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Neighbours Episode 8624 from 2021 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8623 - 8625>>
Episode title: 8624
Australian airdate: 19/05/21
UK airdate: 16/06/21
Writer: Sam Carroll
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Melanie Pearson: Lucinda Cowden
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
- Roxy starts scheming to think of ways to curtail Amy's probationary period as Flamingo Bar manager
- Toadie asks Amy why she's so stressed; she's never let anyone push her off- course
- Amy replies alluding to 'a bit of this, bit of that' that occurred in Cairns; Mackenzie overhears
- Roxy tells Kyle what she's heard from Mackenzie about something bad happening with Amy in Cairns
- Harlow's shocked to see Mackenzie and Hendrix kissing, but later organises a date for them in support
- Melanie tells Toadie it isn't practical to hide their relationship from his kids in the long term
- Frustrated when Hugo and Nell start calling her 'Granny', Mel tells them that she's dating their dad
- But Toadie is annoyed when he walks in and overhears this
No 30
Having left Nell and Hugo playing in their room, Toadie returns to have a stern word to Melanie, who is feeling like a 'blabber-head' for revealing their relationship to the kids.
MELANIE: I didn't mean to say I was your girlfriend. It just... came out.
TOADIE: How can something like that just come out?
MELANIE: They've been calling me Granny all day. Hugo's been saying it over and over again.
Toadie explains that she can thank Paul for that; Nell overheard him encouraging Hugo to say it at the pub earlier.
TOADIE: He's not the only one who crossed the line today. I get that it's upsetting being called Granny - but a bruised ego, that's no excuse for what you've done.
MELANIE: A bruised ego?!
TOADIE: For the record, I don't care about the age gap.
MELANIE: You think that's what this is about? I couldn't give a hoot about our ages (...) I got upset because your kids have no idea where I fit in this family. For all they know, I could be their long-lost third cousin from outer space!
TOADIE: You said you were okay holding back the truth.
MELANIE: Yeah, I know. But I was wrong.
She walks out of the house.
No 24
Jane's about to head out. She's all dressed up for dinner with Clive tonight, and tells Chloe and Nicolette that she'll be staying at Clive's afterwards. Chloe remarks that they're always staying at Clive's, and suggests that particularly with his renovations going on, they should stay here tonight instead. Nicolette looks instantly put upon, but forces a smile!
JANE: I wouldn't want to take away from your couple time.
NICOLETTE: (nods in agreement)
CHLOE: You live here! You're allowed to have your partner come and stay.
Besides, says Chloe, she and Nic will be at Harold's tonight, so Jane and Clive can have the house to themselves. Jane says she might just do that; she's sure Clive will appreciate the change of scenery. Once Jane's gone...
NICOLETTE: Good one (!)
CHLOE: What?
NICOLETTE: You just opened the floodgates. Now Mum and Clive can come here and canoodle all over the house whenever they want.
CHLOE: If they want to canoodle, why can't they?
NICOLETTE: Because it's disgusting! And unnecessary! And they've got Clive's house for that type of stuff.
CHLOE: You really don't want them here?
NICOLETTE: That's not what I'm saying.
CHLOE: ...
NICOLETTE: Fine, that's what I'm saying.
Nicolette admits that she's still not Clive's number one fan after he fired her and reported her to the nursing board. Chloe points out that he had no choice.
CHLOE: He's dating your mum. I'm sure you've got it in you to give him a second chance.
The Flamingo Bar
Harlow is having a drink at the bar, while chatting to Roxy. Roxy asks Harlow if she's 'weirded out' by Hendrix and Mackenzie being an item; Harlow admits 'a bit', but says she's happy for them. Roxy says it mustn't be easy, particularly as she's not been able to talk to Brent all week. Harlow says it gives Brent a chance to settle in with the army, and her a chance to get her life back together.
ROXY: Whatever, Captain Sensible. I'm sure you are dying to talk to him.
HARLOW: No, I am not that desperate.
ROXY: Are too.
HARLOW: Am not!
ROXY: Are too.
Harlow eventually admits that yes, she hates not being able to talk to Brent. At this point, Amy comes in, and Roxy asks if she can pick Amy's brain about 'holiday stuff', claiming she's planning on visiting Cairns soon.
HARLOW: Since when?
ROXY: Since forever.
But it's clear that Roxy's just digging for info, after Mackenzie tipped her off that something bad had gone down with Amy in Cairns. Amy is noticeably rattled when Roxy asks what she was doing for work in Cairns, and says it's really not a good time to chat. Amy asks Roxy to hold the fort while she goes to meet Toadie for her break.
