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Neighbours Episode 8479 from 2020 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8478 - 8480>>
Episode title: 8479
Australian airdate: 23/10/20
UK airdate: 13/11/20
Writer: Jo Kasch
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Scarlett Brady: Christie Whelan Browne
Alexis Trotter: Francine McAsey
- "Dynamite Hearts" by Beds And Beats
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
- New footage homes in on framed photos in No 24 of Chloe, Hendrix and... a stranger!
- We see Chloe looking anxiously at one of the photos, of herself with the stranger
- Dipi looks at a message on her phone from Pierce, asking if she has time to talk
- In Pierce's hotel room, Dipi begins unfastening her top
- Unseen, and with a different- sounding voice, Pierce says, 'I don't want you to stop'
- Dipi is less than thrilled when Shane announces that he's taking her on a camping trip
- Dipi watches Pierce swimming in the Lassiter's rooftop pool
- Dipi tells Pierce on the phone that she'd rather go away with him than Shane
- He replies (again, in a new voice), 'I want that too. Where would you like to go?'
- Scarlett keeps an eye on the Hive from the peephole in her secret hideout
- At night, Scarlett creeps out of the hideout and into the main area of the Hive
- Yashvi admits to Bea that she still loves Ned
- Ned asks Yashvi where it leaves their relationship if he didn't kill Scarlett
- Yashvi and Bea realise a suspicious IP address has been stalking Yashvi's social media
- They tell Levi that it has to be Scarlett
- Ned tells Yashvi, 'Whatever you need me to do, just say the word'
- She replies, 'We should get married.' Ned looks confused
There's an update to the opening titles today, as we learn that the unknown man featured in the photos in the recap is a new-look Pierce Greyson. Following Tim Robards' departure from the cast earlier in the week (8475), Pierce is now played by Don Hany, and has a new shot in the titles with Hendrix and Chloe (along similar lines to the previous one) to reflect the change.
Erinsborough Hive
Ned is bewildered by Yashvi's suggestion that they get married.
NED: I didn't even think you thought we had a future?
YASHVI: No, I mean marriage as a set-up, to draw Scarlett out.
NED: ... Right. Of course. Why?
Yashvi explains about the suspicious IP address which has registered thousands of views of the video she posted of them on Instagram.
YASHVI: So if she's obsessively viewing that video, that means she's still alive, and still in love with you.
NED: I wouldn't call what Scarlett feels for me love.
YASHVI: Fixated, then. Either way, a wedding will stir her up. She would hate to see us happy together.
NED: Yeah, except that we're not happy at the moment.
YASHVI: I know a wedding would be really hard, but we have to catch Scarlett so you can get back to having a normal life.
NED: By normal, you mean...
YASHVI: I mean, not spending the rest of your life in jail.
NED: ... What did you have in mind?
No 30
Dipi tries not-very-hard-at-all to look excited, as Shane prepares for their camping trip; he's hoping they can get there in time for some stove-cooked dinner.
TOADIE: Wow, you guys really are roughing it.
DIPI: Oh, surely there'll be a kiosk there, too?
SHANE: No, no - nothing. And we've even got to take our own water.
DIPI: So there's literally nothing or no-one else for miles?
Shane confirms they'll be in complete isolation, which Toadie thinks sounds wonderful - but Dipi's face says the exact opposite, especially when Toadie mentions 'cosying up in your sleeping bags'. But Shane agrees with Toadie that it's exactly what they need.
The Waterhole
Ned and Yashvi have convened with Bea and Levi to discuss their plan of a sham marriage to lure Scarlett out of hiding.
Levi seems resentful that the pair has involved him and Bea, and thinks it's a bad idea to go against Detective Graves' position - that Scarlett is dead and Ned killed her - despite being a chief proponent of her being alive yesterday. Yashvi says Graves will feel differently when they bring Scarlett in.
LEVI: *If* we bring her in. Your career will take a hit if this tanks. And mine, too.
YASHVI: I know Scarlett. If she sees that we're getting married, she won't be able to stop herself from trying to ruin it.
The plan is to post a video on social media announcing their impending marriage, explaining they still want to be together even though Ned's going to jail. To avoid family and friends seeing this, Yashvi plans to block them all ('and everyone in Erinsborough') before posting the video. So only the four of them and Scarlett will know.
LEVI: If this has any chance of working, the wedding has to seem legit.
YASHVI: It will. We'll hire a celebrant, we'll get all dressed up. We'll do it at the pavilion, and you guys will be our witnesses. We'll put on a real show.
Levi looks about as convinced as this summariser by the plausibility of their plan; but as Bea agrees to help, he grudgingly goes along with it, too.
