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Neighbours Episode 8473 from 2020 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8472 - 8474>>
Episode title: 8473
Australian airdate: 15/10/20
UK airdate: 05/11/2020
Writer: Wendy Hanna
Director: Jonathan Dutton
Guests: Scarlett Brady: Christie Whelan-Browne
Constable Miles Doughty: Lee Ton
Summary/Images by: Edward/Graham
- Pierce and Dipi agree their night together was just a one- night stand.
- Shane and Dipi argue about uni.
- Chloe tells Dipi that Pierce is naming a wine after her.
- Bea tells Levi that Ned must be innocent.
- Ned is covered in blood.
- Ned says he's guilty and has to confess.
- Yashvi tells Levi she wants to look at the old evidence against Scarlett. She says she was told that it contains her journal.
- A guy hires a room at The Hive and tells Ned it will mostly be used as storage space.
- Terese is shocked that Ned has confessed. Meanwhile, Scarlett watches her from the 'storage' room at The Hive.
The Hive
Bea arrives at The Hive, telling Paul and Terese that Ned asked her to bring some paintings back from the exhibition. Scarlett keenly observes their conversation through a hole in the door to the 'storage' room. Bea apologises for barging in, but Terese says it's ok, she's just in shock at the moment after Ned's confession.
BEA: Do you guys think that he actually did do this?
TERESE: I don't know what to think. I'm just coming to terms with the fact that he turned himself in.
Scarlett smirks.
BEA: So what now?
PAUL: Well his bail hearing's this morning.
Paul says he'll go and clear some space upstairs and Bea tells them both to let her know if there's anything they need. Scarlett stands on the desk in the storage room and opens the window to climb out.
Harold's Café
Meanwhile, Dipi is laying into Shane.
DIPI: Of all the mornings to have left your daughter in the lurch.
SHANE: Yeah, well I tried. I've just been to the station, she looked busy.
DIPI: That's because you left it too late to check in with her.
SHANE: Dip, I had a meeting with my course co-ordinator and Vi said she was happy for me to catch up with her later.
Dipi tells Shane she doesn't have time to argue as she's busy with orders. She asks him to find a way to make it up to Yashvi, before going into the kitchen. Pierce walks in and greets Shane, telling him that Dipi just wanted to talk to him about some maintenance issues.
PIERCE: I'm sorry to hear about Ned.
SHANE: Yeah, thanks. Vi's pretty cut up so that's tough. But Dipi's just had a big order come in so hopefully that will keep her mind off things for a bit.
Dipi glances at Pierce lustfully before looking at Shane who is talking with a face full of muffin. She rolls her eyes. Pierce tells Shane that he knows where to find him if they need anything.
Lassiters Complex
Ned is taken away in a police car as Yashvi watches in shock. Scarlett is peering at them from behind a car but no-one notices. Yashvi tries to hold back her tears as Levi approaches.
LEVI: Are you ok?
YASHVI: Yeah, I'm gonna take my break.
LEVI: Do you need some company?
YASHVI: No, I'll be fine.
LEVI: Look, I read Scarlett's journal. It's more of a burn book but I think it'll be useful for when Ned's sentencing comes around.
Levi explains that the journal is a good insight into Scarlett's mind; showing how delusional and obsessed with Ned she was.
LEVI: I think it'll make a difference to how the judge weighs up the situation.
YASHVI: Hope so.
Yashvi walks away, looking deflated.
The Hive
Bea comes down the stairs at The Hive and Paul asks if there's enough room for the rest of the paintings up there, just as Kyle and Roxy arrive. Terese says they should go otherwise they'll be late for court.
KYLE: Ned will get bail, won't he?
PAUL: Well if he does it's going to be substantial considering the charges.
ROXY: I can't believe this is happening. He doesn't deserve this punishment. I mean, how can the talent who painted this masterpiece go to jail?
She turns round the painting she's holding, revealing the rather comical one of Paul.
BEA: Yes, the Osborne prize judge was certainly impressed.
KYLE: Are you all blind? That's the stuff of nightmares.
BEA: Hey, he's a very well-respected critic.
KYLE: If they really wanna punish Ned they should lock him up with nothing to look at but that
They all laugh.
PAUL: I knew it, I knew you were all lying. Give me that, I'm gonna burn it.
TERESE: You will do no such thing, Ned worked very hard on that.
Paul and Terese continue to bicker as they leave the painting at The Hive. Roxy glances at both Kyle and Bea.
The Waterhole
Hendrix and Harlow sit down at a table in The Waterhole talking about their plans. Hendrix says Pierce has just text him saying he still wants him to go to uni next year, but is also happy if he works at one of his businesses.
HENDRIX: Maybe he'll make me Vice President, or Senior Vice President?
HARLOW: Not if he sees you drinking alcohol when you're meant to be studying over lunch.
HENDRIX: I can multi-task.
HARLOW: I've met toddlers with more focus than you.
HENDRIX: Babe, just chillax.
Harlow says she can't relax right now because of everything that's happening with Ned, and she's starting to regret New York. Paul arrives, asking Harlow if she'd like to come to Ned's bail hearing, but she says she's really behind with study, but would like to be kept in the loop.
HENDRIX: Hey P-Robs. Need a young, new executive on your board?
PAUL: Excuse me?
HENDRIX: I'm considering taking on a position at the hotel next year.
PAUL: What on Earth makes you think I would want to employ an untrustworthy brat like you?
