- Hendrix and Mackenzie reaffirming that things are okay between them.
- Chloe advising Hendrix not to send Mackenzie mixed signals.
- Mackenzie not happy at hearing Hendrix say Jay is dating someone.
- Mackenzie having doubts over how she has treated Hendrix.
- Sheila inviting Sheila 2 for lunch with the family.
- Sheila 2 wanting info on Ned.
- Sheila 2 having an enjoyable lunch with the family.
- Sheila 2 putting her car into the garage... where Bea finds a dossier on Ned in the car.
Bea carefully hides the dossier on Ned among the garage files when Sheila 2 comes into the garage to collect her car. After Sheila 2 departs, Bea quickly gets the dossier out and doesn't look too happy to see what is inside it.
Rebecchi Law (Lassiters hotel)
Toadie isn't too amused at Melanie being late for work nor at what she is wearing - a tiger print dress! Given she's already late and will waste more time going home to get changed, Toadie orders Melanie to put her jacket back on! Mackenzie looks out of sorts too, Jay issues, but soldiers on as they finish packing up the office in the hotel ahead of doing some compliance training for a client's case they are working on.
Harold's Café
"Sheila is an obsessive creep!" is how Bea describes Sheila 2 after showing to Yashvi (after admitting taking it) the dossier found in her car. The dossier apparently has all of Ned's history including the photos Scarlett had him inadvertently take for her. Neither can figure out why Sheila 2 has this info and when Roxy enters the Café, Bea hands the dossier over for her to look at.
The Waterhole
Roxy now shares what is in that dossier with Kyle and Sheila. Sheila can't believe there is anything other than a plausible reason why Sheila 2 has this info whereas both Kyle and Roxy think it's suss and has shades of Scarlett the stalker all over again. Roxy warns, until Yashvi and Bea can come up with a reason why, that everyone has to be on their guard around Sheila 2.
Police station
"Come on Vi, what's more important - doing things by the book or Ned's safety?" Bea is forced to say to convince Yashvi to break the law more to get info on Sheila 2 via the police database.
Harold's Café
"So, what was all that about?" Karl asks after picking up on the 'weirdness' when Mackenzie was chatting with Hendrix after she drops in on a coffee run. Hendrix explains that Mackenzie is mad at him about their almost kiss, them deciding to be friends and also for trying to set her up with Jay who is seeing someone else! "That's thorny!" Karl agrees, and remarks, "it sounds like emotions are running high," and suggests giving it time to allow things to cool down.
The Waterhole
Sheila, Kyle and Roxy sit waiting for news about what Yashvi has managed to dig up, although Sheila is still hoping common sense prevailed and the dossier was returned to Sheila 2. Seconds later the trio are forced to quickly change their conversation when Sheila 2 enters the pub, she is after a coffee and a chat with Sheila.
Rebecchi Law
Toadie is back in his old office and it has been totally spruced up since we last saw it.
The compliance training video everyone is watching is so boring, that Melanie would rather chat to Mackenzie about her woes with Jay instead. Despite both ladies chatting, it is Melanie who gets the brunt of Toadie's wrath for not paying attention! He warns that there will be a test and failure will mean watching it all over again, so Melanie agrees to watch... but only after she takes off her jacket because she is too hot sitting with it on.
Lassiters Complex
After being summoned, Ned meets up with Yashvi and Bea in the complex and they show them what was found in Sheila 2's car. Ned looks through the dossier and agrees that it "is weird" but when he hears about (and then sees) the photos, he is devastated and can't understand why Sheila 2 has these. Yashvi explains that she didn't do the police search as she was waiting to hear from Ned how he wanted to proceed. The guy is in utter shock and asks for thinking time before deciding what to do.
The Waterhole
While Sheila 2 is chatting to Sheila at the bar, Roxy is trying to decide whether to give into temptation or not - looking through Sheila 2's bag that she left on a seat before heading to the bar to chat with Sheila.
KYLE: Its illegal!
ROXY: Yes, but if Sheila is a crazy stalker, then we need to know.
Typical, Sheila 2 overhears that last part after coming back from the bar and thinks that [original] Sheila is the stalker and wants details on who she is stalking! After a large dose of mumbleitis from the pair, it then dawns on Sheila 2 that it is her they are talking about and she wants to know why they think she is "some crazy stalker."
Number 28
Karl is in a foul mood when he gets home after finding that the garage is locked up - he wanted to work with Bea on the podcast but she said no citing she'd to work.
Hendrix goes all starry-eyed when Mackenzie drops round to apologies for the tenseness between them recently - the news about Jay upset her and she shot the messenger, which was wrong. "I know you didn't mean it," he acknowledges and they both agree to put what has happened behind them.