ROXY: Sure, anything to make your life easier!
Amy looks a little suspicious as she leaves, and Harlow asks Roxy what's going on...
Lassiter's Complex
Amy tries to reassure Toadie over his situation with Melanie, saying kids are resilient and that even if things don't work out with Mel, it might be good for Nell and Hugo to see how Toadie handles that. Conversation moves to Roxy; Amy admits she's acting a little strangely.
AMY: Like, super-super friendly. Friendlier than that rando who proposed to me on the Singapore-to-Sydney. His girlfriend was not happy, let me tell you!
TOADIE: Hmm. So what's wrong with Roxy being nice?
AMY: I dunno. I'm picking up a vibe, like it's not real or something.
TOADIE: Well, you did steal her dream job, so that couldn't have been easy for her to take.
AMY: Well, I know that she applied for it, but I didn't know that she wanted it *that* bad.
Toadie explains Kyle told him Roxy had her heart set on it, so must've been gutted.
The Flamingo Bar
Roxy explains to Harlow about the unknown scandal in Cairns; all she's been able to find out is that Amy's tenure working at the Far North Hotel ended pretty soon after she started, but she can't find out why, having had no success from calling them. Roxy adds that Amy 'has form' with scandal, but Harlow argues that the Lassiter's uniform saga was really just poor judgement on Amy's part.
ROXY: Are you saying I'm wrong about her?
HARLOW: No, I'm just saying I know how much you wanted this job. Are you sure you're not a little bit jealous?
But before Roxy can answer, Terese comes in, and tells Harlow that Paul's looking forward to the escape-room adventure that he and Harlow have arranged for later. Terese asks how things are going at the bar. Roxy's about to go into a diatribe about Amy, but...
HARLOW: Roxy was just telling me about working with Amy. She says everything's going swimmingly.
Roxy agrees, but after Terese has gone, asks why Harlow cut her off.
HARLOW: Because I know what you were going to do. And it wouldn't have worked.
The Waterhole
Toadie finds Melanie drinking alone at a table, and asks if he can join her.
MELANIE: Depends. Are we gonna have another fight?
TOADIE: I hope not. I am still angry at you, but I understand why you told the kids. And I'm sure you're sorry about that. So now we just need to make sure that we handle any questions that they've got in a sensitive manner.
MELANIE: That's it? We're not gonna talk about why it happened at all?
TOADIE: No, what's done is done. Let's just move on and move past it.
MELANIE: Okay. If that's how you feel, that's fine by me.
But neither of them look that happy. Jane and Clive come in, and say hello to Toadie and Mel; Jane and Clive seem pleased to have learned that they're dating. So much so, in fact, that Jane invites the pair of them to join her and Clive for dinner at No 24 tonight. Mel and Toadie look a bit awkward given their spat, and Mel tries to make excuses, but...
JANE: No, no, no - I insist. And don't bring a thing. Just show up, eat, drink and be merry.
Toadie reluctantly agrees, but as Jane and Clive walk off, things are still awkward between him and Mel.
No 24
Toadie and Melanie have joined Clive and Jane for dinner. We learn that Clive's house renovations are proving to be taking longer than originally planned - and he's tentatively booked a hotel room to make things easier while the major work's underway.
Jane and Mel start reminiscing about how everything has changed so much in their lifetimes. Toadie looks uncomfortable, and Clive says they should probably talk about something Toadie can relate to - the implication being, because he's younger.
JANE: Are you saying that we're out of touch?
CLIVE: I didn't say old. Maybe mature.
MELANIE: Nell and Hugo think I am *extremely* mature.
TOADIE (annoyed): Really?
MELANIE: Well, it's true.
TOADIE: Can we just talk about this some other time?
MELANIE: I thought you were all about moving on?
Clive and Jane look awkward.
TOADIE: I'm sorry about this. We had a bit of an argument earlier.
MELANIE: And apparently, it's all my fault!
Jane and Clive exchange a glance as Toadie and Mel rehash their argument. Toadie remarks that Mel hasn't even apologised for what she said to Nell and Hugo.
MELANIE (to Toadie): Fine, you want an apology? I am sorry I was honest about my role in your life. I'm sorry that I didn't want to be kept a secret! And I am sorry that you feel the need to speak to me as if I am a child. Happy?!
More awkward looks from Clive and Jane!
Lassiter's Lake
