwell, Const. Reuben Elliott

Sheila Canning, David Tanaka, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8747
Sheila Canning, David Tanaka, Harlow Robinson

Amy Greenwood, Ned Willis, Leo Tanaka, Levi Canning, Andrew Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 8747
Amy Greenwood, Ned Willis, Leo Tanaka, Levi Canning, Andrew Rodwell

David Tanaka, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8747
David Tanaka, Levi Canning

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