In the office, NewPierce™ is gazing pensively out of the window, when Chloe comes in, and name-drops him to make doubly sure we know who he's meant to be!
CHLOE: Busy?
PIERCE: Just drafting up this budget for the Halloween event.
CHLOE: Yeah. I've been meaning to mention it, but... I was thinking a murder mystery treasure hunt might not be the most sensitive option, given what's going on with Ned.
Pierce suspects Paul and Terese will agree, so decides they should think of something else. Chloe suggests retaining the treasure hunt concept, but keeping it to a simple trick-or-treat theme. Pierce thinks this won't attract the necessary media buzz.
So Chloe suggests turning one of the hotel floors into a haunted house, hiring a band, getting people to dress up in scary costumes etc. Pierce thinks this has potential.
At this point, Pierce gets a message from his ex and Hendrix's mum, Lisa, informing him that she's just given birth to a baby girl. Chloe forces a smile.
CHLOE: That's great. She must be so excited. We'll have to send her something - maybe flowers.
But Pierce looks a whole lot more downbeat about the news. He remembers they still have the clothes they bought for their own baby at the house, and suggests sending them. Chloe volunteers to do it, and says she'll ask Hendrix if he wants to add anything to the package. Pierce thanks her but, clearly affected by the news, heads out for some air.
The Waterhole
Ned, Yashvi, Levi and Bea reconvene; Yashvi has made the social media posts about the wedding, and Ned has managed to get a celebrant on the grounds that it's a commitment ceremony rather than a legal wedding. Bea has organised dresses, and Levi some rings from the pawn shop.
Yashvi checks on the views of the post - sure enough, there are five already, all from Nigeria which was the supposed origin of the views on her previous video. Levi says there's still time to let Detective Graves know what's going on.
YASHVI: I thought you were in.
LEVI: This is high-risk, Vee.
YASHVI: Yeah, it is. And Graves will only try and shut us down.
NED: He doesn't believe that Scarlett's alive.
BEA: Levi, she wanted me dead when she messed with my van. Do you really want to wait around to see what she does next?
LEVI: As long as you know, I'm calling it in at the first sign of things getting out of hand.
Erinsborough Hive
Scarlett climbs through the window to get back into the Hive, and the safety of her hideout. Nearby outside, Ned and Yashvi are approaching.
NED: Guess we'd better write some vows as well.
YASHVI: Yeah. Ones that Scarlett will really hate - they've got to sound perfect.
NED: You want to write them together? I mean, I know we wouldn't normally. But this isn't exactly normal.
But Yashvi isn't comfortable with that, and suggests they do it separately, saying she has to meet Bea anyway. As they reach the door of the Hive, Ned says he has something for Yashvi before she goes.
NED: A wedding present, I guess.
YASHVI: Taking it a bit far, isn't it?
Scarlett hears the door open from inside her hideout, and goes to the peephole to watch/listen.
NED: I was planning on giving it to you after the exhibition, before everything happened. I understand if you don't want to take it, but it was always meant to be yours. Scarlett shouldn't ruin that.
It's the portrait that Ned painted of Yashvi, which was meant to be the centrepiece of his exhibition. He unveils it, and Yashvi is moved.
YASHVI: It's really beautiful, Ned.
NED: That has more to do with the subject than the artist.
YASHVI: I love it.
NED: Well, then, it's yours.
YASHVI: Thank you.
Behind the peephole, Scarlett silently rages. Levi comes in, with suits for the wedding, and also the rings, which Yashvi looks at.
NED: If you don't mind me saying, your future husband has great taste.
YASHVI: It's gorgeous.
Happily, nobody mentions that it's a sham before the commercial break cuts in, so a horrified Scarlett gets the impression Ned and Yashvi are actually getting married!
No 30
Bea has been helping Yashvi, who's now in her 'wedding' dress, with her hair and make-up. Yashvi mentions that she and Ned had a moment before, when he gave her the painting.
YASHVI: It felt like things were how they used to be. Everything felt right.
BEA: Maybe you guys do have a future together.
Dipi comes in, and Yashvi panics as she thought she'd be at work all day. Dipi explains she's getting some last-minute things done before their camping trip.
DIPI: You look nice. Why are you so dressed up?
YASHVI: Erm... birthday lunch. Someone from work.
Dipi also notices the painting; Yashvi explains that she and Ned 'are in a better place'.
DIPI: As in, back together?
YASHVI: I don't really want to talk about it, Mum.
DIPI: Yashvi, what if he goes to prison?
YASHVI: Mum, I really can't get into it right now.
Dipi accepts this, and leaves them to it. Bea gets a text from Levi, saying he accidentally left the rings at the Hive, and that he and Ned are nearly at the pavilion. She asks if Yashvi has anything that could work as a Plan B.
