Previously on Neighbours
- Paul gives the go ahead to Roxy for volleyball
- Sheila 2 is happy with The Hive plus Ned
- Bea's tells Sheila and Susan the podcast is going live that same day
- Susan wants to know if Bea has let Levi listen to the podcast
- Susan thinks Levi might be upset by what's on the podcast
- Bea is aghast when she finds out the podcast has already been uploaded
- Levi listens to the podcast saying she won't put her full trust in a man again
The Hive
NED: She (Bea) did not hold back on anything that happened with Finn.
SHEILA 2: To hear her story first-hand, it's pretty powerful.
Yashvi is hoping that Levi is still to hear it, Ned is convinced he's done that by now.
YASHVI: He'll be gutted to know that Bea doesn't trust him.
Ned thinks that Levi will be understanding. They agree they need to hold a volleyball practice tomorrow. Sheila 2 thinks the team name should be inspired by art. Ned suggests 'Poled Up and Loaded' which makes Sheila 2 laugh. They continue to discuss names as Yashvi watches them. Sheila asks for her opinion but she wants them to come up with the ideas and heads off. Yashvi stands outside and watches as they discuss art before heading off.
No.26 Backyard
Bea is stunned to discover that Levi has set a small table out ready for dinner for them with champagne in a bucket. He tells her that this is a celebration for her first podcast being uploaded, Bea is touched. Bea wants to know what Levi's opinion of the podcast is.
LEVI: I've heard it all before, it was just a bit more intense this time... It was a bit more raw.
Bea said things she hadn't set out to say and offers to chat about what she said. Levi brushes it off and wants to make a start on their meal.
Flamingo Bar
Roxy tells Kyle she has set up the volleyball net and the courts have been sorted out. She is very impressed at how many teams have signed up to play. They agree on an hour for practice per team, Kyle wants them to have extra time themselves! Roxy points out that if she is caught not playing fair it won't be a good look.
Terese arrives and is impressed with everything that has been done.
ROXY: This is going to be a monthly event.
Terese is happy with how enthusiastic Roxy is about this! Terese is more cautious about getting the first tournament out the way and reminds her other people are going for the same job. Roxy is convinced she's the best person for the job! Terese advises her to check the net as some teenagers were hanging out near the court. Roxy goes off to check.
The Waterhole
Nicolette tells Aaron and Chloe that she's volunteered them to be a team as she is better as a coach than a player! Aaron and David planned to be a team called 'The Ball Boys'.
NICOLETTE: Lame, naff and predictable.
As David doesn't have a partner due to Nicolette's plan, Nicolette decides to draft in Yashvi. Yashvi tells them that she is teaming up with Ned.
DAVID: I was looking forward to playing with my hubby.
NICOLETTE: Well you play with him all the time.
Nicolette tries to sell how great an idea this is to Yashvi! Nicolette lays on the guilt about nearly losing her baby. David and Yashvi agree and are sent off to sign up for the tournament.
CHLOE: That was some serious emotional blackmail.
NICOLETTE: I've now got my dream team so nothing can stand between us and our victory.
Ned asks Sheila 2 what drew her to art. She tells him since childhood she was a fan and there are painters in the family. Work got in the way eventually. She ended up in a gallery after a walk and spent a couple of hours there. She returned and bought a piece of artwork the following day. Each week she planned to find a new gallery.
SHEILA 2: It was healing... Just felt more at peace in general.
Ned thinks the artist will be really pleased if he found out! Sheila 2 admits that she didn't have the same experience in every gallery. In the galleries that affected her, the artwork affected her the same way Ned's did. He wants to see this happen in their gallery. They are going to work on the name and other bits.
Levi distractedly agrees to volleyball practice the next morning. Bea calls him out on this happening on dinner and thinks it's due to the podcast. He claims to be fine, Bea wants the truth.
LEVI: That was a real kick in the guts.
BEA: I thought you'd feel that way.
Levi wants to know why she wasn't honest earlier. The words spilled out during the podcast and wanted to be honest that it wasn't a big issue. Levi points out that Bea told him she loved him but isn't able to trust him. Levi sees this as the same but Bea doesn't. He thinks it's needed in a relationship.
LEVI: What's the point if there isn't any trust?
Bea tells him she's still committed. Levi can't get his head around this. Bea tells him she needs to deal with this, not him.
LEVI: It is my problem if my girlfriend thinks I'm going to hurt or betray her.
Lassiter's Complex
It's now the next day. Sheila 2 calls over Bea and congratulates her on her podcast. She is very impressed with it, Bea bemusedly thanks her. Sheila is surprised she is cautious, Bea is getting used to people's reactions. Bea explains what's happened, Sheila 2 realises that Bea hasn't spoken to Levi about this before.
SHEILA 2: I don't see why you feel bad about expressing your truth.
Sheila 2 admits to coming to terms with her truth took a long time. It's not easy all the time. Bea rues the pain she has caused Levi. After explaining this Levi doesn't seem to understand.
SHEILA 2: It's hard to understand if you haven't walked in someone's shoes cos you can only go on what you've got.
Sheila 2 advises her to be herself now to be happy. However others react to this. Bea is advised to let Levi have time to come to terms with all this. Bea thanks Sheila 2.
Flamingo Bar
Nicolette blows her whistle and takes Chloe and Aaron off for some coaching. David is glad he's with Yashvi instead of Nicolette being in charge! Nicolette tells Chloe and Aaron the areas they need to improve on. Aaron isn't so fussed but Nicolette wants them to step up! Kyle wants to get ready for their practice but Roxy is inviting Terese to come and watch what's going on. Kyle thinks Terese will be tied up.
ROXY: Better things than watch me nail the manager's job? I think not.
