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Neighbours Episode 8608 from 2021 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8607 - 8609>>
Episode title: 8608
Australian airdate: 27/04/21
UK airdate:
Writer: Sarah Mayberry
Director: Iain Pirret
Guests: Melanie Pearson: Lucinda Cowden
Brent Colefax: Texas Watterson
Jesse Porter: Cameron Robbie
Summary/Images by: Carly/Graham
- Toadie and Melanie nearly getting caught out together
- Melanie telling Mackenzie that Toadie's too busy to be having an affair
- Harlow informing Terese she won't stop worrying until she finds Brent
- Paul expressing to Harlow that he's worried about her
- Curtis noticing someone anonymous accessing the Year 13 online content
- Harlow figuring out that the person is Brent
- Brent giving Harlow a location of where he's been staying
Harold's Café
Mackenzie and Nell tell Karl about their plans to watch Wonder Woman for movie night. Mackenzie is on babysitting duties while Toadie's working. But when Nell's out of earshot choosing treats at the counter, Mackenzie informs Karl that she thinks Toadie's actually going out "to see his lady friend". Karl is very put out that Toadie hasn't confided in "his closest friend" about this new development. He mopes out of the Café just as Harlow walks in. Harlow attempts to wiggle her way out of movie night because she's not feeling up to it, but Mackenzie manages to guilt her into it by showing her how excited Nell is.
The Waterhole
Toadie and Melanie have their laptops out and do actually look like they're working, but Melanie also tells Toadie she's booked them a room at Lassiters tomorrow because they both have the day off. Toadie's keen and asks her to see if they can get an early check-in. They're interrupted by Karl, who tells Toadie that he and Susan are fully supportive of him getting back into the dating game. Toadie remains evasive.
KARL: Can you give me a name?
TOADIE: Libby.
KARL: What?
TOADIE: You asked for a name, so your daughter's is as good as any.
Karl can't believe that Toadie's going to deny him any information, even though Mackenzie and Harlow are clearly babysitting the kids for a reason other than 'work'. He then asks for Melanie's take on things, and Melanie does a good job of sidestepping. She assures Karl that she's a huge gossip and wouldn't be able to lie if she knew Toadie was seeing someone. Karl leaves Toadie be - for now.
Ramsay Street
Harlow is trying to make a quick getaway the next morning so she can go and find Brent, but she's stopped by David for a chat. He says he and Aaron are still doing everything they can to find Brent and hope they can catch a break soon. Harlow remains mum on the topic and says she hopes so too. David heads off to work, but Harlow's stopped again by Terese, who isn't happy Harlow's called in sick to work. Harlow pretends she has a dodgy stomach, but Terese questions why she's dressed up and ready to go out if she's feeling ill. Much to Harlow's chagrin, Terese tells her to get ready for her shift and she'll drive her there in ten minutes.
The Waterhole
Hendrix is happy to see Mackenzie, but Mackenzie wants to make sure they're still okay after their little fallout the other day. Hendrix promises they're fine, so much so, that he's even willing to talk about Harlow and Brent when Mackenzie says she's worried about Harlow's state of mind and needs to debrief about it.
At the bar, Roxy is busy looking at a job application on her phone. She tells Kyle she's eager to apply for the manager/activities director role at The Flamingo Bar. Kyle thinks it sounds right up her alley, and Roxy doesn't think Paul and Terese could say no to the girl who once set up a mechanical bull in the middle of the complex.
Lassiters Hotel
Terese seeks out Harlow and is surprised to learn she's already finished cleaning all the rooms on the fourth floor. Harlow says Terese doesn't have to keep checking up on her every five minutes, but Terese says the whole family is worried about her. She says the situation with Brent has turned Harlow's whole life upside down. Getting tetchy, Harlow disagrees, but they're interrupted by Terese getting a phone call from Roxy. After Terese says she'll see Roxy soon, she hangs up and gets back to her conversation.
TERESE: Believe it or not I've been where you are now, and in a few weeks' time you'll feel differently I promise.
HARLOW: (dismissively) If you say so.
Lassiters Complex/Lassiters Hotel
Toadie is a happy little camper making his way to the hotel until he realises Karl is stalking him in the most unsubtle manner ever. While Karl's busy hiding in the bushes, Toadie makes a covert call to Melanie to let her know of his current predicament. Melanie also has troubles of her own when she realises their hotel room hasn't been serviced yet and is in disarray. When Toadie hears what Melanie will be wearing soon, he says he'll drop Karl like a hot potato, and Melanie says she'll get the room cleaned. When Toadie dashes off, Karl blunders after him like the world's worst spy.
Harold's Café
