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Neighbours Episode 8578 from 2021 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8577 - 8579>>
Episode title: 8578
Australian airdate: 15/03/21
UK airdate: 12/04/21
Writer: Matthew Bon
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Emmett Donaldson: Ezra Justin
Olivia Bell: Alyce Platt
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
- Aaron admitting to David he was wrong to blame him for Fay's death.
- Chloe asking Nicolette to stay the night with her... in her bed.
- Nicolette trying to clear the air with Chloe.
- Brett rejecting Nicolette's thinking that the intruder was after him.
- Karl annoyed at Olivia.
- Karl heading to the school to confront Olivia.
- Olivia falling down a flight of stairs.
- Hendrix lying to give Karl an alibi.
- Karl coming clean with Levi over Hendrix's alibi.
- Olivia claiming that Karl pushed her down the stairs.
Karl isn't at all happy at hearing Olivia's claims and rushes into her room to say so and accuses her of lying. Levi is doing his best to get Karl out of her room and eventually manages to succeed, but not before Karl warns him he shouldn't believe Olivia.
Number 32 (outside)
Chloe, Aaron and David are back from Adelaide. David is trying to persuade Chloe to stay for a drink and initially she is somewhat hesitant, but as soon as Nicolette appears in the backyard, that seals it - she's off to her own house!
"How was it?" Nicolette asks Aaron and he replies "unpleasant." David adds in that the funeral was "beautiful" and that Aaron did "a wonderful job" but both are happy to be home. She then breaks it to them about something happening while they were away.
As they sit in the waiting area, the Kennedys have a mini argument over what has happened - while Susan knows that Olivia is lying, however Karl seems peeved that she isn't making a scene and backing him up publicly. Finally she admits that she is "frustrated" at him for not doing as she'd asked and thus wouldn't be in the predicament they currently are!
SUSAN: I know that you didn't push her and I know you're not responsible for the lies she tells.
KARL: I still end up paying the price.
Susan wants them to head home, but Karl has a shift starting soon and is staying put until he gets to talk to Levi.
Number 32 (inside)
"There's nothing to worry about now," Nicolette reassures the boys with after explaining to the boys that she is fine and the intruder has been arrested.
When Aaron heads off to unpack, and this gives David a chance to be fully open with Nicolette. "Adelaide was a lot," he says and admits that he didn't feel like "a great husband" nor does he feel like he is helping much either.
NICOLETTE: But you're there for him and that's all that matters, and you know it.
DAVID: Yes, I just think I need to let him take the lead a bit.
Nicolette changes the direction of the conversation and asks how Chloe handled things. "Good," his almost shocked to admit as he thought she'd be the hardest hit out of everyone but apparently "really held it together."
Number 24
Chloe wonders aimlessly alone in the house before taking a seat on the sofa, where the tears then start to flow.
Now he's got hold of Levi, Karl reiterates that he didn't touch Olivia, she is making it up. He does concede that they did have a "heated argument," however he "did not push her down the stairs, she tripped." What isn't helping Karl's case is that there were no witnesses around, so he tries a different track - reminding Levi how "untrustworthy she is," especially given she wrote a book based on lies and this is why she is doing it, out of "revenge" after Susan pulled out of helping with the new book.
Despite the pleas, Levi explains he is only there to gather information, it isn't up to him whether charges are laid or not. The family (Bea is there now) are shocked at the thought of this, especially what it would do for Karl's reputation. "There's nothing I can do," he points out and advises them to stay away from Olivia. Karl is utterly aghast and Susan reassures him that they will prove that he is innocent.
KARL: How Susan?! I say one thing, she says another. There's no-one to prove what actually happened. The only evidence there is, is that stupid lie that Hendrix told and I went along with. Makes it look like I'm trying to cover my tracks.
Number 24
Chloe is binge watching what was her mum's favourite show when Nicolette drops by to see how she really is. She reiterates that she is okay, although does admit that while Adelaide "was hard," she was more scared of Mark and Tyler "biting my head off!" We hear that Mark and Tyler forgave Chloe and Aaron, understanding it was Fay's wish over how things happened and admitted to being glad at not seeing how Fay was at the end.
NICOLETTE: But you did though.
CHLOE: And so did Aaron and David and you.
NICOLETTE: Yes, but you had to see your mum die prematurely from Huntington's.
NICOLETTE: It's more complicated for you that it is for anyone else Chlo. And all I'm saying is if you're bottling and need to debrief, I'm here.
Chloe doesn't want to talk about that but is prepared to talk to Nicolette "about throwing myself at you."
NICOLETTE: So, let's talk about it.
Number 32
Mark and Paige sent the boys home with a care package for the baby and after Aaron comes off the phone to Toadie (thanking him for his help with everything) they see what has been gifted.
AARON: This is great because it's Mark's way of saying that things are all good between us and I'm just being big sook!
DAVID: You're allowed to be. I give you full permission for you to be a big sook!
AARON: Okay, this is going to sound weird, but I'm sad, obviously on one level, but then there's just like this whole other level where I just... I feel like I'm not sad enough.
DAVID: Okay.
AARON: It's like obviously I'm glad mum's not suffering any more but it's not like I used to see her every day, so there isn't this huge hole in my life any more. And it just... it just makes me the worst son ever doesn't it?
DAVID: No it doesn't. It's okay to be honest with yourself.
AARON: Now that I'm not feeling angry any more, I just... I feel... I feel nothing. That's wrong, isn't it?
DAVID: It's actually very common. It's how your brain helps you cope.