YASHVI: There's no Plan B. We need the rings.
BEA: Okay. I'll pick them up on the way past.
The Waterhole
Shane is at work, while Chloe sits alone at a table with a glass of wine. She explains to him that Pierce has gone AWOL after finding out about Lisa having her baby.
CHLOE: I guess it was a reminder to Pierce of what we lost. Though he didn't really speak to me about it - he just kind of ran off.
SHANE: Can't have been easy for you to hear that, either.
CHLOE: I am happy for Lisa, genuinely. But yeah, it is hard... Sorry.
SHANE: No, don't be.
Chloe changes the subject to talk about Shane instead, and he explains he and Dipi are heading off camping after he finishes work - claiming they 'can't wait'.
Dipi comes to see Pierce in his suite, as he needs to talk. He explains about Lisa's baby, and admits he's envious of her.
PIERCE: I know I should be happy for her, but I can't help it.
DIPI: Well, I don't think there are any 'shoulds' in this situation, are there? You're still trying to deal with a loss. It makes perfect sense.
PIERCE: Yeah, well, you know what Chloe's first instinct was? Send her flowers. She's such a good person.
DIPI: Yeah, so are you.
PIERCE: I can't even talk to my wife about it.
DIPI: Well, it's a difficult topic for you two.
PIERCE: Well, the truth is we would've started arguing. But with you...
He sits next to her on the bed.
PIERCE: ... I can talk about anything.
DIPI: I feel exactly the same way. Although, we don't *have* to talk.
Pierce smiles as she begins unbuttoning her blouse.
The Pavilion
Ned and Levi are suited up and waiting for Yashvi and Bea to arrive; they're late. Levi remarks that it must be tough, faking this wedding with Yashvi.
NED: Guess I've just got to hope for a wedding 2.0 in the future.
Yashvi arrives, with flowers and a headdress.
NED: You look amazing.
She smiles.
Erinsborough Hive
Scarlett is in her hideaway when Bea shows up to collect the rings that Levi left. To get Bea's attention, Scarlett throws something at the window in the hideaway, causing Bea to come through the door to investigate. As Bea enters the hideaway, Scarlett appears from behind the door and whacks her with a fold-up chair.
Bea topples to the cushions Scarlett's been sleeping on, seemingly unconscious. Scarlett leaves the hideaway, locking Bea in behind her, then takes one of the rings from the desk and slips it onto her own finger. With a determined look on her face, she leaves the Hive.
The Pavilion
The celebrant, Alexis Trotter, has arrived, but is already pushed for time - and Levi, Yashvi and Ned are wondering where Bea has got to with the rings. Yashvi insists Bea will be here soon. Meanwhile, Scarlett has found herself a new peephole in a nearby fence, and is watching them.
The Waterhole
Chloe declines the offer of another drink from Shane. She admits to him that Lisa giving birth has got her thinking again.
CHLOE: I was on such a roller-coaster leading up to my pregnancy, and during it, about whether I even wanted to start a family. And then afterwards, I was so devastated, I didn't even want to think about it. But now... I'm not sure... I want to be a mum.
Harold's Caf é
Pierce is getting a coffee when his phone pings with a message. He's just looking at it when Toadie comes in.
TOADIE: Never offer to buy Karl a coffee, cos he's just gonna chuck in a couple of muffins while he's at it.
Pierce surmises it's a going-away treat before he and Susan fly out to Switzerland to see Elly. He shows Toadie the message he got, which is a picture of Lisa's new baby, Hendrix and Alana's new little sister. Pierce seems happier about it now.
PIERCE: I was cut at first, you know. Some time out helped to put things in perspective.
Chloe comes in, having had a message from Hendrix - apparently, Pierce has booked some flights to Sydney for Hendrix to go and see his new sister. Toadie goes to order.
CHLOE: Glad to see you're feeling better.
PIERCE: Yeah, look, I'm sorry about before. I know we're both doing it tough.
CHLOE: Yeah. I know what you mean. Hey, could we have dinner tonight, just the two of us? We could talk.
PIERCE: Do you mind if we don't? Sorry. I mean, we can have dinner, but it just took me a bit to shift that in my head before, and I don't want to complicate things tonight.
Chloe seems disappointed, but forces a smile. Pierce says he'll see her back in the office and leaves. Toadie silently notices that Chloe's upset at Pierce not wanting to have dinner with her.
The Waterhole
Dipi has come to see Shane, when Sheila appears and starts telling them both off for crimes unknown, saying she thought they were among her nearest and dearest friends.
SHANE: Good afternoon to you, too, Sheila (!)
SHEILA: Oh, don't you 'good afternoon' me. I have just got off the phone from a very interesting chat with Xanthe.
DIPI: And?
SHEILA: And, where is my invite to your daughter's wedding?!
DIPI: What?
SHANE: We don't know what you're talking about.
