- Pierce hearing that Lisa has had her baby and feels he can't talk to Chloe about it.
- Chloe deciding that she wants to be a mum.
- Pierce turning down a dinner invite from his wife.
- Yashvi telling Ned of her plan to draw Scarlett out - that they get married.
- Scarlett knocking Bea out!
- Bea (once she comes around) seeing what happens when you pour acid onto something [it dissolves].
- Scarlett watching on as Yashvi and Ned exchange their vows before coming towards them (with the acid) ready to throw it at them.
The Pavilion
Levi spots that Scarlett is heading towards them and just as she is ready to throw the acid, catches her arm so that it ends up over her instead. Lying on the ground, she screams as the acid begins to attack her face. The others stand well back, too shell-shocked to do anything!
Erinsborough hospital
As Scarlett is wheeled into the hospital, the accompanying Levi explains what happened to Clive.
Lassiters Complex
"I never thought I'd feel bad for Scarlett," Yashvi admits to Ned after coming out of the station having given her statement. Both are relived though that Scarlett didn't actually get to carry out her intended plan!
Bea is relived to see them having arrived at the station via The Pavilion. She explains about Scarlett knocking her out and taking her phone, hence why they couldn't contact her. They tell her to go inside and make a statement (she was going to tell them that she knows what Scarlett is about to do) and they will fill her in when she comes out.
Terese's office
Chloe has an idea for how the hotel can celebrate Halloween - a monster ball. Paul thinks it's a bad idea (too costly and can't be set up in time) whereas Pierce is all for it and thinks Chloe can pull it off in a week. However after a call from Terese about what Scarlett was up to, the meeting is curtailed as Paul rushes off. "You're a very sweet friend," Chloe says to her husband when his first instinct is to call Dipi!
Lassiters Complex
Yashvi is explaining all to her parents that the marriage was a plan to draw Scarlett out. Shane admits he is relived she "didn't get hitched in the end" as he wants it "to be special" when it happens for real. Thinking she is still in shock, Dipi wants to take Yashvi home, but the lass wants to keep busy and plans on heading to the hospital. Shane then announces that the camping trip is off and Dipi doesn't put up any arguing over that decision!
The Waterhole
"This means you're officially off the hook," Paul declares after Ned brings both him and Terese up to date. Ned turns down the celebration offer until he knows what happened that fateful night, planning to have another (but more truthful) session with Beverley to help.
Number 26
As they tell Bea all about it, both Kyle and Roxy admit they were fooled over the fakeness of Ned and Yashvi's wedding and thought it was real. They also sing Levi's praises too for his part in bringing Scarlett down.
Harold's café
Now it is all sinking in, Dipi is upset over what might have happened had it been Yashvi that ended up covered in the acid. Shane tries to get his wife to "stop worrying" and she can't even do that, even when he lets the newly arrived Pierce sit in his seat while he goes off to take care of things in the kitchen. However, what does cheer her up is the invitation to a meeting (with Pierce) in a few hours' time
Erinsborough hospital
Levi is trying to explain his theory about Bea's van and the car driven by Scarlett's her parent to Det. Graves but he wants to talk to Scarlett first. Before they head into her room, Clive updates them on her injuries - she has a 3rd degree chemical burn mainly to her cheek and some nerve damage too. He also says they've informed Basil but don't think he will turn up, however does allow Det. Graves to question her for a few minutes.
Det. Graves heads into her room alone and points out to Scarlett she's going to be facing some very serious charges, so its best if she cooperates. She ignores him, however when he rewinds and asks about her parents' car crash, that at least has her paying attention for a few seconds, before she goes back to ignoring him.
Terese's office
Paul admits to Terese that he is fed up with the power battles involving Pierce. "Only when you lose!" she is quick to respond with but he is sure that the "whole dynamic has become completely untenable."
TERESE: Translation! I'm going to throw a tantrum because I don't get my own way all the time!
PAUL: There is more to it than that, and you know it. This hotel is part of who I am whereas to Pierce, it's just another business.