AARON: No, like it... ever since we've gotten back, all I can think about now is I can just like work now and rosters and I... I really don't want mum thinking that I've forgotten her already.
Clive summons Karl to see him and delivers the bad news - he is being suspended from work given the serious injury to Olivia and that he is a person of interest in a police investigation.
KARL: Right, so its guilty until proven innocent is it?!
CLIVE: I understand it's upsetting Karl but you know it's the right thing to do.
Number 24
Over a cuppa, Chloe admits to Nicolette about being "mortified" about the bed invite, acknowledging that she was upset and trying to fill a void. "That's why I said I wasn't upset with you at the time," Nicolette replies but Chloe knows that she shouldn't have asked - her actions reminded her of being used by Elly and the "epic mess" it then caused.
CHLOE: We can forgive and forget?
NICOLETTE: Already done. And I mean it, when I say that I'm here if you want to talk about your mum.
CHLOE: Noted.
Before Karl leaves the building, he goes into Olivia's room to bluntly tell her that he's "not going to stand for this" and that she needs "to tell the truth." "I am," she replies but he counters that they know "that fall was an accident" and that he didn't push her. She asks that he leaves as she doesn't want to have this conversation.
KARL: You're punishing me because you didn't get your own way. You're spiteful. You're vindictive.
OLIVIA: You're the monster here. You wanted to hurt me!
"I didn't," he protests, adding that she is "twisting the truth." Olivia accuses him of threatening her and that he was "intimidating."
KARL: I am not your next book Olivia. This is my life you're playing with.
OLIVIA: And what about mine, which you tried to end?! I asked you to calm down but you just came at me. I've never been so scared! Do you have any idea how it feels TO HAVE AN ANGRY MAN in your face like that?! You are so disgusting!!
Their raised voices have caused undue attention and Clive rushes into the room and orders Karl out as he is reiterating that he didn't push Olivia. It is a very broken and dejected Karl that leaves the room as ordered.
Lassiters Complex
Levi spots Bea waiting for him after his shift finishes and suggests they get something to eat... well she wants something to eat - him for not believing that Karl is innocent! He explains that he is simply after "a fair outcome for everyone" by "knowing what happened." At this point she calms down, acknowledging what he is trying to do and they head off for some real food.
Number 30
Susan has called round to get legal advice just in case (done offscreen) and in return hears from Toadie about Dipi and Shane's impending move to Sydney, which she is shocked to hear about. The pair are then surprised to see Karl arrive and he explains that Hendrix said where she was... and why he isn't at work - he has been suspended until things are resolved.
It is lucky Susan has brought Toadie up to speed on things, so he is ready with the legal advice - that it is going to be tough with there being no witnesses. Karl already knows he hasn't made things any better by going to see Olivia again. Toadie suggests they put it aside and wait until the police have made their move, and in the meantime, invites them to have dinner at #30 for Susan's birthday.
Number 32
After being summoned, Nicolette and Chloe sit down at the table with the boys. David explains that he wants the four of them to start a new fun weekly tradition - playing board games as a way to show [Fay] that they are all together, happy and looking out for each other. This suggestion (and explanation) is met with universal thumbs up and Aaron quickly grabs the 'Speak Out' game and declares that he is first up!
Number 30
Susan is thrilled at the homemade necklace Nell and Hugo have made for her birthday before Toadie takes the kids off to spruce them up before dinner.
In the background, Karl has been silently brooding away but he rejects Susan's suggestion that they can go home. He explains what is getting to him - from what Olivia said [in their final chat] he is now deliberating with himself if he did cause the fall? "What, you think you might have pushed her?" a confused Susan asks, but Karl is quick to say "no" before adding that from the look in Olivia's eyes, "she was afraid of me" and that "it was real."
KARL: The things I said at the top of that landing, the way I acted, I didn't think I was capable of that but obviously I am.
SUSAN: Karl, you shouldn't have been there, but you did not cause this to happen.
KARL: Even if I didn't push her, it was my fault. I was angry. She was frightened and she almost died.
SUSAN: You never meant to hurt Olivia.
KARL: It doesn't excuse my threatening behaviour.
SUSAN: No, no, Karl, listen to me. You could never intimidate a woman in the way that you're suggesting. You couldn't! It's just not in your nature. The truth will come out, it will be fine, I promise you.
Number 32
It looks like the board game session was a success and Aaron declares David "is the greatest husband of all time" since he "knew exactly what I needed."
AARON: I'm going to call this the official start of things calming down!
"Agreed!" David says but looks like this declaration was said too soon as seconds after this has been said, Nicolette leads an upset Emmett into the kitchen. "What's wrong?" a worried Aaron immediately asks and Nicolette explains that when she found the lad outside, he wouldn't say, hence taking him inside.
Number 30
Susan entertains the kids at the table while Karl helps Toadie take the plates into the kitchen. Unknown to Toadie, Karl isn't paying any attention to the conversation he is attempting to have but it eventually dawns on him that Karl isn't paying attention. A worried Karl asks that he be excused and heads out alone to the sunroom.
In the sunroom, Karl replays (with the aid of flashbacks) the conversations he had with Olivia both at the school and in the hospital, breaking down at the 'I've never been so scared!' one.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Brent winding Paul up.
- Harlow trying to figure things out between Paul and Brent.
- Brent looking at the mysterious ring.
- Aaron questioning his sister.
- Chloe smiling nicely at Nicolette.
<<8577 - 8579>>
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8578
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Levi Canning