Harlow tries to rush out of the Café with a shopping bag full of items, but is stopped by Hendrix who wants to check in after his chat with Mackenzie. Harlow is annoyed that her friends are talking about her behind her back, but Hendrix says it's because Mackenzie's worried. Harlow says she's sick of everyone being so concerned about her, and that she's fine. She gets a phone call from Terese, who informs her about the messy room that needs to be serviced. Harlow's frustrations mount, but she's surprised when Hendrix offers to clean the room for her. He can see how stressed she is and figures she's covered for him plenty of times in the past when he worked there, why not return the favour? Harlow accepts and they head to the hotel so she can give Hendrix a quick reminder of what needs to be done.
Lassiters Hotel
Melanie is sprucing herself up in the bathroom when she hears Harlow and Hendrix enter the main room. She panics and hovers by the closed door, hoping they won't come in. Harlow goes over procedures with Hendrix and then attempts to rush out, but Hendrix was hoping Harlow would tell him if her frazzled nature had anything to do with Brent.
HARLOW: Why would you say that?
HENDRIX: Mackenzie said you've been pretty obsessed with him lately.
HARLOW: Why wouldn't I be? The police are searching for him, he's on the run, he doesn't have anywhere to live. It's kind of a nightmare.
HENDRIX: Yeah, that he brought on himself. (Thinking things over) You know where he is.
HARLOW: Hendrix I really appreciate you helping me right now, but I do not need your opinion or your judgement, okay?
She thanks him again and leaves, but Hendrix just looks even more suss on her behaviour.
The Waterhole
Karl creeps into the pub looking for Toadie but is startled when the lawyer creeps up on him in return. Karl immediately pretends he's looking for Susan, and denies that he's following Toadie around the complex. But Toadie soon gets the truth out of him. Karl says he's only prying because he can't believe Toadie's keeping something so important from his "closest friend".
KARL: Toad, we're family.
TOADIE: Yes, yes we are. Which is why I feel so comfortable in telling you - back off!
KARL: (pleading) Just give me a name.
TOADIE: For the last time, read my lips: I am not dating anyone!
KARL: Then why are you being so secretive?
TOADIE: Maybe I appreciate my privacy, have you ever thought of that?
KARL: No, not buying it.
TOADIE: You need to get a new hobby, and you need to stop following me. Give me your word.
KARL: Only if you give me your word that you're still single.
TOADIE: If that's what it'll take.
KARL: Fine. Okay, then I'll give you my word I'll stop following you.
KARL: Okay, done!
Toadie walks out and Karl has a sudden realisation.
KARL: Hang on, you didn't give me your word!
Beaumaris Beach
Harlow walks around the side of the old scout shed on the beach where Brent said he'd been staying. She calls out for him and is relieved when he appears round the corner. Brent is amazed she actually came, but Harlow smiles and says she couldn't stay away. She gives him the food and supplies she brought, letting him know she's been worried sick and has also managed to lie to everyone she cares about to in order to come see him.
BRENT: I'm sorry.
HARLOW: Your mum's moving to New Zealand with Emmett.
BRENT: What? When did this happen?
HARLOW: Last week they found her. Apparently she wants to turn her life around.
BRENT: But for how long though, really? I mean Aaron and David aren't going to let her take him are they?
HARLOW: They're going to do what's best for Emmett. He seemed keen, Jenna's genuine. Brent you have to turn yourself in.
BRENT: I can't. I just can't.
HARLOW: You might never see your brother again, is that what you want?
BRENT: Of course I don't but I'll go to jail.
HARLOW: You don't know that.
BRENT: I know a lot more than you!
Harlow looks as though she's about to make a phone call to someone, so Brent snatches the phone off her. He emphatically says he doesn't want to go to jail, and he especially doesn't want to lose his brother. Harlow says she might be better off leaving, but Brent stops her. He gently cups her face in his hands and draws their foreheads close together, breathing her in. Harlow closes the small space between them and kisses him.
The Flamingo Bar
Roxy is telling Terese that she'd be the perfect person for the manager role, and gets Jesse to back up her claims. Jesse agrees and says that Roxy is so skilled she doesn't even need to write the orders down. Terese asks Roxy for her thoughts on the activities side of the role, and Roxy says she's got plenty of ideas. She wants to turn the bar into the go-to venue for Erinsborough. "Think beach-themed parties, live music on the sand, sunset weddings," Roxy says with a grin. Terese smiles back but tells Roxy to pop all of that information into her official application. Roxy's taken aback - she kind of thought she'd just be offered a trial run. But Terese says that Paul's going to be all over this job search and has already said he wants the best candidate possible. Roxy's like, "you're looking at her!", but Terese still needs the application. Jesse shares a look of sympathy with Roxy when Terese leaves.
Lassiters Hotel