"Maybe that's a good thing," Chloe says on entering after hearing the last bit of the conversation as she was heading into the office. She describes Pierce as being "sensible and objective" which balances out Paul's "emotional connection to the hotel." "She does have a point," Terese says to her husband after Chloe got what she was after and left the office.
TERESE: You might have the brains but you certainly have the heart.
"No darling, you are the brains," he counters with and then asks why they need Pierce! Terese reminds him that the three of them own the place, and each bringing something to the table and so wants him to find a way to work with Pierce "for all our sakes."
Erinsborough hospital (exterior)
Levi exits the hospital and updates the waiting trio (Ned, Yashvi and Bea) that Scarlett isn't talking and that the fiancé wants nothing to do with her. He is sure that Det. Graves will get through to Scarlett sooner or later so Ned knows exactly what happened that night. Bea thinks Yashvi should try, but Levi doesn't think that will happen given she's already in their bad books for the plan to flush Scarlett out. Yashvi feels that Scarlett is "more likely to confess to someone she has an emotional connection to."
NED: It should be me.
Terese's office
Dipi arrives for her meeting with Pierce and he has a gift to help brighten her day - the diamond necklace he purchased for Chloe! "It's too much," Dipi cites along with the fact of how she is going to explain it to Shane. "It will be our little secret," Pierce says as he places the box into her bag.
PIERCE: Its only right that you should own something as breathtaking as you are.
DIPI: I'll treasure it.
Pierce wants them to spend the night together but she turns him down as she wants to keep an eye on Yashvi. "I just wanted the chance to make you feel better," he explains but before she can reply, they quickly spring apart when they hear the door open. Its Paul and Pierce quickly comes up with an excuse to explain Dipi's presence.
Erinsborough hospital
"You came," Scarlett says to Ned as he and Det. Graves enter her room. "Only to tell you that Yashvi didn't deserve what you tried to do to her," he replies back to her before adding that regardless of how she feels about him, "you shouldn't have tried to hurt her." She then admits that Yashvi wasn't the target, it was Ned because since meeting him, he has "caused me so much pain.
SCARLETT: I just wanted you to suffer too. I knew that painting my portrait would be torture for you, but it was all I wanted and you couldn't even do that.
He is bemused at being framed because he wouldn't paint her portrait but her comeback is "you had me locked in a psych ward" and deems it fair that Ned got "locked up too!" "I only wanted him to look like an obsessed stalker," she pleads after admitting that she made it look (in the CCTV footage) that Ned attacked her, but in fact she gave herself the bruises. However, when Ned followed her, she reckoned that she could "make your punishment even better than I hoped."
NED: So you framed me for murder.
SCARLETT: I couldn't believe my luck when you followed me to the maze.
We then go to a flashback of Ned in the maze and hearing Scarlett describe that knocking him out wasn't hard - and we see her bring down a heavy rock on the back of Ned's head. She then dragged him back to the car, and while he was out cold, planted the evidence to ensure Ned got locked up - using the pallet knife to cut her hand (so the blood was in the car and on the knife), slashing her clothes and leaving them on the beach before driving him back to Erinsborough and hiding in the Hive watching it all play out!
SCARLETT: And it played out beautifully. Even you believed you'd murdered me. It was perfect until I heard about the wedding.
NED: You went so far. How can you hate me so much?
SCARLETT: I don't hate you Ned, I love you... but you didn't love me back. You couldn't. No-one has ever loved me the way they did.
The Waterhole
Terese and Chloe are having a heart-to-heart about the latter's marriage. Chloe admits to missing Pierce and that when she was pregnant, she'd many doubts about the future and let her "fears overwhelm me" which wasn't good for either of them. "That's good realisation," Terese reassures her with and Chloe wonders what it would be if they went down the baby route but with their eyes open - a planned IVF pregnancy and genetic counselling, so that there was "no guess work, no uncertainty."
TERESE: That sounds positive.
CHLOE: I love Pierce and I know he loves me too. I hate that we've let this become such an obstacle for us.
"Telling him that might be a good first step," Terese replies but Chloe thinks they need to "get back on track before I consider even saying anything."