David tells Bea she has done a great job on the podcast and will be a hard act to follow! Aaron reassures David he will be fine and congratulates Bea. Levi looks awkward as Aaron raves about lots of people downloading it already. Bea thanks them and they head off to practice.
Kyle and Roxy play Aaron and Chloe as Nicolette stands on the sidelines with a clipboard. Eventually Nicolette calls for time out.
The Waterhole
Yashvi wants to take a look at the sketch Ned is doing and wonders if it is for the gallery. He admits he's doing it on Sheila 2's behalf and thinks she should see it first. Ned won't be able to make the training session as this artwork is going well. Yashvi admits that Nicolette gave her no choice but to be David's partner. Ned is relieved as he can concentrate on the gallery.
YASHVI: Wouldn't want to offend your new boss.
Ned apologises and explains that he needs to do this. Yashvi understands. Ned enthuses about being able to see a way ahead with his art and it's great to have Sheila 2 so involved. Yashvi points out that she has totally been there for him from the beginning. Ned agrees and explains that the financial support is really helping. He reassures her that she doesn't have to compete with Sheila 2. Yashvi doesn't look completely reassured!
Flamingo Bar
Levi and Bea are now playing Kyle and Roxy, Nicolette is still taking notes. Terese arrives and wants to know if Nicolette is scoring. She's just checking on the competition and is coaching Chloe and Aaron.
TERESE: That's thorough.
NICOLETTE: Gotta be in it to win it.
Nicolette is sure seeing the other teams Chloe and Aaron will win this. Kyle banters with the others about teamwork.
KYLE: You two need to learn teamwork. Me and Roxy, we want some real competition.
Levi throws the ball into the net and it hits Kyle in the face. Kyle clutches his nose and falls over. They all crowd round him. Levi looks sheepish.
The Waterhole
Sheila 2 banters with Sheila about taking a break. Sheila jokes it's fine with the boss!
SHEILA 2: I hear she's a bit of a firecracker.
Sheila tells Sheila 2 she will miss having her around when she leaves. Sheila 2 offers Sheila a lesson right there and then.
SHEILA 2: Nginda noonook miya-k koorl?
SHEILA:(Sheila repeats this.) What did I say?
SHEILA 2: When are you going home? Ngan miya-k boorda koorlin.
Sheila 2 is possibly extending her visit and wants to get the gallery going. Sheila 2 has connected with many people including Sheila and Ned. She doesn't want to abandon them quickly! Sheila hopes Sheila 2 will stay a long time, Sheila 2 is touched. Ned has texted Sheila 2, he has a surprise waiting at The Hive. Sheila is invited along as well.
Flamingo Bar
Kyle is resting outside with a cut to his nose but Nicolette tells him just to get on with it! He shrugs off Levi's apology. Roxy knows it's an accident. Terese knows these things happen when playing sports.
Bea goes off with Levi for a chat. Bea knows why this happened and thinks they need to do more talking. In the long term Levi doesn't think things can work out for them if she can't ever trust a man.
BEA: I can't help who I am or how I feel.
LEVI: So where does that leave us?
BEA: I love you Levi and I want to be with you. Isn't that enough?
Inside Chloe, Aaron and David are relaxing drinking cocktails before Nicolette appears. They look guilty as Nicolette hopes the drinks aren't alcoholic! Nicolette has been sussing out the other teams. Due to Bea and Levi's poor communication they aren't a threat, Roxy and Kyle could give them a run for their money.
NICOLETTE: Roxy is the weakness. She has the attention span of a gnat.
Nicolette is organising a training programme for them to do at home. Nicolette heads off as they agree she is all guns blazing! Aaron wants Chloe to talk to Nicolette, Chloe thinks Aaron should do it. David doesn't want to do it either. They want David as their coach but realise Nicolette won't take kindly to being dropped! He tells them they need to sort it out themselves.
The Hive
NED: I was only expecting one Sheila.
SHEILA: A 2 for 1 deal.
Ned asks Sheila 2 to be his volleyball partner. She is happy to but isn't very surprised with the surprise. The actual surprise is hidden under a sheet and revealed to be a new name and logo, 'The Bain Gallery'. The logo is a flower. Sheila admires it and asks where the name is from. Ned explains that art being healing came up in their discussion. Bain is a Nyungar plant that has medicinal qualities. It can inspire the art they have here and anyone who visits feels at peace. Sheila gets a call and takes it outside. Ned tells Sheila 2 that he has gained permission already for the name to be used. He offers to start again if necessary. Sheila 2 is touched and lost for words. She notices he's drawn a bindi bindi for her Nan. She is tearful as she thanks him.
The Waterhole
Kyle is suffering as Roxy suggests thinking of something other than the pain. Her suggestion is her nuns outfit! Sheila isn't impressed when she finds out what happened. Nicolette told him it's not broken but Kyle thinks it is. Sheila will find some ice cream and an ice pack in the kitchen.
Yashvi goes over to Levi and asks what actually happened. Levi explains what happened, Yashvi has heard the podcast. Yashvi thinks it might take a while but the trust will eventually be there and Bea knows how much Levi loves her and will feel safe. Yashvi and Ned have had their own trust issues before now but now the trust is totally there.
The Hive
Ned offers to change things if needed but Sheila 2 doesn't think any changes are needed.
NED: Must have done something right then. I'm only as good as my inspiration and that is all on you. I think we work well together.
SHEILA 2: I've never met anyone like you. It's like you know exactly what I'm thinking.
NED: It's like you've brought out my best work.
Ned suggests some green and he guides Sheila 2's hand towards the sign. They share a moment.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Jane tells Susan that Curtis needs to be reprimanded
- Harlow is not going to praise Paul for throwing money at Brent's case
- Paul thinks Brent is not good for Harlow
- Brent tells Harlow he shouldn't go to prison