Toadie is very surprised to see Hendrix making up the room when he waltzes in. Toad pretends he's there to meet a client who wanted to remain very confidential, hence the hotel room. Hendrix says he's only there because he's doing a favour for Harlow. When his back is turned, Melanie peeks her head out of the bathroom and gives Toadie a wave before hiding herself again. Hendrix says he only has the bathroom left to clean, but gets grossed out when Toadie says he has to use it first because he had too many beans for breakfast. Toadie insists he'll fix up the bathroom himself later, and ushers Hendrix out, who looks pretty keen to eject himself from the beans narrative. Once Hendrix is gone, Melanie leaves the bathroom and laughs at Toadie's cover story. She then jumps onto the bed and tells Toadie to hurry up and join her.
The Waterhole
Roxy is looking over the job application online but is already fed up with the process. She tells Kyle she's more of a talker than a writer and asks him to help her make her application good.
KYLE: Babe, I'm no Picasso either.
ROXY: Wasn't he a painter?
KYLE: Why are you even writing an application? Since when did Roxy Willis play by the rules?
ROXY: You're right, everyone's going to be writing boring applications. I need to think outside the box.
Jesse walks over to them for a chat.
JESSE: Sorry Roxy, I don't think I was the world's best birdman back there.
ROXY: I think you mean wingman, but hey, it's the thought that counts. You'd like me to be your boss wouldn't you?
JESSE: Are you kidding? It'd be like Christmas every day! You're the type of person that makes everything fun.
ROXY: I am pretty good at fun!
Jesse saunters away and Roxy tells Kyle that she might try and put on an event at the bar to showcase her ideas. And that event? A beach volleyball tournament! Kyle thinks it's a great idea and high fives her.
Meanwhile, Karl and Mackenzie are at a table gossiping about Toadie. Karl says that Toadie swore black and blue he wasn't seeing anyone, which just made Karl more convinced that he is. Karl knows Toadie is hiding a woman from them and it's their civic duty to find out who it is. Mackenzie nods and smiles.
Beaumaris Beach
Harlow and Brent are laying together on Brent's makeshift bed in the shed. Harlow's pleased to see that he kept the mug she brought back from London. He's also got a photograph of Emmett taped to the wall. Brent starts to get unnerved and tells Harlow she can't stay with him, it's putting them both in danger her being there. Harlow says there's no one around, and Brent has a burner phone, but Brent points out that Harlow's phone could be tracked. Brent tells her again to leave and not come back because it's too risky.
BRENT: Just forget about me. Pretend we never met.
HARLOW: Because you think I'm better off without you? That you don't deserve me? Because it's not true, okay, I'm not giving up on you.
BRENT: How do you think this is ever going to work out?
HARLOW: I don't know, okay, but we're going to make it work.
BRENT: You don't know that. I can't stay on the run forever, I need to see my brother.
HARLOW: Then come back with me.
BRENT: I need more time to figure it out.
HARLOW: Okay, then we're going to give you more time so you can figure out what you need to do next.
She holds onto his hands and promises she won't tell anyone where he is.
Lassiters Hotel
Melanie and Toadie are enjoying some room service drinks and talking about how they were nearly caught out by Hendrix. She wonders if it's a bad thing they're sneaking around. Toadie doesn't think so, but he is getting sick of Karl "playing Sherlock Holmes". Melanie says there is a solution - the law firm in Anson's Corner are looking for a new EA. If she applies for that job, then they won't have to worry about the boss/secretary thing ruining Toadie's reputation. Toadie says it doesn't seem fair that Melanie has to change jobs, but Melanie doesn't mind if it means they get to keep seeing each other because she's having the most fun she's had in years. Pondering on something else, Toadie then says he doesn't even know why Hendrix was filling in for Harlow in the first place. Melanie says she couldn't hear their conversation clearly, but it included something about a "secret relationship and people not judging other people". They also mentioned Mackenzie a couple of times. Toadie wonders if that means Harlow and Hendrix are back together, and then worries about Mackenzie getting her feelings hurt. Having had enough of the chatter, Melanie disrobes to show off the slinky lingerie she's wearing and gets Toadie interested in another round of fun.
Harold's Café
Harlow sits with Hendrix while she's on the phone with Terese, saying she's just finishing up her lunch break. Once the call ends, Hendrix asks if they got away with everything. Harlow says they did and thanks him again for his help. Hendrix asks if she got anything useful out of the Brent sighting, but Harlow says it was a dead end and that hopefully another lead will crop up soon. Hendrix isn't buying her story, though, because she's acting far too cool and composed for someone who was stressing about Brent only hours ago.
HENDRIX: You're not really acting like someone who just ran into a dead end. You found Brent didn't you?
Harlow freezes up and knows she's caught.
<<8607 - 8609>>
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Nell Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8608
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Nell Rebecchi