Harold's café
Paul pays a visit to Dipi to tell her that from now on, she's to run anything Lassiters based past him and not Pierce, explaining after she replied "why" that it is so he's clear about what is being said to all the tenants. "No," she bluntly replies as Pierce is one of the owners and is more approachable and suggests that Paul "could take some pointers from him!"
Erinsborough hospital
"At least we know the truth now," Yashvi surmises after being brought up to date offscreen by Ned and Det. Graves. Ned is curious about the last bit Scarlett said and wonders if it was in reference to her parents? Det. Grimes explains to Yashvi they tackled Scarlett about her parent's car crash but she clammed up, so she pleads to let her talk to Scarlett given she opened up to Ned. Somewhat reluctantly, Det. Graves gives Yashvi permission and she heads into Scarlett's room.
"I've got nothing to say to you," is how Scarlett greets Yashvi with after she (and Det. Graves) enter the room. Yashvi gets straight to the point, saying what happened to Bea's van is like what happened to her parents one and that it must have been frightening having no control over the vehicle (Scarlett was inside the car).
YASHVI: I just don't understand why someone would deliberately do that to their family.
YASHVI: Your poor dad trying to turn the wheel. The panic and the confusion...
SCARLETT: (trying to interrupt) That's not what happened...
YASHVI: (continuing) Knowing that everyone you loved is about to be killed and you could do nothing to stop it.
SCARLETT: IT WAS AN ACCIDENT. My dad asked for my help, I was just trying to help. I would never have hurt them.
Scarlett breaks down as she says that last sentence and maintains that it "was an accident" and that she is "sorry."
Number 26
Levi is now the one to continue the story as he follows Kyle, Roxy and Bea into the house. We hear him say that Scarlett's dad asked her to refill the steering fluid but she accidentally put coolant in by mistake and thus he couldn't swerve out of the way of the oncoming vehicle.
KYLE: So it was an accident then.
ROXY: No wonder she's messed up.
KYLE: Yes, imagine living with that guilt.
Levi explains that once Scarlett leaves hospital, there will be a special hearing and thinks she will end up "in a secure psych facility." Bea points out they've already tried that with her but Levi replies that "its out of our hands now."
Number 22
Yashvi pops over to hear how Ned's session with Beverley went. He replies it was "good" and that they "talked everything through" and puts the fake memories down to a combination of his head injury, the stress of what he'd been through and his brain filling in the gaps. "So you actually remembered things that didn't happen?" she asks for clarification (yes) and he confirms that it is common in PTSD patients. Ned adds that Beverley has recommended a shrink for him to see regularly, so he doesn't go off the rails like the last time.
NED: Today with the wedding. I know it was fake but I meant everything I said in those vows.
YASHVI: I know. And with everything that's happened, it made me realise how much you mean to me but I don't think it means that we can get back to how things were. I need you to be a hundred percent and maybe we could work through everything.
NED: Okay. Sure. I love you.
YASHVI: I love you too.
Terese's office/Harold's café
Pierce gives up on the paperwork and gives Dipi (who is about to lock up the café) a text - Thinking of you. Let me know if you need anything.
Terese's office
Doing a NinjaSusan, seconds later Dipi is at the door to the office! Rather then texting, she thought she'd reply in person that she's decided to put today behind her and to thank him for his generous gift.
DIPI: Suggestions?
PIERCE: Yes, I can think of a few.
Getting up from behind the desk, Dipi asks Pierce to sit on the sofa while she gets the room ready - the music is on (another way), the door is locked and the blinds get closed before she then removes her shoes and walks towards where he is sat on the sofa.
Oh no, looks like they are going to get a visitor, as the camera cuts to the corridor and we see Paul heading towards the office! He tries the door and is surprised to find it locked and thorough a wee gap in the blinds (they aren't flush against the wall) spots something that shouldn't be happening!!! Cue one Cheshire Cat smile on Paul's face!
Coming up on Neighbours
- Shane nervous ahead of his trial.
- Pierce refusing to give into Paul.
- Chloe adamant someone shouldn't give in [we don't see who she is talking to].
- Pierce suggesting to Dipi that they need to "talk about us."