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Neighbours Episode 8472 from 2020 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8471 - 8473>>
Episode title: 8472
Australian airdate: 14/10/20
UK airdate: 04/11/20
Writer: Sue Hore
Director: Jonathon Dutton and Tony Osicka
Guests: Scarlett Brady: Christie Whelan Browne
Det. Bill Graves: Robert Grubb
Juliana Ayres: Chelsea Gibb
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
- Dipi and Pierce TITTNL™, but agree it was a 'one- time thing' and to focus on their marriages
- A furious Ned chases Scarlett out of his exhibition launch
- Ned later turns up with a head- wound and memory loss
- Yashvi tells Ned, Paul and Terese that Scarlett's fiancé has officially reported her missing
- Yashvi shows Ned the bloody pallet knife she found in the maze
- We see Scarlett looking smug in her car as she's being pursued by Ned
- Scarlett lures Ned into the maze where she stabbed him a year ago
- Levi reports that the clothes Scarlett was wearing have been recovered, also covered in blood
- Levi tells Ned that if the blood matches that found in Ned's boot, he's in big trouble
- Ned tells Terese and Paul that he has to tell the police he killed Scarlett
No 22
Terese tells Ned he can't have killed Scarlett.
NED: With the things that I've remembered, it must be true.
PAUL: What exactly did you see under hypnosis?
NED: I was driving, and I could hear thumping coming from the boot. Must've been Scarlett.
TERESE: So, she was alive?
PAUL: Hang on, hang on - when was this? Where is she now, then?
NED: I don't know, I don't remember. It was little more than a flash.
TERESE: That doesn't prove anything, Ned!
NED: Yeah, but I've had other flashes. There were ones in the maze, where I was holding the palette knife. And there was blood all over it, and blood all over my hands.
PAUL: Woah, hang on a second. You said that you heard banging coming from the boot, which means Scarlett is not dead. And if you don't remember killing the woman, then there is no way you're gonna confess! Look, the police need facts - and right now, you can't give them that. Now Ned, this is the most important decision you will ever make. You need to think through it very, very carefully.
No 30
Dipi is on the phone to Shane, telling him she's cooked his favourite dinner and ironed his spare uniform - she'll see him when he gets home.
Dipi has a guilty flashback to wearing the diamond necklace, and Pierce telling her she's gorgeous.
Back in the present, she looks troubled. Toadie comes in, and tells Dipi he can't make the family dinner she's preparing as he has work drinks with a client. Dipi then gets a text from Shane saying he'll be late back too, as he's been asked to stay and close up the pub. Dipi looks disappointed.
In the office, Pierce is feeling guilty too as he looks at his wedding ring.
He has a flashback to Dipi telling him she feels 'guilty, but lighter somehow' after they slept together, and him agreeing, saying they can now 'focus properly on the right people'.
Back in the present, Chloe comes in so they can head home together. He reminds her of how he's extending the Greyson wine range with a pinot gris, and tells her he wants to offer it at the hotel as an exclusive. Chloe is enthusiastic. He's just emailing Paul and Terese about it now; Chloe thinks an email's best, so they can consider it when they're in 'the right headspace'.
No 30
Dipi tells Yashvi it's just the two of them for dinner, as Toadie's out and Shane's working late. Yashvi explains she's spent all day trying to convince Detective Graves to explore other avenues in the Scarlett case, but he won't budge.
YASHVI: They're basing the whole investigation off circumstantial evidence. And it just sucks, sitting there on the sidelines, not being able to do anything.
DIPI: Oh, Vee. I should've been here for you.
YASHVI: It's okay, Mum. I know you're trying to work things out with Dad.
DIPI: He's your father. He should've been here for you, too.
YASHVI: I haven't really been home anyway.
Yashvi tells Dipi that her relationship with Ned is 'kind of on the back burner' until he's in the clear, and that she doesn't really want to talk about it.
At this point, Ned himself turns up at the door, to speak to Yashvi. Dipi leaves them to talk.
NED: I need to tell you what I've decided to do.
Lassiter's / No 22
Pierce and Chloe are still in the office, when Paul calls from home to lay into Pierce about bothering him with his wine proposals when his 'family's going through hell'.
PAUL: Could you be any more self-absorbed?
PIERCE: I didn't expect you to read it tonight.
PAUL: Well, the answer is no, okay? Lassiter's is not going to sponsor another one of your wines. What do you think we are, a cellar door or something? So you can go and try to line your pockets elsewhere.
Paul ends the call, and Chloe tells Pierce they can try again in a few days - maybe when Terese is with Paul, to keep him sweet!
No 30
Yashvi and Ned are still talking.
YASHVI: You're guilty?
NED: There's no other explanation. I have to confess.
YASHVI: I... I can't deal with this.
NED: I know you put a lot on the line for me, Vee.
YASHVI: I put everything on the line. I believed in you.
NED: I didn't think that I was capable of this. I must've snapped, blacked out, something. Vee, I'm so sorry.
YASHVI: No, you need to stop talking.
She shows him the door.