Karl Kennedy, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8608
Karl Kennedy, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8608
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Harlow Robinson

Toadie Rebecchi, Melanie Pearson, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8608
Toadie Rebecchi, Melanie Pearson, Karl Kennedy

Harlow Robinson, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8608
Harlow Robinson, David Tanaka

Terese Willis, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8608
Terese Willis, Harlow Robinson

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Hendrix Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8608
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Hendrix Greyson

Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8608
Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis

Terese Willis, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8608
Terese Willis, Harlow Robinson

Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8608
Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy

Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 8608
Melanie Pearson

Hendrix Greyson, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8608
Hendrix Greyson, Harlow Robinson

Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 8608
Melanie Pearson

Hendrix Greyson, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8608
Hendrix Greyson, Harlow Robinson

Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8608
Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy

Brent Colefax, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8608
Brent Colefax, Harlow Robinson

Brent Colefax, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8608
Brent Colefax, Harlow Robinson

Jesse Porter in Neighbours Episode 8608
Jesse Porter

Terese Willis, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8608
Terese Willis, Roxy Willis

Hendrix Greyson, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8608
Hendrix Greyson, Toadie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 8608
Toadie Rebecchi, Melanie Pearson

Roxy Willis, Jesse Porter, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8608
Roxy Willis, Jesse Porter, Kyle Canning

Karl Kennedy, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8608
Karl Kennedy, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Harlow Robinson, Brent Colefax in Neighbours Episode 8608
Harlow Robinson, Brent Colefax

Toadie Rebecchi, Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 8608
Toadie Rebecchi, Melanie Pearson

Hendrix Greyson, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8608
Hendrix Greyson, Harlow Robinson

Hendrix Greyson, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8608
Hendrix Greyson, Harlow Robinson

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