HARLOW: Grandad...
HENDRIX: Paul, you know, I've got a lot more to offer than you realise.
PAUL: Oh really, like your ability to drink and study at this hour. Or...your ability to hide it?
Paul shuts Hendrix's laptop to reveal a glass of beer behind it. Paul leaves and Hendrix looks caught out.
Number 30
Shane's phone rings as he arrives home.
SHANE: Vi, how you going?
YASHVI: I haven't. I'm just trying to avoid people asking me questions.
SHANE: Yeah. Well, maybe you should think about taking the rest of the day off. The downtime will do you good. I just said the same thing to your mum.
YASHVI: Stressing over me's not going to help her.
SHANE: She's your mum, it's hard-wired.
Yashvi says she just wants to know what Ned's sentencing is going to be, speculating that it could be 5 or 10 years. She does mention the journal to Shane though, saying it reveals how delusional Scarlett was.
YASHVI: I thought there might be something in there that could help prove his innocence but it's too late now.
SHANE: You've given up? That's not like you.
YASHVI: There's nothing to give up on. Ned believes he's guilty, he's confessed, it's over.
She says she wishes she could see the journal herself but she's not allowed to and thinks there's nothing she can do.
YASHVI: I've just got to put it behind me and move on with my life. I'll talk to you later.
Shane looks concerned.
The Hive
As Bea, Kyle and Roxy finish sorting out The Hive, Scarlett climbs through the window back into the 'storage' room. They make chit chat about the garage, which Bea says has been a bit quiet lately. All three of them get a text at the same time.
KYLE: Ned made bail!
ROXY: Yes!
Bea: That's such a relief!
Scarlett looks angry as she watches them. Bea remains convinced that Ned didn't kill anyone.
KYLE: He thinks he did.
BEA: Scarlett made him think it. She's crazy.
ROXY: Was. Was crazy. Past tense.
BEA: I honestly think she's faked this whole thing.
Bea calls Scarlett insignificant and pathetic, while Scarlett has to angrily remain silent so as not to blow her cover.
Terese's Office
Hendrix turns up at Terese's office to talk to Pierce about his plans for next year. Pierce reluctantly closes his laptop to talk to his son.
PIERCE: What do you wanna do?
HENDRIX: I was thinking I'd work at the winery or, here. But obviously I wasn't charming Paul as much as I thought.
PIERCE: Yeah, well he's got a lot on his mind.
Pierce gets serious for a moment, telling Hendrix he can find him a position at Lassiters if he's ready for responsibility and doesn't start resenting it in a year's time if he realises he'd rather have a fun uni experience instead.
HENDRIX: (mocking) So what you're saying is I have to take my future seriously?!
PIERCE: I don't want you wasting my time Hendrix and more importantly, I don't want you wasting yours.
Hendrix looks conflicted.
Erinsborough Police Station
Shane has gone to the police station to try and convince Levi to let Yashvi look at Scarlett's journal. However, Levi's position remains firm.
SHANE: It is just a book.
LEVI: This is a police station, not a library. Go home Shane.
As Levi walks away, Constable Doughty enters the police station and places a box of evidence marked 'Scarlett Brady' on the desk. Shane soon notices, and after Constable Doughty goes to check something for the inspector, Shane raids the unattended box. He finds the journal, but Levi suddenly walks in.
LEVI: What the hell do you think you're doing?
Number 22
The residents of Number 22 discuss Ned's bail conditions; he can't leave town and has to check in with the police every three days.
ROXY: Where's Paul?
TERESE: He's gone to retrieve his painting. It means a lot to him.
NED: I know how he feels about it, you don't have to cover for him.
TERESE: No, it's just he'd prefer to store it here rather than The Hive that's all.
They all laugh about how the painting riles Paul up, before Ned says that no painting can make up for the amount of money Paul and Terese have just paid for his bail.
NED: You'll get it all back. I just have to face what's coming to me.
ROXY: You never know what this fancy lawyer will be able to pull off.
NED: I committed a crime. I've gotta pay for it.
Erinsborough Police Station
LEVI: You do understand that tampering with evidence is a criminal offence.
SHANE: Yeah. That's not what I was doing. I don't know what came over me, honestly. The second I touched the book I realised it was a mistake and was putting it back as you came in.
LEVI: Well that's a convenient thing to say now.
SHANE: Look, it was a mistake. I'm just trying to do what's right for my daughter. It was stupid, so, just let me off with a warning hey?
Levi says he has no choice but to charge him, saying that Yashvi's already under the spotlight at the moment as it is.
LEVI: I'm charging you with the wilful act of tampering with evidence in a criminal investigation.
Shane looks stressed, not quite believing what he's just done.
Lassiters Rooftop Pool
Dipi sits down on one of the sunloungers at the rooftop pool. As she begins to read a book, she's distracted by Pierce who walks to the edge of the pool looking like an adonis, before diving in. Dipi looks consumed by desire as Pierce swims laps of the pool.
Number 22
Paul arrives home and Ned asks where the painting is. Paul makes some excuse that he was going to collect it but got called into work instead. Ned offers to get the painting as he's now on his way to The Hive but Paul tells him he doesn't need to trouble himself.
NED: Hey, um, I can't thank you enough for what you and Terese have done for me.