SHEILA: Oh, please. I thought Xanthe was pulling my leg at first, but then I checked Yashvi's post - couldn't find it. I've been blocked!
Dipi recalls that Yashvi was in a white dress earlier, and that she said her and Ned were in a better place.
DIPI: They're about to elope!
SHANE: No, they can't do that.
Sheila tells them that the wedding's happening at the pavilion, so Dipi says they have to go and stop them.
The Pavilion
Bea still hasn't shown up, and the celebrant is running out of time. Ned wants to go to the Hive to look for her, but Levi says they shouldn't split up at this point. Scarlett is still watching nearby, through the peephole. At this point, Dipi, Shane, Kyle and Roxy all approach, looking angry.
NED: Oh, no.
DIPI: (...) Don't tell me we're too late.
YASHVI: No, Mum -
DIPI: Don't 'Mum' me! When were you gonna tell us you were getting married?!
Scarlett watches as Kyle explains they found out about the wedding via Xanthe, who saw the post on Instagram and told Sheila.
KYLE (to Ned): I can't believe you picked my cousin to be your best man - I thought we were besties!
ROXY: We're meant to be family!
NED: This isn't exactly what it looks like, okay?
But Yashvi glares at him, to remind him they're supposed to keep up the facade.
YASHVI: We weren't gonna keep it a secret, but then, we thought that you would stop us.
SHANE: Of course we'd stop you! This is marriage, not some quick-fix stunt! And I want to walk you down the aisle, not hear about it second-hand!
DIPI: You can't do this.
YASHVI: Well, I am. And if you can't accept it, then you have to leave.
ROXY: We're not going anywhere.
KYLE: Well, I'm taking over as best man!
Ned and Yashvi look bemused as Kyle joins the wedding party! Yashvi claims the marriage was a really last-minute decision, but Shane points out they would've needed to be registered, so must've done that weeks ago. Yashvi backtracks, saying they did, but then they put it on the back-burner after all the Scarlett shenanigans.
SHANE: Why didn't you come to us?
DIPI: I thought we would plan your wedding together.
YASHVI: I'm really sorry, okay? But this is what I want.
Nearby, Scarlett bursts into tears at hearing this, looks at the ring she's put on, then puts a pair of gloves on. She reaches into her bag, pulls out a large jar of clear liquid, then unscrews the top. The smell appears to be overwhelming, so she replaces the top again - then goes back to watching the proceedings through the hole in the fence.
The ceremony begins, and everyone plasters on smiles as Shane walks Yashvi down the aisle (or, grass). Scarlett continues to watch.
Erinsborough Hive
In Scarlett's hideout, Bea is regaining consciousness, and has a splitting headache from being whacked. She finds an empty black bottle on the floor, and takes a sniff - the smell, again, seems overpowering. Bea coughs, and pours out some of the liquid left in the bottle onto a piece of polystyrene. The polystyrene begins to melt away... it's acid!
The Pavilion
Celebrant Alexis has now started speaking, and welcomes the guests, as Scarlett continues to watch from afar. We quickly move onto the vows.
YASHVI: I was so in love with you before we were even a couple. But I never could've dreamed that one day, I'd be standing here, about to join my life with yours.
Scarlett starts crying again.
Erinsborough Hive
Bea realises she has to get to the wedding, but finds she's been locked in the hideout, so bangs on the door, crying out for someone to let her out.
The Pavilion
Ned is now saying his vows.
NED: When I fell for you, Vee, it became so clear why it had never worked with anyone else. You're my person. You have this incredible way of treating me like your equal, and inspiring me to be better than I am. Even when I mess up, which... we all know I've made an artform out of that.
KYLE: Mm-hm.
NED: Loving you might be the one thing that I've gotten right. You are without a doubt the best and brightest thing in my life. And you always will be.
Scarlett's rage builds...
Erinsborough Hive
Bea finally manages to force the door open, and rushes out into the main area, but finds that the rings are gone.
The Pavilion
As Yashvi and Ned complete their vows, Scarlett picks up the jar of what we now know is acid, and emerges in slow motion from her hiding place, a deranged expression on her face. Pulling the lid off the jar, she holds it out in front of her and makes a dash for the wedding party. Yashvi, Ned and the others watch in horror as she runs towards them...
Coming up on Neighbours
- Toadie tells Shane community service is the likeliest outcome, but Shane's unconvinced
- Pierce tells Paul he won't give in to threats, but Paul says he has everything to lose
- Chloe tells Pierce, 'Whatever he said to tip you over the edge, you're not giving in'
- Pierce tells Dipi they should probably 'talk about us'. 'Us?' she replies
<<8478 - 8480>>
Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8479
Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis

Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8479
Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Levi Canning, Bea Nilsson, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8479
Levi Canning, Bea Nilsson, Ned Willis

Levi Canning, Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8479
Levi Canning, Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis

Pierce Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8479
Pierce Greyson

Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8479
Chloe Brennan

Levi Canning, Bea Nilsson, Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8479
Levi Canning, Bea Nilsson, Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8479
Scarlett Brady

Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8479
Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8479
Yashvi Rebecchi

Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8479
Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis

Yashvi Rebecchi, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8479
Yashvi Rebecchi, Levi Canning

Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8479
Scarlett Brady

Yashvi Rebecchi, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8479
Yashvi Rebecchi, Bea Nilsson

Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8479
Dipi Rebecchi

Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8479
Shane Rebecchi

Dipi Rebecchi, Pierce Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8479
Dipi Rebecchi, Pierce Greyson

Ned Willis, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8479
Ned Willis, Levi Canning

Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8479
Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8479
Bea Nilsson

Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8479
Scarlett Brady

Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8479
Bea Nilsson

Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis, Alexis Trotter, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8479
Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis, Alexis Trotter, Levi Canning

Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8479
Scarlett Brady

Chloe Brennan, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8479
Chloe Brennan, Shane Rebecchi

Pierce Greyson, Baby Rowsthorn in Neighbours Episode 8479
Pierce Greyson, Baby Rowsthorn

Pierce Greyson, Toadie Rebecchi, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8479
Pierce Greyson, Toadie Rebecchi, Chloe Brennan

Dipi Rebecchi, Sheila Canning, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8479
Dipi Rebecchi, Sheila Canning, Shane Rebecchi

Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis, Alexis Trotter, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8479
Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis, Alexis Trotter, Levi Canning

Roxy Willis, Kyle Canning, Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8479
Roxy Willis, Kyle Canning, Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi

Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8479
Scarlett Brady

Yashvi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8479
Yashvi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi

Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8479
Bea Nilsson

Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi, Alexis Trotter, Ned Willis, Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8479
Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi, Alexis Trotter, Ned Willis, Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis, Levi Canning

Yashvi Rebecchi, Alexis Trotter, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8479
Yashvi Rebecchi, Alexis Trotter, Ned Willis

Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8479
Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis, Levi Canning

Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8479
Bea Nilsson

Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8479
Scarlett Brady

Scarlett Brady, Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8479
Scarlett Brady, Dipi Rebecchi

Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis, Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8479
Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis, Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis, Levi Canning

Dipi Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi, Alexis Trotter, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8479
Dipi Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi, Alexis Trotter, Ned Willis

Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8479
Scarlett Brady

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