YASHVI: Right now, I'm not your girlfriend - I'm a police officer. And if you're serious about confessing to Scarlett's murder, then you shouldn't talk to anyone, including me, until you've spoken to a lawyer.
Stunned into silence, Ned leaves.
Erinsborough Police Station
Ned is in the interview room with Detective Graves and Levi. Graves asks when Ned hurt Scarlett.
NED: In the maze, I think. There was blood on my hands, but... it's all a bit hazy.
GRAVES: You said that you believe that Scarlett was in the boot of your car. Did you put her there?
NED: I don't know. I don't remember that bit.
GRAVES: Well, what happened when you took her out of the boot? What happened next?
NED: ...
GRAVES: You need to tell me what you did to her. How did you kill her?
NED: I don't know.
GRAVES: Where's her body, Ned?
NED: I'm telling you, I don't know! All I remember is banging coming from the boot of my car.
GRAVES: ... To be honest, I'm beginning to wonder if you're holding out on us.
NED: I can't tell you what I don't know. I'm just trying to be honest - take responsibility for what I did.
Graves suspends the interview, telling Ned he'll be held overnight and to talk to his lawyer in the morning. Graves asks Levi to take Ned to the cells, then leaves the room. Levi asks if Ned has told Yashvi; he confirms he spoke to her before he came here. Levi takes him away.
No 30 / Lassiter's Lake
At No 30, Dipi is making breakfast when Toadie comes in; she explains Shane's still in bed after a long shift last night. Dipi tells Toadie about Ned confessing to Scarlett's murder.
Dipi gets a call from Yashvi, who's walking by the lake on her way to work. Dipi tells her she can't go to work today, given what's going on - but Yashvi isn't going to give her bosses another reason to think she can't do her job. Dipi again insists she should come home, but Yashvi insists she needs to keep up with what's going on.
In the office, Pierce and Chloe are discussing the marketing material for the new pinot gris. Chloe suggests they should run it by Hendrix for a younger person's perspective, which leads them into discussing what Hendrix wants to do after school. Pierce says he hasn't come up with a clear idea, just bits and pieces.
Chloe suggests Pierce should let Hendrix work for him at the winery, but Pierce thinks Hendrix is too young for that, and doesn't have the 'emotional maturity to work in the corporate world'. Chloe thinks Hendrix might surprise him, but Pierce says it's best they ask Hendrix what he wants before deciding for him.
CHLOE: Whichever way he goes, he'll probably end up in the family biz eventually.
PIERCE: Well, best job in the world.
CHLOE: Best family in the world. I love being part of the Greyson clan. I hope you know that.
Chloe gets a text, and tells Pierce that Terese and Paul won't be in work today - Ned's confessed to killing Scarlett...
The Waterhole
Paul and Terese are talking to the lawyer they've arranged for Ned, Juliana, explaining they had no idea Ned was about to confess. The police haven't charged Ned yet, and Juliana is hopeful she can undo the damage. She plans to order a psychiatric evaluation of Ned, which she's confident will determine that he was in no state to confess. But she'll need his cooperation.
Juliana leaves, and Terese admits to Paul she's worried Ned may refuse Juliana's representation, because he feels he doesn't deserve a defence.
TERESE: He'd only just figured out what he wanted to do with his life. He had so much hope.
PAUL: Yeah. Trouble seems to follow him, though, doesn't it?
Terese is feeling guilty that she didn't know how much pressure Ned was under, or else she could've helped, to prevent him from needing to send the videos and pictures to Scarlett.
TERESE: I should've done more for him, Paul.
Harold's Café
Dipi arrives for work, with Toadie in tow. She's underwhelmed by Shane's text message about Ned's murder confession - 'That's no good. Busy this morning, will check in with Vee later.' Dipi had been keen for Shane to try and convince Yashvi to take the day off, but Toadie doesn't think he'd have had any more luck than Dipi did on that score.
DIPI: Shane is Yashvi's father. He should be dropping everything to be supporting her.
TOADIE: (...) He might have a very good reason why he's unavailable.
DIPI: He'd better have (...) Yashvi's going through hell right now, and he's being thoughtless.
Toadie looks concerned.
Lassiter's Complex
Levi is telling Kyle about Ned having confessed to Scarlett's murder. Kyle wants to go and see Ned, but Levi says it's not allowed - however, he promises to tell Ned that Kyle was asking after him.
Erinsborough Police Station
Yashvi is trying to convince Det. Graves to hold off on charging Ned when Levi comes in. Yashvi points to what Ned's lawyer has said as a reason to hold back, but Graves replies that Ned didn't want to take Juliana's advice on the psychiatric evaluation. Yashvi argues that if Ned changes his mind on that, then his confession could be thrown out.
GRAVES: A lot of ifs and maybes, there, Constable. And you're wasting your breath. I've spoken with the OPP and they've assured me, with his confession, our circumstantial evidence is strong enough to charge him. And that's what we're gonna do.
Graves leaves the room, and Levi tells Yashvi she's not doing Ned any favours by intervening on his behalf. However, Yashvi wants to look at the old evidence against Scarlett that has been sent through.