PAUL: Let's not go getting ahead of ourselves hey.
NED: I know you didn't want me to confess. I just hope you understand why I felt I had to.
PAUL: Yeah, well just because I think you're stark-raving mad for doing it doesn't mean I don't respect your decision.
NED: I took a life. I might've hated Scarlett but she didn't deserve to die.
PAUL: Yeah...yeah, unfortunately some regrets never leave us...
NED: Confessing's the only thing that's felt right in all this.
PAUL: Who can blame you then, hey?
The Hive
Scarlett watches Bea as she sweeps up The Hive. Yashvi arrives.
YASHVI: Hey, I got your message, what's up?
BEA: I just wanted to know if you wanted to hold on to your portrait. It's so beautiful, it would be a shame to see it go into storage.
YASHVI: No Bea I can't, it hurts too much.
BEA: ...What are you doing tomorrow night, why don't we just get out and have some drinks, play pool, just get out of our heads for a bit?
Ned arrives. He and Yashvi look at each other awkwardly.
NED: Sorry, I didn't realise you were here.
YASHVI: That's ok, um, I've got to get back to the station anyway. I'll talk to you later.
Ned thanks Bea for her support.
BEA: Ned, you did nothing wrong.
NED: Come on Bea, I think it's time you accepted it.
BEA: Ned, you didn't kill her. And I'll do anything to prove that...I've got to go to the garage but make sure you call if you need me.
Bea leaves and Ned takes the cover off his painting of Yashvi. He looks at it for a moment as Scarlett angrily watches. He then throws the cover back over it and walks off. Scarlett clearly remains filled with rage.
Harold's Café
Harlow is testing herself with revision cards while Hendrix points out that she has no need to worry as she's nailing every question. He goes to call his dad.
HENDRIX: Hey, I've made a decision. The truth is I haven't been taking my study seriously. At all.
PIERCE: And what about now?
HENDRIX: And now, I'm not sure where I'm headed. But I do know I want to be somebody that people can believe in. Someone they can trust. And I want to show you and myself that I can take responsibility for my future. And that starts with taking my exams seriously.
PIERCE: They're not that far off.
HENDRIX: I can do it. And once I have my Atar I'll know what my options are and that's when I can make my decision.
PIERCE: That's probably the most considered thing I've ever heard you say. I'm proud of you mate.
HENDRIX: Well, I'll meet you at The Waterhole and you can tell me just how proud of me you really are...seriously dad, thanks. I couldn't have got there without ya.
Shane enters, telling Dipi he came in earlier but couldn't find her. She replies that she took a break and read her book by the pool for a bit. She then apologises for being a bit short with him earlier and they agree to walk home together. As she gets her stuff, Shane looks anxious.
Fitzgerald Motors
Levi arrives to see Bea at the garage.
LEVI: Hey.
BEA: You here to say I told you so?
Bea and Levi bicker about whether Ned is guilty or not, and they agree to disagree. Levi offers to buy Bea a drink.
BEA: I don't think so.
LEVI: Ok, see ya.
Levi looks hurt. Bea looks conflicted as she shuts the garage. Scarlett suddenly appears from nowhere, and picks up some keys that were left on the desk. She then goes to tamper with the van outside.
The Waterhole
Paul hands a folder to the barmaid saying he needs it back as soon as possible, just as Hendrix sits down with a beer.
HENDRIX: You know a smile uses less muscles than a frown? And a person of your age shouldn't exert themselves.
PAUL: It was you, wasn't it? You pathetic little thief.
PAUL: Yeah, you sticky-fingered little gromit, you stole my portrait. Well I want it back, you hear?
HENDRIX: If I was going to steal anything from you, it wouldn't be a portrait of your face.
PAUL: It has gone missing from The Hive and I know you took it.
Hendrix continues to make jibes at Paul as he exits, looking unconvinced by what he said.
Number 30
Shane and Dipi return home and there's an awkward silence. Dipi asks Shane what's wrong.
DIPI: You've been on edge the whole way home.
SHANE: There's something I need to tell you.
Dipi's phone rings but Shane tells her not to answer it. She asks why, and he replies that he's made a big mistake. He admits what happened at the police station.
SHANE: Levi's charged me for tampering with evidence.
Dipi looks shocked.
DIPI: What is wrong with you? This will make Yashvi's life ten times worse!
SHANE: I know, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.
DIPI: No Shane, I don't wanna hear it!
SHANE: When you said earlier I should find some way to make it up to her...
DIPI: What, so this is my fault?
SHANE: No no no, I don't mean that. I'm really struggling here to figure out what's right.
DIPI: Shut up! You have a record! You are a father to a police officer.
SHANE: I know! I made a mistake, I don't know what else to say!
DIPI: Then don't say anything at all! All you ever give are miserable excuses, I'm finding it so hard not to walk away from this!
SHANE: Come on...
DIPI: No, I've had enough!
Dipi storms out. Shane looks shocked.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Dipi admits to Pierce that they've 'started something'
- Karl tells Jane she needs to talk to her daughter.
- Jane storms out of Number 32 looking disappointed in Nicolette.
- Jane says she's sure there's light ahead but she can't see it right now.
<<8472 - 8474>>
Paul Robinson, Bea Nilsson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8473
Paul Robinson, Bea Nilsson, Terese Willis

Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8473
Scarlett Brady

Shane Rebecchi, Pierce Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8473
Shane Rebecchi, Pierce Greyson

Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8473
Dipi Rebecchi

Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8473
Ned Willis

Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8473
Scarlett Brady

Levi Canning, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8473
Levi Canning, Yashvi Rebecchi

Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis, Bea Nilsson, Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8473
Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis, Bea Nilsson, Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8473
Harlow Robinson

Paul Robinson, Hendrix Greyson, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8473
Paul Robinson, Hendrix Greyson, Harlow Robinson

Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8473
Shane Rebecchi

Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8473
Yashvi Rebecchi

Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8473
Scarlett Brady

Kyle Canning, Bea Nilsson, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8473
Kyle Canning, Bea Nilsson, Roxy Willis

Pierce Greyson, Hendrix Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8473
Pierce Greyson, Hendrix Greyson

Constable Miles Doughty, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8473
Constable Miles Doughty, Shane Rebecchi

Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8473
Shane Rebecchi

Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8473
Levi Canning

Ned Willis, Terese Willis, Roxy Willis, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8473
Ned Willis, Terese Willis, Roxy Willis, Harlow Robinson

Shane Rebecchi, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8473
Shane Rebecchi, Levi Canning

Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8473
Dipi Rebecchi

Pierce Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8473
Pierce Greyson

Ned Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8473
Ned Willis, Paul Robinson

Bea Nilsson, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8473
Bea Nilsson, Yashvi Rebecchi

Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8473
Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis

Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8473
Scarlett Brady

Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8473
Yashvi Rebecchi

Hendrix Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8473
Hendrix Greyson

Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8473
Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi

Bea Nilsson, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8473
Bea Nilsson, Levi Canning

Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8473
Scarlett Brady

Paul Robinson, Hendrix Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8473
Paul Robinson, Hendrix Greyson

Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8473
Dipi Rebecchi

Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8473
Shane Rebecchi

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