Hendrix and Mackenzie are still enjoying their date by the lake, sipping champagne. They're about to go in for another kiss, when Roxy appears and plonks herself down between them!
ROXY: Hey, lovebirds! I'm so sorry to interrupt, but...
HENDRIX: Roxy, yeah, please join us (!)
Roxy starts pumping Mackenzie for any more info she might have on what happened with Amy in Cairns. Mackenzie doesn't know any more than what she's already told Roxy.
ROXY: But you do have access to Toadie.
MACKENZIE: Look, last time I got involved, it ended up in a full-on fight being livestreamed.
Hendrix points out that if Amy had done anything really bad, Toadie wouldn't be so chilled with her being around - and Mackenzie agrees, warning that if Roxy keeps on digging, she may be the one who ends up in trouble.
No 24
Jane, Clive, Melanie and Toadie are silently eating prawn cocktails around the table! Eventually...
CLIVE: Look, I have no problem with an extended awkward silence. But perhaps Jane and I could help you resolve this issue?
JANE: That's a wonderful idea. I could get my talking stick.
TOADIE: No, I think we're all mature enough to talk without a stick. I've been to enough couples counselling to be able to do this... Melanie, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that we are arguing. I just feel like you keep doing these crazy, impulsive things without thinking about the consequences. That could've really upset my kids today.
MELANIE: Okay... I hear that you're worried. (whispers, to Clive and Jane) That's right, right?
JANE: Mm. You're doing great.
MELANIE: But... keeping our relationship from your kids was a terrible idea. I'm not a one-night stand. I'm at your house almost every day.
TOADIE: So why did you agree to it, then?
MELANIE: What choice did I have? And I am sorry that I got flustered, and told your kids the truth - I really am. But... there's only so much that I can take.
TOADIE: Was it that hard for you?
MELANIE: Everybody in the neighbourhood knows about us. Everybody except your own family - the only ones that really matter. (to Clive and Jane) No offence.
CLIVE: None taken.
JANE: All good.
TOADIE: Well, my kids are always gonna come first. They're my main priority, they always will be.
MELANIE: And it's your job to look after their needs, I get that. But it's my job to look after me, and make sure that I'm being treated right.
TOADIE: I'm sorry I upset you. I didn't mean to act like a dictator.
MELANIE: Well, you did a bit.
TOADIE: I'm just really worried about the kids. What if they get close to you, and we break up?
JANE: Mel has been through this before, with Joe's kids. And, well, she was a wonderful presence in their lives. I'm sure she will be with Nell and Hugo as well.
The tension thus alleviated, Clive suggests a toast, and they all clink glasses.
The Flamingo Bar
Amy asks Roxy to sit down for a chat, hoping to clear the air. Amy says she had no idea Roxy's heart was so set on the manager's job. Roxy wants to know who told her that, but Amy says it's not important.
AMY: But it must've been a real kick in the teeth when I arrived unannounced.
ROXY: It's okay. I'm a big girl. I can get over it.
AMY: You know, I was your age once, not too long ago. So I know what it's like to be in a rush to get to the top.
ROXY: That's not how I feel.
AMY: Well, however it is, I mean, you're doing great right now. You just have to pay your dues.
ROXY (annoyed): Pay my dues?
AMY: Yeah. I mean, and who knows - you working here, under me, might actually elevate you to where you want to go next. I mean, it's good for you to work under someone with my experience. You'll be manager material in no time. And it'll be fun.
ROXY (forced smile): Thanks. I can't wait.
But Roxy looks less happy as Amy walks away. She eyes Amy's laptop which has been left on the table...
No 24
Toadie and Mel are leaving, and Mel thanks Clive and Jane for helping them with their 'little domestic'. Once they're gone, Jane remarks on what a 'hoot' Mel is.
CLIVE: She's certainly got a lust for life.
JANE: You know, I'm feeling rather lusty myself.
CLIVE: Oh, well, we could continue this in the bedroom.
JANE: Or perhaps I could interest you in a swim.
CLIVE: (...) With some wine? And no clothes?
JANE: I'll race you!
They rush out to the pool...
The Flamingo Bar
Amy is chatting to Roxy about ways they could profit from the beach area during the winter. Amy has some ideas, like a fire pit and an ice-skating rink. Roxy seemingly attempts to get rid of Amy by asking her to go and buy some lemons, as they've run out - but Amy points out there are a load in the fridge. Terese pops in to see if Roxy will be home for dinner; she confirms she will be.
ROXY: Hey, while you're here, Amy should run you through her beach area idea for winter. It's very clever.