LEVI: You're not involved, remember?
YASHVI: The guy I spoke to about it said it contains her journal. She wrote heaps of crazy stuff in that. Plus, there's stacks of keepsakes from her life. It could spark a new line of inquiry.
Levi ignores her, and says she should've taken the day off. Yashvi begs him to log out the journal so she can look at it.
LEVI: It's not happening!
YASHVI: I won't tell anyone.
LEVI: Vee, I know you're having trouble coming to terms with this. But there is no new line of inquiry. Ned's confessed. The investigation is over.
Harold's Café
Dipi is on the phone to Shane. Finishing up the call, she tells Toadie that Shane's at a uni meeting with his course coordinator on her last day before leave, hence not being able to put it off in order to speak to Yashvi. However, Dipi continues to be hyper-critical of him, and we can see that Toadie thinks she's being a bit unfair.
DIPI: I just can't help thinking that when it comes to choosing between uni and our family, despite everything that's happened, uni is still the priority.
Toadie gets a message from Kyle, wanting to catch up, so heads off. As he leaves, Pierce comes in. He tells Dipi he just wanted to check in with her having heard about Ned. Dipi admits she's worried about Yashvi. Pierce asks if there's anything he can do to help; Dipi says no, but thanks him for his kindness. They smile at one another.
The Waterhole
Toadie is telling Kyle about how down on Shane Dipi seems to be, and always determined to find fault with him. Conversation moves onto Ned's arrest - Kyle reports that Roxy is beside herself, and tells Toadie that Levi wouldn't let him visit Ned before.
KYLE: Ned must be freakin' out. I just wanted to tell him that we're here for him. You know, that, no matter what happened, we've got his back.
Chloe and Pierce are working in the office. Chloe needs a break, admitting she's worried about Ned, and wishes they could do something to help. They decide they'll have to put a pin in their hotel/wine promotion plans for the time being, but Pierce is sure they can find other avenues for the wine.
PIERCE: Especially with the labels they'll be sporting.
CHLOE: You've had the label designed already?
PIERCE: (...) I wanted it to be a surprise. I named it after you.
CHLOE: (...) That is one of the nicest things that anyone has ever done for me! Thank you, so much!
Dipi turns up with some invoices for Pierce to sign off on, and says she was hoping for a chat over coffee to discuss some maintenance in the café. Pierce asks if they can do it another time, as he's busy with Chloe; Chloe explains about the pinot being named after her. Dipi forces a smile and exclaims that that's 'so special'.
Chloe encourages Dipi and Pierce to go and have their maintenance meeting, but Pierce is keen to do it another time - so Dipi leaves, asking him to call her when he's free. We see that Dipi looks slightly hurt as she leaves the room.
Erinsborough Police Station
Yashvi comes into the station and sees that Ned is in the interrogation room, with Levi and Graves. She can hear what's being said via a monitor.
GRAVES: Ned Willis, you are charged with the homicide of Scarlett Brady.
Ned looks traumatised, and Yashvi can't watch - she rushes outside and takes deep breaths of air, apparently having a bit of a panic attack. Back indoors, Levi takes Ned's fingerprints and then photographs him against the height chart. We cut to a shot of Ned in handcuffs.
Shortly afterwards, Yashvi comes into the interview room, telling Ned they've allowed them some time together before he's taken to remand.
NED: You didn't have to come.
YASHVI: Are you sure you want to go through with this? No second thoughts?
Ned shakes his head.
YASHVI: I understand why you had to hand yourself in, but I just wish that you didn't.
Erinsborough Hive
Paul and Terese turn up; Paul's wondering how they'll run the place with Ned in custody. Terese asks if Paul thinks Ned will make bail - he says Juliana thinks it's possible, but the amount will be hefty.
TERESE: It's not about the money, Paul. With Ned pleading guilty, he won't go to trial. He'll just get sentenced, and it will just all be over.
Erinsborough Police Station
Ned tells an upset Yashvi she doesn't have to stick by him anymore - she's done more than enough for him.
NED: I want you to move on, okay? Forget about me.
YASHVI: How can I do that, when I still love you?
NED: I can't be in your life anymore. We have to face that. It's over.
A tear rolls down Yashvi's cheek.
Erinsborough Hive
Terese is still with Paul, and getting upset, unable to understand why Ned confessed when the police might never have been able to prove anything.
As Paul tries to comfort Terese, we close in on one of the Hive's storage lockers, for 'Silver Eye Imports'. There is a poster of a cartoon woman on the door, and somebody is staring through one of the eye-holes from inside, watching Paul and Terese.
It's Scarlett, smirking with satisfaction.
Coming up on Neighbours
- As Ned is led away by police, we hear Yashvi say she has to put it behind her and move on
- Levi tells Bea he believes that Ned is guilty; Bea replies that she doesn't
- Pierce tells Dipi he's trying to focus on his marriage, as they both are
- Dipi perving on Pierce by the Lassiter's rooftop pool
<<8471 - 8473>>
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8472
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8472
Ned Willis

Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8472
Dipi Rebecchi

Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8472
Dipi Rebecchi

Pierce Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8472
Pierce Greyson

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8472
Toadie Rebecchi

Pierce Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8472
Pierce Greyson

Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8472
Dipi Rebecchi

Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8472
Chloe Brennan

Yashvi Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8472
Yashvi Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi

Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8472
Ned Willis

Chloe Brennan, Pierce Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8472
Chloe Brennan, Pierce Greyson

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8472
Paul Robinson

Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8472
Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis

Ned Willis, Det. Bill Graves, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8472
Ned Willis, Det. Bill Graves, Levi Canning

Dipi Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8472
Dipi Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8472
Yashvi Rebecchi

Chloe Brennan, Pierce Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8472
Chloe Brennan, Pierce Greyson

Terese Willis, Juliana Ayres, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8472
Terese Willis, Juliana Ayres, Paul Robinson

Dipi Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8472
Dipi Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Levi Canning, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8472
Levi Canning, Kyle Canning

Yashvi Rebecchi, Det. Bill Graves in Neighbours Episode 8472
Yashvi Rebecchi, Det. Bill Graves

Levi Canning, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8472
Levi Canning, Yashvi Rebecchi

Dipi Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8472
Dipi Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Dipi Rebecchi, Pierce Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8472
Dipi Rebecchi, Pierce Greyson

Kyle Canning, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8472
Kyle Canning, Toadie Rebecchi

Chloe Brennan, Dipi Rebecchi, Pierce Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8472
Chloe Brennan, Dipi Rebecchi, Pierce Greyson

Det. Bill Graves, Ned Willis, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8472
Det. Bill Graves, Ned Willis, Levi Canning

Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8472
Yashvi Rebecchi

Ned Willis, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8472
Ned Willis, Levi Canning

Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8472
Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

Paul Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8472
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis

Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8472
Terese Willis

Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8472
Scarlett Brady

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