Olivia Bell in Neighbours Episode 8578
Olivia Bell

David Tanaka, Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8578
David Tanaka, Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan

Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 8578
Nicolette Stone

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8578
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

David Tanaka, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 8578
David Tanaka, Nicolette Stone

Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8578
Chloe Brennan

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Bea Nilsson, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8578
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Bea Nilsson, Levi Canning

Nicolette Stone, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8578
Nicolette Stone, Chloe Brennan

David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8578
David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

Clive Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 8578
Clive Gibbons

Nicolette Stone, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8578
Nicolette Stone, Chloe Brennan

Olivia Bell in Neighbours Episode 8578
Olivia Bell

Karl Kennedy, Olivia Bell, Clive Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 8578
Karl Kennedy, Olivia Bell, Clive Gibbons

Levi Canning, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8578
Levi Canning, Bea Nilsson

Toadie Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8578
Toadie Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Chloe Brennan, Nicolette Stone, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8578
Chloe Brennan, Nicolette Stone, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Hugo Somers, Nell Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8578
Hugo Somers, Nell Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8578
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8578
Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Emmett Donaldson in Neighbours Episode 8578
Emmett Donaldson

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8578
Toadie Rebecchi

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8578
Karl Kennedy

Olivia Bell in Neighbours Episode 8578
Olivia Bell

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8578
Karl Kennedy

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