Roxy's plan works, and Amy takes Terese outside to show her what might go where. Once they're gone, Roxy rushes over to the laptop and starts reading...
No 24
Chloe and Nicolette arrive home, Nicolette deliberately jingling her keys loudly to alert Clive and Jane to their return.
CHLOE: Shh, they might be sleeping!
NICOLETTE: The sleeping's not the part I'm worried about.
But Nicolette's relieved to find that Clive and Jane don't seem to be around. She goes to make tea while Chloe texts Hendrix to find out how his date with Mackenzie went. Nicolette hears a sound outside, and goes to see if it's a possum. As she goes through the back door, we hear her shriek!
She rushes back in, horrified, followed by a naked Clive who is covering his modesty with a washing basket. Jane follows in a towel. Nicolette can't even look at them.
JANE: I'm so sorry, we lost track of time!
CLIVE: We've had a tad too much wine.
JANE: It was just such a lovely evening. And then one minute we were swimming, and then the next -
NICOLETTE: Oh, Mum, please stop talking! Just go and put some clothes on.
Clive and Jane retire to the bedroom, laughing.
NICOLETTE (to Chloe): I will never unsee that.
No 22
Mackenzie calls round to thank Harlow for organising her date with Hendrix earlier - and also thanks her for her birthday present, which is a bracelet Harlow picked up in Camden Market. Harlow reports she had fun at the escape room with Paul. As Mackenzie bids her goodnight, Terese and Roxy come in. Roxy is trying to get Terese to look at a document she's printed from Amy's laptop.
TERESE: You're invading her privacy Roxy, and I can't be a part of that.
ROXY: Even if the reason Amy is here is because she burned down the last hotel she worked at?
Now Terese is interested. Actually, it was a marquee that went up in flames, but 'it caused a lot of trouble', Roxy says. The document is an email from the owner of the Far North Hotel.
TERESE: It says she was sacked because she admitted that she was responsible for the fire, and it ruined the launch of the event.
ROXY: Mm-hm. And now she wants a fire pit at the Flamingo. A fire pit!
Terese says she'll have to talk to Paul about this, but tells Roxy there is to be no more snooping around from now on, and to keep the information to herself until Terese works out what to do. Roxy looks pleased, and once Terese has gone, tells Harlow she can finally get the job she deserves.
No 30
Nell and Hugo are having breakfast, as Mackenzie tells Toadie that she and Hendrix are now dating.
TOADIE: Wow, okay. Well, as long as he treats you right. No standing you up, and no DMing other girls.
MACKENZIE: Hendrix can DM whoever he wants.
TOADIE: No, no, he can't. Just so you know, if he messes you around, he's gonna have me to answer to.
MACKENZIE: Thanks. I think!
Melanie comes in.
NELL: It's your girlfriend!
Toadie remarks to Mackenzie and Mel that the kids seem to be handling the news better than he thought.
MELANIE: Nothing beats honesty.
HUGO: Granny!
MELANIE: I guess that nickname's here to stay.
Harold's Café
Terese is sitting in the lakeside area, when Amy arrives to join her, having been summoned for a meeting. Paul will be joining them soon, Terese explains. Amy assumes they want to discuss her winter ideas further, and starts waxing lyrical about them, and also how well Roxy has taken to her mentoring! Terese looks uncomfortable.
TERESE: Amy, we've called this meeting for a serious reason (...) We wanted to ask you about Cairns, and your time at the Far North Hotel.
AMY: ... You've heard about the fire.
TERESE: It has been brought to my attention, yes.
AMY: By who?
TERESE: Well, that's irrelevant. I'm just troubled that you weren't upfront with us about it. I mean, we took a chance on you after the airline uniform scandal, and we were prepared to consider it as a mistake. And now we know about the fire, we're just questioning ourselves, whether we're the ones that made the mistake.
AMY: What happened in Cairns is not what you think.
TERESE: What, so you're not responsible?
AMY: I took responsibility, yes, but... it's way more complicated than that.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Amy asks Terese and Paul if she still has a job
- Roxy tells Kyle, 'I had a low- key hunch that she was a psycho'
- Levi has some big news for Bea
- Bea and Sheila 1 are at the Hive recording studio; Bea says these memories aren't easy to talk about
- Bea tells Sheila 1 she's lost it; Sheila 1 replies, 'No, you're the one who's lost it!'
- Sheila 2 tells Ned they need to tell Yashvi about 'us', but Ned is unwilling to do that
<<8623 - 8625>>
Melanie Pearson, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8624
Melanie Pearson, Toadie Rebecchi