Mackenzie now raises with him, and Karl, about how the vibe at work has been weird of late. She describes how Toadie's taken on a load of extra work and has been really hard on Melanie only, not her even after today's incident, and wonders if it's related to Shane and Dipi leaving. Both agree that is a plausible explanation but they disagree over whether she should mention it to Toadie or not - Karl thinks so but Hendrix feels she should stay out of it.
The Waterhole
Kyle and Roxy are trying to dig themselves out of the hole they dug with Sheila 2, putting it down to their "weird sense of humour." Sheila 2 isn't amused at them thinking she is a stalker, so it's left to the newly arrived Sheila to explain things. After being filled in, Sheila 2 is furious at hearing folk have been gossiping about her "deciding the content of my character without asking me first" and thinks that folk should have minded their own business! It is Kyle who does the grovelling apology, explaining that they were simply concerned for Ned, but does add that she has to "admit it is a bit strange."
Rebecchi Law
When she gets back to the office, Mackenzie walks in on Toadie and Melanie having a ding-dong over missing files. Turns out Mackenzie filed the files in the storage room, so Melanie heads off there to track them down.
Since they are alone, Mackenzie raises her concern to Toadie over how he is treating Melanie. To her surprise, he thanks her for pointing out his behaviour and calling him out on it.
The Waterhole
"How was I meant to know all Sheila's have supersonic hearing!" Roxy bemoans as she and Kyle sit chatting alone post-revelation. "You're the one that threw the grenade," Kyle reminds her but Roxy is still insistent too that if it hadn't been for Sheila coming over and "spilled her guts", she'd have managed to "throw Sheila 2 off the scent." Roxy is still curious to know what Sheila 2 wanted Ned's info for and the 'supersonic hearing' works again as Sheila comes over to tell Roxy that "it's none of your business."
SHEILA: It's between Sheila [2] and Ned and you should have stayed out of it.
KYLE: Speaking from experience Gran?
"I don't know what you're talking about," Sheila replies while hastily heading away from their table!
ROXY: Well let's just wait and see what happens after Ned finds out.
Lassiters Complex
Yashvi is the one to spot Sheila 2 in the complex and alert Ned. He hells out that he wants a word and hastily goes over to where she is, with Bea and Yashvi also following him over.
"I think you owe him some answers," Yashvi says but Ned stops her saying more to allow him to be the one to ask Sheila 2 why she has this personal information and photographs about him? Sheila 2 explains that she asked her "very thorough" personal assistant to do a background check on him so that if she does buy The Hive, she is considering turning the venue into "an open art space" and wants him to run it. To further back up her story, she explains that it would be a "huge investment" for her, hence doing her homework on Ned before making him an offer.
YASHVI: Well that explains a lot!
Bea apologises for taking the file and jumping to conclusions. Likewise Yashvi apologises and asks that she doesn't stop this from investing in Ned. Ned backs the ladies up by saying that "this opportunity could be life-changing for me."
SHEILA 2: I think you and I need to have a little talk in private.
Harold's Café
Ned begins their private meeting by acknowledging that he is glad that there was an explanation and that he does trust Sheila 2. "I trust you too," Sheila 2 replies back but Ned disputes that given she's just done a full background check on him! She cites that its "just business" and hopes it doesn't put him off working for her, it doesn't as he already thinks her suggestion is "amazing."
Even though she got the dossier the previous day, it turns out that Sheila 2 hasn't actually read what was in the dossier - she didn't want to ruin the friendship that had built up between them following their trip to the NGV [National Gallery of Victoria]. While acknowledging what Yashvi and Bea did was wrong, Ned explains that the file brought up "painful memories for everyone" and starts to fill her in on Scarlett Brady.
Number 30
Given what Mackenzie told him earlier, Karl decides to come over to talk about it with Toadie. Toadie explains that everything is fine after talking about it with Melanie and can't get rid of Karl quick enough... we then see why that was because hiding in the kitchen is Melanie!
MELANIE: You weren't exactly subtle!
TOADIE: I wasn't trying to be subtle... I was trying to get rid of him!
And we see why that was because Toadie then tells Melanie to "come here" and untying her dress, she tells him that he is "out of control!"
TOADIE: You drive me wild, especially in that dress!
Next we see is Melanie throwing Toadie onto the couch and alongside the growl of a tiger, throws her tiger dress at him!!!
Coming up on Neighbours
- Nicolette ranting off at Chloe.
- David filling Chloe in on what Emmett heard.
- Emmett looking worried.
- Harlow willing to forgive Paul on one condition!
- Paul ranting off.
- Chloe wanting answers from Nicolette.