Jane Harris, Chloe Brennan, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 8624
Jane Harris, Chloe Brennan, Nicolette Stone

Amy Greenwood, Roxy Willis, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8624
Amy Greenwood, Roxy Willis, Harlow Robinson

Toadie Rebecchi, Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 8624
Toadie Rebecchi, Amy Greenwood

Terese Willis, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8624
Terese Willis, Harlow Robinson

Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8624
Roxy Willis

Melanie Pearson, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8624
Melanie Pearson, Toadie Rebecchi

Jane Harris, Clive Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 8624
Jane Harris, Clive Gibbons

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Roxy Willis, Hendrix Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8624
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Roxy Willis, Hendrix Greyson

Jane Harris, Melanie Pearson, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8624
Jane Harris, Melanie Pearson, Toadie Rebecchi

Jane Harris, Clive Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 8624
Jane Harris, Clive Gibbons

Roxy Willis, Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 8624
Roxy Willis, Amy Greenwood

Clive Gibbons, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8624
Clive Gibbons, Jane Harris

Amy Greenwood, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8624
Amy Greenwood, Roxy Willis

Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8624
Roxy Willis

Clive Gibbons, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8624
Clive Gibbons, Jane Harris

Chloe Brennan, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 8624
Chloe Brennan, Nicolette Stone

Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8624
Mackenzie Hargreaves

Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8624
Harlow Robinson

Roxy Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8624
Roxy Willis, Terese Willis

Nell Rebecchi, Hugo Somers in Neighbours Episode 8624
Nell Rebecchi, Hugo Somers

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Melanie Pearson, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8624
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Melanie Pearson, Toadie Rebecchi

Terese Willis, Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 8624
Terese Willis, Amy Greenwood

Terese Willis, Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 8624
Terese Willis, Amy Greenwood

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